It happens that a man has to face such an unpleasant problem as an unstable erection. Not many people know what to do and which doctor to go to in such a situation. If such a sensitive issue is shelved, the situation only gets worse.

This article will help deal with this problem and answer most of the questions men are interested in. Below you will learn about the causes of insufficient erection during sex, as well as how to diagnose diseases that affect potency and how to treat them.
Basic terms and medical definitions
In scientific terminology, an unstable erection is called erectile dysfunction. In addition, this pathology has another name - a violation of potency.
According to the definition, an unstable erection is a temporary or permanent inability to have a sexual life or the inability to end an intimate act with ejaculation (ejaculation).
Mechanism of erection
The male penis in its structure has a large number of cavernousbodies, which in the process of excitation are filled with blood, which leads to an increase in tension in it. During an erection, there is increased blood flow through the arterial vessels to the sexual organ, but the outflow of blood through the veins is extremely low. It is worth noting that the veno-occlusive mechanism is designed in such a way that even with a weak blood flow through the vessels to the cavernous bodies, the outflow through the veins will always be less.

This process involves many functions and systems of the body, and if a failure occurs in any part of the male body, then it can be expressed in the fact that an erection disappears during sex. According to reviews, the psychology of a man has a huge impact on his sex life. Joint studies of psychologists, urologists, neurologists and sexologists show that disruptions in the normal functioning of the body lead to problems in the intimate part of life.
However, experts are not always able to quickly find the answer to the question, what is the root of the problem and how to solve it. Therefore, before diagnosing and implementing treatment, it is necessary to identify the causes of unstable erection. For this, two sides of the problem should be considered - physiological and psychological. Only after that it will be possible to draw certain conclusions.
Erection disappears during sex - physiological reasons
Provoking factors may be:
- disorders of the brain or spinal cord;
- cardiovascular problemssystem;
- diabetes mellitus;
- hormonal imbalance;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- use of nicotine, alcohol or various drugs;
- obesity;
- prostatitis.
In addition, unstable erections can occur with certain medications. As a rule, hormonal drugs, neuroleptics, antidepressants or anticonvulsants are most often affected by sexual function.
Psychological reasons
The psychological causes of unstable erections include:
- stress conditions;
- fatigue and "exhausted" state;
- failure syndrome;
- depression;
- apathy;
- neuroses.
Most often, from the point of view of a psychological approach, stress affects erection in a negative way. It is important to note that it can be caused by anything, be it problems in the family, conflicts at work or with friends.

Besides this, it is worth focusing on the "failure" syndrome. This psychological phenomenon can be described as follows. Once a man had to deal with an unstable erection, and after that he experienced some kind of negative emotion that is deposited in his mind and prevents him from repeating sexual intercourse. Shame or irritation can become associated with sex, and a man mentally draws a parallel in his head: sex=bad.
It is worth noting that many psychological causes are very close to physiological ones, and sometimes they aretheir continuation. Due to some circumstances, a man may ignore the problem and not seek help from a psychologist, however, in some cases, this specialist will help to understand the situation and explain why there was a failure in intimate life.

Diagnosis of causes
In order to start solving the problem of unstable erection, it is important to conduct a thorough diagnosis. Typically, this process includes the following:
- Assessing the level of hormones. When measuring hormonal status, the level of luteinizing hormone, thyroxine, prolactin, testosterone, steroid, estradiol and other hormones that can affect erection is determined.
- Research blood test. As a rule, a general and biochemical study is carried out.
- Urine analysis. Determination of the level of leukocytes and erythrocytes allows you to establish the state of the organs of the genitourinary system.
- The introduction of drugs (in the form of injections) that help determine the condition of the vessels in the penis. As a rule, prostaglandin is used for these purposes, which is a potent stimulator of vasodilation. This procedure is carried out in order to understand whether a strong rush of blood contributes to a normal erection.
- Doppler arteries.
- Biotensometry.
- Diagnosis of nocturnal erections.
- Neurological examination.
According to the recommendations of the attending physician, other studies may be prescribed. It is important to understand thatan integrated approach to studying the causes allows you to determine why an erection disappears during sex. After collecting all the necessary information, you can start treating erectile dysfunction.

