In the event that a man feels problems with potency, he should think about the rhythm of life and nutrition. Violation of erectile dysfunction may indicate that a failure has occurred in the human body. But the good news is that modern medicine has already found ways to successfully cure this disease. In pharmacies today, everyone can buy drugs that increase potency. Among them, mainly different creams for topical and external use are successful. They, as a rule, contain components that help to ensure a stable erection.

Benefits of ointments and creams
A distinctive feature of creams for potency is the rapid onset of the effect. They are used immediately before intimacy with a partner. Also, their use can act as part of preventive measures.
It is important to note that gels, creams and ointments designed to increase male power can have a pronounced effect, but they cannot cure the causes of erectile dysfunction. More expedient than themapply in addition to complex treatment.
Creams and ointments for potency can have a pleasant characteristic smell and moisturize sensitive skin in the intimate area. Thanks to such ointments, men can prolong sexual intercourse for several hours, increasing the size of their penis. The effectiveness of this drug is observed after a few minutes. Creams, gels and ointments have virtually no side effects.

How to apply?
Creams and gels for potency are applied topically. First, be sure to wash the genitals with soap and treat them with the indicated amount of the remedy, according to the attached instructions. Some gels need to be applied once, while others are used in a course. The application of this remedy is not at all considered a contraindication for the use of contraceptives in the form of condoms. So, in what cases are creams and gels used:
- for the treatment of erectile dysfunction along with complex therapy;
- against the background of the lack of pleasant sensations during an intimate relationship;
- in case of unsatisfactory duration of sexual contact;
- against the background of premature ejaculation.

But like any other pharmacological agent, such a cream for potency has certain contraindications in the form of individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug. In addition, a contraindication may be damaged skin in the intimate area. Ointment in rare cases can provoke an allergic reaction in the form of itching and rash, but if this does happen, it is best to stop using it and consult a doctor.
Varieties of gels
Naturally, in the medical industry there are many ointments, gels and other drugs that can increase potency. True, the following funds are considered the most popular in our country:
- Means "Persian Shah". This potency cream contains only components of natural origin (we are talking about horse chestnut extract and ginseng). They produce such a tool in Russia. It is used to increase potency, it has an effective effect on erectile dysfunction.
- Power Life can have a strong effect on the quality of potency and the size of the genitals. This ointment saturates the penis with natural trace elements, helping to improve blood circulation and increase the duration of erection.
- Eromax potency enhancement cream is designed to increase male libido and penis size. The impact is aimed at expanding the vessels, and in addition, at increasing their patency for a longer period. Against this background, the tissues of the genitals are enriched with oxygen, due to which the cells begin to multiply and grow at a faster rate. It is recommended to use this product in advance just before intimate contact for half an hour before it.

The most pleasant factor is that you can use the healing geltogether with a sexual partner. Additional touches of the woman's hands tend to increase desire, doubling the effectiveness of the drug and influencing the increase in potency.
Where is the best place to buy these drugs?
Creams for potency are sold not only in retail pharmacies, but also on the Internet, and in addition, in sex shops. Official medicine treats such medicines with caution due to the fact that they can be purchased anywhere. Accordingly, when buying a fake, men after applying during intercourse may feel a burning sensation (as well as his partner), which definitely will not bring pleasure to both. Therefore, it is required to buy potency creams only in pharmacies in order to avoid a negative result.
Creams to improve male potency can produce a short-term effect. These are not considered medicines that can cure a person from emerging problems. It is more expedient to use them only in combination with specialized pharmacological preparations. In any case, it is imperative to seek help from a doctor who will find out the causes of the failure in the body, and at the same time prescribe a remedy for potency, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.
Zdorov cream for potency
Cream called "Zdorov" is a remedy that works thanks to propolis, chestnut extract and beeswax. These natural ingredients can improve erection, eliminate problems with ejaculation and prolong sexual intercourse. This drug is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the reproductive system.
About the shortcomings and nuances of the Zdorov cream
Some people have intolerance to bee products. If immediately after applying this remedy, swelling appears along with red spots, a burning sensation, peeling of the skin, nausea and dizziness, then the remnants of the cream for male potency are washed off and this drug can no longer be used. With severe allergic symptoms, you need to take antihistamines and be sure to consult a doctor. It is worth remembering that one use for a stable effect will simply not be enough.
This cream has a cumulative effect. After the first application, it improves potency, but not much. A significant improvement occurs after two weeks on the background of daily use. The gradual accumulation of nutrients by tissues does not cause severe side symptoms at all, the result can last for several months immediately after stopping the course.
Who will this drug help?
Cream to increase potency is perfect for prevention, and in addition, to combat diseases of the genitourinary system. It is worth starting a course with this remedy in the following cases:
- In the absence of sexual desire against the background of a decrease in libido in men.
- When there is a short erection due to insufficient blood flow to the penis.
- Against the background of frequent cases of premature ejaculation.
- When the sensitivity of the organ decreases, when it is necessary to enhance sensations duringorgasm.
- Against the background of symptoms of inflammatory processes in the prostate (we are talking about pain in the lower abdomen, cramps and urinary retention).
If the described symptoms are absent, but there is a risk of erectile dysfunction, then prevention with this cream will avoid all this. Measures to prevent impotence and prostatitis should be taken by men who:
- have a sedentary lifestyle;
- suffered an infectious pathology;
- malnutrition;
- suffered hypothermia;
- have bad habits in the form of smoking and alcohol abuse;
- experienced with reduced immunity.

Contraindications for use
He althy cream should not be used for open wounds and ulcers. Contraindication is urolithiasis. In the presence of oncological formation in the genitourinary organs, the use of this remedy should be abandoned. Propolis, along with subpestilence and beeswax, contains hydroxymethylfurfural, which has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, but causes tumor growth.
The described remedy usually does not cause addiction and adverse reactions. Cases of overdose have also not been recorded. Doctors do not advise any means for potency to guys who are under twenty-one years old. In boys, puberty is in full swing, and difficulties with potency are usually natural in nature, which does not require stimulation.

Gel Reviews
Reviews of doctors, as well as men, confirm that ointments, gels and creams from potency really help to cope with prostatitis, improve potency, and in addition, help in the treatment of adenoma and cystitis.

Clinical trials of such funds, as a rule, do not pass. Nevertheless, consumers are satisfied with the results of treatment. For example, about the cream "He althy" it is reported that from the first application of it, the erection becomes stronger by fifteen percent. And immediately after fourteen sessions, arousal doubles.
About the Persian Shah, men write that thanks to him, the orgasm becomes richer than usual. And at the end of the course of using the drug "Eromax", the quality of sperm is noticeably improved: more seminal fluid is released, it has a thicker consistency. Also, people write that thanks to the use of these drugs, the symptoms of prostatitis subside after one treatment course. We looked at various creams for men. Increasing potency is a complex process that allows you to improve not only well-being, but also he alth in general.