Herpes in the mouth is a very common disease that millions of people around the world have experienced. In most of them, it is present in the body in a latent form, but with certain factors, such as a decrease in immunity, herpes is activated. Despite the fact that the disease does not pose a serious threat to human life and he alth, it still causes severe discomfort.
Definition of herpes
Herpes is a type 1 viral disease that appears in the mouth - on the palate, tongue or mucous membrane. This is a contagious disease that can affect both adults and children. It manifests itself in the form of bubbles and small sores that cause pain and severe discomfort. Herpes in the mouth of a child passes in a more acute form. With age, it is activated under the influence of external causes, which will be discussed later.
Below is a photo of herpes in the mouth for visual reference.

Types of herpetic stomatitis
The herpes virus is divided into acute and chronic.
Acute is the most common form of the disease. Suchthe species occurs during primary infection and is very common in young children. It is characterized by a rapid onset of symptoms, a rapid course of the disease and a quick cure.
This type of disease, in turn, is divided into the following subgroups:
- light - in this case, there are no obvious signs, except for a slight swelling of the oral mucosa. As a rule, this form appears in a person with good immunity;
- medium - you can see all the main symptoms of the disease, although it proceeds quickly enough and does not leave scars;
- heavy - there are profuse rashes, sometimes inflammation of the lymph nodes can be detected. Occurs rarely, mainly in immunocompromised children. It is characterized by a severe course of the disease with the addition of third-party infections. Requires observation in the hospital.
Chronic. Since after the illness, the herpes virus remains in the body forever, with reduced immunity, the signs begin to appear again. Many experts point to the important role of the immune system in the development of the disease.
What form of disease a person develops depends only on his immunity. Below is a photo of herpes in the mouth in adults.

Causes of occurrence
It is generally accepted that you can get herpes only through contact with another person. In fact, this is one of the main reasons. The herpes virus in the mouth can appear from poor hygiene, using the same dishes, from kissing and just communicating withsick. The risk of infection is especially high in people who have not had herpes before. For this reason, the virus does not receive resistance from the immune system and is fixed in the body, causing symptoms of the disease of varying severity. Herpes in the mouth of a child often appears from parents.
Besides getting infected by contact with a sick person, there are other reasons for its occurrence. But they are all related to the work of the immune system.
These include:
- immunity weakening;
- colds;
- inadequate rest;
- stress;
- physical activity;
- unhe althy lifestyle;
- pregnancy;
- operations;
- various injuries of the oral cavity, including during dental procedures.
Symptoms of disease

The symptoms of herpes in the mouth in adults and children are very similar and depend on the severity of the disease. The appearance of signs takes place in several stages:
- First, there is a state of general malaise - weakness, drowsiness, fever. Moreover, the more severe the form of herpes, the stronger the increase. The submandibular and cervical lymph nodes may also become inflamed.
- Mouth mucosa and gums become darker than usual and swell. Saliva becomes viscous, sometimes there is an unpleasant smell from the mouth. The gums may bleed a little when pressed, and the lymph nodes may ache when pressed.
- Itching, burning is felt at the places of future rashes.
- Then manifestations beginan inflammatory process in which a rash appears in the oral cavity, which looks like bubbles of various shapes filled with liquid.
- Further, the content of the bubbles becomes cloudy and after a while they burst, forming a kind of sores, which then become covered with a crust. This phenomenon brings great discomfort and pain, so many refuse to eat and drink until the symptoms disappear. It should be noted that it is at this stage that a person is most contagious, since the liquid contains a large number of virus particles.
- After a while, the crusts dry up and fall off. It is not recommended to rip them off, as the healing rate may increase.
- In severe form, herpes on the oral mucosa can move to the throat, including the tonsils.
If herpes appeared on the tonsils, then extensive rashes can develop into erosion, which, without adequate treatment, leads to necrosis.
If there is herpes in the mouth on the palate, the characteristic symptoms will be difficulty swallowing and pain.
Rashes can sometimes be confused with signs of other diseases. A common symptom of herpes in the mouth and throat is a feeling of itching and burning.
Possible forms of distribution
Herpes in the mouth is divided into several forms:
- migratory form - with each new occurrence of the virus, bubbles appear in different places in the oral cavity;
- disseminated - herpes on the oral mucosa occurs in areas remote from each other, while there are several lesions;
- edematous form - characterized by the absence of rashes, but swelling is present;
- ulcerative-erosive form - a condition in which, after bursting blisters, wounds appear that heal for a long time, sometimes scars remain in their place.
- hemorrhagic - this is a very dangerous form of herpes in the mouth: bubbles appear filled with bloody contents, which, as a rule, are located on the tonsils; general intoxication of the body is observed, with this form the consequences are very dangerous, since necrosis or inflammation of the trigeminal nerve may develop.
A photo of herpes in the mouth in adults of the ulcer-erosive form is presented below.

