The beneficial effects of horse chestnut on the body have been discussed since ancient times. Its bark was used to get rid of dysentery and malaria, which were common at that time, and also treated rheumatism and ulcers.
Today, chestnut is a fairly commonly used plant, which is part of tinctures, ointments and tablets. They cure many diseases. Read more about the use of horse chestnut tincture and medicinal properties further.

Tree characteristics
Horse chestnut is a long-lived and fairly large tree that typically grows to about 25m in height and has an average fruiting time of 45 years. Its flowers look like candles, which is why it is chestnuts that decorate alleys, parks, streets and squares everywhere.
The trees bloom from May to June, they bloom with large flowers that gather in cone-shaped inflorescences. Maximum healing propertieshave immature fruits that appear in August-October. These are three-leaved boxes of small size, which are covered with spikes. Ripe chestnuts are brown, unripe chestnuts are bright green.
Healing qualities
Chestnut bark has the following substances:
- Organic acids, which are important for maintaining acid-base balance, accelerating regeneration and slowing down cell aging.
- Glycosides to stimulate metabolism, regulate carbohydrate and s alt metabolism. These substances of plant origin contribute to the activation of the functioning of various body systems, acting as a catalyst.
- Tannins with antiseptic and healing effect on small wounds.

Chestnut flowers, provided they are collected in a timely manner, are rich in rutin, glycosides, beneficial pectins, and flavonoids. Chestnut fruit contains a lot of:
- Cholesterol-lowering saponins. It turns out expectorant, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects on the body. Glycosides are quite a powerful tonic effect that speeds up recovery.
- Flavonoids - the most active substance that strengthens the vascular walls, reduces their permeability, makes them more elastic. Plant-based flavonoids are natural antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. They are formed due to the influence of external factors, ultraviolet radiation, as well as radiation, which destroyscell membranes. Flavonoids also tend to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, protecting it from histamine released during allergies and inflammatory reactions.
- Tannins.
- Lecetin, which makes up cell membranes. It makes it possible to normalize the amount of cholesterol, has an antioxidant effect, thereby helping to strengthen the nervous system.

Using a tincture. Features
So, according to the instructions for horse chestnut tincture, doctors recommend using a properly prepared potion for the treatment of the following conditions:
- Articular diseases - the remedy resists a variety of inflammatory processes, allowing you to reduce the manifestations of swelling in rheumatism and arthrosis. The general strengthening effect helps to restore the acid balance, as well as normalize the metabolism.
- Vascular pathologies: horse chestnut effectively helps with sclerotic vascular changes, retinal thrombosis, venostasis and varicose veins. The use of this infusion helps to reduce vascular permeability, has the ability to thin the blood, helping to reduce the risk of thrombosis. Healing substances of chestnut can have a general tonic effect on the veins, reducing blood viscosity to facilitate its transport.
- Heart disease, helping to strengthen capillaries, reduce cholesterol. In addition, chestnut tincture is useful for angina pectoris, is used to prevent a heart attack, and also to increasepressure to normal levels.
- Hemorrhoids - you can not only drink the tincture, but also use baths from this plant at the same time.
- Diseases of the stomach - chestnut can be replaced by certain drugs that help cure pathological conditions of the intestine.
- Gynecological diseases of a woman.
In addition, according to doctors, chestnut fruits make it possible to effectively eliminate malignant neoplasms, leukemia, tuberculosis, brain tumors, and radiation sickness. But it is important to note that the finished tincture of these fruits can be used after it has been prescribed by a doctor. It can also be used as adjuvant therapy for certain medications. Reviews of horse chestnut tincture indicate that in addition to being used to treat many diseases, it is also recommended to be taken orally as a fairly effective tool that helps you lose weight quickly.
To ensure maximum results, nutritionists advise supplementing water or alcohol tincture with a low-carbohydrate diet, optimally reducing the amount of fat consumed, as well as increasing your activity.
Since this drug improves metabolism, it makes it possible to increase blood microcirculation, significantly reduce appetite. Regular intake of this remedy makes it possible to get rid of increased puffiness, normalize weight, and also reduce the size and volume of food.

Instructions for useand reviews of horse chestnut tincture indicate that it, prepared on an alcohol basis, has certain contraindications. So, it is forbidden to use it in the following cases:
- under 15 years of age;
- bearing and breastfeeding;
- hypotension, since chestnut has the ability to reduce pressure, leading to a hypotensive crisis and fainting;
- atonic constipation as the patient's general condition may worsen;
- hypoacid gastritis in acute form;
- heavy menstruation - if taken uncontrolled, the tincture can lead to anemia;
- reduced blood clotting due to possible bleeding;
If you plan to use chestnut tincture for a long time, you should definitely take an analysis that will determine the amount of prothrombin protein, and also be examined by a doctor.
Prothrombin activates the possibility of blood clotting, and if its level exceeds normal levels, chestnut tincture will "thinn" the blood, reduce the risk of thrombosis. With excessive and prolonged treatment, a decrease in the amount of prothrombin can, in certain cases, cause bleeding in the internal organs.

How to make a tincture?
To prepare a chestnut-based tincture, you need to take 100 g of fruit, remove the brown peel, chop finely, place the resulting slurry in a non-plastic bowl (this is important!), And then pour vodka in a volume of 1 liter. Next, the infusion must be set aside for 7-8days in a dark place, stirring constantly, and then filter well and start using.
Tincture for external use is prepared from ripe chestnuts. They are divided into 4 parts, thrown into a suitable dish and poured with vodka so that it covers the chestnuts.
After the infusion should be tightly corked, and infused according to the following scheme: keep the composition in a warm place for 3 days, then leave it in a dark place at room temperature for 40 days. The finished product heals the veins well, effectively eliminates the pain that occurs in the joints.

Terms of Use
The agent under study is usually used internally, 10-15 drops, diluted with water. According to the properties of horse chestnut tincture, we can conclude that this is an effective drug that helps treat various venous pathologies. As an external agent, it is recommended to use it as part of compresses, which is applied to the veins. You can also rub the infusion into the joints. These procedures are recommended to be performed at night.

Reviews of horse chestnut tincture
Now many people are diagnosed with problems with blood vessels, varicose veins on the legs. Even quite young people can have such problems. Pharmacies offer a variety of creams, gels and ointments, most of which contain horse chestnut. Walking along the alleys, people do not notice how much under their feet the main ingredient of the drug, which is quiteyou can cook with your own hands.
Doctors reviews about horse chestnut tincture, as well as patients, leave laudatory. In their opinion, the remedy perfectly lowers blood pressure, strengthens the vascular walls. In diseased tissues, an infusion of chestnut fruits will reduce swelling and inflammation, effectively reduce pain, and reduce the amount of lecithin and cholesterol in the blood. In addition, this tool expands or opens the lumen of blood vessels, provoking the resorption of cholesterol plaques. It is an affordable and easy treatment.
Before using the tincture prepared from chestnut, it is necessary to follow certain rules, as well as take into account contraindications. If you take the infusion regularly, observing the exact dosage, you can heal the body, but if this remedy is abused, it will be harmful. Be he althy and attentive!
Instructions and reviews of horse chestnut tincture indicate that it helps to solve many he alth problems. It can also prevent their further development.