For most women, pregnancy is a highly desirable state. They regularly visit a gynecologist, pass all the necessary tests, scrupulously follow all the recommendations of the doctor observing them. By all accounts, the long-awaited baby should come into our world at 39-40 weeks. This is how long a pregnancy should last according to the norms.
However, it is quite common to give birth at 35-36 weeks of gestation. Various reasons can cause them. Moreover, sometimes the doctors themselves insist on an earlier delivery if a threat to the fetus or to the woman is detected.
What does too early birth threaten a child with? What pathologies can he develop? How is childbirth at 35 weeks pregnant? By what signs can you understand that they have already begun? All these questions worry expectant mothers. In the article we will try to give exhaustive answers to them, and also tell you how women should behave in the third trimester of pregnancy in order to avoid unwanted andbaby situations.
Changes in the female body
Pregnancy is the hardest test for a woman's body. At this time, many expectant mothers experience the following symptoms and phenomena:
- Change of mood from joyful to depressed for no apparent reason.
- Rejection of favorite foods and cravings for food that was not desirable to look at before.
- Increased irritability, capriciousness.
- Pain in the legs, their swelling.
- Nausea.
- Frequent trips to the toilet (for small needs).
- Insomnia.
A woman gradually gets used to all these symptoms.

They are not harbingers of childbirth at the 35th week of pregnancy, but mean the natural state of the future mother's body. In addition, at this time, women often experience the following symptoms:
- Lower pain. This is due to the hormone relaxin, which affects the ligaments of the spine. By the 35th week of pregnancy, less is produced.
- False contractions. They are called so because they do not last very long and end on their own.
- Difficulty breathing. At this time, the uterus occupies its highest position (its bottom is 15 cm from the navel), the child presses on the diaphragm, which sometimes causes the mother to lack air. If a similar attack has begun, you need to kneel down and try to take a few calm breaths / exhalations. When the stomach drops, which is a sign of imminent labor, the mother immediately becomes easier to breathe.
- Pain in the lower abdomen. If they are not very intense, you can make several circular movements with your hips. Painful sensations are caused by the fact that in this way the uterus is preparing for the upcoming event. Trains, so to speak.
- Nipple discharge. It's colostrum. There is nothing dangerous in such a phenomenon, but a woman should pay more attention to her hygiene.
These symptoms are also not yet a harbinger of labor at 35-36 weeks of gestation.
Women are often embarrassed and even frightened by vaginal discharge in the third trimester. They are:
- Mucus is cloudy white or clear. This may be a sign that the cork has started to break.
- Watery. This may indicate the beginning of amniotic fluid leakage.
- White cheesy. If itching in the vagina, swelling of the labia, burning during the act of urination is added to them, it can be said with confidence that the pregnant woman has thrush, which must be cured before childbirth, so that the fungus of the Candida family (the culprit of the problem) does not infect the baby when he moves to exit.
- Greenish, brownish. This is a sign that an infection has entered the mother's body.
- Bloody. Almost always, this is a reason to immediately call an ambulance and take all measures to keep the baby in the womb or for a successful delivery.
How to understand that labor has already begun?
All the signs listed above may be a completely natural state of a woman (except for discharge indicating pathology). When they occur, you do not need to be upset, scared ornervous.

