Paid clinical examination every year is becoming an increasingly popular complex of medical services. They are preferred by people who really care about their he alth. The main purpose of this set of measures is to identify deviations in the state of human he alth, as well as the risks of developing various kinds of diseases.

Early detection is the key to successful treatment
The main goal of paid medical examination is the earliest possible detection of diseases, as well as factors that can lead to their development. This significantly increases the likelihood of excluding complications of the detected pathology.
Treatment of any diseases in the early stages of their development significantly increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome of ailments. This is due to the fact that during this period the disease does not yet have time to change the structure of organs and tissues. As a result, their full recovery is possible.

Quality medicine is impossible without a sufficient level of funding. It is for this reason that truly good services for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases can often be obtained either on a paid basis, or in serious inpatient institutions that have sufficient supplies from the budget.
Medical examination in a paid clinic implies some advantages over obtaining similar services in public medical institutions. Chief among them are:
- Virtually no queues.
- Convenient work schedule.
- Possibility of passing the entire complex of examinations within 1 day.
In addition, the undoubted advantage of many private clinics is a serious human resources potential. Here, the best specialists of the region often receive appointments, who are also directly involved in the treatment of patients in serious public he alth institutions.

What is included in the medical examination program?
In many ways, the volume of necessary diagnostic measures depends on the state of he alth of the person himself. A patient who does not have chronic diseases will have to spend much less time on them.
A person needs to pass a number of tests. Among them:
- complete blood count;
- biochemical blood test (cholesterol, glucose);
- fecal occult blood test;
- general urinalysis.
Also to the patientwill have to undergo a series of diagnostic studies. It's about:
- fluorography;
- blood pressure measurement;
- anthropometry (measurement of height and weight, waist circumference);
- electrocardiography;
- measuring intraocular pressure;
- abdominal ultrasound.
In the presence of certain diseases, the list of diagnostic studies can vary greatly. A specific medical examination program will be drawn up by a medical worker based on the patient's complaints, as well as the anamnesis of his life and diseases. He must conduct a patient survey. Leading questions will help clarify the presence of certain problems in human he alth.

Also, the list of necessary examinations may vary greatly depending on the age of the patient.
Preventive checkups
Naturally, this examination is only the first stage in the clinical examination. Which doctors the patient will have to visit in the future, in most clinics, is determined by the average medical worker (physician's assistant or nurse). Even if the patient is completely he althy, he still needs to consult at least a general practitioner or general practitioner. Women also need to undergo a gynecological examination.
Both free and paid medical examinations for children involve examinations by a large number of specialists. Their main task, in addition to establishing the absenceor the presence of diseases is the determination of how harmoniously the child develops. Such examinations are carried out in the first few years of life, before entering kindergarten and school. In the future, clinical examination is carried out already at an older age to assess the pace of development of the child during adolescence.

If, according to the results of dispensary examinations, a patient has been diagnosed with one or another pathology, he may be prescribed additional examinations (including computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging) and consultations with specialist doctors. If the disease turns out to be really serious, then the patient may even be sent to hospital for further examination and specialized treatment.
Additional screening activities
Often, as part of medical examinations, screening studies are carried out, which are aimed at early detection of cancer and the factors of their development. Most often, this includes an additional examination:
- mammography (for women for the purpose of early diagnosis of breast diseases);
- determination of the level of PSA (for men in order to determine the presence of prostate pathology);
- fecal occult blood test using highly sensitive reagents.
Thanks to this examination, it is possible to detect oncological diseases in the early stages of their development. This allows you to start the healing process when you can still get rid of the pathology.
Wide Opportunities
The implementation of dispensary examinations on a paid basis can significantly increase the number of screening events. Most often, a broader package of services includes ultrasound examinations of the heart, kidneys, abdominal and pelvic organs, prostate, breast and thyroid.
In addition, medical examination in a paid clinic may involve a more detailed study on the formation of oncological diseases by taking and testing blood for the content of tumor markers.

Many medical centers have their own hospitals with the most modern equipment. If necessary, the patient can be hospitalized in them without any queues. True, such an examination will cost much more than a regular medical examination.
Cost of services
In order to clarify how much a paid medical examination costs, it is better to contact a specific medical center. The fact is that in different clinics this indicator can fluctuate significantly.
On average, paid medical examination for school will cost parents 15,000 rubles. In other periods between the ages of 0 and 18, the cost of these services will vary between 8,000-12,000 rubles.
People aged 18 to 55 are most often offered medical examination programs at a cost of 20,000-25,000 rubles. In the period from 56 to 85, you will have to spend 55,000-65,000 rubles on an annual full-fledged examination of the body. At an older age, a significant number of he alth problems accumulate. As a result, the cost of services for conducting paid medical examinations rises to 80,000 rubles or more.
In some clinics, various promotions are periodically held. Most often, they provide paid screening programs for children and the elderly at reduced prices.
At what age should I be examined?
The Russian he alth care system involves dispensary examinations every 3 years. At the same time, in the current year, persons whose age is a multiple of 3 should undergo examinations. As a result, to the question of what years of birth people get for medical examination in 2019, the answer will be: 1998, 1995, 1992, 1989, 1986, 1983, 1980 1977, 1974, 1971, 1968, 1965, 1962, 1959, 1956, 1953, 1950, 1947, 1944, 1941, 1938, 1935, 1932, 1929, 1926, 1923, 1920, 1917, 1914, 1911, 1908, 1905, 1905, 1905, 1905, 1905, 1905, 1905, 1905, 1905, 1905, 1905, 1905, 1902, 1899, 1895, 1892
Naturally, if this or that problem bothers a person earlier, then he should seek help earlier. It will not matter here which years of birth are subject to medical examination in 2019. Assistance to the patient will be provided to the extent necessary.
Where to get medical examination?
Practically all medical centers are ready to conduct a full range of diagnostic measures, as well as consult the patient for a fee. An exception here can only be very highly specialized clinics involved in the diagnosis and treatment of specific diseases (vascular and dental clinics, women'sconsultations and others).
Currently, the largest number of private medical institutions providing such services are located in major Russian cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Kazan and others. There is always a good selection here. Clinics offer various promotions to make paid dispensary care affordable for the general population.

What to choose?
The main criterion here is a person's income level. If he allows him to spend from twenty to eighty thousand rubles without serious deprivation, depending on his age, then, undoubtedly, a paid medical examination will be a better choice. How much such services cost in this case is not so important, especially in old age. The fact is that timely detection of diseases can prevent their complications. This will increase the duration of active life and reduce the cost of long and expensive treatment.
If a person does not have enough free money, then he needs to undergo dispensary examinations in public clinics. Every three years he has the opportunity to receive the relevant services absolutely free of charge. At the same time, it will take a little more time to pass such a medical examination. The fact is that public clinics are loaded to a much greater extent than private ones. As a result, it may take some time to undergo an examination or examination by a doctor. Take care of your he alth and don't get sick!