Treatment with traditional medicine
Perhaps the treatment with officially recognized methods is by far the most effective. These methods include:
- Treatment with various drugs. These drugs include drugs that allow you to improve blood circulation, get rid of inflammatory processes and normalize blood pressure. If the erection problem is caused due to psychological disorders, sedatives may be prescribed. The selection of drugs depends entirely on what caused erectile dysfunction.
- Therapeutic exercise and other physical activities. An active lifestyle is a key aspect in the normal functioning of the whole organism. As noted earlier, moderate exercise will allow you to maintain normal male strength until old age. This happens due to the fact that the work of blood vessels and the heart returns to normal, the level of endorphin in the blood rises, and excess weight disappears.
- If the dysfunction was caused by a problem with the prostate, then a course of special massage is prescribed, which helps to reduce the effect of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland.
- SWT (shock wave therapy). This method consists in influencing the problem area with the help of sound waves, which allow you to start the normalization of work.vessels.
- Surgical treatment. This method is a last resort to restore potency and is used in rare cases when other treatments are ineffective.
It is worth noting that the choice of therapy is selected by the attending physician on an individual basis.
Treatment with traditional medicine
Despite the fact that traditional medicine may be more accessible, you should not refuse treatment with medications, as it has been established that the action of the latter significantly increases the chance of restoring normal sexual function.
Decoctions of hawthorn flowers, infusions of ginseng or lemongrass can be used as aids. They also use extracts from yohimbe or the ginkgo biloba plant.

Before you start using any infusion or decoction, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will explain the effect of the plant on the body and determine the need for its use.
Emergency measures to solve the problem
In order to cope with erectile dysfunction quickly, but not for long, you can take a "male power" pill. Such pills are made on the basis of tadalafil or sildenafil. The effect of such drugs is observed for several hours, but this masks the problem, but not its treatment. Therefore, this fact should be taken into account when taking pills.
It is important to note that such pills are not recommended for hypertensive patients. In addition, these funds havea large number of contraindications, so before using them, it is better to consult a doctor.
How to determine the stage of the problem? Testing
Before consulting a specialist, you can take a home test to determine the extent of the problem. To do this, you need to answer the questions below, record the results, and at the end, based on the answers, understand how difficult the situation is.

Question 1. How often does an erection occur that is not associated with sexual activity?
A) Does not occur at all.
B) No more than twice a month.
B) Up to three times a week.
D) Every day.
E) Several times a day.
Question 2. How can I evaluate my recent intercourse erection?
A) No erection.
B) The erection was not sufficient for the act.
B) With additional stimulation, the erection lasted until the end of the act.
D) Was full, which was an exception.
E) Was full.
Question 3. Is it possible to have repeated sexual intercourse within one day?
A) This never happened.
B) This was only possible at a certain age.
C) It is extremely rare that this is possible.
D) This is possible, but not always.
E) Always exists.
Question 4. Does the quality of an erection change with a change in sex position or body position?
A) Worse when standing upright.
B) Worse whenhorizontal body position.
C) Changes, but not significantly.
D) Doesn't change.
Each letter corresponds to a certain score. You should calculate the number of points received using the table below.
Answer option | A | B | B | G | D |
Score per answer | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Scoring results:
- from 11 to 15 - no violations;
- from 8 to 11 - the stage of compensation for violations of the erection process;
- 5 to 8 - subcompensation stage;
- from 0 to 5 - stage of decompensation.
After such testing, you can understand for yourself how things are and whether it is worth worrying about. What's more, these questions will help you prepare for your interview with a specialist.
As you know, it is better to prevent a problem than to fix it, so doctors identify a number of certain rules that will help keep the genitourinary system normal for many years, namely:
- Proper nutrition and avoid junk food.
- He althy sleep.
- Rejection of bad habits.
- Stress avoidance.
- Caring for mental and physical he alth.
He alth problems are always unpleasant, especially when it comes tosuch a moment as male sexual function. It is extremely important to recognize the problem in time and deal with it. Today, medicine allows you to painlessly and quickly solve the problem of erectile dysfunction, which, in turn, will ensure a normal life and the ability to enjoy sexual intercourse.