Basically, the diagnosis of herpes in the mouth in adults and children is based on the clinical picture. But sometimes the symptoms are very blurred and an accurate diagnosis requires the use of certain diagnostic methods. These include a pap smear or blood test to check for antibodies to the virus.
Differences between herpes and stomatitis
Since herpes on the oral mucosa is often confused with some kind of stomatitis, consider the distinguishing features.
- bubbles appear, which burst after a while;
- swelling in the area of the rash;
- location area is close to the periosseous structures.
Below is a photo of herpes in the mouth.

- the appearance of ulcers can be observed already at earlystages of disease;
- rashes can cover the entire surface of the oral cavity.
Treatment of herpes in the mouth
Cure from the herpes virus is completely impossible. It is very likely to reappear with a decrease in immunity and other provoking factors. Treatment is usually based on relieving symptoms and preventing the virus from becoming severe, which can cause serious harm to the body.
Treatment for hepatitis virus in the mouth in adults and children should be comprehensive. This involves removing unpleasant symptoms, suppressing the growth of the virus in the body and preventing its reappearance. Treatment includes antiviral therapy, vitamin supplements and a special diet.
- Antiviral therapy - drugs such as Zovirax, Acyclovir and others are very effective.
- In vitamin therapy, the emphasis should be on vitamins A, B, C (ascorbic acid).
- Immunomodulators are often recommended.
- For herpes in the mouth, it is necessary to use antiseptic rinses - Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, chamomile decoction.
- In addition to medical care, bed rest is recommended, especially in severe cases of the disease.
- For herpes in the sky in the mouth, it is recommended to lubricate the lesions with natural oils - sea buckthorn, fir and others.
- Must drink plenty of water.
- Oral hygiene. Gently rinse your mouth and brush your teeth.
- To relieve the painful manifestations of herpesuse anti-inflammatory dental gels, such as Cholisal.
- The diet excludes fried, sweet, fatty foods.
- In severe cases of the disease, antibiotics are recommended.
It is worth noting that with herpes in the mouth in adults, treatment does not involve the use of antiviral gels and ointments inside the oral cavity. The same applies to children. The fact is that the components of the drug can simply be eaten or washed off with saliva. It is advisable to use them on the outside of the lips.
As folk remedies, rinsing with decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, sage, mint is used. At the stage of occurrence of ulcers, decoctions of oak bark and birch buds help. But before using these products, you need to make sure that there are no allergies.
It is important to remember that any treatment for herpes in the mouth in adults and children must be prescribed by the attending physician.
Complications of herpes

Despite the fact that herpes in most cases does not cause complications, nevertheless, in the presence of certain factors, the disease leads to unpleasant consequences. These include:
- headache;
- throat diseases;
- viral kidney damage;
- dental diseases;
- herpetic pneumonia and many others.

Since it is impossible to completely get rid of the virus, doctors recommend taking preventive measures. Forthis is required:
- lead a he althy lifestyle;
- do not share personal care products;
- carefully brush your teeth;
- regularly visit the dentist;
- use hygienic lipstick both in winter and summer;
- go outdoors more often and play sports;
- must avoid stress;
- very important is the proper organization of the working day with sufficient time for rest and sleep;
- it is necessary to treat all emerging diseases in a timely manner;
- if possible, carry out body hardening procedures;
- at the first symptoms of the disease, you should anoint the itchy place with an antiviral agent or rinse your mouth.

Herpes in the mouth is a very unpleasant disease that causes severe discomfort. Appearing once in the body, it remains in it for life, periodically declaring itself with provoking factors. Basically, apart from discomfort, it does not cause inconvenience. But there are situations when the virus becomes severe, thereby provoking serious complications. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to take preventive measures. Despite the fact that the symptoms often go away on their own, it is recommended to consult a doctor at the first sign. This is especially important when a child becomes ill.