Often, plants have a healing power that some medicines often do not have. Echinacea is the plant where medicine and nature are on the same side. The roots, leaves and flowers of purple echinacea have become the basis of many drugs with antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, immunomodulatory, diuretic, bactericidal, antiallergic, antirheumatic properties. In this article, you will learn about how the herb echinacea is used for immunity, its properties and methods of application.
What is this plant?

Echinacea is a perennial that belongs to the aster family. The flowers of the plant have a pleasant pink hue, which can turn into purple - that's why it is called Echinacea purpurea. There are several types of plants that differ in appearance and color, but they all have the same medicinal properties. In her old dayscalled the "flower of he alth", due to the healing properties that it possesses. The plant is a powerful immunomodulator with virtually no side effects. Numerous scientific studies show that the herb echinacea is of great importance for immunity.
What does it contain?
Scientists studied the chemical composition of the plant and came to the conclusion that echinacea contains seven groups of useful substances. Among them are flavonoids, insulin, polysaccharides, alkylamides, sinorin and chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid derivatives - echinosides, antioxidants, essential oils, trace elements - magnesium, aluminum, potassium, iron and vitamins.
The best remedy for raising immunity is Echinacea

Grass is considered a strong immune stimulant, no other plant can boast of this. It has another unique property - the ability to inhibit the growth of staphylococci and streptococci, bacteria that cause most purulent and inflammatory diseases, such as sinusitis, tonsillitis, furunculosis.
Echinacea grass for immunity is taken as an immunostimulant both during exacerbation of infectious diseases and for their prevention. Echinacea will bring particular benefits in the autumn and spring periods. It was at this time that there was an increase in the incidence of influenza and colds due to the fact that the body at this time is most weakened.
Echinacea Immunity Boosting Activity
Specialists have done a lot of research, and have madethe following conclusions: echinacea helps to stimulate the production of leukocytes in the body, the main role of which is to combat the invasion of foreign particles. Due to the many valuable components that make up the plant, such an effect is possible. Thanks to a range of complex substances called phenolic compounds, all this leads to an immune boosting effect. All components of this unique herb - leaves, roots, flowers - contain a variety of immunostimulating components. The result is an increase in human immunity.
Indications for use

When should I take echinacea? Consider some factors that indicate a decrease in immunity, and it's time to take care of your he alth:
- often get sick with colds;
- boils appear on the body;
- hard and slow recovery process;
- herpes often appears on the lips;
- the need to strengthen the immune system;
- appearance of weakness;
- insect bites, burns (external);
- bad sleep, irritation;
- women's diseases, including thrush;
- take alcohol, smoke;
- treatment of staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli;
- take antibiotics;
- ear infections;
- temperature increase for no apparent reason to 37.2 degrees;
- diseases of the bladder and liver;
- live in an ecological disaster zone.
Although the herb echinacea for immunity and other diseases is not a panacea, its beneficial effects on the human body cannot be underestimated. It has a general strengthening effect, increases the protective functions of the immune system, thereby helping to avoid frequent colds, and in case of their occurrence, a speedy recovery.
All products containing echinacea have a lot of useful properties.
- Activate macrophages, lymphocytes and granulocytes, increase the body's defenses (increase immunity), get rid of bacteria, inflammation and viruses.
- Increase the productivity of hormones, gently act against allergic reactions on the body.
- Have a beneficial effect in the treatment of cystitis, hepatitis, nephritis and many inflammatory diseases in women.
- Accelerate the process of blood clotting and promote rapid healing of wounds.
- Show good results in the treatment of diseases of the male reproductive system.
- Help with ulcers, constipation and gastrointestinal diseases.
Side effects and contraindications for use

Despite the fact that Echinacea purpurea (herb for immunity) is extremely beneficial for the body, there are a number of reasons why some people should stop taking decoctions and infusions from this plant. Who Should Avoid Echinacea? For those with the following conditions:
- tuberculosis;
- diabetes mellitus;
- oncological diseases;
- acute leukemia;
- autoimmune diseases;
- individual intolerance;
- systemic lupus erythematosus.
Among the side effects are the occurrence of allergic reactions (isolated cases) to the substances that make up the plant. They usually show up as a rash and itching. Regular use of tinctures and decoctions of echinacea in large quantities can provoke an upset of the gastrointestinal tract and increased excitability of the nervous system. You should not be treated with these drugs in acute angina, atherosclerosis of the brain. Tinctures containing alcohol should not be taken by pregnant women and during lactation. In addition, there are contraindications to the use of herbal tea for young mothers, it is best to start using it after breastfeeding.
Echinacea tablets

