Strengthening immunity: remedies and preparations

Strengthening immunity: remedies and preparations
Strengthening immunity: remedies and preparations

Often a person's immunity does not cope with the functions assigned to it. There are many reasons for this. Weakened immunity can be due to a number of adverse factors. In some cases, proper treatment is required. What means and methods contribute to strengthening immunity will be discussed in detail below. But first, some theory.

What is immunity: types

Strengthening immunity in adults and children may be required for various reasons. Under the influence of a number of factors, the body's natural defenses are weakened. Immunity can be innate or acquired. The latter is divided into active or passive type of body defense.

Human immunity
Human immunity

Innate immunity is genetic. With such a barrier from various adverse factors, a person is born into the world. The immune status of the newborn depends on what diseases the parents suffered, what protective reactions they developed or, conversely, did not develop.

Acquired immunity a person receives during his life. Hemay be active or passive. The first type of immunity appears after the illness, as well as during vaccination. In this case, the body begins to produce antibodies that prevent the development of the disease. They remain on guard of he alth for a long time (from several years to decades).

Passive immunity appears after the introduction of ready-made antibodies into the body. It can be different serums, injections. A newborn receives passive immunity from the mother through breast milk. The placenta also supplies the baby with the necessary antibodies that the mother produces.

Reasons for reducing the body's defenses

Strengthening immunity may be required in some cases. The body's defenses are reduced by malnutrition (malnutrition, unbalanced nutrition, improperly prepared foods), as well as stale foods. Poor quality water also significantly reduces immunity. And it's not just dirty water. In some cases, the liquid is cleaned very strongly. As a result, it does not contain the minerals necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Such water is called "dead". It also reduces immunity.

He althy lifestyle for immunity
He althy lifestyle for immunity

If a person does not consume enough water, he may also experience a decrease in the protective functions of the body. Unfavorable external conditions also have a negative impact on well-being. This may be an increased radioactive background, high gas pollution from exhaust gases or emissions from enterprises, rotting waste. This isalso significantly destroys the protective barrier.

Wrong lifestyle can also lead to unpleasant consequences. Stress, high physical or emotional stress negatively affect the body's resistance to adverse external factors. Low mobility, bad habits also lead to the appearance of such deviations. Immunity can be reduced due to the presence of chronic or congenital diseases. These can be fungal, infectious diseases, the presence of parasites in the body, etc. In order to choose the right means to increase immunity, you need to assess the state of the immune system, as well as determine the factors that negatively affect it.


Before buying pills, drops, vitamins to strengthen the immune system, you need to pay attention to the main symptoms that indicate a decrease in the protective functions of the body. After finding a large number of matches, you need to consult a doctor. He will conduct additional examinations and select the correct treatment method.

Frequent colds testify to a decrease in immunity. In this case, influenza, SARS lasts at least 12 days. Herpes is also common. The skin becomes dry, sensitive and irritated. The hair is weak and dull.

Preparations to increase immunity
Preparations to increase immunity

Immunocompromised people may have worms. Most often, such people have a pet at home or there are simply signs of helminthic invasions. A person can often be nervous, depressed, unable tohandle the slightest amount of stress. There is increased fatigue, frequent drowsiness. This is especially noticeable in the off-season. Abnormalities (constipation or diarrhea) may appear in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes there are allergies.

Decrease in protective forces occurs after taking antibiotics, a sharp change in weight, moving, business trips. Also, a significant physical or emotional shock entails a decrease in immunity. Skin diseases, pathologies of the respiratory tract, spine, and joints may be present. Periodically, a person suffers from urogenital infections.

The condition of people with reduced immunity may vary depending on the weather. Anemia or low hemoglobin levels may occur. The heartbeat is frequent, papillomas, warts appear. Cancer may also be present. If most of the listed symptoms prevail, you need to choose the right means to strengthen immunity.

Varieties of drugs

There are a number of drugs to strengthen the immune system. They can be made from different components. So, today drugs on a natural (vegetable) basis are popular. These include: Dr. Theiss Echinacea tincture or extract, Eleutherococcus extract, Immunal, Ginseng tincture, and Schisandra chinensis.

echinacea extract
echinacea extract

There are also preparations made on the basis of bacterial enzymes. Such agents have a pronounced immunostimulating effect. Such funds include"Ribomunil", "Likopid", "IRS-19", as well as "Bronchomunal", "Imudon".

Preparations based on nucleic acid are highly effective. These include Derinat, sodium nucleinate. The doctor may prescribe drugs based on interferon. These include "Viferon", leukocyte interferon, "Arbidol", "Anaferon", etc. Based on the thymus, there are also a number of immunostimulating drugs. These include Timalin, Timomulin, Vilozen, etc.

Biostimulants include preparations based on aloe, as well as preparations "Plasmol", "FiBS".

One of the effective means are vitamins to strengthen the immune system. Adults and children are prescribed drugs with different composition and in different dosages. The complex may include not only vitamins, but also trace elements. This is especially important for those people who cannot get enough of the necessary elements from available products.

Drug reviews

According to reviews, strengthening immunity will be effective only if certain drugs are used. The most popular of them are vegetable.

