In the article we will study the question of why drooling during sleep. Often after waking up, people observe traces of saliva on the pillow. This phenomenon does not cause any particular inconvenience. However, it is very interesting why adult saliva flows from the mouth during sleep. Let's look at the main reasons.
There may be several provocateurs of this phenomenon:
- diseases of the digestive tract;
- taking medication;
- angina;
- disruption of the nervous system;
- dental defects;
- bulbar syndrome;
- malocclusion;
- drunk.
To find out the cause of excess saliva at night, you need to see a doctor. There are quite a few reasons. The specialist will recommend the necessary examinations and laboratory tests. Then, based on the received diagnostic information, he will refer you to a specialist with a narrow profile. So why do you drool while you sleep?

Digestive diseases
As a rule, excessive nocturnal salivation occurs with gastritis, which is accompanied by an increase in the level of acidity. It can also be observed with ulcerative lesions of the digestive system. Intensive activation of the salivary glands is a kind of protection that occurs when there is a need to reduce the amount of gastric juice. Increased salivation softens the effect of acid that is released into the esophagus. Due to this, unpleasant sensations in the form of bitterness in the mouth are reduced. Why during sleep drooling from the mouth of an adult is interesting to many.
The use of a number of drugs can provoke a strong flow of saliva during sleep. As a rule, antiviral drugs, which contain ascorbic acid, cause a similar problem. Given this factor, antiviral drugs should not be taken before bedtime. However, if the patient has chronic diseases and is prescribed systemic medications, it is necessary to consult a doctor to reduce dosages. And if this is not the reason, then why do you drool during sleep?
This disease is accompanied by intense pain in the throat and strong salivation, especially at night. In addition, the patient's temperature rises, the tonsils swell and turn red, and general weakness is felt. With angina, excessive secretion can be observed for about a week. Sothe body is trying to defend itself against the attack of dangerous bacteria. A similar symptom signals the multiplication of pathogens in the oral cavity. And the first reaction of the body to the development of the inflammatory process is an abundant flow of saliva, with the help of which microbes are removed. Here's why you drool while you sleep.

Nervous system dysfunction
If a person suffers from excessive flow of saliva from the mouth during sleep, then this may signal the presence of the following pathological phenomena:
- improper circulation in the brain caused by a stroke;
- Parkinson's disease;
- multiple sclerosis.
Unfortunately, such a condition with the above pathologies is quite difficult to treat. In the vast majority of cases, treatment is long-term and is strictly controlled by a neurologist. But why does drooling from the mouth with white sediment flow during sleep?
Bulbar syndrome
This problem is one of the most dangerous diseases, which is accompanied by damage to the structures of the nervous system located in the brain. With such a pathology, saliva flows strongly at night due to paralysis of one of the areas of the oral cavity. In addition, there are violations of speech functions, since the apparatus that is responsible for this is affected. The amount of secretion largely depends on the general condition of the patient. In difficult situations, excessive saliva may be produced as it flows from the mouth during sleep.

Dental diseases
Problem with excessive salivation often occurs as a result of some dental pathologies. Often this condition provokes ulcerative stomatitis. Adolescents and children are more susceptible to this disease. Such a defect appears as follows:
- mucosal cover is covered with a plaque of fungal etiology;
- when swallowing and chewing food, as well as brushing teeth, there is pain in the mouth;
- the child is forced to walk with his mouth open all the time, because when it is closed, pain is felt;
- During a night's sleep, the mouth opens automatically as the mouth fills with saliva.
The reason why there is a strong secretion in stomatitis is the body's protective response to the attack of fungal microorganisms. It is important to understand that such a reaction is not enough to combat ulcerative stomatitis. This disease requires complex therapy.
Alcohol intoxication
With excessive use of alcoholic beverages, the centers of the brain restructure their activities. As a result, there is an inhibition of the department that is responsible for the secretion of saliva. Therefore, if a person is heavily intoxicated, he has an intense flow of saliva during sleep. This state of mind will continue until he sobers up.
Inflammatory processes in the mouth
Let's find out why during sleep drooling from the mouth with white sediment on the lips? Another onethe problem, under the influence of which there is an excessive secretion of saliva from the mouth during sleep, is inflammation in the oral cavity. Ignoring the simple rules of hygiene contributes to the manifestation of pathologies of the gums and tooth enamel. In turn, inflammatory processes develop:

