Stomach ache, nausea and fever: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Stomach ache, nausea and fever: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews
Stomach ache, nausea and fever: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Pain in the abdomen and the resulting gag reflex with the addition of fever can be mistaken by many for symptoms of problems with the stomach or intestines. However, there are many reasons for such an unpleasant set of uncomfortable sensations. Sometimes they can indicate the development of the most serious diseases. That is why it is so important to pay serious attention to these symptoms by contacting a specialist for an accurate diagnosis, which will allow you to start an effective course of treatment in a timely manner. Under what pathologies does the stomach hurt, feel sick and have a temperature?

Intestinal infections

Stomach hurts, diarrhea, nausea, fever… Most often, such complaints can be heard from a person who has been struck by such a dangerous disease as an intestinal infection. Such an ailment provokes the development in the body of a variety of pathological processes, which have a negative impact onGIT.

man in chair writhing in pain
man in chair writhing in pain

The occurrence of pathology is facilitated by viruses, toxins and bacteria that enter the human digestive system through dirty hands when he takes food with them. Pathogenic microorganisms are also found in improperly cooked meat, insufficiently thermally processed, and in spoiled food. The risk of developing this disease increases significantly if a person does not wash vegetables and fruits, and also consumes water that contains harmful viruses and bacteria. Pathogenic microorganisms from the esophagus enter the stomach, and then end up in the intestines.

Signs of such an infection may be different. They depend on the severity of the disease.

In some cases, intestinal infection in adults does not appear for some time. That is why a person may not even suspect that his body was struck by this insidious disease. However, after a certain period, the patient begins to complain that his stomach hurts and feels sick, and the body temperature rises to the highest values \u200b\u200b(39-40 degrees). The cause of these symptoms are pathogenic microorganisms. In addition to these signs of an intestinal infection, a person develops diarrhea, appetite decreases, and sleep worsens. Sometimes patients complain of constipation. This unpleasant symptom can occur with the intestinal infection that was provoked by the parasites.

If a person complains that he has a temperature, his stomach hurts, his head hurts and he feels sick, then for adults this is a sign of damage to the bodyyeast infection. In this case, don't waste your time. Urgent medical attention required.

If a child complains that his stomach hurts, he feels sick and has a temperature, then the cause here is also often the defeat of the body by pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The main area of \u200b\u200bdevelopment of pathology in this case is the digestive tract. In this case, a toxic reaction of the body is observed.

Intestinal infection in young patients appears suddenly. Already in the initial stages of the disease, there are complaints of poor appetite, weakness and headache. In addition, the temperature is rising. At first glance, everything is very similar to the usual ARI. However, a little later, complaints begin to come from the child that the stomach hurts and feels sick. Diarrhea and fever are also invariable companions of an intestinal infection.

What leads to such a disease of the gastrointestinal tract? The most common bacilli are:

  • rotaviruses;
  • enteroviruses;
  • salmonella;
  • cholera;
  • shigella;
  • E. coli.

Consider the most common diseases caused by such an infection. Their sign is such a condition when the patient has a stomachache, nausea, fever and weakness.


This disease, which refers to acute intestinal infections, is caused by bacteria of the genus Shigella. The entire pathological process in dysentery is localized in the colon mucosa.

Shigella enters the digestive system with water and food. Some of them die due to exposureacidic contents of the stomach, as well as normal intestinal flora. The remaining shigella reach the large intestine. Some of them are introduced into its mucous membrane, which causes an inflammatory reaction. On the affected areas, ulcers, areas of erosion, as well as hemorrhages begin to appear. Harmful bacteria produce toxins, which leads to malfunctions in the digestive process. In addition, the presence of Shigella in the body leads to disruption of the natural biobalance of the intestinal flora.

The incubation period of dysentery lasts within 2-3 days. After that, the person begins to show clinical symptoms of the disease. The patient has pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, and the temperature reaches 38-39 degrees, keeping its high values for 3 or even 4 days. The patient's stool is loose. Often it contains blood. Localization of uncomfortable sensations that occur in the lower abdomen indicates inflammation in the large intestine.

woman is sick
woman is sick

What to do if the stomach hurts, nausea and diarrhea, and the temperature reaches high enough values? First of all, you need to visit a doctor. The specialist will make an accurate diagnosis. Dysentery is determined when the patient takes a blood test. His results will indicate the presence of antibodies to Shigella. An intestinal infection can also be diagnosed with a stool test. If dysentery occurs, then endotoxins are detected in it with the help of laboratory tests, which are characteristic only of this pathology.

