Capillaries on the nose: causes, removal methods

Capillaries on the nose: causes, removal methods
Capillaries on the nose: causes, removal methods

Dilated blood vessels on the face look extremely unaesthetic, but are not a dangerous he alth disorder. The color of the veins can be red, bright orange, purple or blue, which contrasts markedly with normal skin tone. Couperosis is especially frightening for women because it suggests chronic alcoholism. But this is far from the only reason for the appearance of a network of capillaries on the nose.

Shapes of capillary disorders

You can pay attention to the first manifestations of pathology when the vascular network is not yet visible too brightly. At first, localized redness may occur, itching and a feeling of tightness, burning. If you carefully examine the affected area through a magnifying glass, you can see small protruding veins.

capillaries in the nose
capillaries in the nose

At the next stage, the capillaries are already visible to others. Home remedies can no longer cope with this cosmetic defect. The third stage is characterized by the spread of a network of veins over most of the face. Most often, capillaries appear on the nose, chin, cheekbones and forehead.

Dermatologists distinguish several types of this disorder. Telangiectasia is manifested by the formation of a network of blood vessels on the cheeks, nose and near the nose. In summer, the capillaries are practically invisible, but in the autumn-winter period, an exacerbation occurs. The disease can be acquired or congenital.

One of the severe forms of rosacea is rosacea. At the initial stage, a person feels pronounced hot flashes, blushes sharply with stress, alcohol intake or temperature stimuli. The redness lasts for a long time. Then, pink rashes, spider veins and abscesses appear on the nose and cheeks. The affected areas disfigure the face, because a bumpy surface forms on them. No specific pathogens have been identified so far.

Children are more likely to develop hemangioma - a benign formation. The tumor usually resolves on its own, but if active growth is diagnosed, then surgical removal is necessary. At the same time, bright spots appear on the face with vessels diverging to the sides. Usually, such formations do not require treatment.

how to get rid of broken capillaries on nose
how to get rid of broken capillaries on nose

Wine stains are innate. The main symptom of the pathology are red or purple spots of irregular shape, which are located in the temples, forehead, nose and eyelids. Pathology requires urgent intervention, because complications can occur over time. Spontaneous healing has not been recorded.

IfIf the capillaries in the nose grow and burst, it is better to immediately contact an experienced dermatologist in order to prevent the development of complications. The specialist will assess the degree of damage and prescribe special procedures that will get rid of defects.

Broken capillaries: causes

Most often, capillaries dilate and burst in people with sensitive skin. The risk group includes patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Also, rosacea can be triggered by hereditary predisposition, uncontrolled use of antibiotics, malnutrition (especially with an addiction to spicy foods and constant overeating), regular exposure to the skin (for example, wearing glasses with a tight frame).

Concomitant diseases of various organs and systems can cause pathology. These are hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver tumors, disruption of the lymphatic and circulatory systems, blood diseases, severe stress, hormonal disruptions, age-related changes in the structure of the skin and blood vessels, as well as a general weakening of the immune system. Other causes of capillaries on the nose: abuse of alcohol, nicotine, coffee, repeated facial cleansing, various peels, unstable temperature conditions (burst capillaries are a common problem for builders, cooks and janitors).

how to get rid of capillaries on nose
how to get rid of capillaries on nose

Another common cause of rosacea is pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, the volume of circulating blood in the body increases, and this puts increased pressure on the vessels. If the disease developed during pregnancy, then it can be expected that rosacea will disappear afterchildbirth. For many women, the disorder appeared with each subsequent pregnancy.


How to remove capillaries on the nose? With skin prone to peeling and inflammation, you need to pay considerable attention to daily care. Usually they advise masks with vitamins and menthol, lymphatic drainage massage, cryomassage. In summer, you need to use creams with SPF, and in winter - with fats and fatty acids. If the red capillaries on the nose become very noticeable, then you need to turn to more serious methods of therapy.

