Vitamins "Pikovit": reviews, instructions and composition. The drug "Pikovit" for children from 1 year: reviews

Vitamins "Pikovit": reviews, instructions and composition. The drug "Pikovit" for children from 1 year: reviews
Vitamins "Pikovit": reviews, instructions and composition. The drug "Pikovit" for children from 1 year: reviews

Vitamins play an essential role in the proper growth and development of a child. Therefore, parents should ensure that the diet of their baby is as varied and complete as possible. But very often moms and dads are faced with such a problem that the child eats very poorly, which means that he is deficient in many vital elements. For such cases, there is the drug "Pikovit". Reviews confirm that children drink these delicious syrups with pleasure, and as a result, parents can be calm about their future.

peaking reviews
peaking reviews

Medication description

This drug is specially designed for children. The line is represented by vitamin syrups and vitamin and mineral supplements that meet all the needs of a growing organism. All varieties of the drug have an excellent taste, and the release form is presented in a convenient form. The dosage is adapted to the specific age of the child. This led to the high popularity of the drug "Pikovit". Parents' reviews say that it is extremely convenient to give a child a spoonful of sweet syrup and not worry about how to feedhim medicine.

pikovit for children reviews
pikovit for children reviews

Product properties

This is not a drug, but it greatly helps to support the period of intensive growth and development of the body, and therefore is indispensable for young children. This complex is necessary during a period of high physical and mental stress, and kids learn something every day and do not sit still. That is why it is extremely important to provide their body with everything necessary. What do parents who give Pikovit to their children say? Reviews emphasize that babies get sick noticeably less often, that is, plus everything else, the complex helps to increase the body's resistance to infections and viruses. In this regard, not only the frequency of infectious diseases decreases, but also the recovery period after them.

There is another important property of the drug "Pikovit". Reviews note that children with poor appetite begin to eat much better. It is very important to take a vitamin complex for schoolchildren. In this regard, the cognitive functions of the child are restored, there is an improvement in memory and thinking, logic. This happens due to the normalization of metabolism.

pikovit for children from 1 year reviews
pikovit for children from 1 year reviews

Vitamin Supplements or Complete Natural Nutrition?

This is the subject of constant debate between doctors and parents. In fact, it is much better if the child receives all the necessary vitamins and mineral complexes from food. However, it must be ensured that the products that have been used forcooking, are natural and safe. Can you know for sure that the vegetables grew without the use of pesticides and various growth accelerators, and the chicken did not eat hormone supplements? Probably not, let alone the abundance of products stuffed with dyes and preservatives. Therefore, the quality of food should be given much attention. If this condition is met, the child has good sleep and appetite, and after physical exertion he does not become lethargic, then we can say that he will not need to be given vitamin complexes.

If everything is not so rosy, then you should think about the choice long before he alth problems begin. Usually, a deficiency of essential trace elements leads to the fact that the child begins to get sick often, so your pediatrician will soon pay attention to the need to take vitamins. Many offer Pikovit for children. Reviews of doctors say that this is a very convenient food supplement that perfectly takes into account all the needs of the body. And since parents, with all their desire, cannot always provide a child with food that would contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals, this is simply an urgent need.

peaks from year reviews
peaks from year reviews

Allergic diseases in children

This is another problematic category of children - those who almost always have a deficiency of essential minerals and vitamins. The problem is that a food allergy refers to limiting the consumption of a range of foods, resulting in nutrient deficiencies in a growing organism. ForIn such cases, Pikovit is ideal for children. Reviews of doctors confirm not only its high efficiency, but also safety.

Vitamin complexes allow you to replenish strength and energy, they enable children to grow up he althy and strong. Every day, the child's body experiences tremendous stress, physical and psychological. It is in order to easily overcome them and learn the world every day that Pikovit vitamins were created for children from 1 year old. Feedback from parents suggests that the child, taking this vitamin complex, becomes much more active and at the same time more diligent, more capable in school.

pikovit for children from a year reviews
pikovit for children from a year reviews

Prescribing the drug

You can make this decision yourself, because the vitamin complex is not a drug. However, most often the doctor himself recommends taking the drug "Pikovit" for children from 1 year old. Reviews of doctors emphasize that it is extremely important to use it with a lack of minerals and vitamins, with inadequate and unbalanced nutrition. It is also recommended to take this drug after an illness, against the background of reduced immunity. It is important to drink vitamins during the rehabilitation period after a serious illness or surgery.

Composition, active elements

The entire line of products has the same composition, with the only difference being that syrups are intended for small children and have a lower dosage of vitamins and minerals, and lozenges have a larger one. The very first product in this series is Pikovit vitamins from the year. Reviewsparents say that children enjoy drinking this delicious syrup. At the same time, the mother can be calm and confident that her child does not suffer from a lack of necessary substances. The preparation contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, C, D3, PP. In addition, the composition is enriched with folic acid, calcium and phosphorus, as well as the necessary vitamin E. Each balanced complex is designed strictly for a certain age, which means it provides opportunities for optimal growth and development of the child every day.

For older children, you can choose lozenges. They contain the same set of vitamins, but the form of a tasty tablet is much more convenient for grown-up children than syrup.

pikovit from 1 year reviews
pikovit from 1 year reviews

Instructions for use

Let's start with how to use Pikovit for children from a year old. Parents' reviews indicate that they began to give syrups to babies from a very early age, but later they did not depart from this form. Doctors confirm that it is possible to give syrup to schoolchildren, but the dosage must be increased. From one to three years, you need to give the child one teaspoon twice a day. Children from three to six years old are given one teaspoon three times a day. From seven to fourteen years, give one teaspoon four times a day. Do not exceed dosage.

The instruction says that the syrup can be used both pure and diluted. Most often, it is the second option that parents choose when they need to give the kids Pikovit vitamins from 1 year old. Reviews suggest that the necessarythe dosage can be poured into a drinking bowl with juice, and then the child will drink the fortified drink with pleasure. The course of admission is usually a month. Then it is recommended to take a break, after which you can repeat.

Lozenges for older kids

They should be absorbed until completely dissolved. Children from four years old are happy to eat lozenges, as they have a pleasant taste. From four to seven years, it is recommended to use lozenges after meals, one piece, 3-4 times a day. From the age of seven, the dosage increases, now it is necessary to consume 5-7 pieces per day. Do not forget that it is strictly forbidden to combine this complex with other multivitamin preparations.

vitamins pikovit reviews of doctors
vitamins pikovit reviews of doctors


However, even taking vitamin preparations, care must be taken. Vitamins "Pikovit" (reviews of doctors fully confirm this information) are quite safe, but if you have not given them to your child before, then it is better to get by with a small dose (half or a third of the prescribed). An individual reaction of the body in the form of allergic rashes is possible. If everything is normal, then you can continue taking the drug at the usual dosage.

The intake of this vitamin complex is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, hypervitaminosis, as well as in case of high sensitivity to the components of the drug. In any case, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting treatment.
