Snoring patch: types of strips, instructions for use, indications and reviews

Snoring patch: types of strips, instructions for use, indications and reviews
Snoring patch: types of strips, instructions for use, indications and reviews

Most of both men and women very often face the problem of snoring in their sleep. This disease, according to statistics, affects about 70% of the stronger sex. There are many causes for snoring, and most of them can be eradicated. Because of this annoying sound, not only men, but also people who are nearby do not sleep well. However, the problem lies not only in this, but also in the fact that with untimely treatment, it is possible to get rather unpleasant and undesirable complications. There are a lot of tools and methods that are designed to cope with this problem. The effectiveness of snoring strips and patches will be discussed below.

doctor snoring patch reviews
doctor snoring patch reviews

Nasal patch is a novelty in the domestic market. In modern pharmacies, you can purchase several types of such a product, which are produced by different manufacturers. With themuse moisturizes the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, expands the gaps and improves air circulation inside the nasal passages. As a result, a person's breathing becomes deeper, and he, getting rid of snoring, plunges into a he althy and sound sleep.

What is this?

Snoring (ronchopathy) is a common problem faced by the adult population of our planet. Such an ailment prevents sleep not only for the snorer himself, but also for the people around him. Ronchopathy is not a harmless phenomenon. If not treated, the pathology can lead to serious he alth problems. Currently, there are many ways to deal with snoring, but not all of them are equally effective.

Patients with such an ailment are most often prescribed strips and patches for snoring. The peculiarity of the action of these drugs is that the nasal respiratory passages expand. It should be noted that such drugs are used only externally. The patches are in most cases presented in the form of a dense strip of beige or white (the products of certain companies have a varied color palette, you can choose the patch exactly to match the skin tone), they are covered with an adhesive layer on one side.

nose patch for snoring
nose patch for snoring


In order to understand whether specific snoring patches will work effectively in each case, you need to establish the causes of the pathology. Stickers are quite effective in helping to solve problems caused by the following reasons:

  • abnormal airway development from birth;
  • malignant and benign tumors;
  • Deviated septum caused by trauma;
  • swelling of mucous membranes caused by allergic reactions or viral respiratory infections;
  • overweight.

Features of funds

The distinguishing feature of anti-snoring patches compared to other products is their mechanism of action. It is based on the fact that the strips have small springs that push apart and lift the wings of the nose to the sides, thereby expanding the airways and allowing the passage of a large air flow, eliminating obstacles. A specific feature is that the snoring nasal strips are saturated with a special composition, which can include various kinds of essential oils. Thanks to them, the nasal mucosa is moistened, the patency of the respiratory system is normalized, and swelling is eliminated. A person acquires the ability to breathe deeper with a full chest, as a result of which all cells of the body, including the brain, are fully enriched with oxygen, and this is very important. The action of the funds relieves a person and his loved ones from annoying snoring, normalizes sleep and calms the nervous system.

on the nose for snoring
on the nose for snoring

Instructions for use

The manufacturer of nose patches from snoring in most cases supplies them with detailed instructions. However, there is one general algorithm for the use of these drugs. Human actions should look like this:

  • beforesleep, you need to wash the bridge of your nose with warm water;
  • then you need to wipe it dry;
  • put on a Band-Aid before going to bed;
  • remove the patch in the morning.

The skin on the bridge of the nose will rest during the day. To avoid skin peeling and irritation, it is recommended to lubricate this area with a moisturizer in the morning.


Any nose pads designed to fight snoring contain pharmacological substances, which means that they all have a number of contraindications for use. If a person suffers from allergies, he should be very careful when using stickers and patches. It should be noted that if redness on the bridge of the nose or a feeling of itching is found after application, such a remedy should be immediately abandoned. A person needs to rinse the bridge of the nose with warm water and consult a dermatologist. The use of strips and patches is also undesirable if the patient has various damage to the skin epithelium on the bridge of the nose (pimples, wounds, urticaria, etc.). The use of the product on an irritated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin can cause the progression of this process.

It is better to read reviews of snoring patches in advance. They will help you make your choice.

doctor snor ex patch
doctor snor ex patch

Types of funds and user reviews

In the domestic pharmacological market, there are currently many stickers and patches for this unpleasant disease. You can buy them in pharmacies. The most famous brands will be considered below. They include threeleading manufacturers: Nose Plaster, Breeze Wright strips, Doctor Snore Ex patch.

Next, each brand will be discussed in more detail. People who suffer from snoring consider Dr. Snore to be the most effective patch. Reviews confirm this. Such a tool has the advantage, since the substance is administered in a dry form.

It differs from other patches in that it does not dry the skin on the bridge of the nose, and there is no need to use moisturizer every time. On average, the cost of such a product in pharmacies is approximately 170 rubles.

snoring patch
snoring patch

Nose Plaster effectively affects the cause of snoring and eliminates it, thereby relieving a person and his loved ones from inconvenience and discomfort. However, the high price of the product did not bring him due popularity in our country. Such a patch costs about a thousand rubles.

Breeze Wright strips should only be used when snoring is caused by a crooked bridge of the nose or constriction of the nasal passages. The cost of the drug in pharmacies is about 230 rubles.

from snoring in pharmacies
from snoring in pharmacies

The drugs listed above are sold in packs of ten.

Real reviews differ: some patients say that the patches help, others say that they do not completely eliminate snoring, but its duration and volume have decreased by 80%. There are also negative reviews, where people say that the patch is completely ineffective.

Other remedies

In addition to stickers and patches for snoring, you can find other means in pharmacies. Tofor example, the capa "Sonait". This is a fairly effective device that is placed inside the mouth. Thanks to the caps, the air passes freely through the respiratory tract. In pharmacies, the average price is 3,800 rubles, which is quite expensive for patients.

Clip "Anti-snoring". Thanks to it, snoring can be eliminated if the nasal septum is curved. The device includes two magnets attached to the bridge of the nose. The average price is two hundred rubles.

Extra-Lor mouth device. This is an effective tool that provides forward displacement of the lower jaw, thereby increasing its size. Such a device must be inserted all night in the mouth. The cost of "Extra-Lor" in pharmacies is 450 rubles.

It must be remembered that all tools and devices help to eliminate the problem only during their application. After stopping the use of anti-snoring patches, gradually, over 2-3 days, the problem will return again.

anti-snoring patches
anti-snoring patches


The body needs sleep. With its help, a person rests and gains strength. However, falling asleep is sometimes difficult because of your own snoring. Such a violation must be treated not only for the sake of comfort, but also for the sake of one's own he alth. Regular snoring can lead to he alth problems. However, before starting treatment, you must consult a doctor who can determine the cause of the disease and advise the right means to get rid of it.
