What causes stomatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

What causes stomatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment
What causes stomatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Every fifth Russian is faced with such a disease as stomatitis. This common pathology has many forms and symptoms. By the way, you will be surprised, but seizures in the corners of the mouth, which are well known to us since childhood, are also a type of stomatitis, however, the most harmless. It can develop in both adults and children, and in the latter age category it most often occurs. What causes stomatitis and how to get rid of it? You will learn about this from the proposed material.

What is stomatitis

Stomatitis is the name of a whole group of diseases affecting the oral mucosa. Do not confuse this pathology with diseases of the tongue, palate and lips. Stomatitis is not dangerous for the surrounding people, but, despite this, almost every person sooner or later encounters one or another of its types. Moreover, having been ill with it once, you will not avoid re-infection in the future, but on the contrary, the chances of another disease increase significantly.

What is stomatitis
What is stomatitis

Detecting the disease is quite difficult. Doctors often evaluate the clinical picture only on the basis of a visual examination. And all becausein medicine, there are still no special tests to help determine stomatitis. Diagnosis is further complicated by the fact that this disease can serve as a symptom of some more dangerous pathologies in the body.

What causes stomatitis in adults

The mechanism of development of this pathology has not yet been fully studied, so a large number of causes of the disease are isolated:

  • microorganisms affecting the oral cavity;
  • pathologies of the digestive tract;
  • anomalies in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • compromised immunity;
  • mineral and vitamin deficiency;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • nervous pathologies;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • various injuries of the oral mucosa;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • anemia.
What causes stomatitis in adults
What causes stomatitis in adults

In addition, there are local factors that can lead to the development of the disease. What causes stomatitis in adults? Banal non-observance of oral hygiene, dysbacteriosis, caries, improperly installed prostheses, uncontrolled use of medicines, drinking and smoking, as well as allergies to all kinds of products. Separately, it is worth highlighting the use of toothpastes with the addition of sodium lauryl sulfate. Scientists have proven that this aggressive component can not only provoke the development of stomatitis, but also lead to its aggravation.

Causes of childhood pathology

What causes stomatitis in children? The reasons for this may bemultiple:

  • viral diseases;
  • Candida activity;
  • poor oral hygiene;
  • incorrect or infrequent brushing of teeth;
  • chronic diseases;
  • poor immunity;
  • Microtrauma and burns that can be triggered by too hot or hard food, as well as malocclusion.
What causes stomatitis in children
What causes stomatitis in children

General symptoms of the disease

The first sign of stomatitis is a slight reddening of the oral mucosa. Gradually, the affected area swells, there is a burning sensation. If therapy is not started at this stage, the redness will turn into small round or oval white or gray sores with a film and a red halo around. It is noteworthy that the tissues surrounding them, despite the pathological process, look he althy. Ulcers in the mouth cause pain and difficulty in eating. Most often they appear under the tongue, on the inside of the lips and cheeks. Although most often stomatitis manifests itself in the form of a single ulcer.

But the appearance of several large sores, merging into one formation, is a sign of a severe form of pathology. In this case, the disease is accompanied by fever, general malaise, swollen lymph nodes, headache, constipation and loss of appetite. The acute form of the disease is characterized by unbearable pain in the mouth, which prevents not only eating, but also speaking. In addition, many patients experience reddening of the mucous membrane, the appearance of plaque on the tongue, severesalivation, irritability and even vomiting after eating.

Varieties of pathology

Manifestations of stomatitis are extremely diverse. After all, there are quite a few forms of this disease. You can see the main symptoms of the disease in the photo.

What are stomatitis in adults and children? There are several varieties that are most common. They all appear for different reasons, so their symptoms also vary.

Varieties of stomatitis
Varieties of stomatitis

Catarrhal stomatitis

This type of disease is the most common. With this pathology, the mucous membrane in the mouth becomes painful, swollen, reddened. In addition, it may become covered with a yellow or white coating. The patient has increased salivation. Additionally, the clinical picture may be characterized by bleeding gums and the appearance of bad breath.

Catarrhal stomatitis is caused by local factors:

  • advanced caries;
  • lack of proper hygiene;
  • oral candidiasis;
  • tartar.

