First-class Chinese hookahs Mya

First-class Chinese hookahs Mya
First-class Chinese hookahs Mya

Among the variety of smoking devices, Mya hookahs are especially popular. These devices are distinguished by high quality workmanship, strict design and ease of use.

Goods from the Far East

Scientists believe that hookah smoking originated in one of the eastern countries. It is difficult to argue with such a statement, because the facts are confirmed by numerous historical records. Today, only two countries are engaged in the production of the equipment necessary for this - Egypt and China. But it should be noted that they are doing their job well. However, if Arab devices take their smoking quality and classic form, then Chinese products are more promoting modern style. Among the most popular models are Mya hookahs. The company's management promotes its product as a subject of daily use. Perhaps that is why Mya hookahs are distinguished by their strict forms and practicality.

mya hookahs
mya hookahs

Their design is made in a rather restrained classic style without any frills. In their design, they are slightly different from the Arab-made models. They have one significant difference, which is worth paying special attention to. HookahsMya have a hollow inside "sifil". This increases intake air access and reduces the chance of tobacco fires.

New product launch

Not so long ago, a new development of specialists from a Chinese company appeared on sale - Mya Mozza hookah. The device is made in high-tech style, which does not quite correspond to the very idea of hookah smoking. Its design is very simple and concise. All parts are collapsible and are connected to each other using threads or rubber bushings. The height of the assembled device is 68 centimeters, and the hose reaches a length of about 1.8 meters. This makes them slightly different from Egyptian appliances.

mya mozza hookah
mya mozza hookah

The company produced two types of such devices ("Miya Moza" 1 and 2), which differ only in the lower part. If the first option is more strict, then in the second case the flask resembles a French perfume bottle. The part is made of more dense glass, which affects its stability. It comes in different colors, which makes it possible not only to expand the range, but also to please the buyer. These hookahs are sold in disassembled condition. All parts are packed in a convenient cylindrical container. It is very convenient when transporting and allows you to take the device with you at any time.

Connoisseur opinions

Many people buy Mya hookahs. Reviews about this product are quite mixed. For example, among the pluses, only:

1) Simplicity of design.

2) No corrosion of metal parts.

3) The cheapness of the product itself/

But these devicesthere are a number of significant shortcomings:

1) The very narrow neck of the flask does not allow ice to be poured into it, which negates the very purpose of this part.

2) Wooden tips are bad because the first few times, instead of the desired flavor, only the taste of the material itself will be felt in the mouth.

mya hookah reviews
mya hookah reviews

3) The shaft is very thin, so it heats up strongly and quickly.

4) Usually the small diameter of the saucer also does not allow it to be used for its intended purpose. The pieces of coal are too big for him. And the tongs are also unlikely to fit.

5) The glass bulb is very unstable and can fall at any moment.

6) Very small syphilis hole makes it difficult to pull.

7) Thin braided rubber hose is impractical unlike Egyptian silicone.

It can be concluded that in the pursuit of simplicity, individuality and cheapness, the very idea and its effective execution were lost. Although everyone has their own opinion on this matter.
