Chelyabinsk, "Lotos", medical center: description, reviews about doctors

Chelyabinsk, "Lotos", medical center: description, reviews about doctors
Chelyabinsk, "Lotos", medical center: description, reviews about doctors

Statistics show that most citizens of the Russian Federation prefer to trust their he alth to private clinics, despite the fact that their services can be expensive. In almost every city there are medical institutions of this kind. In megacities, there are entire networks of clinics that compete with each other. Chelyabinsk is not inferior either. Lotos is a private network of medical clinics where everyone can get really high-quality service.

About company

Lotos Medical Center (Chelyabinsk) was founded in December 2003. Initially, it was a small institution providing assistance in only a few areas. The clinic has grown rapidly. Today it is a whole network of institutions located in various districts of Chelyabinsk. Many patients tend to trust their he alth to this particular medical institution. The chain's clinics serve up to 15,000 people per month. These are not only residents of Chelyabinsk, but also citizens of the Russian Federation from other regions.

chelyabinsk lotus
chelyabinsk lotus

Today the institution is represented by eightbranches. This is not only an outpatient clinic, but also a hospital. Patients can receive qualified assistance in a variety of areas. People from birth can be served here. It is possible to carry out a complete diagnosis of the body on the latest equipment. Reviews show that thanks to contacting the Lotos clinic (Chelyabinsk), many managed to identify a dangerous pathology in a timely manner, avoiding complications.

Center Specialists

The provision of quality medical services has become possible not only due to the presence of high-quality medical equipment within the walls of the institution. Doctors of "Lotos" (Chelyabinsk) - this is the main merit of the institution. Real professionals work here, who know how to act in a non-standard situation. You can hear a lot of good reviews about Kolyada Elena Valerievna, the chief doctor of the network. The specialist is engaged not only in administrative work, but also in the reception of patients. Elena Valerievna is an obstetrician-gynecologist with an impressive work experience.

lotus center chelyabinsk
lotus center chelyabinsk

Patients also speak well of the following specialists of the Lotus network: Mamykin Alexey Aleksandrovich, Voinova Tatyana Gennadievna, Markova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Berezhkov Dmitry Vladimirovich, Antonova Tatyana Viktorovna, Bakharev Vadim Vladimirovich. Patients also speak well of junior medical staff.

Genetics reception

Can you be sure that in the future you will be able to avoid serious pathologies or give birth to a he althy baby? The specialist of the Lotos clinic will be able to help in this matter.(Chelyabinsk). Reviews about Galina Viktorovna Buyanova, a geneticist at the medical center, are very flattering. The specialist will examine the patient, prescribe the necessary tests. Thanks to this, it will be possible to find out which diseases the client is predisposed to.

lotus chelyabinsk medical
lotus chelyabinsk medical

Galina Viktorovna will not only help identify risks, but also tell you how to behave in the future in order to avoid dangerous diseases. Diet and drug therapy will be selected. An individual approach to each patient is the motto of the specialists of the medical institution.

The cost of a genetics service is 1660 rubles for adult patients and 600 rubles for children. On preferential terms, services are provided to women during pregnancy who are registered with a medical institution.

Obstetrics and Gynecology

The birth of a child is a great happiness for parents. It is no coincidence that many couples prefer to observe pregnancy in private clinics. Future parents speak well of the Lotos clinic (Chelyabinsk). The medical center has all the necessary resources to plan for the birth of a he althy baby.

lotus chelyabinsk reviews
lotus chelyabinsk reviews

Aniskina Tatyana Nikolaevna is an obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, about whom you can hear a lot of positive reviews. The specialist takes care of difficult pregnancies, treats patients with reproductive disorders.

All types of ultrasound and other diagnostic tests are performed within the walls of the medical center,allowing timely detection of pathologies of pregnancy. Married couples receive high-quality services for a democratic remuneration. So, an appointment with a gynecologist will cost 950 rubles. The cost of managing the entire pregnancy is agreed individually.


