About what is the blood supply of the uterus, the atlas of Sinelnikov tells quite clearly. The information is taught in the course of human anatomy. This system is always studied both in schools with an in-depth program and in medical schools. If a person who does not have deep medical knowledge wants to get acquainted with the scheme of blood supply to the uterus and ovaries, it is very difficult to understand the special literature. This is due to both the specific terminology and the rather complex essence of the topic.
Yet the blood supply to the uterus can be understood if you understand it without going into too much detail. Then the topic will be available to the general population. Still, every modern woman should have an idea about her body and how it functions. This is especially important for those who have a poor blood supply to the uterus, as this greatly affects he alth and the ability to bear and give birth to a child.

Organs and blood flow
There are several major arteries that supply blood to the uterus. In anatomy, special attention is traditionally paid to the internal (private) andexternal genital arteries. The first originates from the internal branches of the iliac artery, and the second from the medial femoral.
Studying the features of the blood supply to the uterus, special attention should be paid to the obturator artery. This vessel also starts from the iliac on the inside. Branches of the same artery will be external seminal. Through them, blood supply and innervation of the uterus is provided. For each of the arteries there is a pair in the form of a vein. These vessels are arranged in parallel.
The blood flow system: nature solves complex problems
In order for the tissues of the genital organs to function normally and receive the necessary nutrition, the human body is filled with numerous interconnected vessels. Through them, blood from the aorta enters individual cells and tissues. In the anatomy of the blood supply to the uterus and appendages, special attention is paid to the ovarian artery, through which life-giving fluid is supplied to an extensive network of small vessels, as well as the uterine artery, originating from the internal branches of the iliac artery.
The main volume of arterial blood to the organ is provided by the functioning of the uterine artery. To a lesser extent, the influx of fluid is due to the ovarian. The uterine artery is a key element of the arterial system of the uterus, since it is through it that blood flows not only to the organ itself, but also to the tubes and ligaments. This vessel provides the flow of fluid that carries oxygen and trace elements to the vagina, ovaries. The direction of the vessel is medially down. If we consider the blood supply system of the uterus and appendages, we can see that the uterine arteryhas an intersection with the ureter, and also at the level of the cervix, the vaginal artery departs from it.

Everything is individual
The blood supply to the uterus and ovaries has certain characteristics in women who have given birth and have not given birth. In the first case, the arteries may be more tortuous. Anatomists also note that the uterine artery, through numerous branches, provides blood supply to the uterus and ovaries, for which the membranes of the organs are literally pierced by vessels. This network extends to both muscular and mucous tissues. During pregnancy, such a system is actively developing, becoming more complicated, which affects the woman's body. After childbirth, the reverse process of degradation of the circulatory system does not occur.
Ovarian artery functions
In many ways, the blood supply to the uterus and appendages is due to the presence of this particular vessel. It provides the supply of oxygen, nutrients to the tubes of the body, the ovaries. The vessel starts from the abdominal aorta in the lumbar region. Further, the artery descends, repeating the trajectory of the ureter, to the pelvic organs. When the vessel is at the level of the ovaries, the branches go there, carrying the life-giving fluid. In this case, the blood supply to the uterus and appendages involves the simultaneous supply of blood to the same tissue from different sources. Thus, the blood supply to the ovaries is provided not only by the ovarian, but also by the uterine artery, the branches of which are also sent to these organs.
Vagina and genitals
In the upper half of the vagina there is blood in the vessels,coming from the uterine artery. Branches directed downwards from the main channel are provided for liquid supply. The middle elements are fed from the inferior cystic artery. Finally, the vagina from below receives blood from the middle intestinal artery and the pudendal or genital internal.
If you analyze the blood supply to the cervix, you will notice that the organs of the reproductive system are closely connected by blood vessels. At the same time, the internal branches of the iliac artery provide the flow of blood, oxygen, trace elements to the vagina in its lower third.

