Drug "Kolpocid": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

Drug "Kolpocid": reviews, instructions for use, analogues
Drug "Kolpocid": reviews, instructions for use, analogues

How much does a drug like Kolpocid cost? The price of this tool will be presented at the end of the article. We will also tell you about the conditions under which the said medication is prescribed, what properties it has and whether it has contraindications.

colpocide reviews
colpocide reviews

Basic information about women's diseases

What is "Kolpotsid"? Reviews of experts claim that this is a drug designed to maintain women's he alth.

It's no secret that the body of the fair sex is very complex. Taking care of her he alth, a woman takes care of her future children. Therefore, at the first symptoms of various diseases, you should immediately contact a specialist. Also, to prevent the development of any diseases, each representative of the weaker sex must regularly visit a gynecologist (at least twice a year).

What diseases in the reproductive system occur in women most often? The most common diseases include erosion of the cervix. This pathological condition occurs in half of women of reproductive age.

Erosion, or ectopia, is a red spot that covers the entire cervical canaluterus and its vaginal surface. Over time, this area may become malignant. In this case, they talk about cervical cancer. To prevent the development of this deadly disease, erosion must be treated. Very often this is done with the help of the drug "Kolpocid". Instructions for using the mentioned tool will be described in detail below.

Form, composition of the drug

In what form is such a drug like "Kolpocid" produced? Patient reviews report that this remedy can be purchased in the form of a gel intended for intravaginal administration. It is placed in disposable tubes with a special nozzle, packaged in cardboard boxes (five tubes each).

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colpocide price

What components are included in the composition of the gynecological medicine "Kolpocid"? The gel contains such basic elements as 2% echinacea purpurea, 4% dipotassium glycyrrhizinate, as well as a complex of lipoteicic acid and peptidoglycans.

It should also be noted that the medication in question includes excipients such as glycerin and deionized water.

Pharmacological features of the gynecological drug

What properties are typical for the drug "Kolpocid"? The gel is a combined product, consisting only of natural ingredients that provide better tissue regeneration and increase antiviral immunity.

Drug product properties

What causes the action of the drug "Kolpocid"? Expert reviewsreport that the effectiveness of this gel is directly related to its composition.

The active substances of this drug contribute to the rapid recovery of the epithelium in case of erosions and dysplasia of the cervix, as well as to increase local immunity (antiviral) in case of human papillomavirus infection.

Components such as peptidoglycans and lipoteicic acid, which were obtained by fermentation of (sterile) lactobacilli, are inducers of the production of defensins, which play a crucial role in activating one's own antiviral and antibacterial immunity, as well as reducing inflammatory reactions and stimulating epithelialization processes and regeneration.

colpocide instruction
colpocide instruction

The purple echinacea contained in this formulation acts as an immune stimulant, boosting the body's natural defenses. Also, experts have established the antiviral effect of this component and its ability to improve the processes of epithelialization and regeneration.

Glycyrrhizic acid, obtained from vegetable raw materials by extraction, produces an immunostimulating effect. It is manifested by an increase in the activity and number of T-lymphocytes, a decrease in the concentration of IgG and an increase in the concentration of IgM and IgA.

It should also be noted that glycyrrhizic acid (activated) significantly slows down the release of kinins, and also inhibits the synthesis of PG by connective tissue cells in the area of inflammation.

The regenerative properties of this substance are due to the improvement in the repair of mucous and skin tissue. Concerninganti-inflammatory activity of glycyrrhizic acid, it is combined with a stimulating effect on cellular and humoral immunity factors.

The component under consideration is capable of inducing the formation of interferon, which is one of the elements of its antiviral action.

What other role does glycyrrhizic acid play in Kolpocid (5 ml)? According to the instructions, this substance has an antiviral effect on various types of RNA and DNA viruses, including herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus, human papillomavirus and others. In addition, glycyrrhizic acid is able to interrupt the replication of viruses at all stages of their development, including early ones.

colpocid treatment
colpocid treatment

Indications for gel administration

Why are the representatives of the weaker sex prescribed gel "Kolpocid"? Candles, by the way, according to many patients, would be much more convenient to use, but, unfortunately, this drug does not have such a form. According to the instructions, the drug is used in the following cases:

  • Restoration of the epithelial layer of the cervix in case of erosions of bacterial and viral origin.
  • Increased antiviral local immunity in the vagina in the presence of human papillomavirus infection.
  • Before intercourse to prevent human papillomavirus infections.
  • To improve the regeneration of the vaginal mucosa after cryo- or laser destruction, as well as diathermocoagulation.

It should be especially noted that the medication in question is used only as part ofcomplex therapy.

Gel contraindications

In what cases is it forbidden to carry out treatment with "Kolpocid"? Experts say that this remedy has practically no contraindications. It is not recommended to use it only for individual sensitivity to the components of the gel.

Medication "Kolpocid": instructions for use

How should this drug be used at home? To obtain this information, you must consult with your doctor.

According to the instructions, for the introduction of a medicinal gel into the vagina, you must adhere to the following rules:

colpocide analogues
colpocide analogues
  • Break off the seal on the tip of the tube.
  • Insert the tip of the tube deep into the vagina while lying down (on your back).
  • Squeeze the tube so that all of its contents are in the vagina.
  • Remove the tip.

Depending on the course and severity of the disease, the patient may need to use the drug "Kolpocid" once a day for 10-15 days.

For effective therapy, it is advisable to use this medication at bedtime. In this case, the medicinal gel will be in the vagina for a long time, so that the maximum effect of its use will be achieved.

Actions of secondary character

What side effects can the drug "Kolpocid" cause? Patient reviews report that this drug is well tolerated. However, in some cases this medicine mayprovoke a slight burning sensation and other undesirable effects due to individual intolerance to the components of the gel. With such symptoms, it is better to refuse the drug.

Interaction with other medicines, cases of overdose

To date, cases of overdose with the drug "Kolpocid" have not been registered. Also, experts have not established the interaction of this drug with other medicines. However, these facts do not mean that the agent in question can be used uncontrollably and without the recommendations of the attending doctor.

colpocide suppositories
colpocide suppositories

Special Information

Is it possible to use the Kolpocid gel during pregnancy. During gestation, this drug can be used, but only under the supervision of the attending doctor. The same goes for breastfeeding.

Similar drugs, price, consumer reviews

What drugs can replace the drug "Kolpocid"? Analogues of this drug should be selected only by a narrow specialist. As a rule, the following medicines are used as them: Viferon, Epigen Intim, Allomedin, Virdel, Indole Forte Evalar and others.

How much does Kolpocid gynecological gel cost? The price of this remedy in different pharmacies is different. As a rule, it is 1000 rubles per package (5 tubes with a medicinal substance in one package).

Reviews of patients about this medication are positive. Most patients claim that "Kolpotsid" works well with cervical erosion, andas well as other problems of women's he alth, including diseases of viral origin.

colpocide gel
colpocide gel

Also, the advantages of this medicine include ease of use and fast action. As for the shortcomings, most often patients complain about the very high price of the drug.