- purulent formations on the periodontium;
- periodontitis;
- gingivitis.
In this condition, in addition to pronounced salivation, a person develops bad breath, painful sensations in the gum area, saliva with a whitish sediment on the lips. It should be noted that in such a situation, saliva is produced in the form of a protective reaction. But this is not enough to eliminate the disease that has arisen. Therefore, a person in such a situation is advised to visit a doctor.
Bad bite
This is another factor in the occurrence of a strong flow of saliva at night when a person sleeps. With such a pathology, the mouth remains open as a result of a defective closure of the jaw. As a result, air enters the oral cavity and dries out the mucous membrane, which contributes to excessive salivation.
This is due to the fact that the body is trying to moisturize the excessively dry oral mucosa. And this is also a protective reaction, since pathogenic bacteria easily attach to the overdried mucous membrane and develop in it. Moreover, it should be noted that if the culprit of such a quantity of secretion is a defectively formed bite, then profuse night salivation occursonly periodically. And if the mouth is open all night, then in the morning the pillow will be wet. It will be possible to overcome such a problem only by correcting the bite.
Other factors in nighttime salivation
Other pathologies can also provoke excessive salivation in an adult's sleep. These include:
- vascular defects;
- presence of malignant neoplasms;
- radiotherapy;
- development of polio;
- parasitic infection;
- depression, mental disorders;
- thyroid disorder;
- eating heavy meals before bed.
In addition, excessive salivation during sleep can also be caused by sound sleep, in which facial muscles relax as much as possible.

Pregnant women
During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal background is completely rebuilt. In view of this, the flow of saliva during sleep is often observed. Such a condition during this period is not considered dangerous and, as a rule, disappears after childbirth. However, if this condition causes discomfort, it is recommended to visit a doctor.
In children and adolescents
Why does a child drool from his mouth during sleep is a question of interest to many parents. In infants, excessive salivation is also not a manifestation of pathology. At this age, the salivary glands are not yet sufficiently formed, so this condition should not be considered abnormal. However, if excessive currentsecretion occurs in adolescence - this may be a signal for the development of the following pathological conditions:
- problems of a psychological nature;
- diseases of a viral nature;
- neoplasms in the brain;
- CNS lesion;
- poisoning;
- worm infestation;
- diseases of the digestive system.
Why drooling from the mouth of a teenager during sleep should also be known. In addition to the above, a strong nocturnal salivation can be a symptom of a head injury. Therefore, if a teenager has excessive salivation during sleep, parents should take him to the doctor.
There are several ways to eliminate this pathological condition:

- traditional therapeutic activities;
- surgical method;
- homeopathy;
- folk remedies.
If the factor of disruption of the functioning of the salivary glands is not identified, taking medications that slow down the secretion of saliva is strictly prohibited. It is often necessary to consult several specialists at once. Each of the treatments is effective. However, it is used exclusively for certain conditions that initially need to be diagnosed.
Surgical method of solving the problem is used when a person has a deep violation of the activity of the salivary glands. In this condition, the doctor may recommend the introduction of botulinum, which blocks themaking a secret.

As a rule, after establishing the cause that provokes excessive salivation in a dream, the doctor prescribes drugs from the category of anticholinergics. These medications have the side effect of dry mouth.
However, they successfully cope with excess saliva during the period of individual treatment. At the same time, it should be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to take such pharmacological drugs on your own, as they are potent drugs and can provoke severe adverse reactions.
We found out why we drool from our mouths during sleep. The reasons must be established by the doctor.