Lower facelift: methods, description, reviews

Lower facelift: methods, description, reviews
Lower facelift: methods, description, reviews

For women over the age of 35, a lower facelift is one of the options to maintain a well-groomed appearance. With its help, you can correct the signs of age-related changes without affecting the functioning of natural processes in the body. There are several methods of intervention, from surgical to hardware. The choice of a particular method depends on the state of he alth of the woman and the desired result.

Correction of the lower part of the face

Age-related changes are commonly understood as processes associated with a slowdown in metabolism, dehydration of the skin, and a decrease in natural collagen. As a result, the skin is deprived of proper nutrition, becomes thinner. Over time, it begins to sag.

The following factors can accelerate the aging process:

  • wrong posture;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • overweight;
  • exposure to UVrays;
  • smoking;
  • tanning bed abuse.

At the first signs of age-related changes, cosmetics and massage help to improve the appearance of the skin. However, a significant effect can only be achieved with a lower face and neck lift. Usually women over 40 resort to her help.

age-related changes
age-related changes

Indications for intervention

When the muscles and skin are elastic, the angle between the chin and the neck is approximately 90 degrees. As the body ages, tissues sag, the angle changes, and the outlines of the chin blur. A lower face lift is recommended in the following cases:

  • pronounced skin folds in the neck;
  • double chin;
  • drooping corners of the mouth;
  • sagging cheek skin;
  • deep wrinkles in the affected area.

As a result of the intervention, the listed problems can be eliminated. At the same time, the skin acquires a he althy and elastic look.

Preparing for the procedure

Like any surgical intervention, a lower facelift requires prior preparation. At the consultation, the plastic surgeon determines the degree of the problem of the corrected area, talks about possible contraindications.

A woman, in turn, must provide information about previous diseases and operations, allergies to medications. In addition, you will need to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body, which includes blood and urine tests, fluorography and ECG. One week before the date of the operation, you need to fullygive up alcohol and smoking, blood-thinning drugs (for example, Aspirin). A light diet is recommended the day before the intervention.

Before the operation, some doctors take a photo to be able to compare the results later. As a rule, they are noticeable after 2 weeks, when the primary swelling disappears.

assessment of age-related changes
assessment of age-related changes


Lower face lift is performed in three main areas: the cheeks, neck and chin area.

In medical practice, all types of such interventions are usually divided into two groups: surgical (skin incisions are supposed to affect muscle tissue) and non-surgical (performed using drugs). The choice of correction method is determined by the doctor at the initial consultation.

Surgical plastic. Features

Surgical lifting of the lower part of the face is performed under anesthesia. The doctor makes incisions behind the ears, on the back of the head and under the chin. Then the skin is stretched along the line of the oval of the face, and the excess parts are excised. Subcutaneous fat and muscle layers are not affected.

This technique is recommended when:

  • age-related changes are pronounced;
  • there is a second chin;
  • sagging skin of the cheeks (flews) is observed.

With the help of the operation it is possible to achieve a long-term rejuvenating effect, but today it is used extremely rarely. Its main drawback is the “mask” effect, which is characterized by a violation of natural facial expressions.


Lifting with an endoscope is the safest intervention option. The operation is less traumatic, does not leave scars, and rehabilitation takes place without complications. Tightening is carried out using a microcamera. From it, the image is displayed on the monitor, so that the doctor constantly monitors the course of his actions. Therefore, the risk of injury is minimized.

There are 3 options for an endoscopic lower facelift:

  1. SMAS-lifting. Allows you to eliminate strongly pronounced age-related changes. During the procedure, not only the skin is affected, but also the deep layers of muscle and adipose tissue. First, the surgeon makes an incision from the earlobe to its upper edge. Secures tissue in position with sutures. The depth of impact is up to 5 mm. If necessary, liposuction is performed simultaneously.
  2. S-lift. This is a short cut operation. It is named so because the seam in front of the auricle resembles the letter S. With this method of lifting, muscle and fat layers are also involved. Its main advantage is inconspicuous seams that do not leave scars behind. Excess tissue is not required to be excised. Wounds heal quickly, and the result lasts for 5-7 years.
  3. Mini-lifting. This correction option involves the use of local anesthesia. The incisions are made along the hairline.