Drugs are made from Echinacea purpurea and are used to treat chronic diseases, diseases, viruses and acute respiratory infections. The components that make up the tablets show high efficiency in the fight against herpes and liver diseases, and help cleanse the blood. When taking medicines based on the herb echinacea (for immunity) - the instructions must be followed strictly.
Echinacea tincture
Usually used to boost immunity against colds and flu. Often, echinacea tincture is recommended to improve memory, treat infertility. Both in men and women. And also to enhance potency. In addition to using the herb echinacea for immunity in the form of a tincture, its use reduces appetite, which allows you to get rid of excess weight and fight obesity. Sometimes the tincture is used (albeit extremely rarely) as a rescuer from anxiety and depression. Numerous experiments have shown that echinacea tinctures are non-toxic.
This drink stimulates the immune system, helps the body in the fight against various infections and colds. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the contraindications and rules for using the herb echinacea for immunity.
Homemade herbal recipes

Let's take a look at how to make an echinacea tincture at home. In order to preserve all the healing properties of the plant, you need to know how to do it correctly. Take:
- 200g fresh echinacea (or 50g dry);
- liter of vodka.
Pour phyto-raw materials with vodka, always of good quality, put in a dark place for 15-20 days, shake regularly. After that, the mixture is filtered and can be used for its intended purpose.
Infusion and decoction
You can make an infusion according to a simpler and faster recipe, besides not containing alcohol. Should be prepared:
- 1 tbsp l. dry grass;
- 0, 5 liters of boiling water.
The best option for making an infusion is to use a thermos. We put raw materials in it, pour it with boiling water, leave it overnight, filter it in the morning.
Prepare a decoction of herbsechinacea for immunity is also quite simple. We connect 1 tsp. herbs and 200 ml of boiled water and insist on a water bath, then filter.
Tea collection

Tea collection with echinacea has a positive effect on raising immunity, prevention, treatment of colds and flu. Raw materials can be purchased at any pharmacy or prepared by yourself. Take a teaspoon of crushed roots and leaves of the plant, mix with three echinacea flowers and pour freshly boiled water. Within an hour you can enjoy a tasty and he althy drink.
Echinacea: herb for immunity - how to take?
In fact, there are many different recommendations on how to properly take such funds at different ages. Experienced herbalists advise doing it as follows.
- Decoctions based on echinacea for adult patients are recommended to be taken in a volume of no more than 300 ml per day strictly before meals (divided into 3 doses).
- The recommended dose of Echinacea herb infusion (for immunity for adults) is 150 ml three times a day before each meal for 30 minutes.
- Tincture is taken according to the following scheme. 26 drops twice a day half an hour before meals.
Please note: the duration of admission can last no more than ten days, then you should take a break for five days and continue the treatment again, which should be repeated two more times for ten days. In the event that the need arises for re-treatment, this can be done withoutpreviously month-long respite.
Pills are taken according to the instructions for at least 7 days, but not more than 8 weeks.
Echinacea tea should be taken one glass three times a day with meals.
Can I give it to children?

All preparations from the herb echinacea for immunity for children, as well as decoctions and teas, have practically no contraindications. Exceptions can only be those cases when allergic reactions occur or there is an individual intolerance to echinacea. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to give alcohol-containing plant-based tinctures to children. For children under one year old, it is better to give herbal decoctions. Syrups may be contraindicated due to the fact that they contain sugar, which can cause diathesis.
Echinacea herb for immunity: how to take children? Consider the instructions for the use of drugs.
Medicines in the form of tablets are recommended for children after the age of four with colds and flu. Until the age of twelve, the recommended dose is no more than 3 tablets per day, if there is no illness. Give 1 tablet three times a day. If the child is sick - then up to 5 per day. After the age of twelve, give 2 tablets twice a day outside the illness. And five times for the treatment of diseases.
Children from the age of three can be given tea - 50 ml three times a day, but not longer than five weeks. It is best to mix echinacea infusions with compotes and juices. And take it just like tea.
Where to buy grassechinacea and its medicinal products?
All funds can be purchased at any pharmacy in the form of a collection, herbal tea, tablets, alcohol tinctures. According to reviews, the herb echinacea for immunity is presented in a wide range in the form of high-quality organic preparations in collections, non-alcoholic drops, capsules with various additives for adults and children. After carefully reading the presented assortment, you will definitely choose the dosage form that is right for you.
If you have no contraindications to the use of the herb Echinacea, by all means find a place for it in your home pharmacy. Be sure to take drugs in the autumn-winter period as a preventive measure to combat colds.

Increasingly, experts recommend the use of drugs based on echinacea as an immunomodulator during epidemics of colds, after mental or physical overwork, after a course of radiation therapy, taking antibiotics. However, when using the herb echinacea for immunity, they recommend strictly following the instructions for use. What do patients themselves think about the effectiveness of such treatment? Many of them note that the use of echinacea for the prevention of colds really has a positive effect. It is noted that the incidence of diseases has decreased significantly. In addition, the quite affordable price cannot but rejoice. No side effects were found while taking the drugs.
Manyknow that after an infection, the body needs time to restore the imbalance in the immune system. For this reason, many patients use immunomodulators, the effect of which is really proven and works great, as consumers say. According to reviews, echinacea helps to get rid of even chronic herpes. You only need to drink the whole course.