All people get sick, but at the same time no one thinks about how his illness is qualified - a general disease or a nosological form. What is it, read in this article.
What is nosology?
This is the science of disease. Nosological forms mean a single disease. The subject of study is he alth - not only the absence of diseases and defects, but also mental, physical and social well-being. If the nosological form of the disease is established, the patient's regulatory system is disturbed, his working capacity decreases, he does not adapt well in the environment.
Nosology as a science sets itself the following tasks:
- Generate science-based concepts that are essential for use in medicine.
- Develop and scientifically argue the nomenclature of diseases and their conditions.
- Develop and substantiate the classification of diseases.
- Formulate the provisions and general concepts of diseases.
- Develop medical concepts.
Pathological processes in nosology
When a person falls ill, reactions that are unusual for a he althy state occur in his body, organs or tissues: on the one handpathological changes occur, and on the other hand, protective and adaptive functions are included in the work of the body. The basis of the disease is a pathological process, but it is not a disease.

Evolving, pathological processes are formed and fixed in stable combinations - they are called typical. These are tumors of various etiologies, inflammation, edema, fever, dystrophy and much more.
A pathological condition is characterized by a deviation from the norm of the structure and functions of organs, systems and tissues, caused by two factors:
- Previous illnesses - this may be cicatricial narrowing of the esophagus as a result of a chemical burn, amputation of limbs.
- Intrauterine development disorder, which can result in, for example, clubfoot.
Usually, these conditions progress slowly or do not appear at all, but in some cases, the pathology turns into a disease.
Reactivity in nosology
There are two types of it:
Physiological - when the body reacts to various environmental factors without violating the constancy of the internal environment. This can be a person's adaptation to stress, the process of thermoregulation when the temperature changes, and much more

Pathogenic - when pathogenic factors act on the body, and the body reacts to them
What is disease?
In nosology, this is the main concept. The term has a double meaning: on the one hand, it isspecific diseases, and on the other hand, biological phenomena and special forms of human life. This is suffering caused by damage to the whole organism or its individual system by some damaging factors.
If, for example, a nosological form of heart muscle disease is established, the patient may not be able to cope with the stresses of the daily rhythm of life. In this case, the protective adaptive mechanisms that are included in the work are inflammation, fever, thrombosis and much more - this is already a pathological form.

In the absence of medical care, they remain the only natural processes that prevent the death of the whole organism. A he althy person has no switching mechanisms.
The vital activity of sick and he althy organisms differs significantly, qualitative and quantitative characteristics differ. A sick organism has a completely different reaction to the usual effects. For example, bronchial asthma in a patient can cause severe asthma attacks caused by pollen, grass, animal hair. Previously, before the onset of bronchial asthma, there was no such reaction.
So, the incidence of nosological forms is a disease that is a unity of two opposite principles: damage and adaptations.
Nosological form of diseases
This concept implies a separate independent form of the disease, characterized by the following criteria:
- Ascertained causedisease.
- Studied development mechanism.
- Uniform clinical structure, that is, a regular change in clinical manifestations.
- Anatomical and histological picture of changes of a different nature in human organs.
- A certain outcome of the disease.
Science distinguishes independent nosological forms of arthritis and related diseases of a different nature.
The first group includes rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic, allergic, psoriatic polyarthritis, infectious gonorrheal, dysentery, tuberculosis, viral arthritis and many other diseases of the joints.

The second group includes arthritis associated with allergic diseases, metabolic disorders, pathologies of connective tissue, lungs, blood, malignant tumors and many other diseases.
The nosological form of traumatic arthritis has been singled out as a special group, which is associated with the peculiarities of their occurrence and special methods of treatment.
The most common nosological form of infections for this group is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It lives and develops in any environmental conditions. The stick is found in river and sea basins, in waste and bottled waters, in soil. The bacterium gladly settles on the skin, nasal mucosa, occupies the nasopharynx and gastrointestinal tract.
Nosological forms of infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa can infect both amoeba and humans. Pseudomonas aeruginosacoli plays a major role in primary immunodeficiency, leukemia and other tumor processes. Patients with HIV infection are ten times more susceptible to infection than he althy people.

The occurrence of immunodeficiency is provoked by stress caused by injuries, burns, surgery, therefore infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa are more likely to occur in hospitalized patients.
Purulent infections
Nosological forms of diseases of a purulent-septic nature often occur in patients of the surgical department, traumatology, urology.
WHO has developed an international classification of diseases. The list of purulent-septic infections includes more than eighty diseases that qualify as independent nosological forms.

Certain types of pathogens cause epidemiological infections. This is facilitated by the ways and factors of transmission of the disease. The nosological form of infections is transmitted by contact with a sick person through objects or touches and by airborne droplets when sneezing, talking.