The German pharmaceutical company Bayer has been on the market for over 150 years. It is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Bayer not only produces therapeutic drugs, but also conducts scientific research, looking for new active substances. Bayer drugs are considered to be among the highest quality on the pharmaceutical market.
About company
Most pharmaceutical companies with a long history have both examples of incredible medical discoveries that have brought successful cures to a huge number of people, and what I would not want to remember. Bayer medicines are also quite diverse: at the very beginning of their activity, the company's employees were able to synthesize the well-known Aspirin. Subsequently, this substance has become one of the most sold around the world. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties,while having severe side effects that were all known then analogues.
But in addition to the successfully used "Aspirin" among the drugs "Bayer" there are far from such useful inventions. For example, the narcotic substance heroin was synthesized by this company. Moreover, the corporation considered this development to be truly successful, in honor of which it was given the name (from the word "hero").
At the moment, the company is successfully searching for new medicines, while conducting a full cycle of efficacy studies. According to the drug catalog, Bayer produces not only drugs for medical use, but also veterinary medicinal components, as well as products for agriculture.
For people

Medicines "Bayer" are known worldwide as one of the highest quality. The company manufactures the following categories of medical devices:
- Vitamin complexes: "Elevit" - for pregnant women, "Supradin" - for adult patients, "Supradin kids" - for children.
- Drugs for the treatment of skin diseases: Skinoren, Diprosalik, Triderm, Friderm, Celestoderm.
- Antihistamines: Erius.
- Drugs that eliminate the symptoms of colds: "Antiflu", "Antiflu kids" - antipyretic, "Aspirin", "Afrin", "Nazol" -drug to eliminate nasal congestion.
- Drugs used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: Rennie, Iberogast.
Also, in addition to the described means, Bayer drugs are used in the treatment of serious diseases, including in a hospital setting. Among the drugs known are:
- "Androkur" and "Androkur Depot" - drugs for the treatment of prostate cancer.
- "Jess", "Jess plus", "Janine", "Diana - 35", "Klayra" - oral contraceptives.
- Nimotop, Osmo-Adalat, Adalat, Xarelto are calcium channel blockers.
Some of the company's products are only available on prescription. Therefore, before going to the pharmacy, it would be better to ask if the desired medicine is included in the prescription list.
Pet drugs

In addition to medicines for humans, Bayer is successfully developing medicines used in veterinary practice:
- Drops for the destruction of fleas and lice: "Advantage", "Lawyer", "Advantix".
- Antiparasitic drugs: Baimek, Drontal plus, Prokoks and others.
- Antibacterial agents: Bioclave, Bioclox, Baytril, Laktobay.
The company also produces combination vaccines foranimals, including for the protection of cattle.
Agricultural inputs

Most of Bayer's products for agricultural use are herbicides and insecticides. These are Baccarat, Baritone, Calypso, Proteus, Belt, Meister and many others. These products can also be called one of the highest quality for agriculture on the market.