Today we have to figure out what documents to take with us to the hospital. In fact, this question is extremely important. Usually, expectant mothers think about collecting things, but the documents are not given enough attention. What can be useful to a woman in labor in one case or another? When and why to prepare a package of documents for the maternity hospital? The answers to these questions will be found below. In fact, understanding the topic under study is much easier than it seems.
Documents and childbirth - is it necessary?
What documents will each girl need at the maternity hospital? And in general, are they needed at such a crucial moment? Not so easy to answer.

On the one hand, documents do not play any role directly for labor activity. They will not be needed either in labor or after the baby is born. On the other hand, it will not work to register a woman in labor in a medical institution without certain papers. At best, the girl will give birth in the observation room, along with unexamined persons. At worst, the absence of certain documents will lead to the fact that the woman will be denied services. Yes, by law they should not do this, but such cases do occur.
What does this mean? Documentationin the maternity hospital must be collected without fail. It is recommended to prepare them in advance. This process will be discussed in more detail below.
When to start preparing
First of all, you will have to choose the moment of starting the preparation of all documents. This question is individual. The answer to it directly depends on the course of a particular pregnancy. It is best to prepare documents for the maternity hospital along with the main bags.

To be more precise, at about 35-36 weeks of pregnancy, every woman should put in a separate file all the documents necessary for childbirth. It is advisable to keep it ready. Better yet, always carry it with you. Indeed, in late pregnancy, contractions can begin at any time.
Now a little about what kind of papers a girl may need in childbirth. How to start preparing for this process?
What documents are needed in the hospital? The first paper that a woman in labor should have in her bag is an identity card. To be more precise, we are talking about the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. You can't do without it. This applies to both paid and free births.
If at the time of the expected date of birth, the identity card is at the stage of production (for example, when it is replaced or lost), you will have to take a certificate replacing the passport with you. It is issued by the Federal Migration Service.
The next important document is the medical insurance policy. Every person living on the territory of the Russian Federation should have it.
A policy is issued upon applicationcitizen in insurance companies. For example, in "Sogaz-Med". The procedure is absolutely free.
Documents to the hospital do not end there. If at the time of the contractions the policy is exchanged, you will have to use its temporary counterpart. Without this document, a citizen simply may not be accepted at a medical institution or render services to him for a fee. Not the best scenarios.

Exchange card
What documents are needed in the hospital? The next extremely important piece of paper is the exchange card. This is the "calling card" of every woman in labor. It must be issued to all expectant mothers.
The exchange card is a small folder-magazine in A4 format. It records data about the future mother, father, living conditions of the family. But the main feature of exchange cards is that they contain information about the woman's he alth status. Analyzes, ultrasound, examinations of narrow specialists - everything is stored in the "exchange".
Where can I get this document? It is issued when registering for pregnancy. An exchange card is issued either by a antenatal clinic or any private medical center that has the right to manage pregnancy in women.
Without "exchange" a woman in labor will be considered unexamined. Accordingly, she will be taken to give birth in the observation. Everyone needs to remember this. In addition, the exchange card helps doctors navigate labor.
Birth Certificate
What documents should each expectant mother prepare for the maternity hospital? Amongthe main mandatory papers allocate a birth certificate. This is a small paper, usually pink in color. It is divided into several parts. One is left in the maternity hospital, one is given to the antenatal clinic, in which the woman was observed, and the last part is transferred to the clinic to monitor the newborn in the first year of life.

A birth certificate allows a medical institution to receive additional money for attending a childbirth. A document is issued after the 30th week of pregnancy (usually later, somewhere around 36-37 weeks) at the antenatal clinic.
However, the absence of a birth certificate will not affect the course of childbirth. If the document has not yet been prepared in the antenatal clinic, the maternity hospital will write it out. Or someone close to you can bring a certificate after the baby is born.
Documents in the maternity hospital must be collected carefully. Especially when it comes to paid childbirth. Why?
The point is that all maternity hospitals in the Russian Federation offer both paid and free services. In the first case, a woman and her baby receive increased comfort, a specific doctor at childbirth, a personal obstetrician, as well as an individual ward (if paid). Without a contract, even a girl who paid for services will give birth as a "free". Not the best prospect.
That is why it is important not to forget the contract with the medical institution for childbirth. The document serves as confirmation that the expectant mother paid for certain services and increased comfort.
For partner
Now it is clear what documents will be required in the maternity hospital. But that's not all. Today, the practice of partner childbirth is actively developing in Russia. This is when someone close is with the woman in labor. This technique helps to provide the expectant mother with peace of mind. Often, this service is provided only to women who have signed a contract with a particular maternity hospital, although by law this service is free.

