One of the highly effective means designed to restore the function of the joints is the drug "Fermatron". Analogues of this medication have also proven themselves well.
Characteristics of the drug

"Fermatron" is a visco-elastic agent that is intended for injection into the synovial space of the affected joints. The main active ingredient in it is sodium hyaluronate in phosphate buffer. This tool is produced by the Scottish company Hy altech Ltd.
This substance can be called an artificial prosthesis. Indeed, with the correct introduction, it replaces the synovial fluid in the joint. It is necessary to reduce friction between the parts of the joint and to nourish the cartilage tissue. Sodium hyaluronate is obtained by fermentation and thorough purification of the bacteria Streptococcus equi.
You can find several types of this product on sale. They sell the solution "Fermatron", "Fermatron C", "Fermatron plus". Analogues, the price of which will be a little more affordable, it is better to select only with a doctor.
Indications and contraindications

Appointpreparations based on sodium hyaluronate in those situations when it is necessary to anesthetize and improve joint mobility. This product is capable of:
- eliminate pain;
- stimulate the synthesis of natural hyaluronate;
- restore joint mobility;
- protect cartilage.
This drug, like any other analogue of Fermatron, is prescribed for stiffness, pain in the knee or other joints. As a rule, it is recommended for patients with moderate or mild osteoarthritis, which are caused by traumatic injuries or degenerative changes.
But it cannot be used when:
- confirmed hypersensitivity to the components of the product;
- damage or inflammation of the skin at the intended injection site;
- acute synovitis - inflammation of the synovial membrane (this condition must first be stopped).
Also contraindications include children's age.
Pharmacological properties of the drug

You can restore the visco-elastic properties of the joints, as well as the protective functions of the intra-articular fluid, using the Fermatron tool. Its analogues are also intended to achieve the indicated goals.
Preparations based on hyaluronate can reduce inflammation in the joints, increase their mobility, relieve pain. They also actively restore the structure of the cartilaginous tissue of the joints.
The use of this group of drugs for osteoarthritis and afterarthroscopic interventions. To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to administer drugs in a course consisting of 3-4 injections. Injections are given 7 days apart.
Possible analogues
Many are interested in what can replace the "Fermatron". Cheap analogues are hard to find. But there are remedies that can also replace the synovial fluid in the joints. These include not only drugs manufactured by the same company Hy altech under the names "Fermatron plus" and "Fermatron C".

You can also replace them with Ostenil, Hyalux, Synokrom, Dyuralan, Suplazin. They are also available in disposable syringes with different volumes. The main active ingredient in them is sodium hyaluronate. It is injected into the synovial sac of the problem joint.
But you should not choose a remedy yourself without consulting a specialist. Also, the doctor, depending on which joint the drug will have to be injected into, selects the desired volume and dosage.
Pricing policy
On sale you can find several options for the "Fermatron". Analogues (the price for them differs markedly) under the name "Fermatron Plus" or "Fermatron C" are more expensive. If a regular solution in a 2 ml syringe can be found for 3,900 rubles, then for Fermatron S (3 ml) you will have to pay about 14,000 rubles. The first drug is 1%, it contains 20 mg of the active substance, and in the second, the concentration of sodium hyaluronate is already 2.3% - 69 mg. In a syringe marked "plus" with a capacity of 2 ml is 30 mgsodium hyaluronate.
An analogue of "Fermatron" called "Dyuralan" costs almost 19.5 thousand rubles. The 3 ml syringe contains 60 mg of the active substance. Significantly different in price is the tool "Sinocrom mini". It costs 2,300 rubles, but the syringe contains only 1 ml of a 1% solution, that is, 10 mg of the active ingredient.
Slightly cheaper than "Fermatron" drug "Ostenil". A regular 2 ml syringe of 1% sodium hyaluronate will cost 3,700 rubles. Approximately the same is another analogue of "Fermatron" - "Gyalyuks". In the same price category, there is also the Synokrom tool. A syringe with 2 ml of a 1% solution will cost 3900 rubles. The drug "Sinocrom forte" consists of 2% sodium hyaluronate, it costs a little more than 6,000 rubles.
Features of use

Only medical staff who have undergone special training can administer Fermatron to patients. Analogues of this tool must be used in compliance with the same requirements. All of them are for one injection only.
This product is sold in a special syringe packed sterile. Therefore, in case of any damage to its integrity, the drug cannot be used. Also, when prescribing this remedy, it is necessary to take into account the possible risk that is potentially present when injecting any biologically active substances. Do not forget about the possible immunological impact.
Introduction is possible only in a room equipped for intra-articular injections. At the same time, there must be strict adherence toantiseptic rules. The injection site is treated with alcohol or an appropriate antiseptic.
For the treatment of knee or hip joints, it is possible to use funds with a volume of 2 ml or more, depending on the severity of the disease. For the treatment of smaller synovial spaces, you can use an analogue of "Fermatron" called "Sinocrom mini" and its substitutes.
Features of "Dyuralan"
This drug is available in 3 ml syringes. They contain 1% sodium hyaluronate solution. The buffer in this tool is saline sodium chloride, the pH of which is 7. In appearance, it resembles a viscous, transparent, elastic gel. They can notice the Fermatron Plus tool. Analogues, the price of which will be more affordable, are difficult to find. But most often it is used instead of the drug "Fermatron C". After all, the concentration of the active substance in these preparations is almost the same.
The drug "Dyuralan" in the body breaks down in the same way as regular hyaluronic acid, which is part of the synovial fluid. It is she who provides lubrication of the ligaments, cartilage and serves as an absorbing barrier during shock loads.
Patient testimonials

Most often, doctors recommend multiple injections of 1% hyaluronic acid solution. This is necessary to achieve a therapeutic effect.
Therefore, the indicated drug itself or other analogues of Fermatron are mainly prescribed. Prices, reviews - these are the points that you should pay attention to before buying. Doctors say thatthey do not see a fundamental difference between the products produced by different pharmacological corporations. Patient opinions may vary slightly. But it is difficult to find people who have injected several drugs and can evaluate the effectiveness of each of them.
Patients confirm that mobility is restored after a few injections. Some say that mobility improves, but the pain does not disappear completely. Although others note precisely the excellent analgesic effect.
It is also worth mentioning that in many patients the discomfort returns over time. Such reviews are left by both those who used the analogue of Fermatron and those who were injected with the drug from Hy altech LTD.
Important nuances

The need to check the integrity of the sterile package and comply with all antiseptic standards when injecting funds into the joint is obvious. But there are other things to keep in mind.
For example, when inserting a needle into the hip joint, local anesthesia is desirable. But it can also be used, if necessary, to make injections into other synovial spaces. The procedure itself is preferably carried out under ultrasound or fluoroscopic guidance.
In some cases, it is necessary to pre-aspirate the joint effusion. For this, the same needle is used, which is intended for the introduction of Fermatron Plus. Analogues of this drug are used in the same way.
One must be prepared that intra-articular injectionfunds can cause slight pain, passing over time, swelling. If the patient has inflammatory osteoarthritis, then the pathological process after the administration of the agent may intensify. But this will only be temporary.