Removal of spider veins by laser - description of the procedure, contraindications and reviews

Removal of spider veins by laser - description of the procedure, contraindications and reviews
Removal of spider veins by laser - description of the procedure, contraindications and reviews

Many people have spider veins. Their occurrence is a sign of a violation of the vascular system. This is an aesthetic and medical problem. Effective removal of spider veins with a laser. This procedure is also painless. You can learn about the nuances of its implementation from the article.

Reasons for appearance

The occurrence of spider veins is associated with various factors that are due to the impact on the capillary plexus. Cosmetologists call this phenomenon rosacea, and specialized clinicians associate it with the appearance of telangiectasias. Vessels are affected on the face, body, legs. Telangiectasias are:

  • venous;
  • capillary;
  • arterial.
laser spider vein removal
laser spider vein removal

All types of vascular lesions have different sizes, shapes, tendencies to generalization. Pathology appears at:

  • pregnancy and postpartum;
  • gynecological ailments;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • infantilism;
  • vitamin C deficiency;
  • constant squeezing of blackheads or pimples;
  • UV exposure;
  • long-term drug therapy;
  • alcoholism and aggressive external factors.

Usually rosacea is localized on the wings of the nose, cheeks, chin. Due to a deep lesion, scarring of the skin occurs in the area of vascular lesions. The lack of correction affects not only the appearance of a separate part of the face, but also the general condition of the skin. According to reviews, the removal of spider veins with a laser on the legs and other parts of the body is an effective method of dealing with the deficiency.


The procedure is prescribed in the presence of spider veins of any size and location. Indications for the removal of a deficiency are associated with the degree of severity. To determine the depth of the capillary network, a classification is applied according to the stages of appearance:

  1. Persistent vasodilation. There are reddening of the vessels and their long-term elimination after alcohol.
  2. Determination of the vascular pattern. It can be point, root, linear, arachnid.
  3. Noticeable progression of pathology - lack of vascular contractile function.
  4. The appearance of inflammation or congestion - a violation of blood circulation.

Even at the initial stage of the appearance of pathology, this manifests itself in the form of unpleasant defects on the face. This significantly spoils the appearance. The disadvantage is difficult to hide decorativecosmetics.

removal of spider veins on the face with a laser
removal of spider veins on the face with a laser

Indications for the elimination of rosacea is the desire of a person to get perfect skin. The procedure helps with the ineffectiveness of alternative means or treatment, with the late stages of the development of pathology. According to reviews, the removal of spider veins on the face with a laser will improve the condition of the skin, make it more attractive.


Although laser spider vein removal is a safe procedure, this technique can not always be used. It is forbidden to perform at:

  • chronic ailments during exacerbation or decompensation;
  • inflammation or infectious diseases;
  • implanted pacemaker;
  • anomalies of connective tissue;
  • autoimmune skin ailments;
  • presence of abscesses, inflammations, rashes;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • probability of keloid scarring;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • oncology.

Some contraindications are transient. In case of persistent functional disorders of organs or systems, it is advisable to use sparing methods of cosmetic correction.

Types of equipment

Each device that generates a laser beam has many attachments. With their help, specialists select the required depth of penetration of the laser beam, and set the intensity of exposure to the vascular network. There are several types of laser:

  1. Neodymium laser. This is the best equipment forelimination of vascular expansion on the face or body. The device is suitable for eliminating small and large vascular changes, as well as achieving a better effect. The beam evenly distributes the radiation, cools the skin, eliminating the risk of burns. To ensure a lasting effect, 2-5 procedures are required. The number of sessions depends on the severity of the problem.
  2. Diode. Used for severe pathology with a bluish tinge. Red capillaries are almost never removed. For maximum effect, 1-7 treatments are required.
  3. American system of influence. The procedure involves exposure to painful vessels with bursts. The system is ideal for removing rosacea (lichen marks), dilated capillaries and port-wine stains from the skin of the face.
  4. Palomar Star Lux 500. The system is used to eliminate facial skin imperfections. According to reviews, the effectiveness of the procedure is compared with the effect of plastic surgery. The presence of different nozzles solves almost any problems with blood vessels and pigmentation, as well as signs of skin aging.
  5. Quantum. The laser acts like a pulsed radiation with a light beam, and in terms of efficiency it is much better than phototherapy procedures. According to reviews, the sessions do not cause pain, have a long-term result. The procedures have a short recovery time. That is why this removal of spider veins by laser is performed in professional clinics. In addition to the effect on blood vessels, the problems of age-related changes in the skin of the face, body, and pigmentation are eliminated.
  6. Harmony XL laser. Is complexprocedure. The device has many attachments. Thanks to the cooling system, when exposed to a laser, burns and soreness are excluded. Some attachments are used for deep skin tightening, eliminating redness, postoperative scars, acne scars.
removal of spider veins by laser price
removal of spider veins by laser price

Which laser to choose depends on the severity and localization of vascular dilations. This is also affected by the need for additional correction of cosmetic defects in the treated area.


