Cough begins: how to treat, how to quickly relieve symptoms, medications and alternative methods of treatment

Cough begins: how to treat, how to quickly relieve symptoms, medications and alternative methods of treatment
Cough begins: how to treat, how to quickly relieve symptoms, medications and alternative methods of treatment

Cough is one of the first symptoms of a cold or other respiratory illness in children and adults. In order not to start the disease, you need to take appropriate action as soon as possible. There are many drugs, as well as folk recipes that are effective in the initial stage of SARS or other respiratory diseases. They are prescribed by a doctor if a cough begins. How to treat colds, flu in the initial stage of their development, will be discussed further.

General recommendations

Often, at the initial stage of a cold, a cough begins. How to treat it depends largely on the cause, as well as on the characteristics of the patient's body. It is worth considering that cough is a protective reaction of the body, which allows you to remove sputum, dust, allergens, foreignobjects from the respiratory tract. Its appearance can be provoked not only by inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

Starts dry cough than to treat?
Starts dry cough than to treat?

Cough can be dry or wet. Usually both of these varieties go away after a maximum of two weeks. To speed up the healing process and not start the disease, you need to know how to overcome it correctly. How to treat a beginning cough in an adult or a child, the doctor will tell you. Be sure to identify the cause of this symptom. If it is an allergy, bronchial asthma, it is necessary to eliminate the effect of the provoking factor. Conventional cold remedies will be powerless in this case.

Most often, cough appears due to SARS. Almost every adult and child is familiar with a cold. This is one of the most common diseases. However, treatment is not always carried out correctly. So, according to statistics, 5.7% of the population of our country take drugs that are contraindicated for them for colds. Another 23% of people take antibiotics without an indication for their use. As a result, the disease not only does not recede, but also noticeably worsens.

When a cold is most often at an early stage of the disease, a cough begins. How to treat it depends on the cause of the respiratory disease. It can be a virus or bacteria, so the mechanism of action on them is different. Antibiotics can not only not help, but also harm. With a viral infection, they are powerless. With bacterial complications, this group of drugs is very effective. But this is true if the drug is chosen correctly, andits reception is carried out according to a certain scheme. If treated with antibiotics incorrectly, the problem can be exacerbated.

Cough due to bacterial infection

Treatment of an incipient cough depends on the causative agent of the infection. If it's a cold caused by bacteria, you need to take antibiotics. But it is worth remembering that a similar group of respiratory diseases occurs in only 5-30% of cases. Moreover, the symptoms can be the same as with the flu. Therefore, uncontrolled use of antibiotics can harm he alth.

General recommendations
General recommendations

Most often, bactericidal infections are manifested by acute rhinitis and sinusitis. Runny nose is characterized by green-yellow thick discharge. Acute otitis media may also develop. Often the disease is aggravated by tonsillitis, alveolitis. Often people describe their condition in such a way that at first the throat hurt, then the cough began. How to treat such a condition, the doctor will answer. But quite often the disease may require antibiotics. This is the main remedy if pathogenic bacteria have become the cause of discomfort in the throat.

But it is also worth considering that with the development of such a disease, you need to choose the right type of antibiotics. Today there are many types of them. The drug should have a directed effect on the pathogenic microflora.

Often, a complication begins to develop against the background of a primary infection. In this case, patients claim that after a dry cough, a wet one began. How to treat complications, the doctor will say. Cough in this case can be "chest". It comes from the lungs or bronchi. Detachable fromrespiratory tract becomes yellowish or greenish. In this case, the temperature rises again after a temporary improvement.

If complications such as bronchitis, otitis media have joined the primary infection, the doctor may prescribe, for example, Amoxicillin or its combination with clavulonic acid. With rhinosinusitis, drops with an antibacterial effect of topical application are prescribed. This, for example, can be "Polydex", "Isofra" or their analogues. But it is worth considering that with a runny nose caused by a virus, these drugs will be ineffective.

Viral infection

Often a viral infection provokes a condition when a dry cough begins. How to treat this type of ailment? There are more than 200 varieties of viruses that can cause respiratory diseases, cough. Therefore, it is almost impossible to choose an antiviral drug in accordance with the type of pathogenic microorganisms.

when talking, a cough begins, what to treat?
when talking, a cough begins, what to treat?

If the flu virus is the cause of the cough, the doctor prescribes, for example, Tamiflu, Remantadine, Relenza. This treatment is effective only at the beginning of the disease. Moreover, such drugs can not completely cure the disease. They are prescribed to prevent the development of serious complications.

