If the joint is swollen, what should I do? This is a common question. We will understand it in more detail in this article.
Swelling and limitation of motor functions in the joints of the arms, hands, fingers or legs, pain syndrome is a common complaint with which patients come to see specialists. What to do with swollen joints, what pathological processes cause this symptom and how to treat them?

First of all, you should find out the main reason that provokes pathological changes. Ignoring this problem can lead to very serious consequences, which are associated with irreversible destruction of the articular and cartilage tissue.
First, let's look at the reasons for the ailment in the joints of the hands.
Swollen joints in hands
The anatomy of the hands is a complex structure made up of many small bones, nerve endings, joints and muscle tissue. Taken together, thisthe system works as a single mechanism that responds to signals that come from the brain. No wonder the development of the child is directly related to the motor skills of the hands, which allows you to master new movements and learn the skills necessary in life.
Hands are subjected to high loads based on work processes, making finger flexibility, coordination and precision essential.
Two main groups of causes of illness
The reasons that the hands are swollen and the joints hurt can be divided into two main groups:
- factors that are not related to the disease;
- articular pathologies and diseases of the musculoskeletal system of various origins.

Causes that are not associated with concomitant pathologies are determined by the type of professional activity, the nature of nutrition, lifestyle or traumatic factors. Among the diseases that contribute to the fact that the joints of the hands hurt and swell, the most common are pathologies that cause damage to the connective tissue or inflammatory and degenerative processes that deform and destroy the joints.
Which specialist should I contact if I have joint problems?
It depends on the cause that provokes such pathological changes. In case of problems caused by traumatic factors, a traumatologist is engaged in therapy. If the symptoms are due to a disease of the musculoskeletal system or nervous system, you should seek helprheumatologist, orthopedist, neurologist.
Swelling of the joints of the legs
Inflammation of the joints of the legs affects all the elements that form the tissues of the joint (tendons, ligaments, cartilage, etc.), as a result of which the joint loses its function, swells and collapses.
Depending on the location of the pathological process, the following types of diseases are distinguished, which are accompanied by swelling of the joint on the leg:
- Inflammation of the knee joint is observed most often, since this joint is considered the most vulnerable due to the complex structure and stress on it. Symptoms are rarely severe in the initial stages. Most often, this pathology can be observed in overweight women.
- Inflammation of the ankle joint - this joint is subject to a lot of stress: it has to support the weight of the entire body and is constantly in motion. It is considered one of the most indispensable in the body, since the slightest discomfort in this area limits the motor function of the leg. It is very unpleasant when the joint on the leg is swollen.
- Inflammation of the joints of the foot is a pathology that occurs most often in people in old age. It causes significant inconvenience due to frequent inflammation and pain. It is not easy to fight this disease, as it often takes on chronic forms.
- Inflammation of the joints of the toes - this pathology is most often observed due to hypothermia. At the same time, the fingers swell, there is a sharp pain that prevents movement.
- When a joint is swollen and hurts, it cantalk about inflammation of the hip joint - a pathology that is constantly progressing. If her therapy is not started on time, a rare pain syndrome will develop into a permanent one and will manifest itself even at night. Over time, it becomes impossible to move. This disease affects people with hip dislocation, dysplasia and other pathologies of this joint.
Causes of this pathology
Swollen joints are mainly observed in the inflammatory process. Its reasons are:
- injuries;
- infectious processes;
- hypothermia;
- genetic predisposition;
- hormonal changes;
- autoimmune disorders;
- overweight;
- excessive loads;
- uncomfortable shoes.

Provoking disease factors
Main factors that can lead to swollen joints include:
- Professional activity. Swelling and pain in the joints provoke regular exercise. At risk are operators, office workers, cashiers who are forced to make the same type of movement for a long time. Sedentary work, prolonged stay in one position provoke the development of osteochondrosis, posture disorders, pinching of nerve fibers, which negatively affects the condition of small joints and ligamentous apparatus.
- Active sports activities. Professional athletes, as well as people who actively attend gyms, are familiar with pain, swelling of the joints.and perform exercises with a barbell or dumbbells. Incorrect loads contribute to the occurrence of negative processes in muscle tissue and joints and cause pain.
- Traumatic factors. Pain and swelling in the joints can be the result of previous injuries (sprains, fractures and torn ligaments). Excessive stress on the joint results in swelling, pain and limited mobility.
- Age factors. As we age, articular joints are subject to degenerative and dystrophic disorders - the volume of synovial fluid decreases, cartilage and joint tissues wear out, and the likelihood of developing arthrosis and arthritis increases.
Various joint diseases
The most common diseases that cause pain and swelling of the joints:
- osteoarthritis;
- rheumatoid arthritis;
- reactive arthritis;
- systemic lupus erythematosus.

