How to use Ibuprofen for hemorrhoids? We will tell in our article. Very often, hemorrhoids in people are accompanied by intense pain, causing significant discomfort. In order to avoid this, doctors include a drug such as Ibuprofen in the therapeutic process. It belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. From hemorrhoids, it is used as an additional therapy to get rid of all sorts of painful sensations, and in addition, to normalize the temperature and improve the well-being of patients in general.

Composition and action
The active ingredient is ibuprofen. This component has the following properties:
- Produces a strong and effective fast-acting pain relief effect.
- Helps reduce the permeability of blood vessels, reducing inflammation.
- Related to antipyretics, as it favors the normalization of temperature whenfever.
The medicine in question helps to eliminate pain and swelling of hemorrhoids, making it difficult for the further development of inflammatory processes in the rectum. Instructions for "Ibuprofen" from hemorrhoids must be strictly observed.
Issue form
Ibuprofen for hemorrhoids is produced in the following formats:
- In the form of tablets of 200 or 400 milligrams of the active substance.
- 300mg Extended Release Capsules
- As a suspension. In this case, 5 milliliters of the drug contains 100 milligrams of the active ingredient ibuprofen.
- As a 5% topical ointment.
- 5% gel suitable for topical use.
Next, we will find out in which cases, in addition to hemorrhoids, it is advisable to use the pharmaceutical preparation in question.

"Ibuprofen" is used in the following cases:
- Against the background of fever and pain in otolaryngological diseases.
- If you have a headache and toothache.
- In case of inflammatory processes in injuries of soft tissue and musculoskeletal system.
- When hemorrhoids occur.
- When inflammation and pain appear in the back, in the lumbar region, muscles and joints (radiculitis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, and gout).
- Against the background of neuralgia and painful menstruation, as well as to relieve postoperative discomfort.
For hemorrhoidsIbuprofen is used for symptomatic treatment, that is, to reduce pain and inflammation. The drug does not affect the progression of diseases.
Pills and how to use them
This medicine is available in the form of tablets, as already reported, in dosages of 200 or 400 milligrams. The average daily allowance for adults, as well as for children who are over twelve years old, is three or four pieces of 200 or two pills of 400. The maximum dosage in the presence of fever or pain is 1200 milligrams, which corresponds to three tablets with a dosage of 400. The required amount of medicine is divided without fail into three doses, that is, one pill every four to five hours. After achieving the desired therapeutic effect, the daily rate is reduced to 600 milligrams.
According to the instructions, it is recommended to take the first pill in the morning before meals with plenty of water. Liquid is required for this drug for further proper absorption in the digestive system. Further, the tablets are taken during the day after eating the products.

The maximum single dose (the amount of medication a patient can take at one time) is 400 milligrams (i.e. two 200 pills or one 400 pill). Re-drinking the medicine is not recommended earlier than after four hours. It is not advisable to take it on your own, without obtaining medical advice. Children from six to twelve years old can be given one tablet(200 milligrams) four times a day. A prerequisite is the weight of the child more than twenty kilograms. Between the use of the drug, you need to maintain an interval of five to six hours.
Ointment and gel
Giving a pronounced analgesic effect, this medicine is widely applicable in the form of a gel and ointment. The price of "Ibuprofen" is quite acceptable. The mechanism of action in this case is similar and consists in blocking the cyclooxygenase enzyme, which, in turn, leads to disruption of the metabolism of arachidonic acid, and at the same time to suppression of prostaglandin synthesis in the focus of inflammation. The use of the drug leads to a weakening of pain at the site of application of the ointment. In addition, there is a decrease in swelling along with an increase in range of motion in the affected joints.
Indication for external use of "Ibuprofen" for hemorrhoids is the presence of pain. The use of ointment and gel is necessary for inflammatory, as well as degenerative diseases of the spine and joints, against the background of neuralgia, injuries and sprains. It is worth noting that the spectrum of adverse reactions from this drug when applied locally is already not so dangerous. But with prolonged use of the drug, local skin irritations in the form of urticaria or edema may occur. A contraindication to the use of the ointment is the presence of an allergic rash, dermatitis, skin infections.

