What is amber oil? You can find a photo of this natural product in this article. You will also learn about its properties and uses.

Basic information
What is amber oil made of? The manufacturer of this product claims that it is based on amber, which is a petrified pine resin. Its medicinal properties have been known since ancient times. So, from the ancient Greek language, the word "electrum", which means "amber", is translated as "I protect".
Historical background
Why is amber oil so popular among supporters of alternative medicine? For the first time, people showed their interest in amber because of its unusual beauty, as well as electrostatic and healing properties. The varied color of the fossil and its pleasant texture were considered magical and easily consoled the person.
For the first time, amber was used to treat human diseases by the famous physician Hippocrates. It was he who left to his followers effective methods of treating headaches and toothaches, consumption, periodontal disease, insomnia and skin diseases. Thus, crushed amber was used to treat teeth in order to make them white, shiny and clean. Also, many people believed that this fossil was able to strengthen teeth and disinfect the oral cavity.
Over time, the product in question was taught to make amber oil. We will tell you about its properties and methods of application right now.

How is it produced?
How is concentrated amber oil made? As mentioned above, the main ingredient of this product is amber. Previously, in order to make a healing solution from this stone, a special technique was used. For example, Tibetan healers crushed this product to a powdery state and mixed it with ordinary water. Such a kind of medicine well treated cataracts, tonsillitis, myopia, diseases of the stomach and heart. Also, with the help of amber water, they expelled stones from the kidneys and gallbladder, stopped vomiting and hemoptysis. To get rid of purulent ulcers and tumors, healers recommended applying dressings soaked in a medicinal solution to the problem area.
Today, instead of a water-based drug, manufacturers produce oil (amber). It is also obtained from natural amber, which is subjected to dry distillation. Just like the stone itself, this product has a number of healing properties, so it is actively used for cosmetic purposes and for the treatment of various diseases.
Product Features
What is amber oil? Reviews of experts say that this product is an excellent antiseptic of natural origin. It is good for stimulating the immune system as well ashas wound healing and antiviral effects.
After applying this product to the skin, it is very quickly absorbed and almost immediately penetrates into the deeper layers.

The product in question is very often used in dermatological practice for the treatment of skin diseases such as rashes, psoriasis, herpetic infections, trophic ulcers, bedsores, burns and various wounds.
Oil Features
Sambia amber oil, as well as similar products from other manufacturers, has a unique rich resinous aroma. Due to this unusual property, it can be used for aromatherapy, including in the treatment of the upper respiratory tract (for example, in bronchial asthma).
What is remarkable about amber oil? This is a product made from natural amber, which is completely free of any additives. A feature of the mentioned stone is that when it melts, succinic acid is released, as well as gases with a pungent odor and a brown liquid, which is called the essential oil of amber.
According to experts, in terms of its chemical and physical properties, the product in question is able to quickly penetrate not only into the skin, but also into blood vessels and blood.
Where is amber oil used? This tool is actively used in cosmetology practice. It is used to rejuvenate, restore elasticity and strengthen the skin. It is also often prescribed as a strong topical antiseptic that effectively treats ulcers,pimples and cracks on the skin. In addition, amber oil is often used for gentle hair care. This product perfectly nourishes and strengthens the hair follicles, promotes hair growth and gives them vitality.

Main purpose
What is the purpose of amber oil? As mentioned above, this product is a natural antiseptic. It is also an antibiotic and antiviral agent. It has strong wound healing and antiviral properties, immunostimulating and rejuvenating effects.
After using this product, skin wounds heal very quickly. At the same time, rough scars are not formed, and necrotic tissues are instantly cleared. Also, amber oil removes fibrin plaque well. After using it, the granulations acquire a juicy bright red color.
Thanks to this product, skin wounds can be prepared for autodermoplasty surgery in the shortest possible time.
Given all the properties of amber oil, we can safely say that it is actively used for treatment:
- ulcerative lesions in the rectum;
- duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer;
- skin diseases, including furunculosis, acne, pyoderma, impetigo, dermatophatia, dermatolycosis, herpes, herpes zoster, lycosis, psoriasis, seizures;
- abrasions and cuts, bedsores, bruises, insect bites, burns from poisonous plants,blisters, calluses and warts;
- surgical diseases, including panaritium, trophic ulcers, paronychia (inflammation of the periungual roller), bedsores, burns, purulent wounds.

Using oil
How should I use amber seed oil? The manufacturer claims that there are a huge number of ways to use this product. This depends on the type and severity of the underlying disease.
Most often the product in question is used for massage. To do this, use a small amount of oil, which is rubbed into the skin for 5 minutes. The duration of the course is 10-15 procedures. After that, they take a break of 20 days, and the course is resumed.
Amber oil is very often prescribed to athletes to warm up muscle tissues and joints before training or other intense loads.
In the presence of bruises, injuries and sprains, this product is rubbed into the skin to activate blood circulation, regenerate damaged tissues and accelerate metabolic processes in cells.

Pain during exacerbations of ostitis, arthritis, bursitis, polyarthritis and myositis Amber oil, along with other medicines, is used to relieve pain, as well as restore metabolic processes in damaged tissues.
In the presence of diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis and colds, this product is used to irrigate the oral cavity in order to provide a bactericidal effect. Also providedrubbing the chest to warm the tissues and help cough up phlegm.
Massage with amber oil treats such parts of the spine as the thoracic, cervical, sacral and lumbar. It is also used for wounds and injuries of the peripheral sections of the National Assembly, osteochondrosis, neuritis and radiculitis. Massage with this product gives a mild warming effect. It has a positive effect on the skin, connective tissues, muscles and tendons, as well as relieves pain and accelerates regeneration processes.
In the presence of varicose veins, rubbing amber oil can achieve a good analgesic effect, restore blood circulation in damaged vessels and cleanse them.
What do users say about amber oil? There are not many reviews for this product. This is due to the fact that not all patients are aware of the healing properties of this remedy.

As for those consumers who know the characteristics of amber oil, they claim that it works well in the treatment of skin diseases, including acne, trophic ulcers, rashes, psoriasis, herpes infections, bedsores, burns and various wounds. However, experts report that the use of this product without first consulting a doctor is undesirable.