Suffocates the thyroid gland. What to do at home? Causes, symptoms, treatment

Suffocates the thyroid gland. What to do at home? Causes, symptoms, treatment
Suffocates the thyroid gland. What to do at home? Causes, symptoms, treatment

A feeling of pressure and a foreign body in the throat is characteristic of most thyroid lesions. The patient experiences discomfort, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath. Such symptoms cannot be ignored, because the organ is constantly increasing in size. If the thyroid gland “strangles”, what should I do? You need to see a doctor to get an examination and receive recommendations for treatment.

suffocates the thyroid gland what to do at home
suffocates the thyroid gland what to do at home

“Suffocates” the thyroid gland: causes

What to do if you feel short of breath? You should consult a doctor to accurately determine the causes of this condition and begin appropriate treatment. The sensation of the presence of a foreign object in the throat, as a rule, appears with an inflammatory process or too active synthesis of hormones. In this case, the brain begins to transmit nerve impulses that provoke protective reflexes -the person begins to cough, the voice becomes hoarse, there is a burning sensation. The thyroid gland worries against the background of disease progression:

  • hyperactivity (hyperthyroidism);
  • inflammatory process in the lobes of the thyroid gland (thyroiditis);
  • malignant or benign neoplasms.

Clinical picture of pathology

The presence of an inflammatory process is confirmed by frequent headaches, a prolonged rise in temperature to subfebrile levels (more than 37 degrees), swelling in the neck, a feeling of suffocation, which intensifies at night, pain in the throat of varying intensity, radiating to the area behind the ears and to the head. With pathologies of the thyroid gland, memory problems appear, weight fluctuates, hair and nails become brittle, mood often changes. In women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

suffocates the thyroid gland what to do at home
suffocates the thyroid gland what to do at home

Pressing pain in the area of the thyroid gland can be paroxysmal, aching or acute. Often, the symptom is accompanied by breathing problems, which can cause the patient to panic, sweat excessively, increase or slow the pulse, and shortness of breath. If the mechanisms of cell division are violated, that is, malignant neoplasms, the neck swells, and the lymph nodes increase, which can cause lymphadenitis.

First Aid

If the thyroid gland "strangles", what to do, how to alleviate the condition? First aid should be provided in a timely manner. Specific measures will be prompted by the attending physician, depending on the disease, the degree of progression of the pathology,individual characteristics of the patient's body. At the first manifestations of hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis or the appearance of neoplasms, a comprehensive diagnostic examination should be performed to identify the exact causes of the symptom.

If the thyroid gland "strangles", what to do at home? It is necessary to provide an influx of fresh air and calm the patient. It is advisable to open the window and relieve pressure in the neck area, that is, unbutton your shirt, remove jewelry and tie. It is possible to provide assistance with special medicines as quickly and efficiently as possible. Usually drugs that regulate the production of hormones are prescribed. With adequate treatment, seizures will occur less frequently and without pain. This will greatly reduce the risk to the patient's life.

suffocates the thyroid gland what to do how to relieve
suffocates the thyroid gland what to do how to relieve

Self-medication with a sudden feeling of suffocation and pressure in the thyroid gland is unacceptable. If such a symptom occurs, you must first remove the risk of suffocation, and in case of a severe attack, call an ambulance. If the thyroid gland “suffocates”, what should I do at home before the doctors arrive? First aid, as already mentioned above, includes easing breathing and providing fresh air if the patient is not taking specific medications. In hyperthyroidism, for example, it is necessary to reduce the synthesis of hormones with the help of thyreostatic drugs, but any medication can be taken only as directed by a doctor.

Inflammatory processes in the gland

Inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland are united in medical practice under the gener althe name "thyroiditis". The onset of the disease is characterized by pathological changes in the thyroid gland: when pressed, there is pain, discomfort in the neck, general malaise, and difficulty in swallowing. As the pathology develops, the production of hormones is disrupted, hypothyroidism sets in, the main manifestations of which are: edema, memory impairment, chronic fatigue and drowsiness, decreased heart rate and body temperature, dry skin.

In an acute condition, the patient has a fever, there are sharp pains in the neck, chills, and a rapid heartbeat. The disease often begins with symptoms of excess thyroid hormones: frequent stools, sweating, heart palpitations, irritability and irritability, trembling of the limbs, and weight loss. Among the local manifestations, redness of the skin on the neck and pain on palpation (palpation) of the gland can be listed.

thyroid choking throat what to do
thyroid choking throat what to do

If the thyroid gland "strangles", what should I do? The symptoms of thyroiditis resemble the clinical picture of other disorders of the thyroid gland, so a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out before prescribing a course of treatment. It includes an immunological blood test, determination of the level of thyroxine and triiodothyronine, ultrasound of the gland to assess the size and structure of the organ, the presence of nodes and tumors, an ultrasound-guided biopsy to detect an increased number of leukocytes and other cells characteristic of the inflammatory process.