The alarm should be beaten if additional signs of childbirth are added to them at 35 weeks of gestation. No doubt the process has already begun if a woman feels:
- Hypertonicity of the uterus (according to women in labor, the stomach becomes like a stone).
- Pain, similar to false contractions, but they do not calm down, but become more frequent and intense.
- Lower pain is also noticeably worse.
- Some women have loose stools. At the same time, intense attempts in the toilet during bowel movements can contribute to the onset of premature birth at 34-35 weeks of gestation.
- Pain in the lower abdomen.
- Brown discharge. This may be a signal that the plug has come off. If traces of blood are visible in them, you need to rush to the hospital, as this may be a sign of the onset of placental abruption. If this happens, the child's chances of survival are low.
- Discharge watery, copious. This indicates the outcome of amniotic fluid.
Who is to blame?
All doctors say that childbirth at 35-36 weeks of pregnancy is almost the norm. That is, there is no longer a great danger to the baby. Despite this, it is desirable that he stay in the womb for another 3-4 weeks. So he will be born stronger and more viable. Why do some women start this process before their due date? This may be due to:
- Illnesses of a pregnant woman (for example, influenza, SARS and others).
- Rhesus conflict in the fetus and mother.
- Smoking and drinking.
- Chronic ailments of a pregnant woman (diabetes mellitus, heart problems, and so on).
- Infectious diseases of the genital organs.
- Placental abruption.
- Polyhydramnios.
- Original water.
- Too early or late pregnancy.
- Fetal anomalies.
- Penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the fetal bladder.
- Surgical intervention on the uterus (very rare during pregnancy).
- Folic acid deficiency in pregnant women.
- Hard physical work.
- Meager nutrition of a pregnant woman.
- Too active sex life.
- Severe stress, nervous shock.
- Injuries.
Let's say a few words about the last item on the list. What injuries can lead to preterm birth? For example, falling from a height (from a ladder) or in public transport during heavy braking. To prevent such events from happening, a pregnant woman should move carefully, and in transport, do not hesitate to ask to give her a seat.

In medical practice, cases have been recorded when labor began at the 35th week of pregnancy after a woman was beaten. This cause of premature delivery is very rare, but it cannot be ruled out. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid all kinds of conflicts.
There are also cases where preterm labor began after long hours of driving on a bad road. Strong shaking, pushing, bouncing on the seat and otherscharacteristic situations that arise when a vehicle overcomes unfavorable sections of the road are categorically contraindicated for pregnant ladies.
Separately, it must be said about sex. Doctors do not prohibit it if the woman does not have a threat of premature termination of pregnancy, but even in the case when everything is fine, positions that involve deep penetration should be excluded.
Baby at 35 weeks pregnant
According to medical calculations, pregnancy lasts not nine, but ten months, each of which is exactly four weeks. It is not difficult to calculate that the 35th week of pregnancy is eight and a half months. The development of the baby in the womb of a woman does not stop even for an hour. Every day spent in the mother's tummy strengthens his strength, improves the functioning of his organs, better prepares him for life in our world. Therefore, it is extremely important to reach the end.
Birth at 35 weeks of gestation is medically considered premature, despite the fact that the baby is already almost fully formed and ready to live outside the mother's body.
What is he like at 8.5 months? Each child is individual. Therefore, it is impossible to specify absolutely exact parameters. In general, his growth by this time reaches 42-47 cm, and his weight should normally be 2.0-2.5 kg. However, it is not uncommon for a baby born at the fortieth week to weigh 2.5 kg or a little more. Of course, at 35 weeks, such a baby is unlikely to be heavier than 1.5 kg.
If the above parameters are individual for each baby, then the development of their internal organs is approximately the same. By 35 weeks they are alreadyfully formed and functioning smoothly. The child's brain has also already completed its intrauterine development. Therefore, premature birth at 35 weeks of gestation does not pose a threat that the baby will be born with mental disabilities.
A baby by this time can clearly distinguish the mood of his mother. Some experts believe that he even recognizes her voice and reacts to it, as well as to music and other sounds. At this stage of development, children can take a finger in their mouth, open and close their eyes, smile, or rather, give their lips a smile position. In the features of his face, he already had an individuality. True, the color of the eyes of all is still blue-blue. Later, perhaps it will change and become brown, gray or green.
Because of its already rather large size, the baby becomes cramped in the "house", so he begins to move less. Almost all women notice this in the third trimester of pregnancy. It is considered normal if movements are felt every 6 hours. But these movements can be conscious. There is no error. Your baby really knows how to respond to you with pushes of the arms or legs for stroking, patting on the stomach.
While in the amniotic fluid, the baby may swallow liquid, hairs or any small particles. His body is already able to excrete liquid back in an amount of up to 500 ml per day. This is primary urine. And denser particles form the original feces - meconium.
Children's skin turns pink and smoothes. Lanugo (delicate fluff on the body) is almost disappearing. But cilia, hair on the head, nails grow. During this period, children can even scratch themselves. And they also know how to hiccup and yawn at this “age”.
As you can see, by the 35-36th week of pregnancy, the baby is already fully formed. He just needs to finish the finishing touches. This applies to weight and, accordingly, the roundness of body shapes. If childbirth occurs at 34-35 weeks of gestation, babies are born very thin. In the mother's womb, their weight increases by about 220 grams every week, so by the 40th week the body is rounded, and the organs begin to work like clockwork.
That's why it's important that the baby is born on time.
An unpleasant feature of preterm birth is that not all children have time to take the correct position (head down) by this time. But mothers suffer the most. The baby is generally comfortable in the tummy in any position.

