Homeopathic medicines, along with traditional synthetic medicines, are great for fighting coughs caused by inflammation. They have gained popularity due to the low degree of allergenicity and high efficiency noted by many patients.
Among homeopathic preparations for various types of coughs, the most popular is Rengalin in solution, which many mistakenly call syrup because of its sweet taste and viscous consistency. It is perfect for treating cough in patients of any age. However, it is recommended that you find out about the side effects and other restrictions before you start taking it.

Characteristics of the drug
"Rengalin", belonging to the group of homeopathic medicines, is a drug that helps to cope with cough. In addition, it has an anti-allergic and analgesic effect on the respiratory system. The drug of Russian production has already earnedconsumer recognition through successful treatment of adult and pediatric patients. It helps to eliminate complications arising from pathologies of the trachea, bronchi and lungs, and is suitable for the treatment of various types of cough.
Form and composition
The drug is produced by the Russian pharmacological holding Materia Medica. This company is well known to buyers for other widespread medicines - Tenoten, Antigrippin, Ergoferon and Anaferon. The company offers to purchase one of two forms of the drug: solution or tablets. The first form is the most requested due to its easy reception.

"Rengalin" in solution is available in transparent bottles with a capacity of 100 ml. It is colorless and sweetish, has no foreign taste and smell. In order to make it more convenient to measure the right amount of medicine, there is a special dropper on the neck.
The main components are 3 types of antibodies that act on histamine, morphine and bradykinin. All substances are contained in 1 mg of the drug in equal amounts - 0.006 mg each. As additional ingredients are available:
- microcrystalline cellulose fibers;
- magnesium stearate;
- purified water;
- sodium cyclamate;
- isom alt;
- silicon dioxide;
- glycerol;
- citric acid.
The positive effect of the drug during antitussive therapy is also due to the fact that during the manufacturing process the antibodies underwent special affinity adsorption. This is a special method of cleaning biologicallyactive ingredients.
Pharmacological action
During the experiments, it was confirmed that the substances in the preparation help to influence the activity of lipid metabolism, which occurs with endogenous regulators and their receptors. Antibodies to bradykinin help modify B1 bradykinin receptors, to morphine - opiate receptors, to histamine - H1 receptors. With the simultaneous use of these ingredients, an enhanced mucolytic effect of Rengalin occurs.
Other common pharmacological actions of the drug are:
- anti-inflammatory;
- antispasmodic;
- antiallergic.
These effects are provided due to the fact that the components reduce the excitability of the cough center, which is located in the medulla oblongata. After this, the central links of the cough reflex are inhibited. In the thalamus, the centers of pain sensitivity are inhibited, due to which the transmission of pain impulses in the brain stops.
"Rengalin" has an undeniable advantage over such a type of mucolytic drugs as narcotic analgesics, which can cause drug dependence and respiratory depression. In addition, these medicines have a hypnotic, narcogenic effect and do not stop the local symptoms of allergic reactions well enough.
The drug enters the bloodstream through the intestinal wall. It is difficult to say after what time the active components of the drug are completely excreted by the body, due to the fact that their dosage is negligiblesmall. When examining the biological fluids of patients, no traces of the drug were found, so there are no data on pharmacokinetics.
Indications for use
The medicine is indicated for use in a variety of types of cough. A complete therapy promotes the production of antibodies that help prevent any side effects. Often they are accompanied by diseases with a cough. Among the diseases that are treated with the help of "Rengalin" in solution are:
- pharyngitis;
- emphysema;
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
- bronchospasms;
- cold;
- cystic fibrosis;
- laryngitis;
- allergic cough.

