"Rotokan" refers to medicines, which include natural ingredients. The drug has an anti-inflammatory effect and is used locally to eliminate inflammation of the mucous membrane in dentistry and gastroenterology.
What is included in the "Rotokan" solution
The medicine is produced in the form of a solution for external use. It is a brown liquid with a specific odor. The composition of the drug includes several main components:
- inflorescences of medicinal chamomile;
- marigold flowers;
- yarrow.
An additional component is a 40% alcohol solution. A solution for external use is dispensed from pharmacies in glass bottles of 25, 50 and 100 milliliters.

Due to the constituent plant substances, the preparation for external use has an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and antispasmodic pharmacological effect.

When appointed
Rotokan solution is indicated for use under the following conditions:
- Stomatitis (a dental disease that manifests itself in the form of catarrhal, aphthous, ulcerative, necrotic lesions of the oral mucosa).
- Aphthous stomatitis (inflammatory lesions of the oral mucosa, which is accompanied by a violation of the surface layer of the mucosa and the formation of ulcers).
- Ulcer-necrotic gingivostomatitis (inflammatory lesion of the gums and mucous membrane, which is characterized by a predominance of the alternative component, as well as a violation of the integrity of tissues, their death and ulceration).
- Periodontitis (inflammatory damage to periodontal tissues, which is caused by the progressive destruction of the normal structure of the alveolar process).
- Gastroduodenitis (inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the duodenum).
- Enteritis (acute or chronic inflammatory process in the small intestine, in which the main functions of the intestine are disturbed).
- Colitis (chronic lesion of the large intestine, which is characterized by a progressive course and the formation of ulcerative defects).
- Cholecystitis (acute inflammation that is localized in the gallbladder).
- Enterocolitis (acute and chronic lesions of the digestive system, which are characterized by inflammation of the small and large intestines).
- Laryngitis (a disease that damages the lining of the larynx).
- Pharyngitis (inflammatory lesion in the pharynx withviolation of its mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue).
- Glossitis (acute inflammatory lesion of the tissues of the tongue, which is caused by a change in its structure and is located only in the area of this organ).
- Gingivitis (inflammatory damage to the gums, in which there is no damage to the periodontal tissues).
- Adenoiditis (inflammation of the tonsils, which are located at the boundary between the upper and rear walls of the nasopharynx).
- Chronic tonsillitis (a lesion of the upper respiratory organs, which is characterized by a prolonged inflammation of the tonsils).
- Gynecological diseases.
Contraindications and side effects
The ban on the use of "Rotokan" is considered to be individual intolerance to the substances that make up the composition, as well as damage to the liver and kidneys, traumatic brain injury, alcoholism.
As a rule, the drug is well tolerated by patients. According to the instructions for use, the drug can very rarely cause the following unpleasant conditions:
- Allergic reactions in the form of a rash on the skin.
- Itching.
- Hives
- Angioedema angioedema (acute disease, which is characterized by the rapid onset of local swelling of the mucous membrane, as well as subcutaneous tissue and the epidermis itself).
- Anaphylactic shock (an allergic reaction that occurs as a result of repeatedpenetration into the body of the allergen).
- Hyperemia of the skin (a pathological condition characterized by abundant blood flow to a certain area of the body with severe hyperemia of the skin).
With the development of negative reactions, the medical specialist determines the possibility of further use of "Rotokan" on an individual basis.

How to apply the medicine
How to prepare a Rotokan solution for gargling? Instructions for use indicate that the drug is used externally in the form of an aqueous solution, which is obtained by adding a teaspoon of tincture to a glass of warm water.
If necessary, you can prepare a more concentrated aqueous solution - 3 teaspoons per glass of water. Methods of using "Rotokan" differ depending on the indications.
To eliminate the inflammatory process of the oral mucosa, use applications with a solution for about 20 minutes or gargle for two minutes three times a day. The average duration of therapy is five days. The Rotocan solution is also used to rinse the gums.
For the treatment of periodontitis, the doctor injects turunda into the gum pocket for 20 minutes, which is well moistened with a solution. The procedure must be carried out once a day or every other day, in total 4 to 6 treatments are needed.
For diseases of the stomach and intestines, the solution is taken orally, one-third of a glass 30 minutes before takingfood or 1 hour after eating three times a day. The duration of therapy varies from 2 to 3 weeks.
In inflammatory processes of the large intestine, the solution is used in the form of microclysters with a volume of 50-100 milliliters twice a day after a cleansing enema. Duration of treatment - from 4 to 6 days.
If necessary, the doctor can adjust the method of application and dosage of the medicine on an individual basis.
Before this procedure, you must first make a cleansing enema. "Rotokan" must be diluted by the standard method (1 teaspoon per 250 milliliters of water), then apply from 50 to 100 ml of the resulting solution into the rectal cavity, from one to two times a day, for 6 days.
In dermatology
For external skin treatment, the Rotokan solution for acne can be used in its pure form. The alcohol extract must be applied pointwise, treating wounds, as well as erosion or acne.
To care for problem skin, use a diluted solution, using it as a tonic and treating pimples with a cotton pad. With this lotion, you need to wipe the skin in the morning and evening hours.
"Rotokan" is bred for small patients in exactly the same proportions as for an adult, there are no special nuances in the use of the drug.

