Striving for perfection has been considered normal from time immemorial. Even Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: "Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts …". But if we are able to correct the soul, thoughts and clothes on our own, then the face, and in our case also the body, is not subject to it, and we have to put up with what nature has awarded us. Fortunately, the engine of progress does not stand still, and makes real what seemed beyond the bounds of the possible a couple of centuries ago.
Plastic surgery begins its history back in 1917. Its ancestor is Harold Gillis, who made the world's first skin transplant. A lot of time has passed since then, medicine has stepped far forward, and today a very wide range of services is offered to correct imperfections.
Beauty standards are very changeable, this explains the steady growth of those wishing to go under the surgeon's knife and undergo plastic surgery, but it is one thing to desire, and quite another to decide.
Many people are afraid of the possible negative consequences that they like to scare so much on the Internet, and few people like the feeling of something foreign inside themselves. But howthey say that demand creates supply, and respected doctors have come up with a miraculous thing called lipofilling.

What is this?
Lipofilling is a plastic surgery, the focus of which is to correct defects and contours of the body using your own fat.
Plastic surgeries for lipofilling have been practiced relatively recently. The principle of this procedure is tritely simple: excess adipose tissue is removed from the patient, for example, in the abdomen, riding breeches, and the necessary areas are filled with it (at the request of the client).
Reviews on lipofilling are mostly positive, and this is not surprising, because it can be used to remove areas that are difficult to correct through exercise and diet.
Lipofilling is used to correct age-related changes. With its help, the oval of the face, the shape and size of the chest, shins, buttocks and much more are changed. Sagging skin and eyelids, too sharp chin, unaesthetic nasolabial folds - all this is very easily corrected during a lipofilling session.

Indications for surgery
In what cases is lipofilling indicated? Among the most common are:
- unwanted deformation in the waist, buttocks, chin, hips;
- sunken cheeks, "blurred" face;
- pronounced breeches zone;
- crooked legs.
Changing the shape of the body with the help of lipofilling gives a 100% result, but this does not mean that the effect will remain onthroughout life. Yes, it will really help to get the desired figure and facial contours very quickly, but all this must be maintained by adhering to a mobile lifestyle and following a proper diet. Now let's look at everything a little more in detail.
Correction of different parts of the body
Lipofilling of the lower leg will help correct all existing shortcomings and give elegance to the legs.

No scars remain after the procedure, there will be only one subtle scar on the popliteal cup. The operation may well be carried out both under local and general anesthesia - it all depends on the client's desire and medical indicators.
Shin lipofilling is an excellent alternative to implants, and it will not affect the aesthetic performance in any way, on the contrary, everything looks much more natural. True, after such a procedure, you will have to forget about heels for some time, which are strictly prohibited, at least at first. But special orthopedic golfs will need to be purchased. To obtain an ideal and sustainable result, the lipofilling procedure must be repeated several times.
Luxurious neckline and firm breasts are a clear indicator of femininity. Breasts often do not suit a woman for various reasons. Firstly, you may not like its shape, size. Particular changes are caused by such a factor as childbirth. The breast does not transform in the best way after the lactation period, the girlish elasticity and shape are completely lost, which is why many women fall intodepression.
Few people dare to insert implants, but breast lipofilling is a very attractive way out. In addition, it is not a secret for anyone that during pregnancy the body tends to store fatty tissue, so there will be no problems with the availability of material, and at the same time the figure can be corrected.
Lipofilling of the mammary glands has a restriction on a single transplantation of adipose tissue, so the maximum that is achieved in one procedure is an increase in volume by one size. If you don't like it, no problem. It is enough to repeat the procedure after some time.
Most experts, based on their own observations, warn that about seventy percent of the total volume transferred to the chest will take root. But you can increase this figure to 99%, for this, doctors use various additional methods.
The lipofilling procedure itself takes place in several stages. With the help of a syringe, the fat layer is removed from the problem areas of the body, and by means of a point puncture, the material is evenly distributed over the chest area. Small scars will remain only in places where liposuction was performed, but there will be nothing on the chest. The effect of the procedure can be observed after just a couple of days, during which time the swelling will have time to subside, and finally everything will fall into place after the capillaries germinate and the excess fat will go away (this will happen in one to two months).

Another great option for redistributing excess own fat is buttock lipofilling. Women,those who decided on such a procedure are simply delighted.
A round buttock without implants is quite real after such a procedure as lipofilling. Before and after - the difference is amazing! The procedure is similar to the previous one. With the help of a syringe or a special device, fat is transplanted into several layers.
The operation is very painstaking, since the appearance of the buttocks depends on the course of the procedure, and any defect will be very noticeable, so before you start correcting the forms, select a qualified specialist very carefully.
After completion of the filling procedure, the patient must wear a special compression garment (approximately for six weeks), and sleep only on his stomach for seven days. Another inconvenience that follows the operation is a five-day ban on sports and driving. But, probably, it's worth it, besides, the reviews about lipofilling of the buttocks are only inspiring!
Rejuvenation. Facial lipofilling (photo)
Years go by, and no matter how hard a woman tries to look after her appearance, the wrinkles vilely betray her age. And the older the lady becomes, the more noticeable the changes. Lipofilling of the face will help to mask all this very well, the skin will again become elastic and young.

