Lymph nodes are found throughout the human body. There are more than 150 of them in the body. However, the largest accumulation of lymph nodes is located in places that are most often attacked by microbes and bacteria. Therefore, if inflammation or discomfort occurs in the groin, armpits and neck, special attention should be paid.

In the normal state of the human body, the lymphatic system does not cause serious concern. However, in some situations, a person experiences pain in the armpits. First of all, this may indicate that there has been an increase in the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis). It is worth considering in more detail why such formations appear and how to deal with them.
Causes of the disease
If the lymph node under the arm is enlarged, then this phenomenon can provoke a huge number of factors. As a rule, such a pathology develops due to chronic inflammatory processes occurring in the internal organs. This is due to the fact that bacterial infections constantly penetrate into the human body, which must be neutralized as soon as possible.
If we talk about the causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm, then among them it is worth considering the most common.
- Viral disease. As a rule, inflammatory processes in the region of the lymph nodes are caused by throat ailments (for example, tonsillitis, SARS, influenza and other infections). In order to get rid of the inflammatory process in the lymph node, it is enough to cure the underlying disease, and then all body systems will return to normal.
- Viruses or bacteria. Lymphadenitis can appear in a person against the background of staphylococcus or streptococcus.
- Oncology. If we talk about diseases of this type, then an enlarged lymph node under the arm most often appears against the background of breast cancer. However, if tumors appear in the lungs and throat, the symptoms will be similar. Often, a malignant tumor affects the lymph nodes themselves.
- Thrombophlebitis. Lymphadenitis is provoked by blockage, which leads to inflammation in the armpit.
- Toxic poisoning. If poisons have entered the human body, then the protective system will try to remove them primarily with the help of the sweat glands. Most of them are in the armpits.
- Allergy. In this case, the principle of action will be the same as with toxic poisoning.
- Hyperhidrosis. If a person suffers from very heavy sweating, then in this case, the glands in the armpits are forced to deal with a huge amount of bacteria. In this case, the lymph nodes are not always able to perform their main task, which is why theyinflammation.

Furunculosis. If a person suffers from inflammation of the hair follicles, then this also often leads to pathology
If we talk about enlarged lymph nodes under the arm of a child, then most often babies suffer from colds. Adolescents are undergoing a restructuring of the body, which leads to increased sweating.
Signs of pathology
If we talk about the symptoms that indicate a change in the size of the lymph nodes under the armpits, then you should pay attention to the fact that each situation is individual. It all depends on the condition of the person and his immunity.
In some situations, lymphadenitis develops very quickly, while in others it proceeds in a chronic form. Symptoms will be less pronounced if a person suffers from the chronic stage of this disease.
It is worth paying attention to several factors that may indicate that the patient has problems with the lymph nodes under the arm.
First of all, you need to pay attention to the resizing of nodes. It is worth making an independent palpation. If a person experiences severe pain when pressing on the armpit, then this is a serious sign of malaise.

Also, a specialist should be consulted if a person suffers from discomfort when moving his hands, elevated body temperature, the appearance of swelling and redness on the skin in the area of the affected area. Loss of sensation in limbsseek help immediately.
Acute stage of development of lymphadenitis
If we are talking about this type of pathology, then you should pay attention to several stages of the course of the disease. At the first stage, a person observes a slight increase in the lymph nodes under the arm and experiences pain when pressing on them. Some pay attention to the appearance of solid formations, which gradually begin to change in size. If these inflammations do not go away for a long time and become more and more, then you should immediately contact a specialist.
At the second stage, in addition to the fact that the lymph nodes under the armpits hurt, the person has a fever. Patients complain of sleep problems, apathy and chills. Many suffer from severe headaches.
If the pathology reaches the third stage, then in this case, pus begins to accumulate in the lymph nodes. In this case, the person will experience severe discomfort. Patients complain that their lymph nodes under the armpits are very sore and their body temperature jumps critically. In this case, you need to call an ambulance. The accumulation of pus is very dangerous.
Lymph node under the arm: which doctor to contact
To determine the presence of this pathology, first of all, you need to visit a therapist. After examining and clarifying all the symptoms that bother the patient, the specialist will refer him to a specialized specialist.