Use of the drug in gynecology
Female doctors, as a rule, do not use "Rotokan" as a medicine to eliminategynecological diseases, but each specialist has his own experience and a certain attitude to certain means.
According to the reviews of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who have tried "Rotokan" on themselves, washing can be done under the following conditions:
- Candidiasis.
- Inflammatory diseases.
- Vaginal dryness.
But it is not recommended to carry out Rotokan procedures before visiting the doctor, since it is first necessary to establish a diagnosis, which will be difficult to do if all bacteria are eliminated at the time of the examination.

Drug for inhalation
Solution "Rotokan" for the nebulizer is also used. Inhalations are considered very effective in the treatment of diseases of the throat and nose. In a medical institution, inhalations are carried out using ultrasonic or compressor nebulizers.
The solution is prepared in a certain concentration and diluted in sodium chloride (1 milliliter of the drug per 40 ml of saline). One procedure will require 4 ml of Rotokan. It can be combined with other drugs to enhance the pharmacological effect.
A solution is prepared, as a rule, before the procedure itself. The duration of therapy is determined by the specialist on an individual basis, taking into account the severity of the disease. Multiplicity of application three times a day.
It is necessary to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances before using the Rotokan solution for rinsingthroat. Instructions for use allow the use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding only for strict medical reasons.
"Rotokan" has no effect on the speed of psychomotor reactions, as well as concentration. If you have any questions, please contact your he althcare professional.
In the instructions for use, some manufacturers indicate age under 18 as contraindications. Indeed, it is undesirable to treat a child with any alcohol solution in an undiluted form. But when inhaling in a nebulizer, as well as when rinsing, "Rotokan" is used in a diluted form. In such a solution, the alcohol content is insignificant, which makes the ban on the use of the drug in this form unreasonable. Therefore, pediatricians allow the use of "Rotokan" for children from the age of three.

Does the drug have substitutes
Analogues of "Rotokan":
- "Stomatofit".
- "Phytodent".
- Eucalyptus tincture.
- "Denta".
- Tooth drops.
- "Bronflex".
- "Fluorac".
- "Stomatidine".
- "Stomolik".
- "Miramistin".
Before changing the drug, it is recommended to visit a doctor.

How to store medication. Price
Rotokan expiration date is 24 months. The drug should be kept in a dark place, out of the reach of children, at a temperature of 12 to 15 degrees Celsius. The cost of the drug "Rotokan" varies from 20 to 100 rubles.
How people respond to the medicine
Patients with great pleasure leave positive feedback about Rotokan. Reviews describe it as a good herbal remedy, which is considered a substitute for homemade decoctions of chamomile, as well as calendula and yarrow.
People who are accustomed to using traditional medicine are happy to use this medicine, finding it no less effective, but the most convenient. One of the main advantages of the drug is its price.
Some people don't really like the taste of Rotokan. No other negative aspects were found in the responses. The drug has collected a lot of positive feedback on inhalation with a pharmacological solution. According to the responses, such procedures contribute to faster sputum discharge and alleviate dry cough. Rotokan inhalations are in great demand in the treatment of young patients.
The drug showed good performance in sore throat and sore throat when rinsing with a solution.
In addition, the representatives of the weaker sex respond well to douching with medicine, since such procedures speed up the healing process for inflammatory lesions of the genitourinary system. According to reviews, "Rotokan" acts gently, but is highly effective, especially if you start using it early.stages of the disease.