If other viruses are the cause of the disease, it is useless to take the drugs presented. The doctor may prescribe inducers and interferons. These drugs interfere with viral replication. They will not be able to penetrate into he althy cells. From the category of interferons, "Viferon", "Interferon leukocyte" are most often prescribed.human", "Grippferon" and so on. Inductors are stimulators of their own protective protein. One of these drugs is Amiksin. It is effective only in the first days of the onset of the disease.

Stimulate local immunity in case of viral infection immunotropic agents. This, for example, can be "Ribomunil", "IRS-19", "Immudon".

With a large list of drugs, it is almost impossible to choose the right drug on your own. Only after a laboratory examination, you can choose the right drug. In most cases, the treatment of an incipient cough is symptomatic.

Relieving condition

Sometimes patients, visiting a therapist, say that they have started coughing without fever. How to treat such a condition? In this case, symptomatic treatment is more often prescribed. It allows you to reduce discomfort. So, when coughing, special lozenges with different tastes are prescribed. For example, it can be Strepsils, Doctor Mom and other similar drugs. Among the drugs in this group there are lozenges that contain special ingredients to reduce pain.

how to treat a beginning cough in an adult?
how to treat a beginning cough in an adult?

But what if the temperature rises, the throat hurts, the cough begins? How to treat a cold at the initial stage, the doctor will also advise. Most often, complex preparations are prescribed, which are sold in the form of powders for dissolution in hot water. The most famous drugs of this group are Coldrex, Fervex, Teraflu.

The basis of such drugs isparacetamol. It alleviates the patient's condition, lowers the temperature and temporarily eliminates unpleasant symptoms. Paracetamol also reduces inflammation. Enhances the action of paracetamol phenylephrine. It constricts blood vessels, often used in the treatment of the common cold. If there is an allergic factor, the formulation should include pheniramine, which can also reduce inflammation.

Hot drinks sold in powdered form may contain ascorbic acid (vitamin C), caffeine. The first of these components is the strongest antioxidant. It greatly speeds up the healing process. Caffeine invigorates and serves as a general tonic.

Symptomatic treatment can temporarily reduce the severity of discomfort. But over time, their action stops. Therefore, such drugs are used in order to recover if there is a responsible meeting ahead, and there is no time to rest. But it is worth considering that suffering a cold on the legs, a person risks getting complications of the infection.

Dry or wet cough?

Almost always at an early stage of the disease, a dry cough begins. How to treat it in this case? This is a non-productive cough that cannot rid the body of pathogens. They can only be excreted with sputum. Therefore, a few days after the onset of the disease, a productive cough occurs. It is accompanied by sputum production.

early cough treatment
early cough treatment

There are many syrups, sprays, dry cough tablets on sale. In addition, it is important to keepcertain rules during treatment at the initial stage of development. You need to drink plenty of fluids. It can be warm teas, compotes, fruit drinks, pure water. Do not drink drinks that irritate your throat. No carbonated drinks, too hot or cold drink.

You also need to maintain the optimal level of humidity in the room. To do this, you can buy a special steam generator. If you wet a sheet and dry it on a radiator, the humidity level will increase. This is necessary in order to alleviate the patient's condition, to prevent the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx from drying out.

Often in the early stages of a cold when talking, a cough begins. How to treat such an unpleasant phenomenon? Plant-based syrups are effective. They may contain different components. So, effective for dry cough "Gedelix" based on ivy extract, as well as other herbal preparations.

Ambroxol tablets help with dry cough. From this group, doctors often prescribe Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Ambrohexal.

Among dry cough sprays, the most effective drug is called "Gexoral". It contains hexetidine. The active substance inhibits the pathogenic microflora, acting in the larynx for up to 12 hours. Also available as a rinse solution.

Wet cough

It is not uncommon for a cough to start after a runny nose. How to treat such a complication? Most often it is a productive cough. It removes sputum clots from the body, which contain viruses and bacteria. For this type of cough, you need to use specialfacilities. They will help to remove phlegm, speeding up recovery.

coughing begins with gv what to treat?
coughing begins with gv what to treat?

During the period when a wet cough appears, inhalations will be effective. You can use special equipment during their implementation. These are various nebulizers that deliver a medicinal solution to the site of inflammation.

You can take cough pills that thin thick mucus, improving its outflow from the body. This, for example, can be Muk altin, ACC, Fluimucil.

