"Siofor 500": indications, instructions for use, side effects, reviews

"Siofor 500": indications, instructions for use, side effects, reviews
"Siofor 500": indications, instructions for use, side effects, reviews

"Siofor 500" is a hypoglycemic drug for oral administration. It provides an antidiabetic effect, which is achieved by inhibiting the absorption of glucose from the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it helps to increase the sensitivity of tissues to the action of insulin and inhibits glucogenesis.

siofor 500
siofor 500

Also, the drug has a hypolipidemic and fibrinolytic effect.

Indications for use of "Siofor 500"

This drug has a rather narrowly focused therapeutic application, namely, it is used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the absence of the effect of dietary tactics and physical activity. This is especially true for overweight patients. "Siofor 500" for weight loss is also prescribed.

This drug can be used alone or in therapeutic combination with insulin. For adult patients, it can also be prescribed with other types of hypoglycemic medications. What tells usinstructions for use "Siofor 500"?

Composition of the drug and release form

The dosage form is presented in the form of coated tablets. They are white and biconvex.

Produced by 10 pieces in a blister pack. One carton contains 3, 6 or 12 blister packs of 10.

1 Siofora 500 tablet contains:

  • metformin hydrochloride - 0.5 g;
  • excipients in the form of povidone, hypromellose, magnesium stearate;
  • the shell of the tablets is represented by titanium dioxide, hypromellose and macrogol 6000.


"Siofor 500" with metformin is an antihyperglycemic drug, part of the biguanide group. The active substance has the ability to lower the basal and postprandial concentration of glucose in the blood (plasma). The drug does not cause hypoglycemia, because. does not affect insulin-secreting function.

siofor 500 for weight loss
siofor 500 for weight loss

The basis of the principle of action of the active substance of the drug is the inhibition of gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, which accordingly entails a decrease in glucose synthesis by the liver. Also, the drug increases muscle sensitivity to insulin, which ultimately improves glucose metabolism in the periphery and reduces the absorption of glucose by the intestines.

Metmorphine also has favorable activity in terms of lipid processes, in particular, it reduces the level of triglycerides and indicatorscholesterol.


Metmorphine is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and reaches its maximum plasma concentration after an average of two hours. When taking the maximum allowable dose, the level is 0.004 mg per 1 ml. Eating leads to a deterioration or slowdown in the absorption of the drug from the gastrointestinal tract. The bioavailability of the drug is 50-60% on average (in a he althy part of patients). Metmorphine has the ability to accumulate in the liver, kidneys, salivary glands and muscle tissue. It also has permeability to red blood cells.

Half-life is 6-7 hours on average. Through the kidneys, the drug is excreted unchanged.

In case of impaired renal function, the half-life increases and an increase in the level of the active substance of the drug in the blood plasma is observed. This confirms the "Siofor 500" instructions for use.


The tool is not assigned when:

  • diabetic precoma;
  • diabetic ketoacidosis;
  • acute diseases and severe conditions in which there is a high probability of impaired renal function, including dehydration;
  • chronic and acute forms of renal pathologies that can cause tissue hypoxia (examples are the development of shock conditions, heart and respiratory failure, post-infarction conditions);
  • lactoacidosis;
  • acute and chronic liver failure;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • following a low-calorie diet;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • acute alcohol poisoning;
  • intravascular injection of iodine-containing contrast agent;
  • under 10;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • siofor 500 instructions for use
    siofor 500 instructions for use

Special care must be taken when using the drug in the children's age group 10-12 years, as well as for the treatment of patients with an increased daily calorie intake, for example, people engaged in heavy physical labor.

Dosage and method of administration

Tablets "Siofor 500" are intended for oral administration. It is recommended to take them with or immediately after food. The course dose of the drug, the duration of the course of treatment, as well as the course regimen is determined by the attending physician on an individual basis.


The following treatment regimens apply:

Monotherapy. The volume of the maximum daily dose is three grams per day. This is 6 tablets. They are divided into three doses. In order to avoid negative manifestations from the digestive system, start with an initial dose of 1 tablet 1-2 times a day for the first 10-15 days. After this period, the dose should be increased - 3-4 tablets per day

When combined therapy in conjunction with insulin. As in the previous case, the volume of the maximum daily dose is 3 grams per day - this is 6 tablets. They are divided into three doses. Also start with 1 tablet 1-2 times a day. Then, with a gradual increase in the daily dose at weekly intervalsthe daily dose is adjusted to 3-4 tablets per day. Insulin dosage is calculated based on blood glucose readings

If the patient was taking another antidiabetic drug before prescribing Siofor 500, it is canceled and the patient proceeds to the initial stage of the regimen, as indicated above.

For elderly patients, the appointment of the drug should be carried out only on the basis of plasma creatinine. Regular monitoring of kidney function is also required.

Children over 10

In the case of monotherapy with the drug, treatment begins with 1 tablet per day - 1 time. Taking into account the indicators of blood glucose levels, after 10-15 days from the start of therapy, you can increase the dose. The volume of the maximum daily dose is 4 tablets, which are taken 2-3 times a day.

What side effects does Siofor 500 have?

siofor 500 price
siofor 500 price

Side effects

Reactions from the gastrointestinal tract (dyspeptic disorders, metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, epigastric pain, diarrhea) can be distinguished as frequent side effects

There are also adverse reactions such as loss of taste sensitivity, skin manifestations in the form of itching, urticaria, redness.

There is also a possibility of increased liver enzyme activity

The occurrence of lactic acidosis is also a potential side effect.


According to observations, doses up to 85 grams per day "Siofora 500"do not cause cases of hypoglycemia in diabetes.

