Exudate is a special fluid that can accumulate in various inflamed tissues of the human body. It is formed due to a violation of the walls of blood vessels and the ingress of blood there. The appearance of such a liquid is typical at the initial (acute) stages of various pathologies.
Serous exudate
The yellowish liquid is called serous exudate. It is most often found in lesions of the body with various infectious diseases, as well as in tuberculosis. It contains no more than 3% protein, as well as a large amount of folded fibrin.

Serous exudate is a fluid whose composition varies depending on the disease. For example, in tuberculosis or syphilis, a large number of lymphocytes may be present, but not at all stages of the disease. If a person's tuberculosis has passed into a chronic (protracted) form, then the exudate is also present, but the number of plasma cells already increases in its composition.
Eosinophilic exudate
This type of exudate is characterized by a high content of eosinophilic granulocytes. They are found in secreted serous effusion. Also in medical practice, there is a certain list of diseases in which a liquid of a similar composition is found. Eosinophilic exudate is common in:
- tuberculosis;
- severe infectious diseases;
- abscess;
- serious injuries;
- metastasis of lung cancer, etc.
There are also various forms of eosinophilic exudate. It can be serous, hemorrhagic and purulent. All of them differ in composition, from which they received different names.
Purulent exudate
This type of exudate can occur for completely different reasons. As a rule, this fluid is formed only in the presence of secondary infection. The infection can be in the lungs or in any other organ of the body. It also sometimes occurs in inflammatory diseases, in serous cavities.

Besides, there are different stages of exudate.
- Initially, it can be serous, and then - purulent. Its color becomes cloudy with a greenish tint, and the density increases. Occasionally, blood impurities may appear in it. Such a transition indicates a complication of the disease.
- Exudate may lighten, which indicates a positive course of the disease.
- Also, sometimes a transparent exudate can become simply cloudy, while not changing its density. This condition also indicates an unfavorable development of the established pathology.
It is worth noting that this kindexudate is considered one of the most dangerous, since it almost always speaks of the development of the disease and the ineffectiveness of the prescribed treatment.
Putrid exudate
Putrefactive exudate is a neglected form of purulent. Usually its color ranges from brown to yellow-green. It contains a huge amount of substances that appear due to the decay products of leukocytes, fatty acids and cholesterol.

The appearance of such a liquid requires special attention from doctors. During therapy, antibiotics and other medications are additionally prescribed. Putrid exudate exudes a very unpleasant odor due to putrefaction processes.
Hemorrhagic exudate
This type of exudate is usually noted when:
- mesothelioma;
- Metastasis of oncological neoplasms;
- hemorrhagic diathesis, which is supplemented by infectious infection;
- thoracic injuries.
Blood mixes with serous effusion, and the mass itself acquires a liquid consistency.
It is worth noting that with this form it is very important to examine this exudate in the laboratory. Treatment should also be given based on results.
During the study, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence and number of erythrocytes contained. By this indicator, you can determine the presence or absence of bleeding. If "dead" erythrocytes and their decay products are noted in the hemorrhagic exudate, this indicates a cessationbleeding. If, during the second test, the number of fresh red blood cells increased, then in this case we can conclude that there is repeated bleeding.
It is also very important to monitor the condition of hemorrhagic exudate during a purulent infection. There are frequent cases when serous-hemorrhagic effusion turns into a purulent form. Pus impurities are easily determined with the help of special samples, and then the appropriate drugs are prescribed.
Also, by hemorrhagic exudate, you can monitor the course of the disease. If eosinophilic granulocytes were recorded in its composition, then the doctor can conclude that the course of the disease is favorable. If their concentration rises to 80%, then this already indicates a gradual recovery of the patient.

Cholesterol exudate
Cholesterol exudate can be present in the human body for a long time. As a rule, it is found in any chronic pathologies. Almost always, its appearance was preceded by an existing inflammatory exudate.
There are very few other elements in the composition of cholesterol exudate, except for cholesterol. Also, it may already be in a disintegrated form.
It looks thick with a brown or yellow tint. It is characterized by a pearly overflow. If there are a lot of red blood cells in the cholesterol exudate, then its shade can vary up to chocolate.
Chylous, chyle-like and milky exudate
All these three exudates can be combined into one type, since outwardly they are very similar (havemilky color), but there are still differences.
- Chylous exudate is filled with lymphocytes. It is noted with various injuries, tumors or inflammations. Its milky color is due to its low fat content.
- Chylus-like exudate. Its appearance always occurs due to the active breakdown of fat cells, which also gives it a milky tint. This type of fluid is very common in liver cirrhosis and developing malignant tumors. The chyle-like exudate is completely devoid of microflora.
- Milky exudate is a pseudochylous effusion (its second name). In its composition, unlike the first two, there are no fat cells. It is worth noting that milky exudate is present in lipoid lesions of the kidneys.

Exudate in the ear
This type of exudate appears only in one case - with chronic exudative otitis media. To designate this disease is not at all difficult. Just a visual inspection is enough. Children and adolescents are more susceptible to diseases.
So, upon examination, the otolaryngologist may notice a change in the color of the eardrum. It can be whitish, pink. If there are fluid bubbles in the ear, then this once again proves the presence of exudate, but already behind the eardrum.
Exudate is often liquid, but in advanced cases it can thicken a lot. At the same time, the patient begins to complain of hearing loss and pain.

With such a disease, it is very important to apply the treatment on time. The fact is thatvery thick effusion affects all areas of the inner ear. Exudate is present behind the membrane and near the malleus. In addition, it is very difficult to remove it in the usual way. In order to get rid of the exudate in the ear, the otolaryngologist has to carry out repeated washing. In this case, not only the ear itself, but also the pharynx, as well as the nose.