Who should I contact if I get stuffy nose?

Who should I contact if I get stuffy nose?
Who should I contact if I get stuffy nose?

No one likes a runny nose. And this is not surprising: you have to blow your nose all the time, your eyes water, your nose is constantly blocked, and the drops bring only temporary relief. Food becomes tasteless and life becomes bleak. However, there are people who spend most of their lives in this condition.

stuffy nose at night
stuffy nose at night

Having noticed such a symptom, you need to analyze your condition: is congestion accompanied by other signs of some kind of disease - does your head hurt, is there discharge or anything else. Nasal congestion may be just a consequence of a cold, but a he althy person in all respects can experience similar symptoms, behind which the disease lies.

If the period during which the stuffy nose is no longer calculated in hours and days, but in weeks and months, you need to see an otolaryngologist. Based on the examination and questioning of the patient, he will find out the cause of the problem, and, if necessary, prescribe an additional examination.

Why does stuffy nose? The most common causes are allergies, nasal polyps, impaired vascular tone,deviated septum, sinusitis, parasite infestation, enlarged nasal tonsils, hormonal disorders, etc. Allergic rhinitis is much more common than many people think. The fact is that many people have a mild form of allergy, for example, to ordinary dust. And the reaction to it will certainly be difficulty breathing through the nose due to a slight swelling. If you stuff your nose at night in a supine position, it is possible that it is an allergy that is to blame. After the otolaryngologist in this case, you can visit

stuffy nose
stuffy nose


Often stuffy nose and those people who suffer from chronic diseases of the nasopharynx and throat. In acute and chronic sinusitis, in addition to a runny nose, the patient often feels a headache, which is aggravated by bending the torso. Sinus x-rays are often required to make a diagnosis.

Get rid of nasal congestion is quite simple, and sometimes it takes a long time. The most important thing is to find out the reason why the stuffy nose, and then eliminate it. cure sinusitis; clarify which allergens the body can react to; find out if there are hormonal disorders; whether there are problems with the structure of the nose.

stuffy nose all the time
stuffy nose all the time

Perhaps the most difficult to cure is vasomotor rhinitis, that is, a violation of the functioning of the vessels or the structure of the nasal septum. In the first case, it is necessary to contact a competent specialist who will draw up a treatment regimen, and in the second, surgeons cannot be dispensed with. Deviated septum, both congenital andand acquired, can only be corrected surgically by making rhinoplasty. Quite a lot of people are frightened off by the very fact of surgical intervention. However, those who suffer from breathing problems for many years may eventually decide to take it.

Many diseases that cause a person to experience problems with breathing through the nose do not end with complications and generally do not manifest themselves in any other way. However, before you give up on the eternal runny nose, you should still show yourself to the "ear-throat".
