Zinc ointment is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. The popularity of this tool is associated with its harmless composition, high efficiency. With its help, you can cope with many skin and other diseases.
Zinc is a mineral for he alth
What you need to know about the main active component of zinc ointment? Zinc is one of the most important minerals for the human body. It takes part in tissue regeneration and cell division, in the process of reproduction and in the development of the brain. Zinc provides the formation of red blood cells, is responsible for the synthesis of insulin, is part of proteins and enzymes.

Deficiency of this element in the body makes itself felt by skin inflammation, baldness, insufficient digestion of food and lack of appetite, slow healing of wounds. Other manifestations are possible, for example, visual impairment. If zinc is deficient in the body of a future mother, this poses a serious threat to the development of the fetus.
Zinc ointment has a white (in some cases yellow-white) color,has a thick consistency. The main active ingredient of the drug is zinc, which is included in its composition in the form of oxide. Vaseline acts as the base, it is mixed with zinc oxide in a ratio of 10: 1.
The composition of the ointment depends on the manufacturer. The following components can be added:
- fish oil (vitamins A, D, Omega-3);
- lanolin, dimethicone (softening effect);
- menthol (for a pleasant aroma);
- parabens (preservatives).
Zinc ointment: therapeutic effect
What are the benefits of this product, which is widely used in medicine and cosmetology? What is the therapeutic effect of zinc ointment?

- Adsorbent. The use of the drug reduces the release of exudate by inflamed skin cells.
- Astringent. The film that the ointment forms over the skin effectively prevents irritation.
- Regenerating. This therapeutic agent is famous for its healing effect.
- Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic.
- Emollient. Vaseline, which is part of the ointment, is well absorbed, smoothes and softens the skin.
Indications for use
When is this drug used? What are the indications? Zinc ointment is used in the following situations:
- acne;
- minor abrasions;
- scratches;
- weeping eczema;
- diaper rash (diaper rash);
- neurodermatitis in the acute phase;
- secondary infection of burns;
- skin combing;
- insect bites;
- soft tissue necrosis (pressure sores);
- polyweed;
- skin irritation associated with prolonged sun exposure.

There are also conditions when the ointment helps to relieve discomfort, dry wounds, reduce skin inflammation. In this case, it is used in combination with other drugs. This is:
- hemorrhoids;
- trophic ulcers;
- streptoderma;
- windmill chain;
- vulvovaginitis, colpitis.
The indications for the use of zinc ointment are discussed above. However, it should be borne in mind that there are contraindications. In particular, this remedy is not used to treat patients who have an increased individual sensitivity to the components that make up its composition.
Side effects
In general, the drug is well tolerated by patients. The appearance of side effects should be avoided only with uncontrolled long-term use. The following problems may occur:
- skin redness;
- burning, itching at the site of application of the drug;
- flaking;
- dry skin.

No cases of overdose have been recorded. It must be remembered that the ointment is intended exclusively for external use. In case of accidental ingestion of the drugbe sure to induce vomiting, rinse the stomach. Also in such a situation, it is necessary to take activated charcoal tablets.
Acne treatment
The drug is actively used in the fight against acne. Does zinc ointment help acne?
- When the drug is applied to the area of inflamed, damaged skin, its main active ingredient begins to actively interact with the cells of the epidermis. It produces an anti-inflammatory effect on them.
- The drying effect of the product is quite pronounced. The result can be seen after one procedure.
- Ointment has a beneficial effect on the course of acne, it reduces the intensity of inflammation and dries the top layer of the epidermis. It is not easy to remove from the surface of the skin thanks to Vaseline.
So, the antibacterial properties of the drug make it possible to eliminate the source of infection, do not allow bacteria to spread. This remedy can quickly relieve inflammation, but inflammation can resume. To avoid this, problem areas should be treated regularly.
How to use for acne
Can zinc ointment be applied to acne? Yes, if a person knows the rules for using this tool, which are discussed below.

- Before applying the drug, it is important to clean the skin well. This is best done with cotton wool soaked in a solution of chlorhexidine or another antibacterial agent that does not affect acidity.leather.
- Do not use oil or alcohol-based liquids to clean the skin. Such products are very drying.
- It is necessary to apply the ointment pointwise, in a thin layer. Areas that are not affected by the inflammatory process should not be touched. In the presence of internal boils, the drug is not rubbed, but applied from above.
- After completing the procedure, the skin must be cleansed with warm water. It must be remembered that the ointment, which includes petroleum jelly, is washed off poorly.
- Cosmetics over the drug is not recommended.
User comments
What do people say who have used this remedy in the treatment of acne? Does zinc ointment get rid of acne? Reviews inform that the use of this drug really helps to improve skin condition. Due to the regular application of the product, the skin is gradually cleansed, redness and swelling disappear.
Of course, not all people speak positively about this drug. Someone notes its peculiar smell, someone complains that it dries out the skin after a long treatment, causing peeling. For some, the ointment causes an allergic reaction.
Rejuvenating effect
Does zinc ointment help with wrinkles? Cosmetologists give a positive answer to this question. The mechanism of action of zinc oxide, which is present in the preparation, is as follows.