Partner births also require certain documents from the attendant. What is this about? Most often, medical institutions require from a person who has arrived with a woman in labor:
- identity card (passport);
- blood tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis;
- fluorography.
No further documentation is usually required. As practice shows, each maternity hospital puts forward its own requirements for accompanying persons. Some simply recommend taking your passport with you. And have fluorography and analyzes "just in case".
At discharge (mandatory)
Now a little about what documents you will have to take without fail when you are discharged from the hospital. It's hard to believe, but childbirth is not only the birth of a baby. The event is burdened with a little paperwork.
So, when discharged, a woman should have the following papers:
- passport;
- policy;
- birth certificate (2 parts).
These are mandatory documents. But in practice, most often the list is supplemented by several more papers. What is it about?

What documents are given from the hospital? Mothers are required to have a birth certificate. She will help to register a newborn in the registry office. You cannot leave the maternity hospital without this paper.
Extract (additional documents)
What's next? The following documents, as a rule, are not issued in all medical institutions. In addition, much depends on the decision of the parents regarding vaccination.
The thing is that if you refuse the first vaccinations (BCG and hepatitis B), the mother will receive a document indicating this decision. In addition, the child will not be issued a vaccination card. This document will later be issued at the clinic where the baby is observed.
The exchange card is sometimes given to women as a keepsake. In addition, each new mother must be given a sheet from the "exchange" indicating the state of he alth of the girl and the newborn.
But that's not all. In practice, among the mandatory documents at discharge, a certificate of the outcome of childbirth and its features are distinguished. This paper is given to the antenatal clinic or remains with the newly-made mother.

If documents were not given
From now on, it is clear what documents are given from the hospital. In fact, everything is easier than it seems. What to do if some papers are refused to be issued?
Without them, a woman may not be discharged from the hospital. It is mandatory to demand:
- certificate about the features of childbirth;
- page from the generic certificate ofmother's he alth status;
- baby's exchange card;
- vaccination card (if vaccinated at the maternity hospital);
- certificate for the registry office on the birth of a child.
All of the listed documents, as already mentioned, are issued to all women in labor. Without a certificate for the registry office, the child will not be able to register. And the lack of information about the he alth of the newborn will interfere with the normal monitoring of the baby in the clinic. Sometimes maternity hospitals immediately transmit information about the mother and newborn to the intended place of observation of the baby.
Conclusions and conclusions
From now on, it is clear what documents may be required in the maternity hospital. The list of all papers was presented earlier. Documents must be submitted in original. Their copies are not accepted. This is normal.
Some mothers are wondering if SNILS is needed when entering a maternity hospital. In fact, there is no need for this document. SNILS is not needed for childbirth. But it is desirable to have it with you.
Documents for childbirth in the hospital must be collected and prepared in advance. Otherwise, a woman may face a number of unpleasant surprises. For example, instead of contractual services, she will be provided with general conditions for childbirth. Or a he althy woman will be taken to give birth in an observation room and placed not in a general ward, but in an observation room. This is far from the most pleasant thing. Indeed, in this case, you can end up in the same ward with sick women in labor.
As a rule, collecting all the necessary papers does not cause trouble for a woman. All documents with the correct management of pregnancy should beevery expectant mother. And if you put them in advance in one place, then in labor or during a planned hospitalization, you won’t have to think about having all the papers during childbirth.
It's actually a lot easier than it looks. Documents to the maternity hospital are provided by every woman without fail. Upon discharge, almost all the papers provided are returned to the newly-made parents, as well as certificates are issued for registering the baby in the registry office and for informing doctors about the course of childbirth / the state of he alth of the newborn. Minimum paperwork! It will not be difficult to collect documents upon admission to the maternity hospital.