Fix "Valgus-Pro": reviews of doctors. "Valgus-Pro": instructions for use

Fix "Valgus-Pro": reviews of doctors. "Valgus-Pro": instructions for use
Fix "Valgus-Pro": reviews of doctors. "Valgus-Pro": instructions for use

The human foot is the organ that bears the most load. In addition to supporting, it performs shock-absorbing and static functions, which provide the actual process of upright walking of a person. However, in the process of evolution, and in particular the emergence of new modes of movement and under the influence of fashion, this anatomical structure may undergo changes that must be prevented in time and properly treated. The most common and well-known is flat feet and hallux valgus deformity of the first toe.

What does the concept of hallux valgus mean

Valgus deformity is a common problem in patients over 40 years of age. The change in the configuration of the foot is the deviation of the head

valgus about doctors reviews
valgus about doctors reviews

and the metatarsal bone inward, and the first toe outward. In the initial stages, patients do not notice characteristic changes. However, after a few months, the deformation takes on a characteristic shape and creates many problems, both aesthetically and for the selection of shoes. In this case, "Valgus Pro" can help you. Reviewsdoctors and patients emphasize the effectiveness of treatment with this fixative.

Biomechanics of the foot and its changes in hallux valgus

The anatomical structure of the foot is adapted to perform the function of supporting the body. Ten bones are connected to each other by means of tight joints, which serve as a solid foundation. The bones of the tarsus and metatarsus do not lie in the same plane, which ensures the formation of vaults that are oriented in the transverse and longitudinal directions. They form an elastic support for the lower limb. Due to the vaulted structure, the foot is not supported by the entire plantar surface, but has only three points of support: the calcaneal hump in the back, the heads of the I and V metatarsal bones in the front.

valgus pro instruction
valgus pro instruction

This placement of reference points allows you to select five longitudinal and one transverse vault. All longitudinal arches begin on the calcaneus and run along the axis of the corresponding metatarsal bone. In the transverse direction, all five arches have the same height. As a result, an arched transverse arch of the foot is formed. Functionally, three medial longitudinal arches perform a spring function, and two lateral arches perform a support function. Each arch of the foot is firmly supported by ligaments and muscles.

With hallux valgus, a process of gradual flattening of the transverse arch against the background of weakening of the ligamentous apparatus is observed. As a result, the biomechanics of the support function changes, the load increases on the point in the projection of the head of the first metatarsal bone, and a characteristic deformation occurs. Configuration change is adaptiveto preserve the basic functions of the foot.

Causes of hallux valgus

There are a lot of factors that provoke hallux valgus, but up to

valgus pro application
valgus pro application

Currently failed to highlight the key. The occurrence of changes in the shape of the foot can provoke age-related changes in the body, flat feet, diabetes, osteoporosis, wearing high-heeled shoes and genetic predisposition. Usually there is a combination of these factors, which is especially evident in women. Wearing shoes with high heels causes an uneven redistribution of the load on the feet. The young body is able to compensate for such a change due to the increased work of the muscles and the relative stability of the ligamentous apparatus. With age, compensatory properties decrease, which gradually leads to deformation.

What does hallux valgus look like: its stages

With hallux valgus, the foot looks somewhat enlarged due to the lack of a transverse arch. The first finger deviates significantly outward and may be under or above the second. In the projection of the head of the first metatarsal bone, a painful swelling or growth is determined, which is often called exostosis.

The stages of the disease are easy to determine. It is worth measuring the angle of deviation of the first finger. For stage I, it does not exceed 10°, for stage II - up to 15°, for stage III - 15–30°. Such a classification is needed mainly for an orthopedic traumatologist, who prescribes a method for treating this pathology and determines the prognosis of the disease.

Treatment optionsproblems

The initial stages are easily treated with conservative methods. Available

valgus pro in a pharmacy
valgus pro in a pharmacy

in terms of wearing shoes with a wide toe and low heels, the use of orthopedic insoles that help restore the transverse arch of the foot. In the case of stage III, surgical treatment is indicated, which is aimed at eliminating the deformity and fixing the metatarsophalangeal joint in the correct position. Valgus valgus surgery provides a definitive cure, but with the possibility of recurrence. After it, you should undergo a rehabilitation course that lasts from 1 to 6 months.