Much less often this type of disease appears against the background of diseases of the digestive tract and the vital activity of worms in the body.

Ulcerative stomatitis

This form is more severe than catarrhal disease. It may appear on its own or as a complication of the catarrhal type. Usually develops in patients suffering from:

  • chronic enteritis;
  • peptic ulcerstomach;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • poisoning;
  • anomalies of the hematopoietic system;
  • infectious diseases.

With ulcerative stomatitis, the entire thickness of the mucous membrane suffers. In this case, the patient has an increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees, as well as weakness, soreness and enlargement of the lymph nodes, migraine. It is noteworthy that it becomes painful for a person to swallow pieces of food.

Aphthous stomatitis

Often diagnosed in young children. What causes aphthous stomatitis? The provoking factors are:

  • foci of chronic infection in the body, for example, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis;
  • pathologies of the digestive tract;
  • allergic reactions;
  • genetic factor;
  • viruses;
  • rheumatism.

Signs of aphthous stomatitis:

  • single or multiple gray-white sores with red outlines on the oral mucosa;
  • general malaise;
  • soreness of affected areas;
  • increased body temperature.

At the initial stage, the symptoms of the disease in a child can easily be confused with the manifestations of a cold. But later, the mucous membrane becomes loose and edematous, ulcers appear on it. And after a few hours they are filled with pus. At this stage, it already becomes clear that the cause of the ailment is not a cold at all.

Why is stomatitis common? The thing is that it can be acute and chronic. In the chronic form, the patient is tormentedperiodic exacerbations, during which a pronounced clinical picture is observed.

Candidiasis stomatitis

Is a pathology of fungal nature. It is most common among young children and the elderly. The disease is provoked by the activity of the Candida fungus during a period of decline in immunity, the course of a chronic disease and long-term antibiotic treatment.

Candidiasis stomatitis is characterized by several main symptoms:

  • white coating on mucous membrane and tongue;
  • burning in throat and mouth;
  • bad taste;
  • loss of taste;
  • swelling, redness and bleeding of the mucous membrane.
Candidal stomatitis
Candidal stomatitis

This form of the disease is contagious and can be transmitted through sexual and domestic contact.

Herpetic stomatitis

It occurs in both adults and children. What causes herpetic stomatitis? The disease is provoked by the herpes virus, can occur in acute and chronic form.

Main signs of pathology:

  • minor or pronounced rashes on the mucous membrane;
  • inflammation and swelling;
  • not feeling well;
  • increased body temperature;
  • increased salivation;
  • toxicosis;
  • burning and pain when swallowing;
  • increase and soreness of the lymph nodes.

It is the herpes simplex virus that causes constant stomatitis. After all, it remains in the human body forever.


Also found in adults and children. Appears against the background of a general allergy. What causes stomatitis in the mouth? Its pathogenesis is different: in children, various products used as first complementary foods most often act as an allergen, and in adults, a weakened immune system usually becomes a trigger. Although allergic stomatitis can occur due to rejection of dentures, advanced inflammation in the mouth, or long-term medication.

The disease is accompanied by:

  • itchy mouth that gets worse after eating;
  • strong swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • excretion of a large amount of viscous saliva;
  • unbearable pain;
  • high body temperature;
  • bad breath.

Viral stomatitis

This pathology brings a lot of discomfort to both children and adults. The main symptom of viral stomatitis is minor rashes of ulcers that cause severe pain. Mucosal damage and soreness in young children entail refusal to drink and food, anxiety and increased salivation.

What causes viral stomatitis? Most often, children with weakened immunity and neglected caries are exposed to it. In addition, the disease occurs among babies with beriberi and hypovitaminosis. In addition, viral stomatitis can be transmitted by household means from a sick person to a he althy one.

It is noteworthy that in advanced cases, inflammation can also cover the submandibular lymph nodes. Gradually theyincrease in size and cause soreness.


If stomatitis is suspected, diagnosis is carried out first of all to determine the type of pathogen. To do this, a scraping is taken from the affected tissues of the mucous membrane and sent for bacterial culture. PCR testing may be performed to detect candidiasis and herpes.

Depending on the type of pathogen, appropriate treatment is also prescribed.