If the thyroid gland "strangles" the throat, what should I do? Thyroiditis is treated with antibiotics. As complications develop,as a rule, surgical treatment is indicated. Replacement therapy with synthetic hormonal drugs is possible. There is no specific treatment for some forms of the disease. Chronic thyroiditis, which causes compression of the neck, is treated surgically. With concomitant disorders of the cardiovascular system, beta-blockers are prescribed.

what to do if the thyroid gland is strangling folk remedies
what to do if the thyroid gland is strangling folk remedies

Excessive synthesis of hormones

Hyperthyroidism develops with increased synthesis of thyroid hormones. Pathology is manifested by the following symptoms: sleep disturbances, weight loss against the background of increased appetite, difficulty swallowing, an increase in temperature to 37 degrees and above, irritability, muscle weakness, sweating, palpitations, a feeling of pressure in the throat, abdominal pain, diarrhea, deterioration of the hair and nails, a visible or palpable mass on the neck, menstrual irregularities in women or a decrease in potency in men.

Hyperthyroidism is diagnosed based on the results of laboratory blood tests for the levels of hormones T3, T4 and TSH. The diagnosis is made with a decrease in the level of TSH and an increase in T3, T4. Further procedures are carried out in order to clarify the causes and extent of pathological changes: ultrasound and CT of the thyroid gland, biopsy of organ tissues, MRI of the brain, analysis for antibodies to TSH receptors.

Treatment tactics are determined by the endocrinologist. If the thyroid gland “strangles”, what should I do? Conservative therapy involves the long-term use of drugs that regulate the synthesis of hormones,monitoring them in the blood for dose adjustment. Surgical treatment is indicated for the ineffectiveness of conventional methods or an increase in the size of the organ, which leads to compression of organs and tissues located nearby (trachea, esophagus). Radioiodine therapy is used - a single dose of radioactive iodine preparations, which leads to the death of hormone-producing cells. After that, hormone replacement therapy is required.

suffocates the thyroid gland what to do symptoms
suffocates the thyroid gland what to do symptoms

Malignant tumors

The main diagnostic methods are consultation with an oncologist and ultrasound of the thyroid gland, isotope scanning, biopsy of organ tissues with histological examination. It may be necessary to undergo a CT scan of the liver and other organs. When determining the principles of therapy, the type of tumor, the stage of pathology, and the general condition of the patient are taken into account. Treatment options include hormone therapy, radioactive iodine therapy, external radiation, and chemotherapy. Complete or partial removal of the organ is performed.

Benign neoplasms

The main types of benign neoplasms are cysts, nodules or adenomas. Doctors believe that 40% of the population have one or more nodules in the organ cavity. Such neoplasms do not cause discomfort due to their small size. Some tumors can be detected by the patient on their own, others are visible only on ultrasound. The main symptoms are pain when swallowing, voice disturbances, the appearance of enlarged areas in the thyroid gland, a cough that does not go away with treatment.

suffocates the thyroid gland what to do reasons
suffocates the thyroid gland what to do reasons

If the thyroid gland "strangles", what should I do? If unpleasant symptoms persist for several months, this is a reason to visit an endocrinologist and get tested for hormones. One of the diagnostic methods is ultrasound. To determine the nature of the tumor, you need to undergo a cytological examination. Treatment for benign tumors depends on the cause of the tumor. The most effective method of therapy is surgery. But the method is used to remove a large amount of tissue or remove large cysts.

Folk treatments for pathologies

What to do if the thyroid gland "strangles"? Various folk remedies are used: decoctions of medicinal herbs are taken orally (thyme) or for compresses and lotions (celandine). A remedy of 200 grams of tomato and 400 ml of vodka, infused for three weeks, is taken two teaspoons several times a day. It is effective in detecting goiter with gland hypofunction. You can lubricate the area of the organ with sea buckthorn oil, on top of which apply iodine and insulate. The compress is recommended for ten days before bedtime.

sea buckthorn oil
sea buckthorn oil

Radical therapy of diseases

What to do if the thyroid gland "strangles"? For various diseases, doctors choose one or another surgical tactic. In hyperthyroidism, removal of the organ is indicated for a large size of the thyroid gland, poor iodine susceptibility, severe disease, the patient's age is less than 65 years, and the ineffectiveness of other therapies. Depending on the size and type of lesion,removal of lymph nodes will be required.
