Today, our body is more than ever exposed to negative external factors. This is the ecology and the frantic pace of our lives, stress and poor nutrition (fast food, foods filled with chemical additives). Add to this hypodynamia and alcohol abuse - and it becomes clear that it is very difficult for the body to cope on its own. Therefore, it is necessary not only to change your lifestyle, but also to introduce vitamin supplements into the diet, for example, Dekamevit. The instructions for use below will allow you to get acquainted with this drug. Although marketed primarily as a drug for the elderly, it is widely used throughout the adult population.

Tested quality
Dekamevit has not been discontinued for a third of a century. The instructions for use indicate that it has passed all clinical tests, because it was created back in Soviet times. Initially, it was released as a drug that can smooth out the processes of premature aging and push them back. Later itbegan to be recommended as a regular vitamin complex.
Why should they be used
First of all, it must be remembered that every modern person suffers from a lack of vitamins and minerals. Our diet is far from being as complete as we used to think. Often, due to lack of time, we prepare rather monotonous dishes or even dispense with semi-finished products. As a result, we ourselves undermine our he alth. What does the drug "Dekamevit" give us? Instructions for use suggests that it not only increases the overall resistance of the body to adverse effects, but also has a tonic and metabolic stimulating effect. Activates the functions of the nervous system.

Indications for use
First of all, it is, of course, hypovitaminosis and beriberi. These conditions are so common today that some doctors recommend taking vitamin complexes without interruption. This is not a medicine - one tablet provides a daily dose of vitamins and minerals that the body spends on its needs, and the next day it needs the same amount.
In addition, "Dekamevit" is also widely used to strengthen the immune defense and speed up metabolic processes. Instructions for use emphasizes that it is especially recommended to use this tool for older people. It is very useful to drink a prophylactic course with high physical or mental stress, chronic fatigue, sleep disorders. The list of indications also includes the initial and middle stagesatherosclerotic changes in the vessels or hypertension. The drug shows excellent results during the recovery period after long illnesses, including after a course of antibiotics and chemotherapy.

Form and composition
Vitamins "Dekamevit" are produced in tablet form. Each tablet contains a yellow film coat. It is not necessary to break it by chewing the tablet. Each package contains 20 tablets. The composition of each tablet indicates its value to our body. They contain vitamins A and E, B12 and B1, B2 and B6. It also contains folic acid and vitamins C, K, PP, C, as well as an amino acid called methionine.
Since the drug is very complex in terms of its composition, its action is due to the combination of properties of all constituent components. That is, in order to fully understand what this drug gives us, we must first study its components in detail. But in the composition of the complex, all the kinetic properties of the components cannot be tracked using biological experiments.

In order for you to better imagine, you need to tell about each component of the drug "Dekamevit". Its composition is quite complicated, so let's go in order.
Vitamin A is an extremely important component, without which it is impossible to maintain normal vision. In addition, it is this vitamin that takes part in cell division. It perfectly strengthens the immune system. Favorablyaffects the strengthening of the walls of each cell and its protection from infections.
Vitamin E is next on the list. It is a real source of youth and is extremely important for us. It prevents the oxidation of fats and has a positive effect on the state of immunity. It is not in vain that the reviews left by those who took Decamevit reliably show a tendency to improve the state of the body: shortness of breath goes away, heartbeat returns to normal.
Vitamin B2 is a powerful antioxidant that stops the effects of free radicals on the body. This is one of the most important elements, as it normalizes the flow of metabolic processes.
Vitamin B3 - it is extremely important for digestion, which means it helps to improve metabolic processes and the movement of nutrients to tissues and organs.
The next element of the group is vitamin B6. It is an essential element for most chemical reactions to take place. It takes part in the production of serotonin, which means it normalizes sleep and restores the nervous system.
It is necessary to especially note the importance of vitamin B12: it is able to restore damaged tissue structures. It is essential for the stable function of the central nervous system, as well as for the synthesis of hemoglobin.
Methiomin is also added to the composition of the preparation - this is the most important antioxidant, an indispensable enzyme, hormonal and vitamin activator. Thanks to this element, toxic substances are neutralized.
As you can see, the composition is quite rich, but there is another plus, thanks to which the drug "Dekamevit" has become widespread. The price, of course,plays an important role. The cost of one package is 120–150 rubles.

Drug use during pregnancy
At first glance, it seems that the composition of the usual vitamins, so you can give them to anyone: a teenager or a pregnant woman. In fact, there is a difference, and it lies in the different amounts of certain components in different vitamin complexes. For example, it contains a large amount of retinol. This can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, it is better to use what the doctor prescribed for you, or ask him if you can take Decamevit. This drug has analogues, we will talk about them a little later.
Contraindications and side effects
Like any other vitamin complexes, the drug has no contraindications. However, there are some cases when you need to consult a doctor before taking it. This is individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug. It is not recommended to take this complex with exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, with hypervitaminosis and fructose intolerance. The drug is contraindicated for preschool children.
Violation of these instructions or an increase in the prescribed dosage leads to dizziness and nausea, pain in the stomach, which disappears after the drug is discontinued.

Reviews and analogues
Of course, there are a lot of vitamin supplements on the market today, many of which are analogues of the Decamevit drug. Pricedistinguishes it from all others. You can call "Vitrum" and "Multi-tabs", "Pikovit" and many others. In their composition, they are identical, but each has its own focus, which means that the dosages will be different. Therefore, do not self-medicate, be sure to consult a doctor. Judging by the reviews, these vitamins are very effective. After the first course, visible changes are observed, cheerfulness and lightness appear, shortness of breath disappears, you feel a constant surge of strength.