How to eliminate unpleasant symptoms when you feel sick, vomit, stomach ache and fever? Dysentery in the lungsform is treated on an outpatient basis. Only those patients who have a complicated intestinal infection are sent to the hospital. Hospitalization is also indicated for patients based on epidemiological indications, in the presence of concomitant chronic diseases, as well as in old age. If the stomach hurts and feels sick, diarrhea and fever due to dysentery, then children under the age of one are sent to the hospital with such symptoms.

Patients are assigned to bed rest. With intoxication and fever, a diet is attributed to them. In the acute period - table number 4. With the extinction of symptoms - number 3.

Drug therapy for dysentery in the acute period of the disease consists of a 5-7-day course of antibacterial agents. Their appointment is made in the case of severe and moderate forms of pathology. Given the ability of antibiotics to aggravate dysbacteriosis, eubiotics are prescribed in combination with them. The patient takes them for 3-4 weeks.

If necessary, the patient undergoes a course of detoxification therapy. Enzyme preparations are used to correct malabsorption. With the available indications, immunomodulators, antispasmodics, astringents and enterosorbents are prescribed. In order to speed up the regenerative processes and improve the condition of the mucosa, microclysters with sea buckthorn and rosehip oil, infusion of chamomile and eucalyptus are recommended.

Treatment of chronic dysentery is also performed. However, judging by the reviews of physicians, antibiotic therapy in these cases is not so effective. The patient is recommended therapeutic enemas, bacterial agents to restore usefulmicroflora in the intestines, as well as physiotherapy.


If your stomach hurts, you feel sick, you vomit and you have a temperature, these symptoms may indicate the development of an acute food poisoning. The reason for its occurrence is the ingestion of botulinum toxin produced by the bacillus Clostridium botulinum into the patient's body.

A person can become infected with this infection by eating food containing this bacterium. The incubation period of the disease varies. Sometimes the first symptoms of pathology occur after about 4-6 hours after infection, and sometimes it takes 10 days before they appear.

woman in bed with stomachache
woman in bed with stomachache

Why does the stomach hurt, feel sick, and the temperature reaches 39-39.5 degrees, holding for 3 or even 6 days? The cause may be the described infection. Pain in this case is localized in the stomach. This happens due to the fact that the infection affects the mucous membrane of this organ. In addition to the symptoms described, the patient has signs of neuronal disorders. Among them:

  • a sharp decrease in vision;
  • facial paralysis;
  • spontaneous urination.

On the 3rd-4th day of infection, pain is localized throughout the abdominal cavity, mucus appears in the vomit, and coughing fits begin.

You can diagnose the disease by examining blood and feces. Test results should reveal botulinum toxin. Those products that have become possible culprits of infection (canned food, fish,meat).

When botulism is detected, the patient is subject to mandatory hospitalization. In order to prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications in him, it is possible to connect a ventilator.

Judging by the reviews of patients, gastric lavage carried out already on the first day of the manifestation of the disease helps to alleviate the symptoms. In stationary conditions, a thick probe is used for such a procedure.

Neutralize the botulinum toxin in the patient's blood allows a single injection of a special serum. If after 12-24 hours the proper effect of this procedure has not come, it will be repeated. To date, a special immunoglobulin is used to treat botulism. Antibiotics may also be included in the complex of measures. Additionally, a massive therapy is carried out, the purpose of which is to detoxify the body.

The rest of the treatment is prescribed based on its symptoms and severity. So, if a patient develops acute respiratory failure, he is immediately transferred to artificial lung ventilation.

During the recovery period, judging by the feedback from patients, physiotherapy contributes to the speedy recovery.


Stomach ache, nausea, temperature 38 degrees - such complaints can be heard from patients suffering from a digestive system disease caused by salmonella bacteria. The source of these pathogenic microorganisms is poultry, livestock, and also wild animals. Moreover, in sick individuals, the clinical picture of the pathology proceeds both with the presence of pronounced manifestations and without them.

Salmonellosis cannot affect he althy animals. The infection affects only individuals with low immunity.

Pathogenic bacteria enter the animal's bloodstream. After that, they seed his tissues and organs. A person becomes infected by caring for sick animals or eating infected animal products (milk, meat, eggs).

If birds are affected by salmonellosis, they are able to transmit pathogenic bacteria through droppings, contaminating various objects and food with it. In the presence of certain types of pathogen, the person himself can act as a source of infection.

