Precious and semi-precious stones are most often used by jewelers to make jewelry. However, some of them have medicinal properties. Amber is one of them. The beneficial properties of this stone have been known since ancient times. It is generally accepted that amber is the solar stone of Aquarius and Leo, a powerful healer that is able to cleanse the body and the environment.
According to experts studying the properties of stones, amber draws diseases from the human body, takes away pain and negative energy, helps relieve stress, calms the nervous system, and gives a person strength. He is credited with the amazing ability to heal goiter, relieve problems with the throat, stomach, kidneys, spleen, liver, urinary and gallbladder.
Origin of amber
Amber, which in Russia was called alatyr, is an unusual stone in every respect. It is shrouded in numerous beautiful legends. According to one of them, the son of the Sun God Helios Phaeton fromfor stupidity and willfulness, he neglected the advice of his father and almost burned the sky and the Earth, driving the fiery chariot of Helios, which angered Zeus the Thunderer.
To protect humanity, Zeus threw a lightning bolt at the shrew, and the young man, engulfed in flames, fell dead into the Eridanus River. For four months mother and sister mourned Phaeton. Their tears turned into pieces of amber, and Klymene and Heliades themselves into evergreen larches.

The legend is very similar to the truth, because amber is the fossilized resin of coniferous trees that have long disappeared from our planet. Scientists managed to establish that about 50 million years ago, global warming occurred on the territory of the modern B altic. In this regard, coniferous trees began to actively release a huge amount of resin. The largest place where amber is mined is located on the coast of the B altic Sea.
In fact, it is not a stone in the usual sense of the word - it is petrified resin. Nevertheless, it is believed that this is one of the most ancient stones that people began to process and use it in the manufacture of jewelry. Scientists attribute the first such samples to 8000 BC.
External Features
In ancient times, people greatly appreciated amber not only for its attractive appearance, but also as a powerful amulet with healing properties. Amber is mined on the sea coast and in quarries. The sun stone was named for its unusual appearance and thanks to one of the legends, according to which they turned into stonefrozen sunbeams.
Most often the mineral is transparent, colored orange or pale yellow. Inside the stone, you can often see drops of air, grass, ancient insects, the size of which determines the value of amber. If the insects are large, the stone is precious.

Amber can be divided into several groups:
- B altic amber - sukkinit.
- Burmese - Burmese.
- Sicilian - Sinemite.
- Romanian is Romanian.
The last three species on this list are extremely rare forms.
Healing properties
Today, amber is successfully used in many areas of medicine. Thanks to the healing properties of amber, it effectively helps with migraines, sore throats, high blood pressure, strengthens the heart, and makes blood vessels more elastic. Its especially valuable property is the ability to destroy various tumors, fibroids, cysts, and accelerate the treatment of mastopathy.
Amber is known for its antiseptic and bactericidal properties, it quickly relieves various inflammations. "Sun Stone" has a beneficial effect on the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. Beads from the "sun stone" are useful for people with thyroid diseases and a lack of iodine in the body. We will talk about the healing properties of raw amber beads a little later.

Amber successfully heals:
- pressure drops;
- headaches;
- diseases of the spleen;
- vitamin D deficiency;
- low hemoglobin.
- benign neoplasms;
- thyroid disease;
- metabolic disorders.
Moreover, succinic acid effectively cleanses the blood and lymph. There are descriptions of amber in ancient treatises as one of the components of immortality elixirs.
Healing properties of raw amber
A stone that has not been polished is called raw. It is used both in jewelry and in folk and traditional medicine. Raw amber is believed to have powerful healing properties. Pieces of raw stone contain a large amount of succinic acid. In contact with the skin and friction of the mineral, it is released and activates many processes in the body. This process can be compared to a kind of recharging the body with vitality, which contributes to recovery.
Untreated amber has a rough surface and natural irregularities. Perhaps the appearance of such a mineral is inferior to the processed one, although it also has a special appeal. It should be noted the healing properties of amber in thyroid gland. Experts believe that the raw stone is able to relieve inflammation and has a beneficial effect on this gland.

Most of the problems that are associated with its work arise due to a lack of iodine, which is found in large quantities in amber resin. Raw amber cleanses the body of toxins, as it is a natural sorbent that absorbs radioactive particles. ByFor this reason, it can be argued that jewelry made from natural amber reduces the risk of oncological neoplasms.
Of the jewelry made from raw mineral, beads are the most widely used. Why? The neck area contains a large number of organs that play an important role in the body - the arteries that feed the brain, thyroid gland, spine and spinal cord. For example, cervical osteochondrosis gives people a lot of problems precisely because of its location in the neck. Many important processes are influenced by the thyroid gland, which is responsible not only for metabolism, but also regulates all processes in the body with the help of hormones. The healing properties of amber beads are also used to prevent thyroid diseases.
It is believed that the larger the minerals in the beads, the stronger their quality. For the treatment of skin diseases, getting rid of toothache and headaches, insomnia, the healing properties of beads made from raw amber were used. And the reviews of modern owners of such jewelry confirm this. It really has a beneficial effect on the body.
Recognized to protect against colds and help cure rheumatism healing properties of the stone. Amber (unprocessed) is great for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Which, you see, is very important. The healing properties of amber beads facilitate the bearing of the fetus and the course of childbirth. There is an opinion that a woman who is breastfeeding and has a natural amber talisman will have a cheerful and kind baby.

