Itching and burning in the genital area usually accompany thrush. This diagnosis is more typical for women, but also occurs in men. The main cause of the development of the disease is the fungal microflora of the genus Candida. It is always present in a he althy body. However, under the influence of a number of factors (decreased immunity, hypothermia, stress, etc.), it begins to multiply intensively. One of the popular medicines to combat thrush is the cream "Clotrimazole". Instructions for use for men suggest using it for other purposes.
General information
As a result of a decrease in immunity, the fungus begins to multiply actively. This leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the form of burning, itching in the genital area, curdled discharge. The causative agent of thrush affects not only the skin, but alsomucous membranes. In order to avoid the transformation of the disease into a chronic form, it is necessary to start its treatment in a timely manner. For this purpose, various antifungal ointments or creams for men are used. "Clotrimazole" is one of them. Let us consider in more detail what the drug is, what indications and contraindications it has for use.

Composition and release form
"Clotrimazole" is available in several dosage forms, such as: tablets, suppositories, cream, gel. The active component in them is the substance of the same name; auxiliary components and scope may vary.
Suppositories and tablets are used intravaginally, so they are not prescribed for men. For the treatment of the stronger sex, the drug is most often prescribed in the form of a cream. It is white or yellowish in color. Produced in aluminum tubes with a volume of 15, 20, 30 or 50 g. The tubes are packed in cardboard boxes with instructions. The concentration of the active substance is 10 mg/g.
Pharmacological properties
Cream "Clotrimazole" for men, the instruction considers it as an antifungal and antibacterial agent. It is active against most pathogenic fungi, including the Candida genus. Depending on the amount of active substance, it is characterized by the following properties:
- Fungistatic (noted at low concentrations). The growth of fungal structures is suspended, which prevents the further spread of the disease.
- Fingicidal (fixed with largedoses of the substance). Reproduction of fungal cells stops.
The mechanism of action of the drug is quite simple. Its active substance blocks the synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids and ergosterol. These components are responsible for building the membranes of microorganisms. As a result, cells of pathogenic flora are damaged and destroyed.

Indications for prescription
When do doctors prescribe Clotrimazole cream for men? The instructions for use contain comprehensive information on this issue. The drug is recommended for the treatment of various pathologies of fungal etiology. General indications for the appointment are the following conditions:
- Urogenital candidiasis in the form of balanoposthitis, balanitis.
- Skin and mucosal lesions caused by thrush.
- Exclusion of recurrence of the disease against the background of long-term use of antibiotics.
- Fungal skin lesions with trichophytosis, microsporia.
- Ringworm/pityriasis versicolor.
In case of urogenital infection, the course of treatment is prescribed by the urologist. For other types of fungal infections, a dermatologist's consultation is required.

Instructions for use
Clotrimazole cream for men is recommended to be used according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. In this case, the doctor must take into account the form of the disease, the localization of the pathological process, the course of the fungal infection. Standard protocols suggest the following treatment regimens:
- In case of acute illness(urethritis, balanoposthitis, balanitis) the drug is recommended to be applied to the genital area and foreskin with a thin layer. The procedure should be repeated 2 to 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks.
- In chronic thrush, the cream should also be carefully distributed over the penis area. However, in this case, the duration of therapy can be up to 1 month.
- In order to prevent thrush and its recurrence, Clotrimazole must be used up to twice a day for two weeks.
Doctors do not recommend using the drug for more than one month. If the symptoms of the disease persist and there is no improvement, you need to re-contact a specialist, if necessary, undergo an additional examination and revise the treatment regimen.

Features of applying cream
How to apply Clotrimazole cream for men correctly? To speed up the recovery process, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
- Before starting treatment, it is important to be examined by a specialized specialist in order to determine the causative agent of the disease, the degree of its sensitivity to the main component of the cream - imidazole.
- Immediately before applying the drug, it is recommended to wash the tissue affected by the fungus. To do this, it is better to use soap suds and running water.
- After the leather dries, gently pat it dry with a clean towel.
- The cream is applied in a thin layer with a mandatory griphe althy tissues. Surplus can not be removed.
- Underwear is important to change daily. Preference should be given to options made from natural fabrics. Additionally, it can be ironed with a hot iron.
During the treatment period, sexual rest should be observed. This is necessary to prevent infection of the partner. Doctors also advise to give up alcohol.

Contraindications and side effects
One of the advantages of Clotrimazole cream for men is the almost complete absence of contraindications. It is suitable for all patients. An exception to this rule is individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug, severe liver damage.
If you use the product in accordance with the instructions and at the dosage prescribed by your doctor, the risk of side effects will be minimal. Although well tolerated, some patients experience the following complications:
- Formation on the areas of blisters treated with cream.
- Itching and burning of the skin.
- Swelling of soft tissues due to allergies.
- Excessive dryness, peeling of the skin.
- Tingling in the groin area.
In rare cases, patients complain of pain during urination, during intercourse. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately tell your doctor about them.
Drug Interactions
Do not neglect the instructions for use for the cream "Clotrimazole" for men. It presentsinformation about the interaction of the drug with other medicines. For example, it is not recommended to use it together with polyene antibiotics (Nystatin, Natamycin). They suppress each other's activity.
Separately, it should be said about cases of overdose. "Clotrimazole" enters the blood in small quantities. Therefore, its local use does not cause intoxication. If the patient accidentally took the medicine orally, nausea, gastralgia, and vomiting may occur. In rare cases, there is drowsiness, hallucinations, pollakiuria. To stop the symptoms of an overdose, symptomatic therapy is prescribed, involving the use of enterosorbents.

Analogues of the drug
In the absence of the effect of the therapy or the appearance of side effects, the doctor selects an analogue of the cream "Clotrimazole" for men. How to apply, in what dosage a new drug - the specialist should tell at the consultation. Self-medication is strictly unacceptable.
The direct analogue of Clotrimazole is Candide. There are no significant differences between the medicines, since the main component is the same substance. Other popular drug analogues are as follows:
- Pimafucin.
- Funginal.
- Kandizol.
- "Imidil".
The presented funds differ in price, duration of use.

Patient testimonials
Reviews of men about the cream "Clotrimazole" inmost of them are positive. Among its main advantages, a relatively low price (150-200 rubles) is noted. One such tube is enough for a full course of therapy. The drug is sold in all pharmacy chains, a prescription from a doctor is not required.
The cream is convenient to use: apply a thin layer on the affected area, wait until it is completely absorbed. A pronounced therapeutic effect is usually observed 2-3 days after the start of use. At the same time, the number of pathological secretions is reduced. The drug relieves itching and burning well, eliminates painful discomfort.
Negative feedback from the stronger sex is also found. As a rule, they are associated with the duration of use in the case of prevention of recurrence of the disease. At the same time, men are forced to give up intimate life on the recommendation of a doctor. However, after the end of such therapy, a decrease in libido or other problems of a sexual nature are not observed.
According to doctors, from thrush cream "Clotrimazole" for men (and other diseases similar in etiology) has proven itself well. The drug has long been used in medical practice and has already managed to prove its effectiveness and safety. An important advantage is the almost complete absence of contraindications. Side effects from the use of the drug are rare. Compliance with the recommendations for the use of this antifungal agent allows the patient to recover as soon as possible, reduces the likelihood of developing a chronic disease.