The listed methods of endoscopic lifting are performed using local anesthesia. This allows the surgeon to monitor the patient's condition during the procedure, to avoid morecomplex load on the body, which happens with general anesthesia.

facelift methods
facelift methods

Using Endotins

Lower face lift is not limited to threads. Sometimes endotines are used - flexible bands or plates with teeth, with which the surgeon can fix the tissues in the desired position. After healing, they dissolve, leaving no traces behind.

To install endotines, a specialist makes an incision along the hairline. With the help of tools, he introduces a fixing tape into the space between the muscles and directly to the skin. In this case, you can give the face the desired shape. After completing the manipulations, the doctor excised the excess skin and stitches.

Possible contraindications

At the preparatory stage, a woman is assigned an examination of the body. This is not at all accidental. With its help, you can identify hidden he alth problems that are a contraindication to a facelift. These include:

  • heart disease;
  • malignant neoplasms in the body;
  • infectious and viral pathologies;
  • pregnancy;
  • facelift contraindications
    facelift contraindications
  • mental abnormalities;
  • prone to hemophilia.

According to reviews, a lower facelift is effective for women under the age of 60. Later, any intervention has a short-term effect.

Rehabilitation period

Usually the next day after the operation, the woman can go home. With the development of complicationsstay at the clinic for some more time.

After a lift, swelling, bruising, and pain when eating may appear. This is quite natural. Symptoms usually resolve on their own in 1-2 weeks.

To avoid unwanted consequences, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. During the first week, a tight pressure bandage should be worn to speed up the healing process.
  2. It is useful to apply pieces of ice to the area of edema and bruising several times a day.
  3. Drink alcohol and smoke for two weeks. In addition, you should not visit the baths and saunas, solarium.
  4. Blood-thinning drugs are also banned.
  5. Any physical activity, sports is better to postpone for a month.

To speed up the healing process and only after consulting a doctor, you can resort to lymphatic drainage massage.

rehabilitation after facelift
rehabilitation after facelift

Lifting without incisions

Non-surgical methods of eliminating defects give a short-term effect. It is preferable to turn to their help at the initial stage of the appearance of age-related changes. The most popular are the following lifting options:

  1. Hyaluronic acid injections. The drug is administered subcutaneously through mini-injections. Its action is aimed at restoring the elasticity of the skin.
  2. Botox. The dense structure of botulinum toxin fills the cavities in the muscle tissue, as a result of which it is smoothed.
  3. Fillers. With the help of a gel-like preparation, you can get rid of mimic wrinkles. The principle of its action is similar to Botox.
  4. Lipolitics. Medical drugs for special purposes are administered through cannulas. After that, fat cells in the problem area begin to split. Recycled fat is converted into an emulsion and excreted from the body on its own.

The non-surgical facelift method should also be chosen together with the doctor, having studied the possible contraindications.

plastic surgeon consultation
plastic surgeon consultation

Women's Opinion

Reviews of the lower face and neck lift are varied, but most of them have a positive connotation. Women say that it is quite difficult to decide on intervention. If you find a good plastic surgeon, consult with him, learn about the possible results, you can safely go for the operation. The visible effect of the changes becomes noticeable in just a few weeks.

Most often resort to the help of SMAS-lifting. This technique, when compared with others, has a lot of advantages. The incisions on the skin are very small, after healing they disappear altogether. A small wound provides a quick recovery without complications. The stitches are removed around the seventh day. SMAS-lifting is characterized by a good aesthetic result, and there is no “mask” effect.

face lift results
face lift results

Negative feedback about a lower facelift with threads is associated with the cost of the procedure. It can vary from 150 to 300 or even 400 thousand rubles. Alldepends on the prestige of the clinic, the qualifications of the plastic surgeon and the method of correction itself. In the regions, the cost is much lower. Usually it is no more than 100 thousand rubles.