A lot of good reviews can be heard about the dermatologists of the medical center in Chelyabinsk. "Lotus" will help cure such complex diseases as atopic dermatitis, seborrhea, folliculitis, etc. Diagnosis and treatment of pathological processes of the mucous membrane, scalp, hair and nails is carried out. The work of the clinic is carried out according to all international quality standards. Numerous positive reviews testify to this.

lotus chelyabinsk phone
lotus chelyabinsk phone

Patients speak well about Natalya Vladimirovna Gerasimova. The specialist provides assistance in the field of dermatology and venereology. In this case, therapy can take place in complete confidentiality. Thanks to the competent approach of the doctor, it is possible to treat dangerous skin diseases.

Good reviews can also be heard about the following dermatologists: Alekseeva Marina Alexandrovna, Kazarinova Yana Sergeevna, Kobus Alexey Viktorovich, Biryukova Yulia Alexandrovna, Aleksandrova Tatiana Gennadievna. For the first appointment with a dermatovenereologist, you will have to pay 920 rubles.

Immunology and Allergology

Many pathological processes in the body are associated with disruption of the immune system or a tendency to develop allergic reactions. The Lotos clinic (a medical center in Chelyabinsk) can also help in this matter. The phone number by which you can make an appointment with a specialist of the chosen profile is listed on the official website of the institution, it is not difficult to find it.

lotus g chelyabinsk
lotus g chelyabinsk

Several allergist-immunologists work in the network of clinics. About each of them you can hear mostly positive reviews. Moiseeva Tatyana Nikolaevna is a doctor who specializes in the treatment of children. It is this specialist who is in charge of the pediatrics department of the clinic. Thanks to her activities, many parents managed to understand the origin of many diseases of babies. The cost of an appointment with this specialist is 1660 rubles.

Patients also speak well of Abramova Natalya Nikolaevna. This doctor specializes more in pathologies of the immune system in adults. The cost of an appointment with Natalia Nikolaevna is also 1660 rubles.


In Chelyabinsk, there are many medical institutions working in this direction. Despite this, there are always enough visitors in the Lotos dental offices. A huge range of services is provided here - from conventional therapeutic treatment to labor-intensive implantation. Thanks to the positive feedback about the specialists of the institution, the number of patients here is constantly growing.

Patients speak well about Dobrovetsky Alexander Nikolaevich. This is the head of the dental department, a doctor of the highest category. In order to get an appointment with a specialist, you have to make an appointment several weeks in advance. Many specially come to Chelyabinsk. "Lotus" has long become famous outsidecities.

Bliadze Yesenia Gelovna is a young dentist, about whom you can also hear a lot of positive feedback. Reception is conducted by a specialist daily. You can also make an appointment with a doctor on holidays and weekends. The cost of the consultation is 250 rubles. The price of therapeutic treatment is from 400 rubles.


Unfortunately, no one is safe from a terrible diagnosis. However, those patients who monitor their he alth and regularly conduct preventive examinations have much more chances for a long happy life. If you had to deal with oncological pathology, you can not hesitate. If we consider Chelyabinsk, Lotos is one of the best clinics providing assistance in this direction. A lot of good reviews can be heard about Danko Nikolai Alexandrovich. This is a doctor of the highest category, an oncologist with extensive experience who has performed many operations.

Lavrinov Semyon Alekseevich is another specialist of the Lotos clinic, who specializes more in mammology. A lot of good reviews about the work of a doctor can be heard from those women who had to hear the diagnosis of breast cancer. The cost of the first doctor's appointment is 1380 rubles.

Plastic surgery

Everyone wants to look good. And some have to turn to a surgeon for help in order to hide the traces of a terrible disease or remove signs of past years. The Lotos clinic (Chelyabinsk) will be able to help. The phone number of the institution should be written down for those who are only considering seeking help from a plastic surgeon. It will also be useful to study the reviews ofLotus specialists.

lotus doctors chelyabinsk
lotus doctors chelyabinsk

Necessary Viktor Vladimirovich is not just a plastic surgeon. The candidate of medical sciences performed more than one operation. Good reviews about the work of Viktor Vladimirovich cannot be listed. However, the cost of services is rather high. Only for the first consultation you will have to pay 1660 rubles.

All specialists of the Lotos Medical Center receive good remuneration for their work, so they give themselves to their work to the fullest. There are almost no negative reviews about the institution.