The drug has an advantage over other mucolytic agents. It not only has an antitussive effect, but also helps to relieve swelling, have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Doctors consider it a universal remedy for the treatment of bacterial and viral infections. Often it is prescribed along with antibiotics or antiviral drugs, depending on the disease. Another plus is that the drug does not have a toxic effect on the urinary system and liver. This helps to avoid complications.
As indicated in the instructions for use of Rengalin in solution, it is better not to use it for children until they are 3 years old. The child may be allergic to one of the components of the drug. Also, the drug is contraindicated for thosepatients who have fructose intolerance. With great care, you need to use it in a disease such as diabetes mellitus. The attending physician should adjust the dosage to avoid adverse effects.
Side effects
In some cases, after starting taking "Rengalin" in solution, skin hyperthermia, slight swelling, rash or other allergy symptoms may appear.

If such signs appear, then there is an intolerance to any of the components. It is necessary to consult a doctor and, if necessary, reduce the dosage or completely stop taking the drug.
"Rengalin" in solution according to the instructions for use, children are given 5 mg and 10 adults per 1 dose (taken orally). The number of such doses during the day may vary. It depends on the severity and duration of the particular illness. On average, it is prescribed to take the medicine 3-5 times a day. In the acute period, it is allowed to use the medication up to 6 times a day. Its use does not depend on food intake. The dosage is selected by the attending physician individually.

Before swallowing "Rengalin" in solution, according to the instructions for use, it is supposed to be held in the mouth for several seconds. So the active components of the drug will be able to act much faster on the inflamed airways. As soon as the patient feels improvement, the number of doses is recommended to be reduced to 3 times daily.
If the dose is followed according to the instructions correctly, then an overdose is unlikely, since the description of the medicine indicates exactly how much to give to the patient. There were cases when the child had free access to the solution and drank more Rengalin. In this case, there was a slight disorder of the stool, nausea. After returning to the previous dosage, the symptoms quickly disappeared.
Interaction with other drugs
According to the manufacturer, the drug is well combined with complex treatment along with antibiotics and other mucolytic agents. For the entire time of using "Rengalin" in the solution, not a single case of incompatibility with other medicines was observed. This dignity is especially appreciated by doctors who treat difficult cases of cough in children.
When it is not possible to take a drug such as Rengalin during antitussive therapy, it can be replaced with another dosage form, which also has a liquid consistency. For example, most often Stodal syrup is prescribed instead. It also belongs to the group of homeopathic medicines and has the same pharmacological properties.

The product is manufactured by Boiron. This syrup has a caramel taste and a pleasant smell, so it is suitable for children and helps to quickly prevent a bad cough. The composition contains homeopathic components of pulsatilla, bryony, droser, ipek. However, this drug should also not be used on babies,who are under three years of age.
When a patient has a difficult expectoration with a wet cough, the doctor may prescribe other herbal medicines that have an expectorant effect. This list includes:
- Tussamag;
- Gerbion;
- Doctor Mom;
- "Pertussin";
- "Prospan";
- Gedelix.
These medicines are united by the fact that, like Rengalin in solution, their use is very convenient due to their viscous consistency and sweetish taste. On the recommendation of a doctor, they can be prescribed even to infants. However, you need to watch carefully so that the child does not have an allergic reaction.
With a dry cough, if "Rengalin" in solution does not help, according to the instructions for children, it is recommended to increase the dosage to 7-8 mg or use other mucolytic agents. Many medicines, such as Sinekod, Codelac Neo, Omnitus, help eliminate a painful cough and block the cough reflex. However, if the disease continues for a long period, then the drugs should be combined with other effective drugs, then recovery will occur much earlier.
Customer Reviews
After a course of taking "Rengalin" in a cough solution and according to the instructions is prescribed, and all the recommendations of the treating specialist are followed, as a rule, the patient is on the mend. Only in rare cases, additional therapy is required with some medicine other than the Rengalin solution. The feedback that patients leave is positive in 80% of cases. Peopledescribe a positive experience of healing from a prolonged cough of various origins. In addition, they note the affordable cost and pleasant taste.

The pluses of "Rengalin" in a cough solution include the fact that it is suitable for children from 3 years old. It is much easier to give to babies due to its liquid consistency. A small percentage of the negative reviews that come across on the Web, most often belong to patients who have tried to treat advanced forms of cough-causing diseases with a homeopathic remedy.