Salmonella begin to appear 6 hours after entering the body. The first symptoms are frequent urination and diarrhea. Localization of pain, which has an acute character, is noted in the lower abdomen. 6-12 hours after the initial signs of infection are detected, body temperature begins to rise. As a rule, it reaches 38-38.5 degrees.

Diagnosis of salmonellosis is carried out by isolating the pathogen from feces and vomit. Sometimes bacteria are found in blood biocultures, as well as in bile and intestinal and stomach washings.

man lying on the sofa
man lying on the sofa

In case of severe illness, patients need hospitalization. In other cases, treatment can be carried out at home. Judging by the reviews of patients, lavage of the stomach and intestines helped to alleviate their condition. The main means for this are siphon enemas and enterosorbents. Next, you need to adjust the water-s altbalance. For this, rehydration measures are carried out. In the case of the first and second severity of the pathology, they represent a frequent ingestion of saline. With significant dehydration, intravenous infusion therapy is recommended. The generalized form of the pathology requires the use of antibiotics with the simultaneous use of probiotics that restore the microflora.


When the stomach hurts, nausea and fever, all these symptoms can be a sign of helminthiasis, that is, infection with worms. During diagnostics, in most cases, nematodes, hookworms, trichinella, pinworms and roundworms are found in humans.

In the gastrointestinal tract, worms usually enter orally. This happens due to the lack of habit of washing hands before meals or after visiting a public toilet. You can also become infected with helminthiasis while caring for pets.

Sometimes a person has a stomach ache, nausea, weakness and a temperature of 37. These symptoms can also indicate the presence of parasites in the body. Low temperature values \u200b\u200bwith such a disease are quite possible, because this symptom is caused not by the worms themselves, but by the toxins they release during their life.

The parasites settle, as a rule, in the small intestine. This is where quite a lot of micronutrients can be found in the food mass. The reproduction of helminths occurs quite quickly. For example, one adult female roundworm is able to lay up to 240 thousand eggs per day. And although most of them will certainly leave the body with feces,the intestines can be completely cleansed of them only with the use of special pharmacological preparations.

Diagnose helminthiasis by conducting an analysis of feces, in which eggs of parasites are found. A more modern version of research is the study of blood samples. In its crops, you can detect antibodies produced by the body to certain groups of parasites.

Helminthiasis is treated by prescribing a glucose solution, antihistamines, and insecticidal anthelmintics. To relieve the patient of painful symptoms, the doctor may prescribe a symptomatic course of medications.

Pathologies of various organs

Often, pain in the abdomen, nausea and fever are symptoms of ailments of the organs located in the abdominal cavity. Sometimes these signs are characteristic of pathologies not related to the gastrointestinal tract. Consider the most common of these ailments.

Cirrhosis of the liver

With the development of this disease, the body practically stops detoxifying. This causes damage to various organs. At an early stage, the patient develops general weakness. A little later, he begins to complain of nausea and refuses to eat. The pain is localized in the stomach and liver. The skin of such a patient sometimes acquires a yellowish tint or turns pale. This is the main sign of liver dysfunction.

Diagnose the disease with the help of ultrasound. When the diagnosis is confirmed, laparoscopy and biopsy are prescribed to identify the nature of the damage.

Cirrhosis is treated with prescriptionspecialized diet. Judging by the reviews of patients, it allows you to eliminate the pain that bothered them after taking pickled, fried and fatty foods. When prescribing a course of drug therapy, hepatoprotectors are used.

Pathologies of the urinary system

Pain in the abdomen and nausea sometimes occur in the case of the development of inflammatory processes in the bladder or kidneys. In this case, acute nephritis or chronic pyelonephritis is diagnosed. The body in this case is not able to completely cleanse the blood of toxins, which leads to an upset gastrointestinal tract. Localization of pain in this case can be observed not only in the abdomen, but also in the bladder, in the kidneys.

Sometimes inflammation is caused by stones. In such cases, sharp pain occurs in a person when visiting the toilet. Provoke their mechanical damage to the urethra. At the same time, an admixture of blood can be observed in the urine.

Diagnosis of the problem is possible when the patient is referred for an ultrasound scan and a blood test. The first study allows you to visually determine the presence of inflammation, stones, and the second - to identify the infection.

Elimination of symptoms will depend on the cause of the pathology that caused them. In this case, drug therapy and physiotherapy can be prescribed. If necessary, surgery is performed.