How to prevent preterm labor?
At the 35th week of pregnancy, women are required to have an ultrasound scan. With the help of this diagnostic method, doctors learn about the condition of the fetus, see its position in the uterus and presentation. The uzist takes measurements of the fetus and compares them with the previous ones. Based on these data, the dynamics of development is determined.
Performing an ultrasound scan is also important for finding out the he alth of a pregnant woman. Doctors determine the amount of amniotic fluid, their quality, the condition of the placenta. The length of the cervix is also specified (using additional ultrasound). If it is less than 3 cm, there is almost certainly a threat of preterm labor at 35 weeks of gestation. It is especially high ifa woman has both a short cervix and polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.
Based on the ultrasound data, the doctor may decide to take measures to maintain the pregnancy so that the woman will give birth at term. The second goal of treatment is to do everything possible so that the baby is born without deviations. Therapy is provided only in the hospital.
A woman may be prescribed hormonal drugs that promote the development of lung tissue in the fetus.
Another group of drugs that are prescribed for the threat of early labor are tocolytics. They are able to relieve the tone of the uterus, reduce its contractions.
Contraindications for tocolytic treatment are:
- Placental abruption.
- Bleeding.
- Fetal death.
- Inflammatory process in the fetal membranes.
- Fetal anomalies that prevent it from being born naturally.
- Diseases of a pregnant woman, in which there is a high probability that the infection through the placenta will enter the amniotic fluid.
If there was an opening of the amniotic sac or detachment of the placenta, there can be no talk of any preservation.
In most cases, a baby is born naturally. Due to the small weight and height of the baby, it is much easier for a woman to give birth to her child than at 40 weeks. As a rule, women in labor do not have tears, they do not excise the perineum so that the baby can come out.

In some cases, doctors prescribe a caesarean section. Indications for its implementationare:
- Placental abruption.
- Incorrect position of the fetus in the uterus.
- Infection of the amniotic sac.
- Fetal death.
- Anomalies in his development.
If a woman has a preterm birth, she will be placed under special care during her next pregnancy to help prevent early delivery.
The fate of the baby
As a rule, there are no severe consequences of childbirth at 35 weeks of pregnancy. According to statistics, 90% of babies survive. Of these, 80% are perfectly he althy. At risk are only those children whose birth weight was less than 1000 grams. Especially little chance for babies weighing about 500 grams. But even such modern medicine is able to go.
Many babies are perfectly able to breathe with their own lungs, so they are not placed in intensive care wards.
However, some babies born prematurely need special care, as they cannot breathe on their own yet. In this case, they are placed in an incubator, where the necessary humidity and temperature are maintained. If necessary, they are connected to a ventilator.
Other consequences of giving birth at 35 weeks pregnant can be:
- Gastrointestinal problems. Babies cannot suckle on their own, so they are fed through a tube. Only after 7-10 days they are transferred to breastfeeding.
- Weight deficit.
- Hyperactivity or lethargy, increased fatigue.
- Inadequate development of blood vessels, which leads to hemorrhage in the brain or in the heart.
In many ways, the outcome of premature birth for a baby depends on the professionalism of he alth workers and how soon the child is provided with professional assistance. Pregnant women should remember this and try not to go to the country house, to the sea or to the forest for a picnic in the third trimester.
When childbirth at 35-36 weeks is the norm
Do not be surprised, but there are cases when delivery a month earlier than the average period is not a pathology. Such, for example, are the birth of twins. At the 35th week of pregnancy (even a little earlier), triplets are often born. Four women give birth extremely rarely. But if such a multiple pregnancy happened, then the appearance of heirs can be expected even at 31 weeks! Of course, children are born very weak and thin. Many of them weigh less than 1500 grams, so they are immediately placed in an incubator, where they are safely nursed.

