Therapeutic massage according to Jacquet: what is it, technique, indications and reviews

Therapeutic massage according to Jacquet: what is it, technique, indications and reviews
Therapeutic massage according to Jacquet: what is it, technique, indications and reviews

Among the large number of modern massage techniques, I want to choose for myself exactly the one that will be the most effective, as well as the one that will be able to cope much faster with various kinds of rashes on the skin that torment people regardless of their age and gender. Out of competition from this point of view, both was and remains a facial massage according to Jacquet, the technique of which will be described in this article.

Currently, this type of massage is very popular. It is used by many beauty salons as one of the best anti-inflammatory treatments that solves various skin problems. But what is Jacquet massage? In what cases is it assigned to people? Are there any contraindications to this procedure? How to do it right? This and other questions can be answered in this article.

Jacques massage
Jacques massage

Procedure basics

Speaking about what it is - massage according to Jacques, it should be noted that the technique for performing it is plucked. That is, all movements and manipulations should be carried out in the form of strong pinches of the skin. It should be noted that pinching should be so strong and aggressive as to affect the deepest layers of the skin, which has a positive effect on its condition.

In most cases, to solve various cosmetic problems with the skin, most professional salons use the Jacquet massage technique. What it is, a qualified beautician can tell in more detail.

For almost two centuries, this procedure was prescribed only for medical reasons during the diagnosis of various dermatological diseases. And only over the past 20 years, experienced cosmetologists have been using therapeutic massage according to Jacquet.

A bit of history

What is Jacquet's massage? Where did this massage technique come from? If you look into history, you can find that this type of facial massage was invented by Leonardo Jacquet, who is a talented French dermatologist. It was he who described in detail the technique of performing massage according to Jacques back in the 18th century. Since then, it has been widely used not only in the field of medicine, but also in cosmetology.

Indications and recommendations

But in what cases is the Jacquet massage technique used? As a rule, with a correctly performed and regular procedure of therapeutic and cosmetic massage, many problems can be quickly eliminated.problems with the skin, while facilitating the general course of various skin diseases. Indications for Jacquet massage are as follows:

  • Hyperkeratosis.
  • Oily seborrhea.
  • Scars and scars.
  • Comedones.
  • Acne and its consequences.
  • Miliums.
  • Circulatory failure.
  • Acne on the face.
  • Infiltrates.
  • Dead areas.
  • High activity of sebum secretion.
  • Ptosis, wrinkles, sagging and other age-related changes in the face.
Facial massage
Facial massage

If you correctly perform this massage technique, follow the recommendations of specialists, and also regularly carry out procedures, then the massage will pleasantly surprise patients with its result after 4 sessions. Jacquet's massage reviews say that improvements can be seen if all the above recommendations are followed.

However, it is impossible not to mention that this technique also has some disadvantages, which include a very extensive list of contraindications. Let's take a closer look at the cases in which it is forbidden to do pinch massage according to Jacquet.


Given the fact that the capture of the skin during pinching is quite intense, and there is also an aggressive effect on the deepest layers of the dermis, it is not at all surprising that under some circumstances massage can disrupt the integrity of the skin on the face, as well as its microcirculation. In order to avoid this unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to take into account a number of contraindications to the procedure, towhich should be attributed:

  1. Presence of flat warts on the face.
  2. Injury to the skin on the face, such as wounds and scratches.
  3. Herpes.
  4. Pinching of the facial nerve, loss of sensation, as well as other problems associated with the nerves of the face.
  5. Increased body temperature.
  6. Disrupted vascular function.
  7. The presence of an inflammatory process.
  8. Any chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  9. Vascular asterisks and capillary network on the face.
  10. Hirsutism, which is the growth of hair on the face in a male pattern.
  11. Rashes caused by an allergic reaction.
  12. Hypertension.
  13. Dermatitis, eczema, which are associated with suppuration of tissues.
  14. Increased pain syndrome.
  15. Presence of viral infections.

Aggressive, intense, deep action classic facial massage according to Jacquet, if the above contraindications are ignored, it can cause hematomas. In addition, this massage technique can provoke the formation of redness on the skin. So that the condition of the skin of the face does not worsen, it is necessary to take into account the above contraindications for massage according to Jacquet.