Medicated treatment

Usually, medications are prescribed in addition to hardware methods of treatment. Ginkgo biloba, Askorutin, Pinogen, Alpha-linoleic acid, Alpha-tocoferon have proven themselves well. The action of these drugs is aimed at increasing the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries. Also, the doctor may prescribe medicinal ointments with chamomile, calendula, seaweed. These funds can be found in pharmacies on the shelves with medical cosmetics.

how to remove capillaries on the nose
how to remove capillaries on the nose

Hardware methods of therapy

How to remove broken capillaries on the nose? An effective method is electrocoagulation. A special needle is brought to the damaged vessel, passing an electric current. Under the action of current, the capillary is destroyed. The disadvantage of this method is the pain and the likelihood of scarring. Cryodestruction (cauterization with liquid nitrogen) has the same unpleasant consequences. Today, you can use less traumatic and more effective ways to remove the capillaries on the nose.

Laser correction is often recommended. Damaged capillaries are soldered under the influence of high temperature. After some time, these areas become part of the connective tissue, and he althy pathways for blood circulation are formed nearby. It's painless and effective. Sclerotherapy involves the introduction of a special substance into the affected capillaries, under the influence of which the vessel sticks together.

Ozono-, photo- and mesotherapy

In ozone therapy, the affected areas are treated with ozone. If there are seals or hemangiomas, then injections are made directly into the affected area. As a result, a biochemical reaction occurs in the cells, which leads to the destruction of defective vessels, and oxygen saturation gives a rejuvenating effect.

broken capillaries in the nose
broken capillaries in the nose

Photorejuvenation gives the same effect. Areas with a vascular network are exposed to intense light pulses. During the procedure, the rays of the apparatus glue the walls of the capillaries, and after a few days the damage becomes invisible. Phototherapy helps only with small formations. Mesotherapy is also recommended for the treatment of mild rosacea. At the same time, a meso-cocktail with vitamins is injected under the skin, which eliminates congestion in the vessels and strengthens their walls.

Alternative medicine

How else can you get rid of capillaries on your nose? Dilated vessels can not be removed using folk methods, but you can remove the acute inflammatory process, increase vascular tone and reduce their fragility. Gives a good resultjuice therapy. The main ingredient is freshly squeezed cabbage juice. Plum or carrot juice can be added to improve taste.

capillaries on the nose
capillaries on the nose

Also strengthen the capillaries on the nose lotion of badyaga, infusions of chamomile, calendula and plantain, compresses of mashed parsley with milk, potato masks. Warming agents are not recommended. It is also undesirable to resort to such means as masks with bee products, vinegar and red pepper extract. Otherwise, you may get burned.

A couple of times a day, you can wipe your face with an ice cube made from tincture of calendula or chamomile, green tea. Some are helped by masks from raspberries, strawberries, sea buckthorn, starch and lingonberries. All ingredients must first be ground in a blender and mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. Warm compresses from chamomile decoction and potato applications are useful.

Prevention measures

If broken capillaries on the nose appear regularly, then all products based on cloves, menthol, alcohol, aloe, eucalyptus and honey should be excluded from skin care products. Masks should be gently distributed over the surface of the skin, following the massage lines. After water procedures and washing, you do not need to wipe your face dry. It is enough to blot the skin with a clean towel.

It is worth refusing to use brushes and massagers, steam inhalations and manual cleaning of the skin. Several times a year you need to take a course of vitamin therapy, and the rest of the time do not abuse the sauna and bath. Fromdiet is better to exclude chocolate, citrus fruits, tomatoes, yogurt, legumes, cheese. Massages are recommended to be done with collagen. Good for walking, Pilates, yoga or swimming.

red capillaries on the nose
red capillaries on the nose

Summary conclusion

Complex therapy will relieve the symptoms of acute rosacea, but the problem with the vessels will not disappear. Therefore, it is better to visit a therapist to find out the exact causes of the disease. Prevention and implementation of all the recommendations of a dermatologist will help to briefly push back the time when the vascular network reappears.
