How to take fish oil capsules for adults? Fish oil: reviews and recommendations for use

How to take fish oil capsules for adults? Fish oil: reviews and recommendations for use
How to take fish oil capsules for adults? Fish oil: reviews and recommendations for use

Everyone knows the beneficial properties of fish oil. It is prescribed both during the disease and for prevention. Fish oil is indispensable for loss of strength, depression, to restore immunity, but its smell causes a feeling of disgust in many. Modern people are more fortunate than our grandparents: manufacturers began to produce fish oil in gelatin capsules. It is very convenient, they do not have an unpleasant odor, and the product does not oxidize when exposed to air.

How do adults take fish oil capsules?

how to take fish oil capsules for adults
how to take fish oil capsules for adults

In accordance with the physiological data of each person, the dosage and time of admission are determined by the doctor individually. This is affected by:

  • Age.
  • Contraindications.
  • For what purposes is the drug prescribed (for prevention or for illness).

But how to take fish oil capsules for adults,who do not want to go to the doctor for advice? The general recommendation is to take 1-2 capsules per day for 1 month for prevention. This course can be repeated three times a year, except during the summer, when vitamin D is produced by sunlight.

Important! Taking fish oil capsules improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, the main minerals responsible for the formation of bone tissue and cartilage.

Depending on certain diseases, it is recommended to take fish oil in the following doses:

  • When a high level of triglyceride is detected in the analyzes (fat that enters the body with food, causes atherosclerosis in large quantities) - 4 g.
  • With affected and inflamed joints (rheumatoid arthritis) - 3.5–3.8 g.
  • For Hughes syndrome (pregnancy complications) - 5 g or more.

The question of how to take fish oil capsules for adults has been sorted out, but here it should be noted that the drug should not be taken on an empty stomach, but rather after a meal, with plain water and not kept in the mouth for a long time.

Issue price

fish oil capsules price
fish oil capsules price

In Russia, the drug undergoes appropriate registration before going on sale in pharmacies. Fish oil can refer to both medicines and dietary supplements (biologically active supplements).

There are 2 drugs of foreign manufacturers related to medicines:

  • "Omacor". The average price is 1376 rubles. for 28 pieces of 1 g.
  • "Vitrum CardioOmega-3". The average price is 1073 rubles for 30 pieces in a package of 0.5 g.

Other fish oil preparations are considered dietary supplements, and the average price for 100 pieces in a Russian manufacturer's package ranges from 100 to 200 rubles.

In most cases, fish oil in capsules, the price of which is lower from a domestic manufacturer, is just a dietary supplement, therefore it cannot replace the complex treatment of the disease.

Usefulness of fish oil

benefits of fish oil capsules
benefits of fish oil capsules

This product has a lot of vitamins and trace elements in high concentration, so it would be useful to find out how useful fish oil capsules are and what the product affects with regular use.

The composition of fish oil contains oleic (70%) and palmitic acids, they prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels and improve brain activity. In a special order, the product is useful for older people who have a high risk of developing heart attacks and strokes. With regard to brain activity, acids contribute to the rapid work of cerebral circulation, thereby improving memory and the development of intelligence.

With regular use of Omega-3, there will be a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin, hair, nails and mucous membranes (even when taking one capsule a day) due to vitamins A and D. They contribute to the deep penetration of calcium and phosphorus into cells.

Fish oil is an excellent remedy for inflammation of the joints. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Taking affordable fish oil capsulesany person can get rid of stress and anxiety due to the release of the hormone of joy into the blood. The main thing is not to abuse the product, otherwise there may be an overdose, leading to serious consequences.

Best fish oil

choose fish oil capsules
choose fish oil capsules

The encapsulated product is considered the best for consumption. When using it, there is no specific smell and oily taste. Choosing fish oil capsules is not easy, because the market is simply littered with these dietary supplements. As far as the world market is concerned, Norway is the main supplier. The fish oil of the kingdom is considered the best, but the Russian product of the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk fish processing plants is also of good quality.

What to look for when choosing?

1. Availability of a quality certificate. It describes in detail the composition of the product, and indicates the absence of toxic substances.

2. "Medical fish oil" and the percentage of PUFA - information that should be on the package. It is better to take a fat content of at least 15%. The proportion of omega-3 content can also be determined by the name of the product. Cod fish liver oil has a small proportion of Omega-3, but a large composition of vitamins A, D, E. Fish oil from fish muscle fibers has a large amount of PUFAs, but less vitamins.

3. The method of molecular differentiation is another sign of a quality product. Such information must be indicated on the package.

4. When making fish oil capsules, manufacturers use different gelatin. It can be of animal origin or fish. The last gelatinit is more expensive because it is more difficult to manufacture, and it does not dissolve well in water, which is what is needed for an encapsulated product.

5. The weight of the capsule is an important indicator when choosing, otherwise how to calculate the daily dose.

Consider contraindications when choosing fish oil

fish oil capsules
fish oil capsules

The product is not recommended for use by people who have some abnormalities in the normal functioning of the urinary system, thyroid gland and gastrointestinal tract. Also, the negative effect of fish oil will affect the body with an increased content of cholesterol in the blood and with an excess of calcium. Individual intolerance to the product or its individual components may result in an allergic reaction.

Customer Reviews

According to promo monitors on how to take fish oil capsules for adults, it turned out that not all people adhere to the recommended dosage, resulting in heartburn, a burning sensation in the abdomen and sudden cramps. But not everything is so bad, many people speak positively about the product and write about getting extra energy and vigor in the morning, improving the condition of the skin, hair, teeth.

taking fish oil capsules
taking fish oil capsules

Price, according to consumers, is of great importance. They do not notice the effect of a cheap drug and recommend paying attention to the manufacturer. It is better if the product is made in Russia (Arkhangelsk and Murmansk fish processing plants). Well, if you don’t feel sorry for the money, then Norwegian fish oil is the standard of quality.