Woman getting a Jacquet massage
Woman getting a Jacquet massage

Execution technique

If you look from the outside, it may seem that the technique of performing this massage is as simple as possible and can be mastered by absolutely anyone. But as soon as you start this manipulation, you will immediately understand that such a procedure needsa certain skill and skill. Therefore, you should practice as much as possible. The massage technique is based on only 3 techniques, which are as follows:

  • Deep grip pinches.
  • Kneading.
  • Vibration, which is combined with tweaks, as well as pressure.

Preparing for the procedure

Before you start the massage, you need to carefully prepare. To do this, massage lines of the face are studied, which will need to be influenced. Even a slight deviation can provoke stretching of the skin, as well as the formation of wrinkles in the future.

Another important step is the proper cleansing of the skin before the massage. To do this, remove all makeup and conduct a steam bath. Thanks to such procedures, the pores are cleansed, and the face is prepared for manipulation. You can add a few drops of some essential oil to boiling water, after which the face is held over the steam, and the container is covered with a terry towel along with the head. Instead of oil, you can also take a decoction prepared on the basis of lime blossom or pharmacy chamomile.

Applying cream to the face
Applying cream to the face

The skin is thoroughly and gently rubbed. The face must be dry. Before the massage, in no case should you apply oil or cream. The treated area on the face must be completely dry so that the contact of the fingers with the skin is of the highest quality.

Steps of the procedure

When performing a facial massage, you must adhere tocertain steps. This procedure involves the following steps:

  1. Wash thoroughly with soap and sanitize hands.
  2. Clear the skin well.
  3. Knead the skin on the face.
  4. After that, you can start tweaking. They should be rhythmic, fast, intense, done along the massage lines in the following order: forehead, cheeks, lower face area. The capture of the skin should be done with the index and thumb, and with each subsequent action, the capture should be more intense and deep.
  5. Then you can move on to vibrating movements. To do this, all areas on the face are worked out in the above sequence, that is, along the massage lines.
  6. The procedure ends with kneading.
  7. Finally, a soothing cream is applied to the face.
  8. One of the features of this massage is that you need to learn how to do tweaks correctly in order to avoid injury to the skin and violation of its integrity.
Facial massage with scrub
Facial massage with scrub

Recommendations and tips

The treatment technique is unique due to the fact that it does not involve the use of any special oils and creams. But in order for the results of such a procedure to please the patient, and at the same time not disappoint in the least, it will not be enough to automatically work out the technique. It is also necessary to take into account small tricks regarding the conduct of this event. To do this, follow the adviceprofessionals who are as follows:

  1. Massage duration should not exceed 15 minutes.
  2. As soon as the skin becomes too red or an unpleasant burning sensation is felt, the procedure should stop immediately. Perhaps you simply have not yet learned this massage technique.
  3. If you have any doubts about whether you can do such an unusual facial massage yourself at home, then you should check out the training videos on the Internet. Thanks to the detailed description of the technique, you can work out some skills in the required sequence.
  4. Due to the aggressiveness of the massage, it should not be used in the eye area.
  5. The full course of treatment with this method should be from 15 to 20 sessions, and massage is carried out no more than twice a week.
  6. The frequency of courses is 2 times a year.
  7. You should not go outside for a couple of hours after the session. First of all, the skin should rest and calm down. In addition, the face after such a procedure looks very unaesthetic, and the redness does not disappear immediately.

You yourself must understand whether you are doing everything right or not. As a rule, after a massage in the fourth session, the skin becomes visually better. If there are no results, then perhaps something is being done wrong.

Man getting facial massage
Man getting facial massage


If facial massage is done as a full course, then at the end of it,as a rule, there is a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin of the face and other changes. These include:

  • elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • decrease oily skin sebum;
  • facial muscle tone;
  • improving complexion;
  • lightening existing age spots;
  • eliminate acne, blackheads, post-acne;
  • forming a more beautiful face shape;
  • slowing down the aging process: lifting, wrinkle smoothing;
  • resorption of scars and scars.

Massage reviews

Reviews of those patients who have already used facial pinch massage to treat a particular disease prove that results can be seen only after 3-4 sessions. At the same time, blood flow is significantly improved, as a result of which the growth of young and new cells is stimulated.

Those patients who had an inflammatory process on their face noted that the procedure contributed to a significant improvement in their appearance. At the same time, a pleasant and fresh skin tone is restored. Many young patients who have problems with various kinds of rashes on the face have noticed that after a full course of Jacquet massage, the number of blackheads and acne is significantly reduced.

features of facial massage
features of facial massage


Jacquet massage is worth spending not only your time on it, but also money. After several sessions, you will be able to smile at your own reflection in the mirror opposite.
