Symptoms and treatments for stomatitis in adults. Consequences of stomatitis

Symptoms and treatments for stomatitis in adults. Consequences of stomatitis
Symptoms and treatments for stomatitis in adults. Consequences of stomatitis

Stomatitis is a disease that is usually associated with childhood. Under the influence of various adverse factors, the body's defenses are weakened, as a result of which the process of inflammation develops in the oral cavity. Pathology is characterized by the appearance of erosions, vesicles, wounds and ulcers, which bring pronounced discomfort and significantly reduce the quality of life of the patient. Currently, the disease is increasingly diagnosed in adults, in most cases due to adverse environmental conditions.

herpes virus
herpes virus

Mechanism of development and features of pathology

According to statistics, for the first time people aged 10 to 20 experience this disease. As you grow older, episodes of stomatitis rarely occur, but there are also cases in which new wounds form in place of newly healed wounds, which indicates the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

Today is not up tothe mechanism of the development of the disease has been studied. There are several versions, but the most likely is the following: under the influence of a particular stimulus, a peculiar process of attack by the immune system of molecules that it cannot recognize is launched. A similar situation arises in the implementation of organ transplantation. The attack of such molecules leads to the development of an inflammatory process on the oral mucosa. Thus, ulcers, erosions and other lesions of the epithelial tissue are a kind of immune response in response to the action of some irritant.

One of the features of the disease is its duration. Treatment of stomatitis in adults takes an average of 4-14 days. No traces remain at the site of inflammation. In addition, after successful treatment, a person does not develop stable immunity. This means that the disease may reappear against the background of a weakening of the body's defenses.


The process of development of stomatitis can start under the influence of the following provoking factors:

  1. Tooth brushing with aggressive ingredients. When buying toothpaste and rinse, you should pay attention to the presence of a substance called SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) in them. This component is used for better foaming in the process of brushing your teeth. LSN is an aggressive substance, when it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, the risk of stomatitis in adults increases. At the same time, treatment becomes longer, since in most cases the main provoking cause is not eliminated.factor. In addition, after interaction with sodium lauryl sulfate, the mucous membrane becomes vulnerable to food irritants. As a result, the risk of developing complications of the disease increases. Studies have been conducted, the task of which was to obtain information on how rinses and toothpastes without SLS in the composition affect the course of pathology. As a result, it was found that cleaning products without this component have no effect on the development of the disease. Individuals suffering from chronic stomatitis have noticed that the healing process of sores has accelerated.
  2. Injury to the tissues of the oral cavity. Mechanical impact is one of the main causes of stomatitis. The disease can develop against the background of a normal bite of the mucosa with teeth or the use of food products that are an irritant to delicate tissue (chips, s alted seeds, crackers, etc.). In addition, the correct installation of crowns and prostheses is of no small importance. Their edges must be even, otherwise they will constantly injure the mucous membrane. As a rule, the treatment of stomatitis in adults in this case takes several days, but its duration may be increased due to complications.
  3. Diet. Scientists have found a link between the lack of vital vitamins and minerals and the incidence of the disease. In most cases, the diet of people who constantly suffer from stomatitis is not balanced. In particular, the risk of the disease increases with a deficiency of B vitamins,iron, selenium, folic acid and zinc.
  4. Long exposure to stress. Psycho-emotional stress is the cause of the development of most diseases, including stomatitis. It has been found that people who are constantly under stress are more likely to suffer from ulcers and erosions in the mouth.
  5. Allergic reaction. Often the starting factor for the development of pathology are certain foods or chemicals. In this case, it is advisable to visit an allergist who, based on the results of the diagnosis, will be able to identify the irritant. It is also recommended to keep a food diary for some time, writing down the type of product eaten and the body's reaction to it. This method is long, but quite informative. The most common allergens include: milk, red and orange fruits and vegetables, sauces, spices, seafood, confectionery, medicinal herbs, chewing gum. In addition, medications can provoke an unwanted reaction.
  6. Pathogenic microorganisms. With a decrease in immunity, the mucosa becomes vulnerable to the vital activity of pathogens. They are also the main cause of complications.
  7. Hormonal imbalance. A connection has been established between the occurrence of inflammation and certain phases of the menstrual cycle in women. Most often, episodes of exacerbations also occur during the period of bearing a child.
  8. Genetic predisposition. If one or both parents periodically experience the problem of stomatitis, the likelihood that their children will also suffer from the disease,increases significantly.
  9. Dehydration. It occurs with frequent vomiting, insufficient fluid intake, fever, significant blood loss, increased sweating.
  10. Various pathologies. Persons who constantly face the problem of stomatitis need to undergo a comprehensive examination to detect other diseases.
  11. Smoking.
  12. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  13. Ignoring the need for hygiene procedures.