Unprocessed amber is used in the form of amber crumbs in therapy. It is used for therapeutic massage. To do this, the crushed resin is laid out in a thin layer on the affected area and massaged with light movements for 10 minutes.
Magical Properties
Healing and magical properties of amber are wonderfully combined with each other. Since ancient times, the "sun stone" has symbolized he alth and happiness. Often it was used as a talisman for the house and a talisman. Untreated amber was placed near the bed to scare away evil spirits. Amber figurines were often placed in dwellings to prevent fires and lightning strikes.
Remains of amber or poor quality stone used in folk ceremonies to create a smoke that has a pleasant smell. It was used for fumigation of newlyweds, dwellings. According to legend, amber gave vitality and helped to realize the innermost desires of the owner.
Chemical composition
The healing properties of amber have a beneficial effect on the body. This is due to its chemical composition, which may vary depending on the deposit where the mineral was mined. Each of them consists of four substances: oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and succinic acid. The quality and quantity of other components depends on the type of mineral. High-quality amber is characterized by the presence of twelve more components that are beneficial to the body. Among them: magnesium and zinc, calcium and iodine, iron.
B altic amber is recognized as the most valuable. In appearance and healing properties, amber fromB altic is the reference. Such stones are painted in light yellow color, they are translucent and more actively interact with the human body than others. And in the amber mined in Lebanon, heavy metals were found that are harmful to humans, and it contains less succinic acid.

Due to the useful substances contained in the stone, it is used not only for making jewelry, but also for creating medicines.
Use of amber
Due to its unique composition and medicinal properties, amber is used both in folk and traditional medicine. It is valued as an exquisite decoration, a component of many medicines, a strong amulet.
In medicine
Amber extracts oil, which has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It is rubbed into the thyroid gland to normalize its work. Amber oil is used for pneumonia, coughs, bruises and sprains. Apply it externally, rubbing it into the affected area. In addition, it helps with myositis, osteitis, arthritis. The oil relieves severe pain and speeds up metabolic processes.
Amber powder
This is a component of medicines designed to restore the amount of iodine, treat migraines, coughs, thyroid diseases, joint pain. It is an ingredient found in some sedatives that help fight fatigue and relieve tension.
Succinic acid
Widely used in therapeutic practice for the treatment of many diseases. Succinic acid is used in sports and cosmetology. The drug has antioxidant, metabolic and antihypoxic properties. Use during pregnancy is allowed. Available in the form of tablets in blister packs of 10 pieces each.

For women
Wearing amber, the healing properties of which are today described in special publications, women began in ancient times. However, the "sun stone" is valued not only as an ornament. For women, the properties of amber are important primarily due to the positive effect of the mineral on the body as a whole. The stone improves the general condition, relieves physical and moral fatigue, relieves severe headaches.
Round polished amber is used to massage the skin of the face, promoting rejuvenation. It can be used for back massage. This procedure usually takes about 10 minutes and helps to relieve the condition.
To rejuvenate the skin at the cellular level and enhance energy, it is recommended to use the healing properties of amber. Women of any age are recommended to wear jewelry made of "sun stone". In addition to being good for the female body, it's just very beautiful.
For men
The healing properties of amber are also important for the male body. The stone strengthens and makes muscles more elastic. With serious physical exertion, amber helps the joints to always remain in excellent shape. In addition, it has a positive effect on potency when using amber tincture. This tool will help relieve tension in the body,normalize the nervous system.
For kids
Children are not recommended to give drugs containing succinic acid. They can cause stomach pain or an allergic reaction. Therefore, untreated stones are suitable for babies, which are used as a natural pain reliever. The stone should be placed on the problem area, and very soon the child will feel relief. In addition, amber quickly and gently soothes a child's skin after insect bites, scratches.
Perhaps the most common use of amber is to make jewelry. The most popular beads are made of B altic stone. This amazing gem shines very beautifully in the sun. Brooches and rings, bracelets are made from it, interior items are inlaid. Premium grade amber is highly valued by jewelers as each stone is unique and easy to work with.
Use in cosmetology
In cosmetology, masks and oils containing amber powder are common. This component has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it supple, smooth and soft. The shoulders and back are massaged with oil, which helps to warm up certain areas of the body and relieve muscle pain.
Amber tincture
To prepare a medicinal tincture, you will need alcohol (or vodka) and a raw gem. First, you should grind the stone to a powder state, and then mix the components in a ratio of 25 grams of stone to 500 ml of high-quality vodka. The resulting composition is set for two weeks to insist on the sunplace. The composition should be shaken periodically.
The drug is used both inside and as a rubbing for joints, tendons, problem areas of the body. In folk medicine, there are cases when, after three months of taking a medicinal tincture from amber, patients were cured of such serious diseases as stomach ulcers and gastritis. Amber tincture can cure tracheitis and bronchitis (acute). Take the tincture should be five drops once a day. It can be added to drinks or food. The tincture retains its properties for more than three years.
Nature has generously endowed a person with everything that is necessary to support the body in shape. With the help of natural remedies, minerals, medicinal plants, a person can remain he althy for a long time. Amber, undoubtedly, is one of the gems that helps a person in the treatment of many rather serious diseases and protects against unwanted energy effects.