Gymnastics according to Avetisov for the eyes: description of the technique, exercises, effectiveness and reviews

Gymnastics according to Avetisov for the eyes: description of the technique, exercises, effectiveness and reviews
Gymnastics according to Avetisov for the eyes: description of the technique, exercises, effectiveness and reviews

As you know, any disease is better to prevent than to cure. That is why the prevention of visual deviations should begin as early as preschool age. In this article, we will describe in detail how Avetisov's gymnastics for the eyes works, and introduce the basic set of exercises.

gymnastics according to Avetisov for the eyes
gymnastics according to Avetisov for the eyes

A little about the author

Professor Eduard Sergeevich Avetisov in his work paid great attention to the prevention of visual impairment in children and adults. For many years he has researched the problem of myopia and strabismus. The scientist developed new promising directions in ophthalmology, published more than 300 papers, founded his own school and was the supervisor of many famous scientists. Based on his research, Eduard Sergeevich developed a technique that helps relieve eye strain after heavy loads (reading, working at a computer). A set of simple exercises allows not only to stop the decline in vision, but also helps to improve it.

Gymnastics for the eyes of Professor Avetisov

The set of exercises developed by the scientist includes simple movements of the eyeball, which are performed at a slow and medium pace. An important condition for the effectiveness of the technique is the regularity and gradual increase in load. The complex of visual gymnastics can be divided into three blocks.

gymnastics for the eyes according to the method of Avetisov
gymnastics for the eyes according to the method of Avetisov

First block of exercises

To maximize the effect, you should start the lesson in a calm atmosphere, when there are no urgent matters. The whole complex is performed while sitting:

  • Close your eyes as tight as possible and stay in this position for a few seconds. Open your eyelids, rest and repeat the sequence a few more times.
  • Blink rapidly for ten seconds. After that, rest and continue to exercise.
  • Dip your index fingers over your closed eyelids and lightly massage them in a circular motion. Remember that the movements should not be too intense. The duration of this action is one minute.
  • Continue to sit with your eyes closed, put three fingers on your eyelid and begin to gently press them on the eyeball. Repeat your steps several times.
  • Press your index fingers on your eyebrows and begin to close your eyes through resistance.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to the method of Avetisov improves blood flow in the eye area and helps to relax muscles. Despite the apparent simplicity, patients note thatNot everyone can do the exercises correctly. Therefore, remember that the main thing here is not speed, but a gradual increase in load.

gymnastics for the eyes Avetisova reviews
gymnastics for the eyes Avetisova reviews

Second block

This complex is also performed while sitting. To achieve the desired result, you need to maintain the original position and avoid unnecessary movements. Gymnastics according to Avetisov for the eyes is repeated eight or ten times.

  • Look up at the ceiling and then slowly look down. Take your time - eye movement should be smooth.
  • Look at the selected point on the left, and then on the left. Please note that when performing this task, you should sit still and not turn your head.
  • Move your gaze diagonally from the top corner of the room to the bottom.
  • Imagine that there is a large circle in front of you and start glancing over it with your eyes, first in one direction and then in the other direction.

Regular performance of this task will strengthen the motor muscles of the eye.

gymnastics for the eyes of Professor Avetisov
gymnastics for the eyes of Professor Avetisov

Third block

Unlike the previous complexes, this one must be performed while standing.

  • Extend your hand in front of you, look at your index finger and look into the distance.
  • Put your finger up to your nose and then slowly move it forward. Keep an eye on this smooth movement.
  • Repeat the same exercise, but cover one eye with your hand. After that, repeat this action, but covering the other eye with the palm of your hand.
  • To complete the next task, you shouldstand at the window. Draw a dot on the glass or stick a piece of colored tape. Focus on the mark, and then look into the distance. This exercise is performed with glasses or contact lenses (if you have them, of course).

Due to the frequent implementation of the complex, you can improve focus.

Gymnastics for the eyes of Avetisov for children

Eduard Sergeevich believed that one of the main advantages of his methodology was its effectiveness at school age. But it is during this period that students experience a great load - they read a lot, write and draw. Add to this a long sitting at a computer or tablet, watching TV and a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, many schoolchildren experience vision problems and start wearing glasses. Gymnastics for the eyes according to the Avetisov method will help prevent the harmful effects of high loads. However, it should be remembered that all sets of exercises should be repeated daily, and not just once from time. To get the desired result, the child must first be controlled, and then ensure that he independently performs gymnastics. Ideally, students should learn to pause and practice between class breaks, while reading or playing computer games.

gymnastics for the eyes of Avetisova for children
gymnastics for the eyes of Avetisova for children

How does Avetisov's eye gymnastics work? Reviews

Experts say that this technique is great for preventing visual impairment. In addition, she treats myopia in patients who got the disease as a result of overwork, wrong lifestyle andnegative visual habits. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend contacting a specialist if you feel that your vision has begun to deteriorate. Avetisov eye gymnastics is great for children and many teachers use some of the exercises during the lesson so that children can distract and relax. Parents and teachers note that schoolchildren who regularly perform a series of simple exercises not only stop complaining about poor eyesight, but also begin to study better. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the child becomes more collected, begins to think about his he alth and tries to be less tired.

gymnastics for the eyes according to the Avetisov method
gymnastics for the eyes according to the Avetisov method


We will be glad if our article is useful to you in the future. As you can see, Avetisov's eye gymnastics has a number of advantages over other popular systems. Firstly, it was developed by a specialist in his field, a world-renowned scientist and teacher. Secondly, the methodology contains simple exercises and clear recommendations for their implementation. And finally, thirdly, it does not require additional equipment or expensive drugs. The only thing that is required of you is to regularly perform the proposed exercises. The result will not keep you waiting. Even if you can't improve your eyesight, you will at least feel much better.