The first sign of aging that many women suffer from is the appearance of nasolabial folds. They give the face a distressed and exhausted look, which does not paint in any way.
Lipofilling of the nasolabial folds allows you to lift the skin with your ownfat, thereby creating a completely natural smooth surface, wrinkles disappear. Due to the fact that the digestibility of fat by the body can be different, it is likely that there will be a need for repeated injections. The result is not as durable as we would like, it is three years at most, but beauty requires sacrifice, and what prevents you from performing a similar procedure in the future?!

Many experts guarantee that lipofilling of nasolabial folds gives a lifelong effect. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, then the fat removed from the patient is injected into the required area. The procedure is carried out with previously purified fatty material, and the thinnest needles are used for injections, which avoids visible marks on the face. In terms of time, the operation is relatively short, often it takes about sixty minutes, and after a few hours the woman can go home if there is no need for a hospital.

Another common procedure is eyelid lipofilling. The operation is also performed under local anesthesia. In order to give the eyelids a tightened look, you need quite a bit of adipose tissue - about ten milliliters. By the way, of all types of lipofilling, it is on the eyelids that the best effect and durability are observed.
In the early stages after surgery, swelling and bruising may occur. To get rid of them as soon as possible, it is enough to make special compresses with the means that the doctor will recommend to you. It would not be superfluous to add thatMost women who have gone through this procedure have only positive reviews about eyelid lipofilling, of course, because the look from this becomes open and radiant.
Contraindications and possible complications
Like any other surgical procedure, lipofilling has its own contraindications. They are mainly due to those diseases in which engraftment of adipose tissue becomes impossible, among them the following: diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and other circulatory disorders, oncological diseases, anomalies in the development of internal organs, disorders in the cardiovascular system, infectious diseases. Also, lipofilling is not performed on persons under the age of eighteen.
As for complications, despite the fact that in practice they are quite rare, they still have a place to be. Often this only applies to the aesthetic plan, since the procedure is mostly safe. The first most common place is the appearance of a possible asymmetry, which occurs due to the inexperience of the doctor, when the adipose tissue is unevenly distributed over the area (another reason is the violation of the digestibility of the newly introduced material by the body). There is nothing wrong with this, all defects of this nature are eliminated without any problems with the help of additional correction.
Also sometimes there is a change in sensitivity (both increase and decrease in the treatment area). Within a few days, the patient may observe a slight increase in body temperature, which is also quitenormal. But if it is accompanied by severe pain, see a doctor immediately.
And the last thing is the appearance of seals at the puncture sites, scars. If an infection gets into the wounds, there is a risk of developing an abscess.
General rehabilitation after lipofilling
In order for the effect to last as long as possible, you need to pay due attention to the rehabilitation period. Depending on the procedure, the patient may need to spend some time in the clinic so that the doctor can verify that there are no adverse reactions.
If the operation was performed using local anesthesia, the client leaves the medical facility on the day of the operation. It is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor's prescriptions, even the most, at first glance, insignificant.
If the operation was performed on the eyelids, then you need to do compresses to quickly relieve swelling, in the case of the buttocks and chest, special tightening underwear should be purchased. It is recommended to wear compression stockings on the corrected shins. For some time, you will have to postpone sports, etc. You will not have to endure inconvenience for very long, since often the period of full recovery is short, it varies from seven to thirty days, after which a person can return to a full life.
Pros and cons
The disadvantages of the lipofilling procedure are only the appearance of possible complications, which are not so many.

But there are plenty of pluses. Firstly, due to the fact that forcorrection of problem areas, only “personal” material is involved, the probability of its rejection simply cannot be, and the average digestibility is about seventy percent. The risk of an allergic reaction is reduced to almost zero, since no foreign implants are used.
The effect obtained due to lipofilling is quite long and persistent. The operation does not leave any horrifying scars on the body, and you can enjoy the full result after one month. And no long hospital stay!
In addition to correcting existing shortcomings, a person acquires a beautiful silhouette, so several problems are solved at once. It cannot but involve a short procedure time - most operations do not take more than sixty minutes. The best way to rejuvenate is lipofilling. The photos are a great proof of this.
How to choose a clinic?
This is an important question, because everyone who seeks help in correcting physical defects, especially on the face, wants to end up with an excellent aesthetic appearance. And for this, it is necessary to carefully and critically approach the choice of a clinic. No need to put yourself in the hands of the first "professionals" you come across.
Let's start with the fact that absolutely every medical institution must have a license to provide these services, make sure you have it. While in the institution, pay attention to the behavior of the staff, in particular, the administrator. Excessive promotional information about the clinic from his lips shouldalert. It is only in his competence to convey to you information about the cost and availability of the services provided.
And, of course, study the reviews that you can read on the Internet. But do not believe too enthusiastic descriptions. Often they are custom-made.
Prices for surgery
It is difficult to say unequivocally how much this or that procedure costs, since everything depends on the specifics of the operation being performed, on many subtleties and nuances. The average price for lipofilling varies from 30,000 to 300,000 rubles. But don't look for a cheaper option. Everything related to beauty and he alth should not be saved. Always remember that the miser pays twice, and retribution is not always measured in money.
Instead of a conclusion
Before you go for the correction of your own body, be sure to read the reviews about lipofilling in order to finally decide whether you really need it, so that later there will be no regrets and disappointments, because the result may not be as expected. With the help of an operation of such a plan, one can only slightly correct existing shortcomings, but for someone, lipofilling will undoubtedly become a real find.