Most often you need to visit Laura, dentist and mammologist. They will help to find out the causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm. Additionally, laboratory tests are carried out, including the study of blood tests. If this is not enough, then the specialist asks for a chest x-ray to rule out the possibility of tuberculosis. An ultrasound and, in the rarest of cases, a biopsy will also be required. The last event is carried out only if the treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm for a long time does not give any result.
It all depends on the individual characteristics of a particular person. However, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the primary disease that causes he alth problems. When the lymph node under the arm is inflamed, what to do is determined by the doctor. If the discomfort is caused by a bacterial infection, then the specialist most often decides to prescribe a course of antibiotics.
When viruses are found in the body, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended. If the protective functions of the body do not cope with their functions, then a course of immunomodulators is required.
Additional Therapies
In addition to drug treatment, physiotherapy is widely used. For example, if the lymph node under the arm is inflamed, what to do, you should ask the doctor. He can prescribe a course of electrophoresis. In this case, a person is subjected to minor electrical discharges of current, due to which the drugs penetrate the cells of the body faster and better. Ultrasound therapy gives good results.
If a person is diagnosed with the last stage of pathology, and the lymph nodes becomeaccumulate pus, then in this case you can not do without surgical intervention. In this case, the affected area is cleared of foreign masses and drainage is carried out. After that, the person undergoes rehabilitation therapy.
Topical treatment
If pus does not accumulate inside the lymph nodes, and the pathology itself does not cause serious concern for the specialist, then he may decide to limit himself to anti-inflammatory ointments and other means. Also, these drugs are used as a complex treatment in conjunction with the use of drugs taken orally.

In the treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the arm, Troxevasin, heparin ointment, is most effective.
If lymphadenitis is not cured in a timely manner, especially in the presence of pus, this can lead to serious consequences. First of all, the work of the lymphatic system worsens, which affects blood circulation.
If the pus that is in the node passes into the arm or chest, this can provoke a serious condition.

You need to understand that this pathology develops very unpredictably and can affect many body systems. A person may develop thrombophlebitis, general infection and other unpleasant pathologies.
Features of the development of the disease in women
Due to the location of the lymph nodes under the arm in close proximity to the mammary glands, there are several pathological processes that can lead tothe development of the disease in ladies.
- Mastitis. This disease is diagnosed in nursing mothers in a situation where the milk ducts are clogged. In this case, women suffer from high fever, chills and general deterioration.
- Benign breast tumor. In this case, we are talking about a cyst or fibroadenoma. It should be borne in mind that a tumor can form in a woman’s chest completely unnoticed by her. The only mild sign of this unpleasant disease is a slight increase in the lymph nodes of the armpit.
- Malignant tumor. As in the previous case, when this disease appears, the nodes increase, only a little more noticeably. If a woman suffers from inflammatory processes that occur in the armpit for more than 6 months, then in this case it is imperative to perform a biopsy of the lymphatic tissues.
Treatment with folk remedies
First of all, you need to understand what kind of disease led to such a pathology. If we talk about natural remedies, then it is possible to get rid of lymphadenitis with the help of various compresses, infusions and decoctions. However, it all depends on the stage and neglect of the disease.
Ginseng tincture. As you know, this plant has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, ginseng improves the functioning of the immune system. To treat lymphadenitis, you need to purchase a tincture of this plant at the pharmacy and take it 10-15 drops (with a little water) 2 times a day

Aloe. If you use the juice of this plant, you can quickly get rid of the inflammatory processes occurring in the body. It is necessary to drink a teaspoon of aloe juice twice a day. To prepare this liquid, it is enough to cut off one leaf of the plant, grind it and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth
In order to resist inflammatory processes, a person must strengthen his immunity. To do this, you need to stop drinking alcohol and smoking. It is necessary to eat only he althy food, lead a he althy lifestyle. It is advisable to engage in sports exercises to increase the efficiency of the lymphatic system.
It will not be superfluous to periodically take vitamins. This is especially true during the off-season, when the human body is most susceptible to infections. All inflammatory processes in the body must be cured in a timely manner. The same goes for chronic diseases. It is very important to contact a specialist in a timely manner and undergo a scheduled examination.