Thus, stomatitis can be the result of many diseases and conditions. In each case, the duration of his treatment is different.

White film on the mucosa
White film on the mucosa

Types of stomatitis

The course of the disease can be acute, recurrent and chronic. Pathology is also classified according to provoking factors. Before starting treatment of stomatitis in adults and children, it is necessary to determine its form.

The disease has the following types:

  1. Catarrhal. With this form, the condition of patients practically does not worsen. They easily tolerate stomatitis, periodically complaining of soreness, itching and dryness in the oral cavity. On examination, a doctor reveals redness and swelling of the mucosa. In most cases, internal organs are involved in the pathological process.
  2. Erosive and ulcerative. In addition to swelling and redness, small blisters filled with a clear liquid are observed. After opening, erosions covered with plaque form in their place. Solitary ulcers can connect,resulting in large foci of inflammation. In addition, there is swelling in the gums, they begin to bleed with any mechanical impact. Lymph nodes located under the lower jaw are enlarged, with pronounced pain on palpation. Patients complain of deterioration in general well-being, lack of appetite, fever and weakness. The process of eating and talking is accompanied by painful sensations.
  3. Traumatic (another name is bacterial). The disease develops due to the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms on the mucous membrane, the integrity of which has been violated.
  4. Aphthous (another name is herpetic). In this case, viruses are the cause of the disease. Infection occurs during contact with a sick person or his personal items. Almost immediately after the penetration of the herpes simplex virus into the body, the following symptoms appear: a constant feeling of weakness, instability of the psycho-emotional state, pallor of the skin, fever, loss of appetite. In addition, the submandibular lymph nodes increase, blisters form in the oral cavity, the lips crack and become very dry, and crusts form on them.
  5. Allergic. This form of stomatitis is not an independent disease. In this case, the disease is only a symptom. Thus, any allergen causes stomatitis in the mouth in adults. Treatment in this case is aimed at combating the underlying pathology. During the development of the disease, there isredness of the mucous membrane, white spots or small hemorrhages appear on it.
  6. Fungal. In most cases, it is referred to as candidiasis. Children are most susceptible to this form of the disease, since their saliva does not yet contain substances that neutralize the action of pathogenic microorganisms. Fungal stomatitis is much less commonly diagnosed in adults. Treatment when it is detected is the same as in children.

Thus, the treatment regimen for each form of the disease is different.

Pain with stomatitis
Pain with stomatitis


With stomatitis, foci of inflammation can be localized on the mucous membrane of the lips and cheeks (on the inside), under the tongue and on the bottom of the mouth, in the area of the tonsils, on the soft palate. At first, they look like redness, which gradually swell, which is accompanied by itching and burning. After this, the formation of shallow (with the exception of wounds with aphthous stomatitis) ulcers and erosions, having an oval or round shape and smooth edges, highlighted with a red border, occurs. In the center of inflammation, you can see a thin film that has a white or gray color. Often the location of the ulcers is solitary, they are at a considerable distance from each other. Otherwise, the lesions may coalesce, forming an extensive inflamed surface.

In the presence of ulcers, blisters and erosions, the process of eating food is significantly hampered due to the occurrence of pronounced pain. It also appears when you try to move your lips or tongue. In addition, the person is disturbed:

  • increasedsalivation;
  • bad breath;
  • expressed tongue sensitivity.

You should immediately consult a doctor if the development of stomatitis is accompanied by conjunctivitis, inflammation of the nasal mucosa and genital organs. The combination of these symptoms suggests that the patient has Behçet's syndrome. This is a serious pathology of an autoimmune nature, in which the arteries are affected, resulting in the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membranes.

