The appearance of blood from the digestive system is referred to as intestinal bleeding. It appears due to injuries, diseases of the abdominal cavity and other pathologies. The phenomenon is harmful to he alth and life-threatening. For symptoms and treatment of bowel bleeding, see this article.
About the intestines
This is an important human organ. The intestine is a digestive and excretory organ. It is located in the abdominal space and consists of 2 segments:
- Slim. It is supplied with blood from the superior mesenteric artery and the celiac trunk.
- Tolstoy - from the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries.

The intestines begin with the stomach and end with the anus. This organ is in constant activity, its length is approximately 4 meters. The intestine grows with the body. Its main functions include the following:
- Provides stomach with hydrochloric acid for food processing.
- Participation in the digestive process, splittingproducts for components and the intake of the necessary trace elements, water.
- Formation and excretion of feces.
- Impact on the hormonal and immune systems.
Various diseases appear in the intestines. Bleeding from it is common. See below for causes, symptoms, and treatments.
You can identify the disease by the symptoms. Bleeding in the intestine is observed in the lumen of the small or large intestine. Usually they do not have obvious clinical symptoms, do not lead to hemorrhagic shock. Often, symptoms of bleeding in the intestines are detected during examination when other ailments are detected.
You can find out the level of bleeding based on the color and consistency of feces. If it is connected with the small intestine, then the feces will be liquid, black. Blood from the upper colon is usually dark in color. With intestinal bleeding from the lower sections of the colon, scarlet blood envelops the feces from above. Sometimes this does not manifest itself in any way, it will be possible to identify this manifestation only on the basis of an analysis of feces for occult blood.
The symptoms and treatment of intestinal bleeding are interrelated. This phenomenon is divided by localization, the nature of the flow. Bleeding happens:
- Intense. The liquid is released in a large volume. Blood loss is life-threatening.
- Weak. Small bowel bleeding symptoms are mild and can lead to anemia.
The sources of bleeding include the organs of the gastrointestinal tract - the upper and lower sections. Whatever type of discharge is, it is necessarytimely help. Read more about symptoms of bleeding in the large intestine.
What are the causes of intestinal bleeding? This phenomenon occurs from stomach ulcers, polyps, Meckel's diverticulum and inflammation of the digestive system. Also, bleeding appears due to:
- recurring ulcer;
- surgery in which part of the stomach was removed;
- benign tumors;
- malignant neoplasms;
- multiple polyps in the rectum.

Bleeding is common in bowel ulcers. Non-ulcer pathologies lead to the outflow of blood from the intestines. Among them are:
- inflammation in hemorrhoids;
- cracks in the penis;
- intestinal diverticula.
Feces with blood is detected in infectious lesions of the organ. Due to acute intestinal infections, blood loss occurs. This applies to salmonellosis, typhoid fever, dysentery enterocolitis. The causes and symptoms of bleeding in the intestines are interrelated, so you should consult a doctor to identify the factor that leads to this.
How to identify bleeding in the intestines? The clinical picture of the disease is determined by its nature, localization. Symptoms of bleeding in the intestines include:
- expressed weakness;
- frequent dizziness;
- clouding of consciousness;
- low pressure;
- hyperhidrosis;
- delusional state;
- hallucinations - auditory and visual;
- pale skin;
- perioral cyanosis;
- dry mouth;
- vomit blood;
- blood feces.
With these signs, urgent hospitalization is necessary. If you delay with this, there is a risk of death.
Blood from the intestine occurs due to diseases of the stomach, 12 duodenal ulcer. Aortic aneurysm is a severe disease in which bleeding occurs. Diseases are considered a consequence of portal hypertension, which develops due to cirrhosis of the liver, acute heart failure. The walls of the blood vessel become thin, which is the reason for its rupture, the appearance of blood loss. Symptoms of bleeding in the stomach or intestines include:
- high blood pressure;
- intense sweating;
- rapid heartbeat;
- dizziness.
This phenomenon is associated with gastroenterological pathologies. Symptoms of bleeding in the intestines include the appearance of:
- heartburn;
- burps;
- vomit;
- food aversion;
- bad taste in mouth;
- abdominal pain;
- diarrhea;
- dehydration.
Whatever the ailment is, it causes discomfort. Symptoms of bleeding in the stomach or intestines can only be managed with effective therapies.
Features of the phenomenon
Blood that is removed from the anus is considered the main symptom. The feces will be dark in color. It must be taken into account thatthis color appears from taking medications with iron, activated charcoal and bismuth. From blueberries, black currants, pomegranates, the color of feces also darkens. There are specific symptoms of occult bleeding in the intestines:
- With adenocarcinoma, cancer of the colon, rectum, blood discharge is weak. The patient has anemia. With feces, blood and mucus are excreted. These symptoms confirm the presence of a tumor in the left colon.
- Crohn's disease has signs of colitis. The complication appears due to the defeat of the hollow organ.
- In ulcerative colitis, there is a frequent urge to defecate. There are impurities of mucus, blood, pus in the feces.
- When hemorrhoids, the blood has a scarlet color. She stands out in a trickle.
- When the rectum is fissured, the feces are bright red. There are severe pain during defecation and after that. There is a spasm of the anal sphincter.