- Zinc normalizes the activity of enzymes,which are involved in the metabolism in skin cells, enhances it. This facilitates the upgrade process.
- Ointment controls sebum production, stimulates the opening of pores.
- Zinc oxide helps the surface layer of the skin to get rid of dead cells, activates the regeneration process.
- The components of the drug have a regulatory effect on the production of collagen. This helps to improve skin tone, elasticity, and eliminate wrinkles.
- The ointment stops inflammation, promotes rapid healing of minor injuries and scratches. This makes the skin look better.
How to apply for wrinkles
The effectiveness of the drug also depends on how correctly it is used. The following guidelines are recommended when using zinc facial ointment.
- The product must be applied to dry and clean skin. Be sure to wash your hands before the procedure.
- To cleanse the skin, you need to wash off the daytime makeup, and then use a moisturizer or milk.
- Ointment is not an alternative to day cream. Also, it cannot serve as a base for applying makeup.
- Use the remedy once a day, it is best to do this before going to bed. The applied preparation remains on the skin all night. In the morning, clean it thoroughly.
- Owners of combination or dry skin are best not to use the ointment in its pure form. The product can be mixed with baby cream or melted butter. This will mitigate the drying effect.the main active ingredient of the drug.
- If the skin is oily, the ointment can be applied in its pure form. A thin layer of product should be applied to the face and neck.
- The area around the eyes should not be touched. This will only make wrinkles more pronounced and deep, and also lead to peeling. In addition, there is a risk of contact with the eyes, which can lead to the development of conjunctivitis.
The procedure does not need to be done every day if the main goal is to fight wrinkles. It is enough to apply the product on the face and neck three times a week. It is also important to remember that the course of treatment should not exceed three weeks. Then you should take a break for a month.
What do those who tried to fight age-related changes say about the effectiveness of the remedy? Does zinc ointment help in the fight against signs of aging? Reviews indicate that this drug does not provide the desired result. Many of those who have tried to achieve wrinkle smoothing with this remedy complain of worsening skin condition. Peeling, redness, dryness are problems that may arise. The drug does not have a noticeable effect on wrinkles.
Cosmetologists even object to the use of this remedy in the fight against age-related skin changes. Aging skin needs good moisturizers. Whereas the ointment, which includes zinc, is best used in the treatment of acne.
What helps zinc ointment? This drug is actively used inhyperhidrosis. This is the name of the violation of the sweat glands, which causes excessive sweating. This may be due to disorders of the cardiac or urinary system, diabetes, hormonal changes.
Most often, the ointment is applied to the armpits. The tool dries problem skin, provides a narrowing of pores. Thanks to its use, the risk of infection is reduced. It is necessary to apply a small amount of the drug to the problem area, wait for absorption. The ointment also helps in the fight against foot odor, from sweating hands.
From nail fungus
What helps zinc ointment? This tool is often used in the fight against nail fungus. After applying the drug to the affected area, a protective layer is formed, burning and itching disappear. The ointment stimulates the restoration of the nail plate on the legs or arms. It is necessary to apply this remedy until the manifestations of the fungus disappear. On average, therapy lasts about two weeks.
It is recommended to apply the medicinal product at night, it is best to do this just before bedtime. Be sure to pre-wash your hands or feet (depending on the breeding site of fungi) using bactericidal soap. You can also make a bath with herbal decoctions. Then the product is applied to the affected areas, left until completely absorbed.
For hemorrhoids
It can be used to treat internal bumps. The drug should be applied with a cotton swab, which is inserted into the rectum. When it comes to external nodes, theyit is necessary to lubricate with a thin layer two or three times a day.
For kids
The drug, the main active ingredient of which is zinc, is available not only for adults. Treatment with zinc ointment in some cases is also indicated for children. For example, the drug is often used for dermatitis. It is necessary to use it before going to bed, the product is applied to dry skin. It is advisable to apply the ointment immediately with the appearance of irritation, redness, diaper rash. The remedy relieves burning, itching and other symptoms that disturb the child. The drug is well tolerated by the young body, rarely causes side effects.

Ointment can also be prescribed for diathesis in a child (skin disease of allergic origin). In this case, the remedy should be used five to six times a day. The medicine relieves inflammation, stops the spread of irritation. Its refreshing action helps relieve itching.
With chickenpox rash, the drug helps to eliminate inflammation and itching. It must be applied every three hours.
For newborns
What helps zinc ointment when it comes to a newborn baby? A common problem is irritation that occurs due to the contact of delicate skin with wet materials (diapers, diapers). The drug prevents the formation of diaper rash, absorbs excess moisture and forms a protective film that prevents bacteria from multiplying in a humid environment. In the fight against diaper rash, the ointment is recommended to be used during each change of diapers or diapers.
Also, the drug is effective in combating prickly heat in infants. This problem may appear due to excessive wrapping, hot air, poor hygiene. Thanks to the ointment, the symptoms of prickly heat are quickly eliminated. The tool helps to fight it even when it comes to older children.
Parents' responses
Reviews indicate that the ointment really shows excellent results in the fight against diaper rash. They can occur not only from wet diapers or diapers. The threat to the baby is insufficient hygiene, as well as poor-quality clothing, hot air. In all these cases, you can use this drug. The tool effectively heals the affected areas of the skin, eliminates redness, makes it easy to cope with discomfort, itching.
When Pregnant
Expectant mothers can also use zinc ointment. This tool is available to women throughout the entire period of pregnancy. This drug can help treat skin irritations, acne, and other problems. Before using the product, be sure to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to its components. Also, a preliminary consultation with a doctor will not hurt.