If the appearance of inflammatory foci was preceded by signs of disruption of the digestive system (diarrhea, stomach pain, blood in the feces), we can judge the presence of Crohn's disease, which is chronic and is characterized by intestinal damage.

In addition, stomatitis can be accompanied not only by standard signs, but also by joint pain, blistering of the skin, and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes. In this case, the doctor assumes the presence of a severe form of allergy (Stevens-Johnson syndrome), which appears in the presence of pathologies of an infectious nature or against the background of taking certain medications.

Stages of disease

Doctors identify 3 stages in the development of the disease:

  1. Initial, in which there is reddening of the mucous membrane of the tongue and gums. It becomes dry and shiny.
  2. The stage during which the oral mucosa is covered with a light coating. The film is attached to it loosely, it is very easy to remove it. This stage occurs 1-2 days after the initial one.
  3. A stage characterized byblisters, ulcers and erosions.

With timely treatment, damage disappears quite quickly, and he althy tissue remains in their place without any traces.

appointment at the dentist
appointment at the dentist


You need to see a dentist at the first sign of stomatitis. It is this specialist who is engaged in the treatment of an adult and his further observation. Based on the results of the research, he may refer you for a consultation with other doctors (for example, an infectious disease specialist or an endocrinologist).

During the appointment, the dentist performs an initial diagnosis, including the following steps:

  1. Poll. The doctor needs to provide information regarding existing and previously transferred diseases. This will help to establish the cause and draw up the most effective treatment regimen. In adults, the symptoms of stomatitis in the mouth can have varying degrees of severity, at the reception you need to describe them as accurately as possible.
  2. Examination of the oral cavity. The specialist evaluates the condition of the mucosa, the nature of the location, the shape and depth of ulcers and erosions.

In most cases, the information obtained during the initial diagnosis is enough to make a diagnosis. Sometimes it becomes necessary to conduct laboratory tests to detect fungi or viruses.

If stomatitis is not treatable, the doctor issues a referral for a thorough diagnosis, since serious diseases can be the cause of the pathology.

Drug therapy

Its goal is to reduceseverity of symptoms and reduction in the duration of the disease. Each form of illness requires an individual approach.

Regardless of the severity of symptoms, the treatment of viral stomatitis in adults and their further monitoring should be done by a doctor. As a rule, he prescribes the following remedies:

  1. "Oxolinic ointment". The active substance of the drug has a detrimental effect on viruses not only of herpes, but also of influenza. The tool can be used to treat the disease in young children and pregnant women. According to the instructions for use, the ointment should be treated with inflamed areas 2 to 4 times a day.
  2. "Tantum Verde" in the form of an aerosol. The tool stops the development of the inflammatory process and relieves pain. It is necessary to irrigate the mucous membrane every 2-3 hours.
  3. Zovirax. This drug is an antiviral agent and promotes the speedy healing of affected areas. Contraindication is age up to 12 years. Ointment must be treated with rashes every 4 hours. The maximum duration of treatment for herpetic stomatitis in adults (the photo of which is presented below) is 7 days.
  4. "Holisal". This remedy in the form of a gel is applied to the gums twice a day. The drug reduces the severity of the inflammatory process and relieves pain.
  5. "Metrogil dent". It is an antiseptic that has a detrimental effect on pathogens and prevents the attachment of a secondary infection. You need to process the mucous membrane 3 to 5 times a day.
  6. Herpetic stomatitis
    Herpetic stomatitis

Increasedtemperature is one of the symptoms of viral stomatitis in adults. Treatment also involves taking antipyretic drugs. As a rule, the doctor prescribes drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. In addition, he can recommend drugs that strengthen the body's defenses.

It is a mistake to believe that a doctor prescribes antibiotics to quickly treat stomatitis in adults. With this form of pathology, drugs of similar action are powerless - they have no effect on viruses.