Significant overdose can cause lactic acidosis, the symptoms of which are severe headache, general weakness and drowsiness, manifestations of the respiratory organs, dyspeptic disorders, fever, decreased pulse rate and blood pressure. There is also muscle pain, disorders of consciousness up to a complete loss. If one or a combination of symptoms of an overdose occurs, immediate withdrawal of the drug and urgent medical care is necessary. One of the most effective measures to help eliminate high doses of the active substance of the drug and lactate is hemodialysis.

Drug Interactions

If intravascular administration of an iodine-containing contrast agent is necessary, it is necessary to cancel the intake of Siofor two days before the radiographic examination. The resumption of the drug is also recommended no earlier than 2 days after the procedure.

If it is necessary to provide hypoglycemic therapy during this period, it is possible to use other drugs, such as insulin.

Simultaneous reception of "Siofor 500" with alcohol-containing products and drugs is not recommended.

There is a high chance of developing lactic acidosis after severe alcohol intoxication and intoxication, while drinking alcohol, with liver failure, starvation or severely limited caloric intake.

medicines siofor 500
medicines siofor 500

Special Instructions

It is worth noting the phenomenon of lactic acidosis. This is a serious condition, which is a consequence of lactic acid intoxication (its accumulation in the blood). The cumulative effect of metmorphine can cause this pathology, although such cases are rare. The usual similar is observed if a patient with diabetes mellitus has severe renal failure. Accordingly, before prescribing the drug, it is necessary to analyze possible additional negative risk factors in the form of decompensated diabetes, ketoacidosis, chronic alcoholism, liver failure, and hypoxic conditions in patients.

At the very beginning of therapy, the appearance of negative effects from the gastrointestinal tract is quite possible. That is why it is recommended to gradually increase the course dosage. Usually the above side effects are self-limiting and do not require special therapy.

In cases of long courses of taking the drug in patients with megaloblastic anemia, there is a deficiency of B12 in the blood.

Also, before starting treatment with Siofor 500 (including for weight loss), it is necessary to assess the state of functioning of the kidneys and liver.

The desired therapeutic result of taking this drug is achieved by combining it with diet therapy, physical education. If the patient is overweight, a mandatory adjustment of the daily caloric intake in the direction of reduction is necessary. It is also important to conduct regular laboratory monitoring of indicators.

Metmorphine does not adversely affect development and growthpediatric patients. Monitoring of indicators of physical formation and development of adolescents was carried out during the year. Longer use of the drug requires careful attention to the monitoring of the development of physical indicators and the development of adolescents, since nothing is known about the relationship of the physical development of children and long-term use of the drug.

Of course, it depends on how you take Siofor 500. Check out the reviews below.

Pregnancy and lactation

The drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy. Women with type 2 diabetes should report pregnancy and planning to their doctor if they are pregnant. During pregnancy, the drug is canceled and replaced with insulin. The use of insulin during gestation can reduce the risk of hyperglycemia affecting the growth and condition of the fetus.

Clinical trials for metformin in breast milk have not been conducted. But, based on the results of clinical trials in animals, which showed permeability to metfmorphine, the drug is contraindicated during breastfeeding.

siofor 500 for diabetes
siofor 500 for diabetes

During breastfeeding, the attending physician considers options: while taking Siofor 500, it is shown either to suspend breastfeeding or to cancel the drug if there is no threat to the he alth of the mother.


Analogues of the drug are widely represented on the pharmacy market. These are such means as "Bagomet", "Diaformin", "Gliformin", "Metformin", "Metfogamma",Glucophage, Formetin.


According to reviews of this drug, it has the active ability to lower blood glucose levels and maintain it at an optimal level. Also contributes to the normalization of appetite with the recommended limited consumption of carbohydrates.

Patient reviews are mostly positive in terms of tolerability of the drug "Siofor 500".

There is a practice of taking a drug for weight loss. Since it has the ability to normalize carbohydrate metabolism, it has been actively used for weight loss. Here the reviews are both negative and positive. Unfortunately, the therapeutic effect of "Siofor 500" is not designed to promote he althy weight loss, since the drug was developed for a completely different purpose: the treatment of diabetes. Metforfin is not at all designed for its use by people without a corresponding pathology.

siofor 500 side effects
siofor 500 side effects

Accordingly, the side effects of weight loss through its use are the result of inappropriate use of the drug. Among such undesirable consequences of inappropriate use of the drug, despite progress in losing weight, are unpleasant symptoms from the digestive system, similar to those of food poisoning, liver dysfunction, and the development of a gag reflex to pronounced food aromas. Prolonged uncontrolled use of the drug may lead to the development of acute pancreatitis.

What is the price of "Siofor 500"? More on that below.

Pros and cons for weight loss

Many people start taking Metformin to lose weight. At the same time, no one is in a hurry to get an appropriate recommendation from an endocrinologist.

In the case of taking weight loss medication, regular monitoring of blood sugar levels is required. A strict diet, intense physical activity lead to the development of hypoglycemia. This is the main disadvantage of this tool. There should also be a restriction in the diet of the amount of simple carbohydrates. A varied and nutritious diet is required: starving is strictly prohibited.

You should always remember to be careful. Appetite is suppressed and weight loss occurs only during the intake period. If you stop taking pills, you can gain weight again.

The advantages of the drug are as follows:

  • suppresses appetite;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • prevents type 2 diabetes.

There will be no side effects if the dosage is increased gradually.

Price "Siofor 500"

The cost of the drug depends on the region and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain. A pack of 60 tablets costs about 350-450 rubles on average.