There is no special preparation for removing spider veins with a laser. But there are recommendations that must be followed a few days before the procedure:

  1. You can not sunbathe in the solarium or in the sun.
  2. It is forbidden to take tetracycline-type antibiotics for 14 days.
  3. Don't use anticoagulants for 2-3 days.
  4. You can not treat your face with alcohol infusions.
  5. Alcohol and other toxic components are prohibited the day before the procedure.
removal of spider veins on the legs with a laser
removal of spider veins on the legs with a laser

If you do not follow the doctor's advice before the procedure, the risk of complications and the length of recovery time increase. If it is not possible to stop heparin, aspirin and anticoagulants, the procedure should be postponed until the treatment of various blood diseases is completed.

Carrying out

Removal of spider veins by laser on the face and on the body must be performed according to established rules. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. The skin is appliedspecial composition.
  2. Perform gel treatment, which improves contact with the laser.
  3. The area is treated with a laser (about 5 minutes).

From the action of the laser, the vessel is heated and sclerosed. Before removing telangiectasias on the face, the patient is required to wear goggles. If the pain threshold is low or there are large vascular nodes, then anesthetic drugs should be administered (1 hour before the session).

after laser removal of spider veins
after laser removal of spider veins

Couperose on the nose is removed in about 2 minutes. Usually 1 treatment is required. First, the impact on large vessels is performed, and then on small ones. During standard laser spider vein removal, there may be a slight tingling sensation on the legs or other areas of the body.


After laser removal of spider veins, you will not be able to immediately return to your old life. Even if the procedure is successful, for some time it is important to follow these rules:

  • you can not take hot saunas, baths;
  • required to reduce the number of water procedures;
  • prohibited hardware cosmetic procedures, massage;
  • need protection from UV and direct sunlight;
  • should avoid physical activity.
laser removal of spider veins on the face reviews
laser removal of spider veins on the face reviews

When removing large vessels on the face, it is necessary to increase the recovery time to a month so that there is no rupture of vascular adhesions. At this time, it is necessary to apply a protective cream on the skin before the street. It also requires the use of funds thatenhance the regeneration and protective properties of the skin.

Possible Complications

According to reviews, the removal of spider veins with a laser on the face or other parts of the body can lead to complications. They appear due to the high sensitivity of the skin to this effect. Complications appear if the penetration depth of the beam is violated or the rules for the procedure were not followed.

Judging by the reviews, the main negative consequences include the occurrence of:

  • reddening of the skin in the treatment area;
  • small blisters;
  • pigmentation;
  • new vessels;
  • suppuration of the skin;
  • thrombosis of capillary lumen.

Normal redness, swelling, puffiness and blisters are eliminated after 1-2 days. Inflammations disappear after using Vaseline. And with pigmentation, whitening creams are used. According to reviews, these funds help many people who are satisfied with the procedure.

If complications do not disappear after a few days, you should consult a doctor. A secondary course of correction is probably needed. According to experts, you should not try to eliminate the consequences yourself.


The procedure has many advantages, which distinguishes it from other types of non-invasive methods:

  1. Extended skin exposure.
  2. Thin laser works only on damaged capillaries.
  3. For minor vascular damage, 1 procedure is required.
  4. The appearance of burns and scars on the skin is excluded.
  5. Not necessaryuse anesthesia.
laser spider veins removal reviews
laser spider veins removal reviews

In addition to eliminating the vascular network, it will be possible to improve the condition of the skin, start the recovery process in the deep structures of the skin without surgery.


In addition to the advantages, the procedure also has disadvantages:

  1. For large vessels, several procedures are needed.
  2. Severe peeling appears in the treated area.
  3. The high cost of laser spider vein removal when a full course is required.

These disadvantages are objective and do not apply to all patients. Usually, due to the beauty of the skin after the procedure, many do not consider these shortcomings to be significant.


The result is usually noticeable after 1 treatment. If there were large vessels or strongly pronounced, then the effect is visible after several sessions. Usually, during the entire course of laser therapy, the skin will be smooth and beautiful. Even with the appearance of negative effects in the form of peeling or redness, they disappear on the 3rd day.


The final price of facial laser spider vein removal depends on many factors. The cost is affected by the location of the clinic, the professionalism of the doctor and the cost of equipment. Usually for processing 1 sq. see skins take 850-6,000 rubles.

The price is determined by the severity of the pathology. The more expensive the equipment, the faster the problem is removed, and this saves the patient money. Such a procedure will be effective only if all the nuances of the work are observed.