These are all symptoms of bleeding in the intestines in adults. With what exactly this is connected, only a doctor can determine. However, the symptoms of bleeding in the intestines in adults are slightly different when compared with children.
At the child
Occult bleeding of the intestine occurs in children under 3 years of age. This may be a manifestation of congenital pathology of newborns. This phenomenon is observed at:
- volvulus, intestinal obstruction;
- doubling the small intestine;
- Ulcerative necrotizing enterocolitis.
Signs of complications are manifested in the form of bloating, belching, regurgitation, vomiting,stool with mucus. Bleeding from the small intestine needs to be stopped immediately.
Do not self-treat. This should be done by a doctor. All therapeutic measures should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.
Where is the outbreak located?
The length of the large intestine in adults is approximately 150 cm. Bleeding can appear in different parts of the suction organ. Mesenteric arteries carry out qualitative blood supply. Blood is drained through the mesenteric veins. Varicose lesions lead to slow and prolonged bleeding in the cavity of the large intestine.
The lower the source of blood flow, the more it will be in the feces. Resinous pigmentation of decay products indicates the presence of bleeding in the upper parts of the organ. Pain usually appears with injuries. To establish the source of injury, a pinpoint diagnostic study is required.
What causes blood loss?
Heavy bleeding (over 300 ml of blood) results in:
- decrease in blood volume without changing the diameter of the vessels;
- elimination of blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels - the speed of blood circulation decreases;
- reducing the speed of blood flow in the center of the body - the slow movement of blood in the capillaries and small vessels;
- slowing blood flow in the microvasculature, which is the cause of stagnation;
- gluing erythrocytes in the microvasculature;
- complication of the exchange between clogged glued cells, capillaries and tissues;
- violation of microcirculation in the liver, so it will not neutralize toxins from the blood.

Consequently, blood loss, especially large, leads to negative consequences. Therefore, it is better not to allow it, and for this it is necessary to take the necessary measures in a timely manner.
First Aid
When the first symptoms appear, signs of bleeding in the intestines, first aid is required, which can be done at home:
- The patient must take the correct position of the body. It needs to be placed on its back. Legs should be raised at an angle of 15 degrees.
- Don't eat liquid.
- Ice is applied to the stomach. It is needed to constrict blood vessels, reduce blood flow. The procedure takes 15 minutes. Then you need to take a break of 15 minutes. Manipulation is performed again.
- The patient should be given a tablet of Dicinone. It is ground beforehand.
Injections of "Papaverine", "Atropine" are performed for acute bleeding. The windows in the room must be opened to ensure high-quality circulation of fresh air. The intestines cannot be washed.
Respiratory tract free from blood, vomit, mucus. Ammonia is used for loss of consciousness. First aid will help prevent dangerous consequences.
Who should I contact?
If these signs occur, you need to urgently call an ambulance or consult a therapist. Help can be provided at any hospital. After examination and confirmation of bleeding, hospitalization is likelysurgical hospital.
Symptoms such as blood in the stool, vomiting can help with the diagnosis. The diagnostic procedure consists of:
- common, biochemical blood test;
- urinalysis;
- coagulograms;
- Fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
- sigmoidoscopy;
- fecal analysis;
- abdominal ultrasound;
- mesentericography;
- radiography.