Treatment of bacterial stomatitis in adults involves taking or applying the following drugs topically:

  1. Immunomodulators. They strengthen the body's defense system, reducing the duration of the disease.
  2. Antibiotics. As a rule, the main cause of this form of the disease is a coccal infection. With such pathogens, only antibiotics can effectively cope. In addition, they are prescribed in cases where the patient has a severe degree of the disease. Most often, the doctor prescribes drugs based on penicillin, amoxicillin, lincomycin, etc.
  3. Antiseptics. At an early stage of the development of the disease, treatment of the mucosa with ointments and gels with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects is indicated.

Untimely treatment of bacterial stomatitis in adults and children can lead to the development of necrosis. In such cases, surgery is indicated, during which dead tissue is removed.

The key to rapid treatment of aphthous stomatitis in adults is a thoroughdisinfection of the oral mucosa. For this, solutions based on hydrogen peroxide, furacillin, chlorhexidine are used. With the help of disinfection, the attachment of a secondary infection can be avoided. In addition, immunomodulators, antipyretics and painkillers are prescribed.

Treatment of catarrhal stomatitis in adults also comes down to the use of antiseptics and drugs with analgesic action.

It is important to understand that if the cause of the development of the disease is any disease, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to eliminate it, otherwise the inflammatory process in the oral cavity will occur regularly. In such cases, they speak of chronic stomatitis in adults, the treatment of which is aimed at reducing the number of episodes of exacerbations.

Antiviral agent
Antiviral agent

Folk methods

The use of any non-traditional methods of therapy should be agreed with a specialist. This is due to the fact that some drugs can worsen the course of the pathology and weaken the effect of medications. Judging by medical reviews, the treatment of stomatitis in adults with folk methods reduces the duration of the disease, if the method was chosen correctly.

The most effective recipes are listed below:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and dissolve it in 200 ml of warm boiled water. Then you need to wrap a bandage around your index finger and moisten it in the solution. After that, it is necessary to carefully treat the mucous membrane, while removing a thin white film. Treatment of stomatitis in adults with sodaconsidered highly effective, as this component significantly improves the course of the disease.
  2. Chew aloe leaves as often as possible. They perfectly help in the treatment of stomatitis in adults on the gums. In addition, you can rinse your mouth with aloe juice or treat mucous membranes in hard-to-reach places.
  3. Peel and chop as much as possible 3 cloves of garlic. Mix it with 2 tbsp. yogurt. The resulting mixture is recommended to be slightly heated in a water bath. After that, it must be distributed over the mucosa. During application, a burning sensation may occur. It should not cause concern, as it is a natural result of the contact of the inflamed mucosa and garlic.
  4. Dried and crushed herb St. John's wort pour plain vodka without additives. The ratio of ingredients should be 1:5. The ideal option is considered if the tincture is aged for several days, but if there is an urgent need, it can be used after 5-7 hours. 40 drops of the product must be diluted in 100 ml of warm boiled water. Rinse your mouth with the resulting solution three times a day. This recipe is perfect for treating aphthous stomatitis in adults at home, as the tincture promotes the speedy healing of deep lesions.
  5. Compresses from raw vegetables (for example, carrots or cabbage) can be applied to sores. To do this, they need to be crushed, the resulting slurry wrapped in a gauze napkin and applied for half an hour to the affected area. For the treatment of adult stomatitis in the sky, you can use freshly squeezed potato or carrot juice asrinse aid.
  6. Prepare a decoction of calendula, sage and chamomile. The product is intended for rinsing the mouth and can be used to treat viral stomatitis in both adults and children.
  7. Soda in the treatment of stomatitis
    Soda in the treatment of stomatitis

Nutrition when sick

To improve your well-being, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Eat every 3 hours and keep portions small (maximum 200g).
  2. Dishes need to be crushed, a puree-like consistency is considered ideal.
  3. Food should be warm.

Before each meal, it is recommended to treat the mucosa with an anesthetic. Rinse your mouth with an antiseptic immediately after finishing your meal.

In closing

Stomatitis is a disease that occurs under the influence of certain provoking factors. Pathology significantly reduces the quality of life, as talking and eating food cause pain.

When the first alarming symptoms occur, you should consult a dentist. The doctor will determine the form of the disease and draw up the most effective treatment regimen. At home, the most effective is the treatment of stomatitis in adults with soda, garlic and medicinal herbs.