Pathologies of the stomach

What can cause stomach pain and nausea? Such symptoms can cause stomach ailments such as ulcers, as well as hernias. In the first case, there is a violation of the process of digestion of food. It is because of this that the intestines sometimessome stomach acid gets in.

Negatively affects the body and hernia. Its additional signs, in addition to pain, are belching with an unpleasant odor and heartburn.

man sitting on bed hugging his stomach
man sitting on bed hugging his stomach

Diseases of the stomach are diagnosed with the help of primary probing or X-ray. Gastroscopy is also used, in which a contrast agent is injected.

These ailments are treated with surgical intervention. As for drug therapy, it is prescribed only to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and prepare for surgery. Judging by the feedback from patients, it is good to take Ranitidine for effective pain relief. Its action is aimed at reducing the concentration of acid in the stomach.


Stomach hurts, sick, temperature 37, and sometimes even higher? Similar complaints occur in patients suffering from constipation. This problem is known to many. And the reason for its occurrence is the absence of bowel movements for a certain time. Such a delay in fecal masses leads to the fact that the toxins they release begin to be absorbed by the intestinal walls. This contributes to the appearance of such symptoms of toxicosis, when a child or an adult has a stomachache, nausea, a temperature of 37 and above. Vomiting may occur if there is no bowel movement for more than 36 hours.

According to the feedback from patients, the best way to get rid of constipation is to wash the intestines with an enema. At an early stage of the disease, laxatives are excellent,the dosage of which should be selected taking into account body weight. Diagnosis of constipation can be based on palpation and the presence of symptoms.

Women's diseases

You can hear about the fact that the stomach hurts, feels sick, the temperature is 37 and above, from women suffering from problems of the reproductive system. This may be, for example, an ectopic pregnancy, rupture of the ovary, or the development of a tumor in the pelvic area. Ultrasound will allow an accurate diagnosis.

Pain in such cases is localized in the navel. They are usually acute and persistent. There is a high chance of bleeding from the vagina. Also in women there is a sharp decrease in blood pressure. In the presence of internal bleeding, the body temperature instantly rises to 40 degrees. In such cases, an ambulance call is necessary.

Diseases can be diagnosed by palpation and gynecological examination. Treatment consists of surgery.


If the stomach hurts and feels sick, diarrhea and fever, these symptoms are the result of ordinary poisoning. It can be caused by food that is either spoiled or improperly prepared. Sometimes poisoning occurs in cases where the human body does not digest lactose. You can also get poisoned by raw milk and stale fish, confectionery and meat products, mushrooms and canned food.

The first symptom of poisoning is belching with an unpleasant odor, in which an admixture of acetone is felt. After that, the patient complains that the lower abdomen hurts and feels sick. With a temperature of 37 degrees, such a state is notmanages. Sometimes it rises much higher (up to 39-40 degrees). Localization of pain in the lower abdomen is explained by accelerated peristalsis and leaching of feces. Pathogenic bacteria that release toxins that are dangerous to the body provoke the occurrence of such a condition. It is because of them that food begins to deteriorate and rot.

activated charcoal tablets
activated charcoal tablets

If you feel sick, your stomach hurts, your temperature is 37.5 and above, and there are other signs of poisoning, then, judging by the feedback from patients, the best way to eliminate unpleasant symptoms is to take absorbents. The best option is activated carbon or Enterosgel. If, after a few hours, the person's condition does not improve and, in addition, vomiting with blood occurs, then he will need to call an ambulance.

Children's problems

Sometimes parents are worried about this question: why does a child feel sick and have a stomach ache without fever? The reasons may be very different. If the baby is not yet a year old, then such symptoms are the body's reaction to food. Often the child has a stomach ache and feels sick, and there is no temperature during the introduction of complementary foods. Many kids face this problem. The same may be the body's reaction to the use of low-quality or expired products. That is why it is important for parents to distinguish the symptoms of poisoning from others.

If a child is sick and has a stomach ache without fever, then this may be a sign of intestinal obstruction. The first symptom of such a pathology is belching. After vomiting conditionThe child is getting better. However, after eating, the little patient again begins to suffer from the symptoms of intestinal obstruction.

No-Shpa tablets
No-Shpa tablets

If children experience pain in the abdomen and nausea, it is necessary to consult a doctor without delay. In case of an acute condition, you can not do without an ambulance. Before her arrival, a small patient should be given a small amount of warm water to drink and placed on the bed, placing a high pillow under his head, which will allow the baby not to choke on vomit. If the pain in the abdomen is acute, the child is allowed to give No-shpu, observing the dosage described in the instructions.