Dosage and methods of using Ibuprofen for hemorrhoids
In most cases, the drug in question is prescribed by doctors forhemorrhoids, as they have a rather powerful analgesic effect. The dosage of the drug, as well as the duration of therapeutic measures, directly depends on the age of the patient, and in addition, on the format of the release of the drug and the stage of the disease. Often, patients are prescribed the following hemorrhoid treatment regimens with Ibuprofen painkillers:
- When using the drug, contraindications are taken into account, since the main substance penetrates into the bloodstream and has a certain effect on internal organs. They should be taken three times a day, two things at a time. Tablets "Ibuprofen" with hemorrhoids must be washed down with a large volume of water. If therapy is given to children under the age of twelve, they should only be given one pill up to two times a day.
- If a person has an ailment of an external type, then he is prescribed an ointment or gel. "Ibuprofen" for hemorrhoids should be rubbed into the skin around the anus. But first you need to take hygiene measures. It is necessary to perform such manipulations up to four times a day.
In addition to the Ibuprofen ointment for hemorrhoids, rectal suppositories are used. Most often they are prescribed to children who are under six years of age, and in the treatment of internal forms of pathology. They must be injected directly into the rectum three times a day. Before carrying out this manipulation, it is important to clean the intestinal canal in a natural way.
"Ibuprofen" from hemorrhoids can be used in the presence of an acute or chronic course. It is important to remember that the total duration of treatmentevents cannot exceed seven days. In the presence of a chronic illness, the medicine is allowed to drink up to two weeks.
Whether "Ibuprofen" will help with hemorrhoids in one case or another, it is better to check with your doctor. The drug is considered an excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug. But, unfortunately, it has a number of various limitations. This is:
- Peptic ulcer of the digestive system.
- Abnormal processes in the intestinal canal.
- Problems with blood clotting.
- Diseases of the liver and kidneys.
- Children under six years of age (to take pills).
- During late gestation.
- Lactation period (for taking pills).
- Increased susceptibility to drug ingredients.
- The patient has a history of allergic reactions.
The drug in question in the form of suppositories and ointments can be used during pregnancy and lactation, and in addition, for babies. But only a doctor should prescribe this medicine, based on the characteristics of the disease. In case of contraindications, it is required to refuse therapy with such a remedy. In addition, as part of the course of dealing with a chronic illness, it is important to take into account any side effects.

Relative constraints
Ibuprofen should be used with caution in the following cases:
- In old age.
- With arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease.
- In case of heart failureand peripheral arterial disease.
- In diseases of the nervous system, which are characterized by brain damage.
- In the presence of lipid metabolism disorders, as well as diabetes.
- In case of Helicobacter infection.
- Against the background of severe somatic diseases.
- In the early and second trimester of pregnancy.
- When smoking and alcoholism.
Adverse symptoms
Most often, people using this medicine for treatment complain of nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, and rashes on the skin. In addition, complaints of hives, diarrhea, sleep problems and dizziness can be recorded. But, nevertheless, the medication usually described is well tolerated by people. Adverse symptoms can occur only in the case of long-term treatment with the drug.

Many people wonder what the price of Ibuprofen ointment or other forms of release is. The cost of this drug currently in pharmacies is as follows:
- For twenty tablets with a dosage of 200 milligrams, you need to pay fifteen rubles.
- For the same number of pills with a dose of 400 milligrams, you will have to pay fifty rubles.
- 50 grams of gel will cost consumers ninety-two rubles.
- And for 25 grams of Ibuprofen ointment you need to pay thirty rubles.
As for the active ingredient, the absolute substitutes for Ibuprofen are drugs in the form of Advil, Brufen,"Ibuprom", "Imeta", "Iprena", "Miga" and "Nurofena. And directly according to the principle of exposure, such drugs have identical activity: Nimesulide, along with Aktasulide, Ameolin, Aponil, Aulin, Coxtral, Mesulide, Nise, Novolid and others.
Next, let's get acquainted with the opinions of consumers and find out what they say about Ibuprofen on the Internet.
Most of the reviews about Ibuprofen for hemorrhoids are positive. First of all, it has to do with efficiency and price. Many people in their reviews rate this drug as a good pain reliever for adequate money. It is important to emphasize here that most buyers refer to the benefits of the original cheap Ibuprofen, which, in their opinion, is superior to the expensive Nurofen equivalent (whose cost is three times higher).
As people write, the described medicine rarely turns out to be ineffective and almost always copes with its main tasks. In particular, patients are grateful to him for his help with hemorrhoids. In addition, it is noted that the analgesic and antipyretic effectiveness of the drug develops already after thirty minutes. And the duration of the result is from two to four hours, depending on the he alth of the enzyme system.

Doctors praise this medicine for being quickly excreted from the body, and at the same time, it practically does not accumulate in it, unlike other representatives of NSAIDs.
Thus, the treatment of hemorrhoids, especially whenexacerbation of the disease, is directed mainly to the elimination of edema, the elimination of inflammation and pain. In this, according to buyers, this drug helps best. By producing an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect, the medicine greatly relieves discomfort in the anal area.