If you're looking at the image below with fear and disgust: you're getting goosebumps, breathing fast, itching, hair moving, and even sick, then you can safely classify yourself as a trypophobe.
The fear of multiple holes in organic and inorganic environments is called trypophobia. What is this condition and how it occurs, we will discuss in today's article.

Fear of cluster holes not real?
It must be said right away that trypophobia has not yet been officially recognized in modern medicine. She is considered something akin to a strongly pronounced disgust, normal for a person.
It is not known whether those who can hardly look at, for example, honeycombs or skin with severely enlarged pores, those who are plagued by trypophobia, will be comforted that this condition is just one of the endless number of fears that people experience.
How fears arise

But psychologists are not at all surprised by this. After all, people can be afraid of absolutely everything! At the heart of their fears are, as a rule, traumatic experiences (bittendog - fear of dogs appeared), frightening, shocking information (after watching a lot of horror films, fear of the dark may appear) or biological factors (hereditary predisposition to anxiety).
But, by the way, we should not forget about such a phenomenon as the so-called "emotional contagion". When discussing the topic of "trypophobia" out loud, the photo of clustered holes begins to cause fear and disgust in more people. People in this group say they didn't know they were trypophobes until they read other members' comments. There is nothing surprising in this: it is always easier, for example, to laugh at a comedy if everyone around you is laughing.
Trypophobia - what is it: disgust or fear?

One of those possessed by this fear wrote that in his student years he was stung by a bee on the outside of his thigh. Due to the allergic reaction, a severe swelling appeared, and all the pores became visible on the swollen skin, and this subsequently led to the fact that any small holes began to cause distress in the affected person.
Psychologists note that disgust is often mixed with fear. These two feelings usually go hand in hand: spiders, mice, vomit, blood - all this causes not only disgust, but also an involuntary fear of getting sick.
Perhaps, the surface “speckled” from small holes also looks like an abnormal, irregular one, giving a signal of danger, which manifests itself outwardly in the form of disgust. Especially when it comes to organic objects: therethe holes probably suggest blisters and rashes.
Trypophobia – what is it: a rare occurrence?

Almost every person, faced with the discussed fear, thinks that he is the only one who manifests this. But no, both for people deprived of any phobias, and for those who defined their condition by the concept of trypophobia, pictures with images of multiple small holes on the body of a person or animal (especially filled with something) cause discomfort. It's just that trypophobes remember the image longer and experience what they see more sharply. And the number of such people, oddly enough, is increasing.
Alas, for now, one can only sigh and admit that the human brain holds too many secrets!