Features of therapy

Optimal therapy is chosen taking into account the initial causes of stomatitis. Treatment of adults and children with any form of illness is carried out in several directions.

  • Using painkillers such as Benzocaine, Lidocaine, or Trimecaine. Rinses and applications with these solutions can eliminate soreness, but they cannot be used for a long time. For the treatment of children, you can use the juice of Kalanchoe and aloe.
  • The use of antipyretic drugs to stabilize body temperature. Medicines are prescribed by a doctor, depending on the age of the patient.
  • The use of drugs that directly affect the causative agent of the pathology - antibiotics, antifungal or antiviral agents. Most often, appropriate ointments and gels are recommended. In this case, not only the ulcers themselves should be treated, but the entire mucous membrane. Preparations with the addition of vinylin, sea buckthorn oil and rosehip oil help protect the resulting ulcers from trauma, which speeds up the healing process.
  • Tooth extractionplaque and stone. This can be done with the help of special antibacterial preparations with carbamide and hydrogen peroxide. You can also visit a hygienist and get a professional cleaning.
How to treat stomatitis
How to treat stomatitis

As for physiotherapy procedures, doctors most often recommend ultrasound, magnetic therapy and UV radiation for stomatitis.

It will be possible to get rid of the signs of an allergic disease only if the allergen that became the original cause of the disease is eliminated.

During the treatment period, it is important to change your diet, eliminating from it:

  • spicy spices and dishes;
  • sour berries and fruits;
  • spirits;
  • dry, tough, rough, bitter foods;
  • too s alty sauces.

It is recommended to include in the menu:

  • vegetables and fruits with a neutral flavor;
  • fermented milk and dairy products;
  • boiled meat;
  • teas and herbal decoctions;
  • delicate varieties of fish;
  • viscous cereals;
  • juice from cabbage and carrots.

Most often, the further prognosis for any form of stomatitis is favorable. The disease almost always ends in complete recovery. Only the ulcerative necrotic species can lead to a fatal outcome. Herpetic stomatitis cannot be completely cured, but it is possible to significantly alleviate the patient's condition by reducing the manifestations of the disease to a minimum.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis

What causes stomatitis of this form? Most often, the cause of its appearance lies in the infection. Sothat the first thing doctors do is search for a pathological focus and stop it.

Due to the fact that sores, indicating the development of the disease, cause pain, painkillers must be prescribed for a child and an adult.

From the diet you need to completely exclude hard and sour foods.

Finally, doctors prescribe antimicrobial and antiseptic drugs that kill what causes stomatitis.

Treatment of herpetic form

Often the cause of stomatitis in the mouth is the herpes virus. With this disease, first of all, there is a need to change the diet. S alty, canned, spicy and citrus foods should be excluded from the menu.

Then antiviral treatment is prescribed, which allows to normalize the level of pathological cells in the body. To maintain immunity, immunomodulators are additionally prescribed.

Miramistin, an antiseptic designed for rinsing, can be used as a local treatment.

Treatment of stomatitis
Treatment of stomatitis

How to get rid of candida disease

Why is candidiasis stomatitis? It develops due to the activity of fungi, so the main direction of treatment of this type is the use of antifungal drugs of local and systemic action. In this case, rinses, gels and ointments for the treatment of the oral cavity are necessarily used.

Equally important is the use of immunity boosters and diet.

Regardingfolk remedies, you can use tinctures and decoctions of chamomile, sage and oak bark.

Treatment of viral stomatitis

Topical pain-relieving ointments and gels are used to relieve pain.

The main therapy involves taking antiviral drugs, for example, Oksolina, and sometimes antibiotics.

Immunostimulating therapy is equally important.

As an adjunct treatment, antiseptic solutions and herbal decoctions can be used to treat the affected mucosa.

Treatment of allergic stomatitis

With this type of illness, both adults and children must be prescribed antihistamines. If a severe form of stomatitis is diagnosed, hormonal agents can be used.

To prevent further development of the disease, antiseptics are used to treat the oral cavity.

Due to the fact that allergic stomatitis can be a consequence of caries, it is very important to eliminate it.

Almost any kind of stomatitis can be easily treated, so you should not worry. The only important thing is to follow the doctor's recommendations.
