An influenza epidemic in Moscow began in September. The main problem is that many people consider the virus not dangerous, so they try to heal themselves. According to statistics, about 500,000 people die from the flu every year due to a conniving attitude towards their he alth in the world. As you know, the causative agent of influenza ceases to be isolated after a week, but in especially severe cases, when there is a risk of complications with pneumonia, the virus can live up to three weeks. Flu statistics in Moscow show an increase in the incidence, which has been gradually increasing since September and, according to preliminary data, may only decline in March 2019.
Who is most likely to be infected?
Any viral disease has its own risk group, including the flu. The World He alth Organization has determined that in 2018 the following segments of the population are affected by the disease:
- First of all, the flu can hit young children. This is due to the fact that vaccinations against this virus are not given to children whounder six months old. Children between the ages of 2 and 5 are most likely to tolerate vaccination.
- Seasonal influenza epidemic in Moscow has become dangerous for pregnant women. Although vaccination can be done at any stage of pregnancy, not every woman agrees to take this step.
- People with chronic pathologies are at risk, as their body is most vulnerable to the virus. To prevent complications and serious he alth problems, it is recommended to get vaccinated on time.
- The virus has recently been increasingly affecting older people. The fact is that even if such people are vaccinated on time, the vaccine will still have less effect on their body than on younger people.

Among the sick, there are more medical workers. It is doctors who have to deal with patients who seek help with various viral diseases, so they are advised to get vaccinated every year
Vaccination should not be taken as a panacea for all diseases, but it will still help to transfer the flu in a mild form.
Influenza strains in Moscow in 2018
In September, experts recorded that most of the sick people who went to the hospital were with various acute viral diseases. The SARS epidemic in Moscow just reached its peak at this time of the year due to a sharp change in weather conditions. Consider the main strains that occurred in 2018 in the capital:
Were rarestrains of influenza A. This virus is considered one of the most dangerous, as it spreads quickly and is transmitted from a sick person to a he althy one. The main problem for specialists is that this virus can quickly mutate and become resistant to certain medications

- There were cases of swine flu that made a splash in 2009. In this case, the main danger lies in complications that primarily affect the lungs.
- Most often in 2018, residents of the capital were ill with influenza B strain. This group is not of great danger, it is easily treated with medicines.
Each year, institute staff work to develop effective vaccines against all strains and to determine how flu is contracted. But according to all scientists' forecasts, September was the beginning of protracted outbreaks of the disease, which will last until the end of the first month of spring.
What strain of flu is expected in Moscow after September
The World He alth Organization conducted research and concluded that after the flu that was in Moscow in September, two new strains of the virus, called A (H3N2) Singapore and B (Colorado), may appear. Experts reassure the population and argue that these viruses should not be particularly afraid, since they were included in the trivalent vaccine.

Also, experts say that it is important to get vaccinated on time, it is necessary to be vaccinated three weeks before the start of the epidemic, inin this case, the body will have time to develop resistance.
Features of the flu 2018
The main peak, when the epidemic in Moscow begins to rage, according to medical forecasts, will fall in the winter. Every resident needs to pay attention to the following features of the flu:
- The disease will develop very rapidly.
- Flu will be hard to diagnose.
- A rather high mortality rate is expected if qualified assistance is not provided on time.
It is not the flu itself and its symptoms that are considered terrible, but the complications that can develop. Common complications include:
- Bacterial pneumonia that can show up as early as day 3.
- Sinusitis and otitis develops.
- It is not uncommon for a patient to be diagnosed with meningitis after the flu.
- Bacterial pathogens can enter the bloodstream and provoke sepsis.

Doctors recommend getting vaccinated on time, and when the first signs and symptoms appear, immediately contact a specialist.
Flu Symptoms 2018 – 2019
It is clear that all the symptoms will depend only on which strain of influenza is progressing. But basically it is important to focus on the incubation period, which can last several days. Here are the symptoms that may be present in different strains of the flu:
- High temperature and fever.
- Pain in all muscles and joints.
- Weakness all over the body.
- Dizzy and strongheadache.
- Nausea and vomiting often occur.
- Bad appetite.
These symptoms can persist for a week, if they persist, then there are likely complications.
How to tell the flu from a cold
It was September 2018 that turned out to be very difficult for the capital, the flu in Moscow and SARS during this period began to develop rapidly. It is important to remember that before you start treating the flu, you need to make sure that it is not a common cold. A sick person needs to pay attention to the main symptoms that will be unique to the flu.

In any case, you need to contact a specialist who will conduct an accurate diagnosis and determine further treatment.
Influenza Prevention 2018 - 2019
Given the fact that the epidemic in Moscow, associated with different strains of influenza, is only approaching, it is important to think about prevention. Preventive measures are aimed at strengthening the human immunity and activating its defenses. Here are the main measures:
- Efforts should be made to keep contact with people infected with the virus to a minimum.
- Take vitamins.
- Keep hygiene.
- Practice exercise.
- Sleep at least 8 hours a night.
- Eat right and get rid of bad habits.
- Vaccinate on time.
Any flu is dangerous, especially since every year viruses become more resistant to many medications. Despiteto this, qualified medical care will help to avoid complications and fully recover and recover.
The epidemic in Moscow this year is not expected to be as strong as in previous seasons, and this is primarily due to the fact that, according to statistics, there are more vaccinated people than unvaccinated people. Every year the vaccine is updated and includes new strains of influenza, which makes it possible to successfully fight the virus. Vaccination should be done in advance, before the main wave of the epidemic begins.

Before you get vaccinated, you need to consult a specialist to rule out adverse reactions. Rarely, but still, some patients complain of redness and a slight temperature after vaccination, but these symptoms soon disappear.