Separately, I want to say about the second birth at 35 weeks of gestation. According to medical statistics, only women who are pregnant for the first time carry babies until 39-40 weeks. If they find themselves in an interesting position again, childbirth, as a rule, begins 2-3 weeks earlier, which is considered the norm. This is due to the fact that the muscles of the uterus are already stretched, and the woman's body "knows" what it needs to do. However, this is only true if less than 10 years have passed between the previous and subsequent births. Otherwise, everything will be like the first time.
Another reason for earlier delivery lies inthe fact that a woman shows the first heir to the world, mainly at a young age, when all the systems of her body are not yet burdened with all sorts of sores.
In the future, the work of the organs is no longer so clear. The reason for this is the various diseases that a woman suffers over the years that pass after the first birth. Even if she is not sick with anything, her he alth is affected by the environment, the busy rhythm of life, unhe althy diet, physical and emotional stress.
The same can be said about 3 births at 35 weeks of pregnancy. Most women give birth to a third child when they are already well over 30. By this time, the body is undergoing certain age-related changes, weakening. Therefore, doctors almost always predict a third birth 2-3 weeks earlier. If the baby is born at 35 or 36 weeks, doctors are not surprised.
Advice from gynecologists and neonatologists
In order for the baby to be born on time, gynecologists recommend that pregnant women register in a timely manner and conscientiously undergo all scheduled examinations.
They also strongly recommend following these rules:
- Be sure to find time to relax.
- Ensure yourself a good sleep (7-8 hours).
- Reduce physical activity.
- Try to avoid conflicts and tense situations.
- Organize good nutrition.
- Wear a bandage.
- By the third trimester of pregnancy, decide on a medical facility where the birth will take place. Choose a doctor. Prepare the necessary documents.
- About 33-34try not to travel far out of town for weeks.
- Adjust your sex life so that there is no threat of miscarriage during intercourse.
- Take care of your he alth, at the first sign of indisposition (even if it is a trivial runny nose), consult a doctor for advice.
- Give up alcohol, smoking and other bad habits.
There are many tips, but they are all simple and easy to do.

Neonatologists recommend that women not be afraid of childbirth at 34-35 weeks of gestation. Consequences that are negative for the child are very rare at this time. Babies are born full and he althy. At first, they should be under increased control, so they are kept in the neonatology department. At home, a mother should spend a lot of time with her baby, demonstrate her love and care to him in every possible way, caress him, talk to him. Be sure to follow the regimen of feeding, walking, bathing, follow the doctor's instructions. If everything is done correctly, the baby will very quickly catch up with his peers born on time.
Reviews of childbirth at 35 weeks pregnant
Many mothers share their impressions and memories of how they went through the process of premature birth. Almost every one of those women who write reviews advises not to be afraid of this process, as it ends happily. If it so happens that the baby is placed in an incubator, he still develops normally. In addition, mothers are allowed to communicate with their children for a certainthe amount of time per day, and in some cases, care for them, since hygiene procedures can be carried out outside the incubator.
The history of childbirth at 35 weeks of gestation is unique for every woman. It is impossible to forget how everything was. Women write that the main thing for them is their baby, who hastened to come into our world, but does not lag behind other children, is developing normally, he althy and cheerful.