Which is better - fish oil or linseed oil? Composition, useful properties, action

Which is better - fish oil or linseed oil? Composition, useful properties, action
Which is better - fish oil or linseed oil? Composition, useful properties, action

The he alth benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids have been known for 100 years. But the need to eat them started talking only in recent years. The richest sources of he althy fats are flax oil, which has long been considered a healing product, and fish oil. Despite the similarity of the composition and useful properties, these two products still differ in taste and results of application. And many fans of a he althy diet are worried about the question: which is better - fish oil or linseed oil.

Benefits of fatty acids

The human brain cells are 60% fatty acids. Most of them are synthesized in the body, but there are two essential acids that can only be obtained from food: alpha-linoleic and linoleic. With their lack, diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, cancer develop, vision and brain function deteriorate. But not all fatsbeneficial to the body. Most of them in the human diet are hydrogenated. On the contrary, they interfere with normal nutrition and cell function, increase cholesterol levels and worsen vascular function.

Research has shown that Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are very useful for the body. They improve the functioning of the brain and blood vessels. Most of these acids are found in linseed oil and fish oil. But their composition is slightly different. Fish oil contains long chain acids that are most beneficial to humans. And flaxseed oil is a source of alpha-linoleic acid.

which is better fish oil or flaxseed oil
which is better fish oil or flaxseed oil

The action of fatty acids

Especially essential fats for he alth are Omega 3. A person can get several of them from food:

  • alpha-linoleic acid;
  • expapentaenoic;
  • docosahexaenoic.

They are all equally useful, but still differ in function. From alpha-linoleic acid, the body can synthesize the rest of the Omega 3. It is found in plant foods. EPA and DHA can be obtained from fatty fish. Therefore, it is difficult to answer the question of which is better: fish oil or linseed oil.

These substances must constantly enter the body. After all, even small doses of them have such an effect:

linseed oil composition
linseed oil composition
  • preserve and restore cell DNA telomeres, which increases human life expectancy;
  • improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • provide energy for the transmission of nerve impulses, which optimizesmental activity;
  • improve skin and hair condition;
  • they are necessary for the normal development of children.

Fish as a source of fatty acids

This he althy product comes from marine fish rich in Omega 3. Mainly salmon, sardine, herring and tuna. Only 100 grams of such fish are able to provide the body with the necessary amount of fatty acids. But recently, during the processing process, mercury is often found in fish. It is believed that it enters the body of fish from polluted sea water. This substance often becomes contaminated and fish oil. Manufacturers hide this fact and so it has become less popular lately.

The benefit of fish oil is that it is a source of the most useful omega 3 acids - eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic. It is they that have a beneficial effect on the brain, ensuring its normal blood supply, improve fat burning in the body and maintain visual acuity.

omega 3
omega 3

How to use fish oil?

This substance has medicinal properties. Therefore, it has its own side effects and contraindications. In case of an overdose, problems with blood clotting and wound healing may occur. It is not recommended for diabetics, people with thyroid disorders and kidney stones. It is undesirable to drink fish oil on an empty stomach and together with blood thinners. It is best to use it in capsules, strictly following the instructions and not exceeding the dosage.

What is useful flaxseedoil?

The composition of this product is slightly different from fish oil. It contains alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). It is also useful for the body, but stimulants of brain activity, the work of the cardiovascular system and metabolic processes are acids with a longer molecular chain. These are eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids found in fish oil. The body can get them from flaxseed oil, but the synthesis goes at a different rate for different people. Worst of all, alpha-linoleic acid is processed in the body of men and in the presence of other polyunsaturated fats. But the effect of flaxseed oil is still good for he alth:

  • it reduces the risk of stroke;
  • heals ulcers on the mucosa;
  • cleanses the body of parasites and toxins;
  • helps digestion, relieves heartburn and flatulence;
  • normalizes fat metabolism;
  • when used by pregnant women, promotes the proper development of the baby's brain.
  • action of linseed oil
    action of linseed oil

How to eat flaxseed oil

For a long time this product has been indispensable on the table of every person. It was added to salads, first and second courses, taken for various diseases. Flaxseed oil, which has a very he althy composition, can be mixed with sour cream and other products to make a sauce. But it is very important that it is not exposed to temperature, which decomposes alpha-linoleic acid and becomes harmful to he alth.

To get the required amountpolyunsaturated fats, a tablespoon of oil per day is enough. For medicinal purposes, it is better to drink it half an hour before meals. You need to buy flax oil in a pharmacy, packaged in dark glass bottles.

fish oil manufacturers
fish oil manufacturers

Which is better: fish oil or linseed oil?

In fact, these products have different properties. EPA and DHA, essential for brain he alth, are found in fish oils. When synthesized from linseed oil, they are much smaller in number and have slightly different qualities.

To figure out which is better: fish oil or flaxseed oil, you need to consider the differences between these products:

  • oil has a more neutral and pleasant taste;
  • flax seeds do not accumulate harmful substances, unlike fish oil;
  • It is best to take fish oil separately, since the pungent smell and unpleasant taste can spoil any food, and flaxseed oil can be added to food;
  • to make up for the lack of fatty acids, linseed oil will need 7-8 times more;
  • flaxseed oil does not contain all the essential fatty acids for he alth, and in men it is generally poorly absorbed.
  • how to use fish oil
    how to use fish oil

Can fatty acids be harmful?

While Omega 3 is good for he alth, both flax oil and fish oil can be harmful if used improperly. First of all, consuming them in large quantities can cause severe indigestion and even poisoning. These fats can also become harmful if stored improperly. Atin contact with air and light, carcinogens are formed in them. These oxidized fats can destroy the cells of vital organs, which accelerates the aging of the body. In addition, strong and prolonged heating, like deep-frying, converts omega-3s into substances that can cause cancer.

which is better fish oil or flaxseed oil
which is better fish oil or flaxseed oil

How to provide the body with fatty acids

In order for all the nutrients to be well absorbed, you need to use both flaxseed oil and fish oil. But it is important to consider that the alpha-linoleic acid found in flax seeds can only be converted to other fatty acids in women. Therefore, men should give preference to fish oil. And to fully provide the body with the necessary substances, it is desirable to use both products. If there is a danger of getting a portion of mercury from marine fish, you can switch to fish oil capsules. And for those who do not like the smell and taste of linseed oil, you can add flax seeds to your food.

It is difficult to answer the question - which is better: fish oil or linseed oil. They are equally he althy, but have their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is better to consume both oily fish and flax oil in reasonable amounts.