All the arteries that form the blood supply to the cervix, other elements of the female reproductive system, run in parallel with the veins, which have similar names. At the same time, the vessels are intertwined with each other, which creates a powerful blood supply system that is protected from failures.
Lymphatic system
Considering the blood supply to the uterus, it is also necessary to pay attention to the lymph nodes, blood vessels. The following lymph nodes are isolated in the study area:
- internal iliac (upper and lower gluteal, obturator, lateral sacral);
- external iliac (lateral, intermediate, medial);
- common iliac (lateral, intermediate, medial);
- visceral (paravesical, parauterine, paravaginal, anorectal).
At the internal obturator foramen there is an obturator lymph node, into which the outflow of lymph from the cervix occurs. Also, the blood supply to the uterus is largelycontrolled through single lymph nodes scattered throughout the tissues of the pelvic organs.
Most of the lymph nodes are located near the arteries, veins or directly on them. The groin lymph nodes are fed through the organs of the reproductive system located outside, as well as through the vagina in its lower part. This determines the peculiarities of the uterine blood supply system: round uterine ligaments provide communication with the bottom of the organ through the lymph ducts.
Lymph flow: an important element of the reproductive system
When analyzing the blood supply to the uterus, it is necessary to consider the vessels connecting the lower part of the organ and the lymph nodes located near the sacrum, the obturator foramen. The importance for human he alth of the normal functioning of the pararectal and parametric lymph nodes cannot be denied.
Lymph coming from the tubes, the body of the uterus, from the ovaries, is sent through the vessels intended for this to the transverse nodes. Among the pelvic organs there are also lymph nodes concentrated near the iliac artery. When analyzing the blood supply to the uterus, one can notice that the concentration of such accumulations is highest where the uterine artery and ureter intersect. Also, lymph nodes are abundant in the sacrum, the point where the aorta divides into two arterial blood vessels.
Innervation of the uterus
This is represented by sympathetic, parasympathetic elements of the autonomic NS. Predominantly nervous tissue of sympathetic origin. In abundance there are fibers from the spinal cord, plexuses near the sacrum. The uterine body is permeated with nerve fiberssympathetic type, the start of which is a plexus near the aorta in the abdominal cavity. The innervation of the uterus is due to the presence of a special plexus responsible for both this organ and the vagina.

The vagina in the main part and the cervix are permeated with parasympathetic nerve fibers. These originate in the plexus near the vagina, uterus. The ovarian plexus supplies the nervous system to the corresponding organ. This is where the fibers start from the plexuses near the kidneys, the aorta. To some extent, the plexus near the ovaries also ensures the functioning of the nervous system of the uterine tubes, but not only. This area is also dependent on fibers from the uterine, vaginal plexus. When analyzing the nervous system of the external organs that form the female reproductive system, one can notice the important role of the pudendal nerve, starting from the croup near the sacrum and providing numerous branches for the nervous sensitivity of the zone.
Difficult but reliable
On how to improve the blood supply in the uterus, doctors have to think only if the patient has suffered an injury, surgery or severe pathology. In general, the circulatory system of the genital organs, composed of numerous vessels, not only works flawlessly, but also has a high margin of safety. This is a voluminous complex of organs, which is characterized by a high rate of blood flow. This makes regular changes in the menstrual cycle, the reproductive period possible.
Since the circulatory system is very rich, forthe body does not pose a problem to restore tissue lost during the menstrual cycle. Also, the correctness of the blood supply system is the key to the ability to implant a fertilized egg, form a placenta.
Why do I need this?
To delve into the peculiarities of the structure of the uterus, supplying it with blood is usually for those who cannot become pregnant for a long time. As gynecological statistics show, it is this problem that most often pushes modern women to a detailed study of their own anatomical structure. Many hope that this will help find an approach that will allow them to fulfill their dream of becoming a mother.

Modern gynecology knows a number of quantitative, qualitative indicators to assess how adequate the uterine blood supply system is. In a clinical case, this makes it possible to correctly assess the condition of a woman and find ways to solve the problem. Surprisingly, the anatomy of the pelvic organs is quite constant, despite significant differences in the body of different people. In addition, age-related changes greatly affect almost all organs, changing them, but the reproductive system remains stable for a long time. At the same time, doctors take into account that under the influence of pathologies, the age factor, the state of the reproductive cycle, it is possible to adjust the characteristics of the circulatory system.
Arteries: Features
The arterial system of the uterus is the ovarian, uterine arteries, and the latter is more responsible for feeding the organ thanfirst. The uterine is divided into ascending, descending arteries near the isthmus. The blood vessel going down provides the supply of oxygen, microelements to the vaginal walls, uterine cervix. The second branch repeats the trajectory of the wide uterine ligament and is attached to it, reaches the ovarian artery, after which the vessels merge into a single whole.
When forming a single vessel from two, an arc also appears, located in the broad ligament. This element is rich in branches that feed the surface of the uterus in front and behind. In addition, blood flow is provided throughout the entire thickness of the uterine walls, creating the necessary environment for the vital activity of cells.
Pregnancy: changes in the circulatory system
If in the normal state of the female reproductive system the blood vessels that feed it, including the arteries in question, are rather tortuous, when the egg is fertilized, a gradual restructuring of the body occurs. It cannot be said that the vessels become less tortuous, but they undergo changes. They become larger, at the same time the diameter of the blood vessels grows, the arteries increase in length.
During gestation, the circulatory system of the genital organs is actively developing, which affects the number of vessels that form it. Many branches grow into the uterus, following the contours of the outer part of the organ. This phenomenon in anatomy is usually called a wonderful network. This term is applied to a kind of plexus of numerous elements, which includes three types of vessels, differing from each other in structure and position.
Uterus: shape and parts
This term is used to denote one of the key components of the female reproductive system. The organ is formed by muscle tissue and normally has the shape of a pear. This element is located in the small female pelvis, nature is intended for bearing the fetus, subject to the preliminary fertilization of the egg (childbearing function).
The uterus is formed by numerous elements, in medicine subdivided into several groups of tissues. Allocate the bottom, which looks up, forward, body, neck. The cervix descends towards the vagina. The point at which the body passes into the uterus is called the isthmus in anatomy.