With this pathological process, the formation of cartilage tissue in the joint is disrupted. Such changes may occur under the influence of some concomitant factors (internal and external). Their list includes:
- hereditary predisposition;
- age factor;
- comorbidities;
- deforming or excessive stress on the joints;
- consequences of injuries.
What does it mean if the joint on the finger is swollen? Arthrosis of the fingers most often affects people of certain professions, whose workassociated with high loads on the hands - programmers, musicians, operators. In this case, the joints of the phalanges of the fingers are susceptible to damage, as the pathology develops, the process of destruction of collagen accelerates, as a result of which the formation of pathological cartilage tissue occurs, which is not able to ensure the correct functioning of the limb.
Arthrosis of the joints of the legs and hips is observed most often in people who spend a lot of time on their feet or, on the contrary, lead a passive lifestyle. These are drivers, vendors, medical workers, teachers, etc.
Over time, the joint swells, deforms, and the process of its destruction begins, resistance to stress is lost. The progression of osteoarthritis leads to a violation of the mobility of the affected joint, severe swelling, pain syndrome, the appearance of a characteristic crunch, the development of an inflammatory process and damage to nerve fibers in the periarticular tissue. The pain syndrome may worsen during physical work and subside at rest.
Another sign of osteoarthritis is the formation of bone outgrowths (Heberden's nodes, Bouchard's nodes) on the surface of the distal and interphalangeal joints. They rise above the surface of the skin, are characterized by immobility and a dense structure. In the absence of therapy, osteoarthritis actively progresses and gradually leads to disability.
Rheumatoid arthritis
This systemic disease has an autoimmune nature, in which one's own immunity begins to destroy joints, blood vessels and muscles. Reliable reasons that causethe occurrence of rheumatoid arthritis has not been established to this day, however, it is known for sure that it is the cartilaginous and bone structures that are subjected to destruction. In this case, the symmetrical nature of the lesions is observed, that is, the joints on both legs or arms immediately become inflamed. The main symptoms are swelling, pain, swelling, impaired motor activity, which is usually expressed in the morning.

As the pathological process develops, inflammation spreads to the periarticular tissue, which leads to impaired articular function and the formation of dense fibrous formations. Subsequently, the joints are fixed in one position, deformed, can move to the side, they cannot be straightened or bent.
Under the skin, rheumatoid nodules of firm consistency are formed. They are inactive and painless. All movements are accompanied by a strong pain syndrome, and with an exacerbation of the pathological process, an increase in temperature to high levels is observed. Rheumatoid arthritis is very dangerous due to complications that affect the internal organs - the heart, digestive system, lungs and blood vessels suffer.
Reactive arthritis
This disease develops after an infection (urogenital, intestinal, etc.). An autoimmune inflammatory process develops, in which cells of the immune system attack the tissues of the joints. The causative agent of the pathology is considered to be microbial agents that caused the development of the primary disease. Joint damage in this case is most often asymmetriccharacter and covers the wrist and interphalangeal joints. At the same time, from 2 to 8 joints can suffer at the same time, which become swollen and painful, and the skin around them turns red.
Diagnosis of this pathology
To establish the cause of joint swelling, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics, which includes instrumental and laboratory research methods:
- blood tests (general and biochemical), urinalysis;
- X-ray examinations;
- CT of the affected joint.
Based on the results, the specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
What to do when the joints on the hands or others are swollen?

How is joint treatment done?
The method of therapy for such a pathological phenomenon is selected taking into account the type of disease, its severity, and the general condition of the patient.
How to treat a swollen joint with traumatic injuries, a traumatologist determines. For bruises and sprains, cold compresses, physiotherapy, and pain medications are used to reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome. Fractures are treated by immobilizing the limb by applying a plaster splint. Dislocations are reduced under general or local anesthesia.
Special NSAIDs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen), glucocorticoids (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone) and antirheumatic drugs (Cyclophosphamide, Metatrexate) may be used in treatment.
The action of drugs is aimed at stopping painful symptoms during an exacerbation. During remission, physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out, and sanatorium-and-spa treatment is also recommended.

Specificity of therapy for this pathology
If the joint on the finger is swollen and it is caused by reactive arthritis, the treatment will be very specific. It involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, anesthetic ointments and immunosuppressants that block immune responses. If necessary, the patient is prescribed cephalosporin antibiotics.
In any case, if the joints swell, it is important to identify the cause in the first place. And during the period of therapy and after it, the patient must be under medical supervision.