Affordable alternative treatment - Valgus Pro

The rapid development of medicine and artificial materials each time offers a lot of different ways of therapeutic effects. This also applies to foot pathologies, and in particular, hallux valgus.

A novelty in the treatment of characteristic foot deformity is represented by the "Valgus Pro" fixator. Reviews of doctors and patients who used the fixative indicate its high efficiency. An alternative to wide orthopedic shoes can not only prevent, but also eliminate the problem of a bone on the foot.

"Valgus Pro" - application

The retainer is used exclusively for correcting the pathological position

valgus treatment
valgus treatment

I toe. Indications for use are almost the entire group of pathologies that cause the occurrence of this deformation. The most effective tool helps with the appropriate selection of shoesand observing the wearing time.

Changes caused by a valgus fixator

Valgus Pro, thanks to its unique ergonomics, contributes to the constant holding of the finger in the physiological position. Wearing a brace for a long time overstretches the ligaments of the joint, and over time, this foot configuration strengthens.

Proper application and timing

The retainer is designed to be worn on the first toe. First of all, you should try on "Valgus Pro". The instruction indicates that it should fit snugly against the first finger and not create inconvenience when walking. Next, you should conduct training walking in different shoes both at home and on the street to check if there is any discomfort. The fasteners on the foot and toes should be fixed in the optimal position for you.

where to buy valgus pro
where to buy valgus pro

Duration of wear is relatively individual and should be advised to your physician. He will also indicate where to buy "Valgus Pro" and which modification of the latch is best for you. The estimated minimum time for one day is 6–8 hours, and the total is a minimum of 14 days. For 2 weeks you can see the changes from wearing "Valgus Pro". Instructions for use indicate the approximate terms of use of the fixative. It depends on the stage of the disease.

Quality Benefits of Valgus Pro

A significant amount of research and testing around the world points to the effectiveness of "Valgus Pro". Reviews of doctors and patients allow us to highlight the mainpros:

- prevention of corns or scuffs;

- elimination of discomfort when walking;

- minimizing skin redness and increasing the bone in the problem area;

- reducing the load on the forefoot;

- aesthetic appearance;

- no allergic reactions;

- relatively low price.

It is the convenience and relatively high efficiency of "Valgus Pro" that attracts the most attention. The instructions for use indicate that even at stage III of the disease, the long-term consequences of using the Valgus Pro fixator look quite encouraging, which makes it possible to use it as a replacement for surgery.

Valgus Pro versus other treatments

The use of gels and ointments has almost no effect, although

valgus pro instructions for use
valgus pro instructions for use

reduces pain and eliminates redness of the bone, just like "Valgus Pro". Reviews of doctors and patients about surgical treatment do not look particularly optimistic due to the possibility of recurrence of the pathology. Orthopedic splints are usually used during sleep due to the inconvenience of walking. The effectiveness of such products is obvious only at the initial stages of the development of hallux valgus.

Are there any contraindications to the use of a fixator

In case of inflammatory and trophic changes on the skin of the first finger, it is not recommended to use "Valgus Pro". The instruction allows you to apply the fixative aftertroubleshoot the indicated problems.

Analogues of Valgus Pro

A relatively new fixative is "Valgus Plus", the price of which is slightly lower than for "Valgus Pro". It looks like an integral element for the correction of the first finger. It is made of helium hypoallergenic material and is widely used in Western Europe and America. The pad is available in a wide range of colors and sizes to suit any aesthetic taste of the patient. In addition, the "Valgus Pro" brace has a large number of modifications that can be used depending on the accompanying problem on the foot. For example, the TL-2 bandage is used during sleep and has a reinforced structure to correct advanced stages. The hinged version of the TPS tire type is suitable for existing bursitis. An additional silicone tab minimizes trauma to the tendon bag, which greatly reduces discomfort while walking.


Finding "Valgus Pro" in a pharmacy is quite simple due to the wide distribution of this fixative.

The estimated price is from 750-1200 rubles.

For "Valgus Plus" the price ranges from 590 to 750 rubles.

The pharmacy will also help you choose a retainer on your own, telling you about the advantages of each of the modifications.

These latches give a relatively high percentage of effective use and a minimum amount of inconvenience.