Only after the completed examination, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Based on this, the type of effective therapy is selected that relieves all negative symptoms.
Treatment for bleeding in the intestines depends on the cause. Home therapy is not performed. Only a specialist can know about stopping intestinal bleeding and conducting adequate treatment. Hemostatic procedures are performed using special instruments. They consist of:
- clipping;
- ligation;
- surgical treatment.
The method of treatment is chosen by the doctor after a diagnostic examination. Often complex measures are applied. Therapy is done with:
- Aminocaproic acid.
- "Fibrinogen", "Etamsilata".
- Reopoliglyukina.
- RBC mass.
- Frozen blood plasma.
- Calcium chloride.
- Drugs that restore the volume of interstitial fluid.
What to choose fromspecific minimally invasive treatment, determined based on clinical presentation:
- Coagulation of vessels with an endoscope is performed with frequent hemorrhages.
- Vessel ligation, sclerotherapy is used for injuries of varicose veins of the esophagus.
- Colonoscopic electrocautery is used for prolonged bleeding.
If blood loss is moderate, the main goal of treatment is to eliminate the root cause. Bleeding from the colon that occurs in complicated diverticular disease is treated with Vasopressin infusion. This is done with a catheter, which is not removed for 48 hours, since the complication can recur.
In case of necrosis of the intestinal walls, local or diffuse peritonitis, emergency operational assistance is needed. Resection of the affected area of the intestine is performed. Hemorrhoidal damage to the organ is eliminated by sclerosis, bandaging.
If the symptoms of bleeding are not eliminated or intensify, the patient performs an opening of the abdominal cavity. Surgery can help identify the source of the bleeding. Subsequent therapy is carried out according to the examination performed.
Acute bleeding
If there is intestinal bleeding, help should be provided very quickly. Otherwise, complications are likely. A prolonged phenomenon can lead to the death of a person.
Minor chronic bleeding does not require special care. In this case, the treatment of the underlying disease is performed. Sclerosing therapy with a laser or liquid nitrogen is usually used. Still in useelectrical thermocoagulation.
In case of severe massive blood loss, transfusion of blood, plasma and intravenous administration of a large amount of fluid is required. This is done after the cause has been eliminated. Usually, an emergency surgical operation is needed, in which a ligature suture is applied to painful vessels and mucosal tissues.
Traditional medicine
With the permission of the doctor, folk remedies can be used. The best recipes are:
- It will take 4 tsp. the bark of viburnum, which is crushed, is poured with water (250 mg). The mixture must be put on fire, boil for 30 minutes. The decoction must be infused. It is drunk 10 g 3 times a day before meals.
- Yarrow is used for various blood loss. It will take 2 tsp. dry plant, which is poured with boiling water. The infusion should be taken 4 times a day.
- The root of the burnet is filled with water. The mixture should be boiled over low heat for half an hour. Infusion is performed for 2 hours. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. decoction 5 times a day.
- Highlander (1 tbsp. l) pour boiling water (1 cup). The infusion should be drunk 4 times a day before meals.
- Geranium (20 g) must be added to water (1 liter). Boiling takes 20 minutes.
- Cucumber stalks taken for intestinal bleeding.
- Pink immortelle (1 tbsp. l) infused for 1 hour in boiling water (250 ml). You need to drink 1 tbsp. l. every 2 hours.

Folk remedies should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor. It is important to follow the dosage andduration of treatment. Often folk remedies are used in complex treatment.
In case of intestinal bleeding, you must follow a starvation diet for 1-3 days. Nutrients, glucose, protein products supplied by dropper.
The diet should be raw eggs, milk, fruit jelly. By the end of the week, the patient can eat boiled eggs, pureed cereals, meat soufflé, jelly. It is important that all meals are cold.
To restore the intestines, it will take a long time for the healing of ulcers, scars. It takes six months to follow a he althy diet. Physical activity is prohibited.
If untreated, likely to appear:
- hemorrhagic shock;
- strong decrease in hemoglobin;
- development of renal failure;
- multiple organ failure, in which the internal systems of the body do not work well.
If there is no first aid and appropriate treatment, a person may even die. Therefore, it is important to take action quickly to improve the condition.
To prevent bleeding, you need:
- Timely detection and treatment of diseases that lead to bleeding.
- Never take NSAIDs or glucocorticoids for a long time. These funds should be drunk only as directed by a doctor. If you need to take them for a long time, you should drink proton pump inhibitors - Omeprazole, Esomeprazole, Lansoprazole.
- With cirrhosis, operations are performed that lower the pressure in the collarvein of the liver. For these purposes, drugs are prescribed that reduce pressure in the portal vein.

Acute bleeding is life-threatening. At the first manifestations, it usually takes a long time before urgent surgical measures.
Acute hemorrhagic attack often results in death. This is observed with severe blood loss, untimely access to doctors. Bleeding cannot always be stopped. In addition, there is a high risk of relapse.
What do you need for normal bowel function?
Prevent bleeding allows control over the work of this body. For its normal operation, the following rules must be observed:
- Diet is important. Do not overload the body with heavy food. This is especially true for overeating throughout the day and contamination with harmful products - cookies, chips and sweets. You need to have breakfast. The calorie content of this meal should be 25-30% of the daily requirement. It is advisable to eat whole grains and protein foods, which give satiety and strength for a long time. And as snacks, fruit and protein products are needed. It can be dried fruits, nuts, yogurt, fresh fruits.
- You need to add foods valuable for digestion to your diet. To support the activity of the intestines, whole grains are needed - cereals, muesli, legumes, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits. The last 2 foods are especially important for digestion and cleansing, as they contain fiber. This component allowsprevent constipation, intestinal dysbacteriosis and excess weight.
- You need to drink enough water. You need to drink at least 2 liters per day. Water provides swelling of fiber fibers, which increases the volume of masses in the intestine and enhances peristalsis. It is good to drink water in the morning. This habit helps the organ get started.
- It is necessary to increase physical activity. To maintain the normal position of the internal organs, including the intestines, the work of the abdominal muscles is required. If the lifestyle is sedentary, then the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are weak, which aggravates the work of the gallbladder and intestines. Therefore, in the morning you need to do a simple exercise.
- It is useful to take vitamins and herbal complexes. These are great helpers in the cold season. They are taken as a course. In case of difficulties with emptying, it is advisable to choose herbal preparations with dietary fiber.
Thus, bleeding in the intestines is considered a dangerous phenomenon. If it occurs, you should see a doctor as soon as possible for help.