Surfaces and cavities
From the point of view of anatomy, we can talk about the presence of two surfaces of the body. Behind it is adjacent to the intestines, which gives the name of this part, and in front the name is due to the proximity of the bladder. The uterus is characterized by the presence of the right and left edges.
The greatest interest for any woman planning a pregnancy is the uterine cavity. It is relatively small, studies usually show a triangular shape. There are pipes on the sides on the upper side, and the neck channel begins from below. With a detailed examination of the mucous membrane of the organ, you can see the glands that ensure the normal production of sex hormones. The cervical canal connects the uterine opening and the vaginal entrance. Back, front lips are provided to limit the hole.
Girl and woman: there are differences
Usually evenin the absence of information from the patient during a gynecological examination, the doctor can say for sure whether the woman gave birth or not. Conclusions can be drawn from both the shape and size of the uterus. So, for girls, the conical shape of the uterus is characteristic, which gradually transforms into a cylindrical one with age. The correspondence to this form is most pronounced in those who have already undergone childbirth. In this case, the opening is usually transverse, oval before childbirth, and after them it turns into a transverse slit.
In different women, the uterus grows to different sizes, much depends on the state of the reproductive status. So, if there was no childbirth before, then the organ is usually no more than 8 cm long, and for those who have already become a mother, the length can reach 9.5 cm. The width of the area that gives rise to the fallopian tubes after childbirth is 4.5 cm Before pregnancy, the uterus weighs no more than 300 grams, and the body develops more actively already during puberty, and in old age there is a natural decrease in size. Soon after giving birth, the uterus of a young mother returns to its previous state by weight.
Building features
The uterus is a complex organ formed by several layers of tissue. From the inside it is a mucous tissue, in the center it is muscular, and from the outside it is serous. The middle layer is thicker than the other two, and anatomy suggests dividing it into three additional layers (longitudinal outer and inner, circular in the center).

The mucosa is characterized by a thin epithelium, formed by just one layer. It has a prismatic appearance. Mucous -the place where the glands that provide and control the work of the uterus are concentrated. These are tubular simple glands. The inner surface of the organ in adulthood changes in accordance with a certain cycle. For the general public, this is known under the term "menstruation." During the "red days" the mucosa loses its functional layer - the tissue is torn off. When the process is completed, the bleeding stops, the lost tissues are quickly restored and the mucosa is again ready for its main function - a fertilized egg is implanted here.
Two other shells: what are the features
The most important part of the uterus is its shell, which is formed by muscle fibers. It has already been mentioned above that in anatomy it is customary to distinguish three layers of smooth fibers woven with each other, taking into account the variety of directions. In the center is a circular plexus, and the inner and outer layers are longitudinal. The middle layer is characterized by an abundance of blood vessels.
The peritoneum, which is also called the serosa, is designed to cover the uterine fundus, with the tissue gradually moving to the surface of the organ. If you examine the uterus from the front, you will notice that the serous membrane reaches the neck and even slightly overlaps the bladder. This allows the formation of an anatomically important depression.
Ultrasound as a method of studying the state of an organ
This methodology allows us to understand how anatomically correct position the uterus occupies in the female body. With the help of ultrasound, doctors can conclude that there is a deviation and in whichdirection, what consequences this may lead to.
When examining the area behind the bladder, it becomes possible to evaluate the uterus from such an angle that it has the shape of a pear in the pictures. But if the study is carried out in diameter, then the organ appears to be ovoid. At the same time, doctors observe the heterogeneity of the structure and can make a conclusion: how much is it within the normal range. If there are no problems, then the myometrium should be constant throughout its volume, structurally it is echopositive.
The endometrium changes, it depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle. At some time intervals, the tissue becomes thicker, at other times it decreases - and this is repeated from month to month. Also, in the study, it is important to pay attention to how well the organs and tissues are supplied with blood. The arteries involved in this have been listed and described above. The normal functioning of the organ is possible only if blood is supplied in a normal volume at a rate characteristic of the body, while it is important that the outflow of lymph occurs in accordance with the work of the circulatory system - quickly, without failures.