One of the most effective and most sought-after remedies, according to the reviews of doctors and buyers, is Immunal. This drug is made on the basis of echinacea. The medicine can also be used as a prophylaxis during periods of an influenza epidemic, in the cold season. The drug is released in the formdrops. It is used three times a day. Children are prescribed up to 10 drops for a single dose, and adults - 20 drops.

The drug immunal
The drug immunal

Another popular remedy is Eleutherococcus extract. It is used three times a day before meals. Do not take the drug in the evening. This can turn into insomnia. With high blood pressure, other drugs should also be used.

No less popular remedy is "Bronchomunal". It is used after prolonged infectious, inflammatory diseases. For diseases of the throat, nose or ears, the drug "IRS-19" is used. It also helps to boost immunity in asthma. Can be used for both adults and children.


What vitamins to strengthen immunity are on sale today? There are many special balanced complexes, which are also supplemented with minerals. Immunostimulators necessarily contain the following vitamins:

  • A - retinol. It is involved in the processes of regeneration of vision, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves heart function. Also, this vitamin prevents the development of cancer.
  • B is an indispensable component of a complete diet. These primarily include B1, B6 and B12. Without them, antibodies that prevent the spread of viruses and infections are not produced.
  • С – broad-spectrum antioxidant. It fights free radicals, accelerates the production of antibodies. It is especially important to take this vitamin in cold weather.year, during the epidemic.
  • E - tocopherol. Prevents tissue aging. Accelerates the healing process of wounds, ulcers. It boosts immunity. In addition, this vitamin eliminates thrombosis.
  • D - calciferol. Increases immunity to colds. It is especially useful in combination with vitamins A and E.
  • P - a vitamin that can fight radiation, prevents the development of cancer.
  • H - needed to restore the resistance of the skin to adverse factors. It participates in metabolic processes, allows the production of enzymes.
  • K - needed for proper blood clotting. It is involved in the absorption of calcium.

The listed elements are used in combination. Their correct combination, proportions and quantity are chosen in accordance with the age of the person, the diseases he has suffered. These vitamins are essential for strengthening the immune system.

Varieties of vitamin complexes

Today, vitamins for strengthening immunity for children and adults are on sale. The most popular in this area are the following drugs. "Immunap Forte" contains vitamins and minerals, as well as plant extracts. The composition improves immunity.

"Centrum" - a complex of vitamins for adults. Contains 24 vitamins and minerals. This is one of the best drugs that is used to improve immunity. Also high results show vitamins "Vitrum". It contains 15 vitamins and minerals. They are properly balanced, which giveshigh effect.

Vitamins Elevit
Vitamins Elevit

For adults and children, Alphabet will be a good drug. It contains a unique set of microelements and vitamins that enhance the effect of each other. Pregnant and lactating women are recommended to use Elevit vitamins. They contain all the essential nutrients to add to a he althy diet.

Products for immunity

There are also a number of products to strengthen the immune system. They must be included in the menu. These foods include cereals, cereals, lean meats, and eggs. It is also important to eat fish, dairy products. It is good to eat legumes. Natural phytoncides are onions, garlic. They fight bacteria and viruses.

Balanced nutrition and immunity
Balanced nutrition and immunity

Special attention should be paid to fruits. They need to be eaten every day. It is worth considering that the fruits should be different. They should be eaten one hour after or one hour before meals. Berries are also helpful. Let such products be bright colors. They even cheer up the appearance, which also strengthens the immune system.

Tomatoes, persimmons, peaches and apricots are high in antioxidants. Very useful seafood. It can be shrimp, crabs, algae, and also fish. They contain a lot of selenium and iodine.

Sour-milk products (yogurts, kefir, starter cultures) support a he althy intestinal microflora. It also helps to strengthen the immune system. You also need to drink plenty of water (1.5-2 liters per day). Needstop drinking alcohol, smoking, a lot of sweets, as well as foods with dyes and preservatives.

Folk recipes

Today, strengthening the immune system with folk remedies is popular. For this, different recipes are used. You can make teas, infusions. One of the most useful natural substances that improves immunity is honey. If there is no allergy to it, it should be eaten with warm tea, milk. Do not add it to hot drinks.

Ginger is a very effective remedy for boosting immunity. They make tea from it. It is good to combine this plant with chamomile, honey. Rosehip decoction is useful. It contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. But you need to drink such a remedy through a straw so as not to damage the enamel on your teeth.

Freshly squeezed juices demonstrate good results. Citrus and berry drinks are especially useful. You can make infusions of garlic. This plant is a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals. You can also make cranberry tea. This berry is known for its positive effect on the immune system.

A few tips

Strengthening immunity is impossible without revising your lifestyle. You need to fully relax, sleep at least 8 hours, and preferably all 10 hours. At the same time, you need to walk daily in the fresh air, engage in your favorite sport. Moreover, strength exercises are excluded. They also negatively affect the immune system. Jogging, swimming and gymnastics are the best solution.

Having considered the features of the process of strengthening immunity,correct action can be taken. This will increase the body's defenses, make your life brighter and fuller.