If a bacterial infection is the cause of the wet cough during diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics such as penicillin, cephalosporins, or macrolides. The most famous drugs in this group are Ampicillin, Erythromycin, Ceftriaxone.

Drugs for lactation

If a woman who is currently breastfeeding a baby has a cold, the cough should be treated strictly in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor. Many drugs during this period, as well as during pregnancy, are prohibited. Stopping breastfeeding (HB) is not worth it. With mother's milk, the child receives antibodies that allow his body to easily cope with the infection.

It is important to choose the right drugs if you start coughing with breastfeeding. How to treat a cold during lactation? It is desirable to use drugs based on certain medicinal components. In order for the baby to receive as few chemicals as possible with milk, tablets, sprays, syrups should be taken immediately after feeding. There is a list of approveddrugs.

Among lactation syrups, it is allowed to take Gerbion (based on mallow and plantain extract), Gedelix and Prospan (both drugs based on ivy extract). Remedies based on anise, thyme, thyme are allowed.

There is a list of pills that are approved by WHO and practically do not pass into breast milk. They are taken as prescribed by a doctor if a cough begins. How to treat a cold with HB? These can be drugs such as Ambroxol, ACC, Fluimucil, Muk altin. You can gargle when using Furacilin preparations, dissolve the Lyzobact tablets.

When lactating, you can use cough sprays "Tantum Verde", "Chlorophyllipt". For inhalation when using a nebulizer, you can use Miramistin, sterile saline or Borjomi.

Folk remedies

When studying how to treat an incipient cough in an adult, you should pay attention to traditional medicine recipes. There are several herbs that can reduce throat discomfort. This is a symptomatic treatment.

Cough due to bacterial infection
Cough due to bacterial infection

One good antiseptic and antioxidant is black pepper. It improves blood circulation, eliminates intoxication of the body. To prepare the medicine, you need to take a tablespoon of ground black pepper and a glass of honey. They are mixed and then taken in a teaspoon three times a day. You can also mix half a teaspoon of pepper and a glass of milk. After mixing the ingredients, they are infused and then drunk before going to bed.

Expectorant and tonicCardamom has an effect. You need to take 0.5 teaspoon of tincture from this plant and the same amount of cinnamon. They are poured with a glass of boiling water. When the remedy has cooled, it is used as a gargle for dry coughs.

Ginger juice can be used during treatment. It will take 2 teaspoons. Some s alt is added to the juice and taken before meals.

When breastfeeding, you can use decoctions of calendula, wild rose, chamomile, wild rosemary leaves.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on expectorants

How to treat a child's incipient cough? Komarovsky, who is a well-known pediatrician, gives some advice to parents. He claims there are a few things to know about cough medicines.

after the throat cough began what to treat?
after the throat cough began what to treat?

Expectorants increase the amount of sputum. It liquefies, which should contribute to easier coughing. Most often in children, cough and runny nose are caused by pharyngitis, laryngitis or rhinitis. In this case, the use of drugs to increase mucus (mucolytics) is useless, according to Dr. Komarovsky.

These drugs are prescribed only for diseases of the lower respiratory tract, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. But for children, such drugs are prescribed with extreme caution. Mucolytics can make coughing worse. Children, according to Komarovsky, are not able to fully cough up mucus. When taking expectorant drugs, sputum becomes too much. It accumulates in the lower respiratory tract. This leads to the development of pneumonia orbronchitis. Therefore, it is better not to use such remedies for children when coughing.

How to treat a cough in a child?

Treatment of a beginning cough in children is carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician. Dr. Komarovsky claims that several actions will help improve the condition of the baby. The child needs to be warmly dressed and open the window. The air must be cool and clean. The temperature in the room should not be lower than 16ºС. But it should drop below 20ºC.

treatment for cough in children
treatment for cough in children

It is necessary to provide a normal level of humidity in the room. It should be between 40 and 70%. Parents should monitor how the child breathes. His mouth must be closed. Breathing is carried out exclusively through the nose.

It is important to frequently flush your nose with saline or saline. If necessary, you can use vasodilators (as prescribed by a doctor). The child should drink plenty of warm fluids.

Evgeny Komarovsky argues that the child's stay in a cool room and the use of a large amount of warm liquid contributes to the removal of sputum. It will actively liquefy and cough up easily.

Cough in infants is most often caused by the presence of sputum in the upper respiratory tract. It is necessary to clean the child's nose with a medical pear or a special device called an aspirator. In this case, saline or special preparations are used, for example, "Humer". This allows you to quickly eliminate the cough in the baby.
