Butamirate citrate: instructions for use and analogues

Butamirate citrate: instructions for use and analogues
Butamirate citrate: instructions for use and analogues

Butamirate citrate is a medicinal substance that is part of cough medicines. It affects the body through the central nervous system. There is an area in the medulla oblongata responsible for the cough reflex, and butamirate suppresses its function. And also this remedy has a small bronchodilator, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect.

The effect of a substance on the body

Butamirate citrate is the name of the main ingredient in some cough medicines. These drugs are available under different trade names: Sinekod, Omnitus, Codelac Neo, Intussin, Stoptussin. All these products are united by the presence of the same active ingredient in their composition.

butamirate citrate
butamirate citrate

Preparations with butamirate citrate are available in the form of regular pills of 5 mg and prolonged-release tablets of 20 mg. There is a release form in the form of a syrup, it contains 10 mg of active ingredient per 100 ml of liquid. Drops are also available. Their dosage can be 10or 20 mg butamirate.

This substance is well absorbed by the body. It is completely absorbed into the blood through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and binds to plasma proteins. If the usual form of the drug is used, then after about an hour the active ingredient reaches its maximum concentration in the body. The blood levels of the drug then drop, and 6 hours after ingestion, half the dose is excreted in the urine.

If a person takes a depot or retard pill (prolonged form), then the amount of the drug in the body will reach a peak level after 9 hours, and the half-life will be 13 hours.


Instructions for the use of butamirate citrate recommends prescribing this substance for any pathologies accompanied by a dry cough, including whooping cough, as well as before examination of the bronchi (bronchoscopy).

butamirate citrate instruction
butamirate citrate instruction


Contraindications for use are severe kidney disease. It is better for pregnant women and nursing mothers to refrain from using this remedy, since it is currently unknown whether butamirate crosses the placenta and enters breast milk. There are also age restrictions for taking different forms of medication in childhood:

  1. Until the age of two months, the child is not prescribed drops.
  2. Syrups can only be given to children from 3 years old.
  3. Pill forms shown at ages 6+.
  4. Long-acting drugs (depot, retard) are intended for the treatment of children from 12 years of age.

In addition, each specific drug with butamirate citrate may have its own individual contraindications. It depends on the composition and additional components of the drug.

Unwanted effects and overdose

According to the instructions, butamirate citrate may cause the following side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • dyspepsia (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting);
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • allergy with rash.

Never exceed the recommended dose of medication. In case of an overdose, severe intoxication of the body occurs. It manifests itself in impaired coordination of movements, abdominal pain with diarrhea and vomiting, a sharp decrease in blood pressure. In case of poisoning with drugs containing butamirate citrate, you need to perform a gastric lavage, give the patient activated charcoal and immediately call an ambulance.

butamirate citrate analogues
butamirate citrate analogues

How to take medicine?

Preparations in the form of drops are intended for the treatment of cough in children. They are taken four times a day. At one time, it is recommended to give the child the following doses of medicine:

  • babies from 2 months to 1 year: 10 drops;
  • Children aged 1 to 3: 15 drops;
  • Age over 3 years old: 25 drops.

Medicinal syrups based on butamirate citrate are prescribed for children up to 3 times a day, and for adults - up to 4 times. In this case, you must adhere to the following single dosage:

  • ages 3-6: 1 teaspoon;
  • 6-12 years: 2 teaspoons;
  • teenagers andadults: 3 teaspoons.

Tablets are taken by children 1-2 times a day, and adults - 2 or 3 times.

For better absorption, the medicine is taken before meals. It is unacceptable to drink alcohol or sedatives during treatment. This can adversely affect the functioning of the central nervous system. And also it is not allowed to combine butamirate with expectorants. Doing so can lead to accumulation of phlegm, respiratory infections, and bronchospasm.

butamirate citrate instructions for use
butamirate citrate instructions for use


Analogues of butamirate citrate are all drugs in which this substance is an active ingredient:

  • "Sinecode";
  • "Omnitus";
  • "Codelac Neo";
  • "Intussin";
  • "Stoptussin".

You should pay attention to the drug "Codelac Neo". Unlike other medicines sold under the trade name "Codelac", it does not contain codeine. This medicine was created for the treatment of children, its active ingredient is butamirate.

butamirate citrate recipe in latin
butamirate citrate recipe in latin

"Stoptussin" is a combined remedy. In addition to butamirate, it contains guaifenesin. It is a mucolytic substance that thins phlegm.

You can choose analogues for therapeutic action. Through the central nervous system, the cough reflex is affected by substances such as codeine and prenoxdiazine. Butcodeine-based drugs are prescription drugs, as their active ingredient has a narcotic effect. In some patients, it is addictive and addictive. Such strong drugs are not suitable for children.

Based on prenoxdiazine, tablets and cough syrup "Libeksin" were created. This is quite an old drug. It not only eliminates cough, but also has an analgesic effect. However, this medicine is prescribed with caution to children. While drugs based on butamirate are widely used in pediatric practice.

Do I need a prescription in Latin to buy drugs with butamirate citrate? Since these drugs do not contain narcotic and potent substances, they are classified as over-the-counter drugs. But this does not mean that cough medicines can be used on their own. Only a specialist can determine the dosage and take into account all possible contraindications. The prescription is usually written for the trade name of the drug ("Sinecod", "Omnitus", etc.), and not for butamirate citrate, since this substance is only an active ingredient.
